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w�� <br />� � <br /> . . . � �' "k;. <br /> q .� <br /> , <br /> _ ... , . . . . � � .. . . . . . �. . . . . . . � . � � '���i.:��. . <br /> � ' � � . . . . . � � � � � <br /> .m, <br /> npt� e7rtead or "poszpone tlae due date ai- �lzc mnntii3u iri�talluie�sts rc;fer:ec3 zo in paragraphs 1 �,�c 2 hereaf or <br /> change the un�nunt of:suci� insiataments: <br /> 2Q. , $anower 3�iat EeiQrssed. F�ic2ensioi7 oi fi�e tixnr. ior pu��aa�e�at os• az�adafication nf smortizaz.ion of t}�e sums <br /> ' secured by z,his �.`iostgage �runt.ed br 3:��aeier to ai�p zaccessor. 3r� zntere.>� ni Bormn•er .hali txot ok�erate to; <br /> in any 3ranner, the iis�3ilfriy of ' il�e ozi�irxal 13orrasa•er ancd }3arro�.ver's Successois in int�rest. I�eiie3er :hail nnt tme- <br /> requiied to commence �it•ocied'asigs a�,�iaist s»cli suceessar �r rriu5c to e±:tenrl rime dorgat mcnt ar othersvise modii� <br /> +5,� exnortizr�tion oi tlas suins secur,e�i hy t,l�is �iork�age 1a�• reasc��a oi acau demanci iyrscis &�y �he qr3ginal Borrawer and <br /> � �. e�. $OM'OW�CY°S 8llL'CCSSDPB li3 9Afa3TC&�+: . �. � . . . . � . � . . ... � . <br /> , �" 21, Farlsearaace by Zeader 3Vot a Waiver, : � a��• forbe�rance bv E�encier in exeacasing su3 rig$it or rernedg <br /> r� herevnder, or as6erwise afiorded Ixg ap}7liLr�bie Iaxr, �1:sdl nat i�e � waiver of or greciude tl�e exercise: ai �ny right <br /> �„ ,; or remedu hereunder_ '1'he procurem�;.� of insurance ar t}�e pavnsenm oi ta�es or otF��r 3iesvs o� rharges b,y Lender <br /> a;,� � shal! nat be a'�v:�il�er of Le;ider's rig�st io acceterate the a:3sturit�s af t:he ind�btedness �ecure3 lati� #his �#lortgage_ <br /> + � - 2? Hemec3ies Cumulufive- Al� ren7edies iiraris�ed in t�u� \1ort�age sre disLiiici �nd cuinulatis•e to any other <br /> �� ' ' � right ar Yen3ed3' under iltis 1lortgage os• :��forde<�' 1�i )zxr ��r cqxcir,t-; :�nc3 x3itis- tm e� erciced coi3current3y. independ- <br /> ' . entl� or suecessive]p. � <br /> . ' * '13. Successars tmd Assigns Bouad; 7oint ,�d Sever¢t f.iahility; CaPtious. '1'iie ecrvenvnLs snd �sgreemen#� ' <br /> � 3�er�in oontained .hatl hind , :n.nd ;the rignrs 3ie3•etiniier .<}�a13 inure iu, t13c re�a�ec�ivc>. succ.cssos� :Lizd assigns oi Lender <br /> i and I3orrotc•er: ' ;ubiect i.0 xlae }>rovisions ns ��ara�ra#�3� i7 taereoi: � 13 cow�cnnni� :;nc3 a�re�ment.s of Borrower sk�al� <br /> be �oint .�nd 'se+•era2: Tlie c�a�ations nn�s iicadin�s of i��e ;�aragrr�a7la:: r�f ti�i= \ ic>*-i�r��e are iar ear�venience c�i�ly an�i <br /> nre not io be vsed to intxrgret or de,fine the ,nr�visio7�:: ltereoS. <br /> ,",= i+f. I�Tokice, AnS notiee io $drroxkEi ��fotiic4�r3 fc�r fsx xtiis ZY�rt���g� �liai� t�r, qit-ex7 ��p maflitig a�xet9 no�ice 6v <br /> ;. ceriified nuiil sddresaet? io T3orron•cr at t 'i'�c Yro�ert�• .�dc4re..s rcaie� :+�luu•. c•acePi iai� •any norice reyuired under <br /> �isra�ra�h 2B laereoi to bv gi;•err cr� E3arrou�er in t,ie in:snner F�rescrif�ec3 3�c ��p��dieali?i �.atx�: An}� no[ice providet� <br /> for in t�iis �Sor#:ga�� �ha11 .�=e deetiYetd to 13�a�-e lx¢ir �i;•en to I3Urrau-er n�•i�in ei�.-en in tlae as�aainer dn.i�a2ed here"sn. <br /> 15. Uniform Morigage; Garemiag Law: Severab`slity. '1 i7i; iors�� ci r��vrt�a�e coinlsine�. iiniiarxn cox�e»snis <br /> for nationsl use ard non-e�niior=7� c,ovenaixts ti�•icls iiinieed ��ariatic�n� bu ; uriscicti�ii io constiiu#.e a un 'sfonn secu- <br /> rity instruxrieni covering rea3 �>ro;>er�.� . i l:i� .1Tortgage sh311 }:�c �avesne� G>v She tan� of ihe juriseiicLion in ��hieh <br /> " : , #he Pmperty, is locaLed. in tl;e enent. i3��t sa3�� g�rat-i5ion or c?nuse af i��is \ iorigage os a1�e Iv'ote oun$icts R-it� <br /> ;� appliesbie Iax�, sucia cont�sct �}�s13 noi a#�ec�i o "tl�er �:roti�isios�s of ii�i� 11ort �sge or ihe �'ote irhieh can E�e given <br /> : ` effe.�t wit�nui tl�e conflictirag ;�rovision , :aizd to inis eru+ ti:e f3ravi�ions of ihe �I�rtgage snd the ��ot�e are declared <br /> to iae s�eversble� <br /> „ .� 16. Botrower's Copy. Borron�er snsli be ie:rnisi�ed .t coniorrned cot3y ai z}�is Afon�ngc at the tune of execu- <br /> ', , iion �+r after reeoramr,ion l�ereai. <br /> IT. Transfer of !he Froperty: Assumgticn. Ii sli or anp j�zt-t ef t}se Pr+ope.n}- ar an int.erest th^rein is so3d <br /> orr�aansferred by Sorro�ver kithout Lender'4 �riar rorieeen eon:enc , exc3uding ;at tl�e crear.ion of s iSett or encum- <br /> a< branee su3sordinatle io th'ss _l4orkgage, ltai tiac creation ui a },urci�a.�e inoner s�curit�' iscierest far }souse�old aPp3s- <br /> � ; ancesa (a) s Lransfer by de�*ise, de_ceni or �i}- o}�erativn c�i Is�v u;aen zhe r�esTli oi a jain2 tenant ar i.r1) #3ie �;t�ani o# <br /> R any lessehold interest af ihree yrears or less not cuntafiaiing an o��taon io }juac�ase, I.endEr �nay, at I�ea�der's option, <br /> declare alY i.he sums r.�reured 'a3- iiii� '�4or[g�ge ta l�n s:nn:ietzi.i2:eiti� ciur and paz�sble. I,enc3er shali hn��e ��•aived sucii <br /> y ' option t.� aecelersie ii, prior to zhe eele ar tr�nsier. I.ender uiid ti:e ��er5an to n�i�orn t,i�e 1'.open}� is io ix snld or <br /> tsausiermrl rcacir agreemen� in .yrixin� i2�at. x��e credi: nf suc�li ��erson i:, ,.stisiactor�� to I.ender and tl��E tne int,eres% <br /> payable an t.he sums _�eured nt chis 3iartgage. slxall 3�e ai �uc1y r:ize :is I.eneier sha31 rcr�uest.. Ii I.csder has c�•ais-ed <br /> the agiiaB to acceIer�ie pro��i�ed in this ;�aragrapli 1 : and it` i3o7•ro�v-er's succt�or i�� inter��t, nas eseeuzed a ti��rii- <br /> � fen assumgtian agr�emenz :�ccepteai in �crixing bti• Iler.dei�. Lrr.dez ei�all release Borralser :roxn ali obligstion� under <br /> this 1tlart,gage and fae '_4oie. <br /> ` � If Lendes exerczses sucli opiion io acceierste, Lender sh31i �nsii Borrower noiice oi aceeleraiion in <br /> n•'siix T:�arsgra�h 1-4 Piereof. �e�clx nazice �:�atl t>ro�•idt� :i t,erio�9 na: a,oc i�:s, iluxn 30 c:a}•= from t :ae dar.c ii�e noi_ice � <br /> i „• inaileri '�'iihin u�hsc}7 f3orrower iira}• pa}� c ±7c suznls declared c,ui, Zi F3arrower iai1= to I�a�� suci� �ua3 �� prior io ihe <br /> expirztLiom of snch periad, i.ensier 9u�?�- . ,} rth�out iurt;�e:a- r.oxice or �ieinanu oc� B'orroi��er, invokc sn} remedies per- <br /> �?' mitied c�_r' paragrrsp�x 38 l�ereo,. <br /> =tio�-I'rrFo� aa (�'orFxa�. •rs. Bui•i•n�c-e�• :inci l..enclei• ft3a-t,l�e�� ec»•e�x�atzt and aga-ee a:= fr��lc3���s : <br /> �t " � � <br /> „ ' 1B: Accelerariaa: Reaiedies. F:xc�Izt ai; ;�ra> zc3cii i�: p �n:agi �s{ ,i � I : )i�-rtos:, i:��vz� Burra«�er:, l7re�ci� oT anti• <br /> c�venanY: ora�reen�ent ai Barrr�n•r:r in t?�is _'+loi-r �:;a�i. . ;a�elu�iinc z} 3e coi�enarat� tc� '�a�• tc� 3c�.x c3�s� :ir.i• �uxi3s �t�r.iareci <br /> � l�g t$is �SortgaK�, � Lsnc3cr 1 �ric>r i�a ai�re3ir .t;c,n ��} rndl izi:afi nat3c,c Lo 13�rr:ro�rcr tss , �ro�-nr:e��l i�� ��s:•��;sA;�in I �k #a�rea� <br /> •��e,eil3�in� : ;�{ i � fhc breacla ; �3 `> e � tl�ae� a�c2ia�i � r.:�,;a±ireci �ta cur� �uc! a irri•as�i; : + :S ) ai daitr�. ,�u2 lc�� rf � aTr U1;irtti- ds}= � <br /> fro��f�� s3xs dat� ti�e n<i; icL�� �n��i�t-d10 13orr•c�n�er. i ,f- -,ti� z�9cl� ��aclt i,rc::tcli � inu�t i.c � tarcxl : �tncl i4 'r shat fuil �urc tu i�ur� <br /> � :illCll UT .C"ic Cil OP. U3' }]GfOIC i,}IC '�81C' :}l�Y'i�lCdY 3.1 I' 27i' :1tSF,`.CC'. .i'il`i1' ]'t'.Si7 �iI i7l 'uCCE',li'7'35.702. {�{ �..}:(� �1:�F..:: �f'CiI.T'('(: �1L' ::1j5 .. . � � . � <br /> . � :��OPX��E SR(� S:L�.C� U3. � Li7C YI'GJ)L'�FC�'.. Ti. T�li UTE!FLC9'II 3� nZ1C Clll'[K'1 pYl � l?L �)t:IQTC [�2f' t�83C 6})CCIf1E'Cj iI: X�114' 2;UI7'ff, �.£;PitiP,2' � � � � � . � <br /> , � 3L .�.tS1CYL.i`S .OF3LlOR d13:1Y (I�,Cd;iPC 11't . U7 I�i:l �ll,17.: ' . �„ g, ' , .. - . � , [ � . <br /> �.l('U7G.4 U� 1i7� �f0:2 �Fi.'�C t>{� 1I11:S1C:{i13Cti�' Ctt1C .;TIV t2}'Hil1C <br /> ° __.,. ___ -.. � � __ .,-.-- - - ; -. ' ' 11on �aa�e� iar iui9iri,a3 p�•ocfed�rg. Lene3es slaall 'r�e cx';titicr} to collest <br />— � . � wiLxavui,.� ,:ua:.ica ucaxialic'�. L�E� 3tizcS' Sfiaa ��vret' tllia _ . , . . �� <br /> rn such {�roceediu,�.; mii ca;�en�es oi iorcclnaure . i :ir_ lu+t�ta�;. Jaa�i >_��t lisiiite,i to . ca�t.� oi riueui>>entarti- t��i�ence. <br /> ab+�rucis a�i! titie a•eportr_ <br /> , I9. Banoweis Right to Reiastate. ticitcritli�x.unais�g�cer':: �sccelc:rstion o; tlAi su�F3, securc*ri by t4�is <br /> ,. ?��Sortg�gea Borrawer stwli ;na�-e the righi hart an�- g�rvicerdici�;• i>a�g�n i+3• L.>iide�� aca enicerc<� this \lortgsgt ciir- <br /> c4niinaeci ati s�sy ume �rivr zu entr?,- ui a jud�Enent er.foScing ii3i� ilortea�e if : iai T3ormn-er jra�s Lender aYl <br /> sur� vvhieh x•oulc� be then eiue under chis :# Sort�s�e. cli�c� �oie :�nai note- ss-<�uri��; F'uiur�• .aci��:ac�e�:: , if sny, ii�a3 no <br /> . . 40CE�C3"$'r'1024 ACCUI3'C'N� '� '�(11 { � B�'32'SX7AYPT ClliY'_. 4}} {x�nt+�� ?}y.g {,�{ � d..45.' T3t �tf'3' C��Ci161475 � GI 3p..T,3C`GI't3ti13C� Qf �OPTO'W2"'?' (^SJP.– . . . . . <br /> . . t$133$L1YII. �,IIS.1& �'�032 ,�S'�LB ; �1�Cp $OIIOW8T. �7;3ti5 ;317 �'G,3SQT3F3S)�i" P11�eII�Gw 2IICtfi�'titY i�ih� } .d+S1(�Y3' ] St c::lIC9fC37)� 4f3B C4A'R;Ll7iIILri � . . <br /> � . � . � S�� Sgt`P✓NIIiCR�S O� : �{1�iTQA'e3' .'C(9Lit$II1�' 2S� &�SHn` ;�Oit �# .�',P BfAdi' I7: Y47(L�TC3�77K . �..N7sa��Qi'�. i'PA?3f'C�14.-`� �a+" f)!'iJV1Sll' 'U� � 1S? �?0S'"d– � . . . <br /> . ' � �t$��1 :�$ f1eIC0�� }ilC�Ud3A�.� '})6YC• �.ApC .�1Tri1Li'A'� � LK1, T'C,:lEOI:Y!>.j4` :!{iPS'ilf'�' �..� IF'E'� : :iTlti Il'� ! ]30I'TOl1'C'7 iS�k:S $LT.C}3 . HfilOtt .S� . � . . <br /> ;; i.ezedzr may; reasenal�3Yrequire ta a�zure i�rsi #he liei� aS x{xi. \YoTt �*a�c� , Lx�*ider's in;erest in ti�e: Px�t>enc anci <br /> $orrqwer's rob3igation t,o }7ay th�e cuim.G �cureti �+�• tl�i� 11ort£�:.'r+ -},a,i a+fntinuc ��nire:,-�ain�9. L'{,vn ::uci� �,:.�•�neaY <br /> �. snd cuse taq $c+rtnvc�r, E-liis illori.gsge and the ol�Yigataua�. .:erured i_ea•c:��• tl�aii retuain in iuil farr.r azzci ei'1'ect a� if .,='�3 " ` .,� '� <br /> : : � ,, , <br /> na acae3erstio� h3d occurreti. � <br /> Z0: Assig�t ai Heais: Ap�prxinlmeat of Receiver: 7.+eadea in Possession. .� , aadit;ic7nal k:ci:rii �' here- '. ax� <br /> uniier,-$r�arower }�reLry a5sign� tn Lender tl�e reat.s sr! tlae Pro�>ert�s . ,rrrarieifri � �3at Aormu��r shsi� �3riar to accelar- 5: �`r <br /> ., �,� , : � sfaan under.�rsrag�[,BFh� I& hecaof��or� abaz�t�Onn.�ent o€ t}ah Prcr�xrt; . d�ei��v tPaa r3glit xo cal3�eei� anc3 � xurh rent�: � � ^ � �� <br /> ;;: - as �hey �recome +due �d pa�a3a}e: y �,,�, <br /> �:,: , LT�ns^i stee.e#er�aciion tin.3er n�rae!•at�i� � R ?7c�r��+f <ro„ �i���e+ri�nrn»�t oi x9,f� Yr�,nf�riv t r.=>a.,� i.; i,r,.,n is�- aR�»: , <br /> . � . AA' #9Y�:.�3l+C�Z[.iB�V� #(9}"lf)321i(!(�i IY:L'L'BVt.0 :+�}3SL9! �rt! k.IJf.YL�{�i Zti3 P7dIYi' li3x./8�l . itaiit" 4iilN�+e�+sli�Fi ila vi ?ilz lilniihrd�C t F1t' �!'tiiYl•I?.V .. �. . <br /> and tty r�kkest d�� rents ui Lhe i'rog>erc.y. is�cduding xi:o�e �ast eiu�. _� l; re,.air; co�d< rdec ir}� Leixaea or tFrse receiw-er " <br /> stra4l be a�p3i�1 5as2 ta pa;Kment ni the coscs ai nasn��eintni oi ii�c- Pro�seray ax {� c�3'e< aec�n oi :n iis . irc3vt:�n�;, i:ut <br /> . . . . . ISOf .�lA3i�8(j �A�. TL'CEI?£'T�SfE�F,..;YTCCfOA2iT1'a�. AT9 fC<'LSS'QT�� �"K9Y3C't�� 8d}E} rAg.Uil$�fSP.. :di .0. S3E'l' �6 .( k�� . :iiiQ L:3CR TD L�}E g�y�l+ . <br /> � : fieciireSt by Lhis: �1azf.�sge. l.e�er and the r�7ver s3Ba43 t�e laat�?�� ro arcte;xnt or: �x ior t2. �z�r ;c�r�t:� arcuaFit• .•ece�� e+z . <br />. ; _ _� <br /> � <br />� <br />