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<br /> 9.,..h.�:y. _ ,�----_ _, �,:
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<br /> �..�� inar��v����n.�
<br /> ac�� an� s��.�.
<br /> 8FT3Qi+lAL FUT{3RE'ADVA�t+CES
<br /> += � SA1F'17VG5 FUTVD
<br /> �..�.� �o�,�rao.�2a
<br /> � Loa�a N�mtaer_�.i��:.___ = a.�.�__:.�.?�
<br /> '=,•�P �<.��w
<br /> �?- ����!34
<br /> , M +C? RT .GAGE:
<br /> �
<br /> � TI3T5 A$(3R'3`lx.,�GE, inai3e�ne�execut,ed this:..._..__/..�'.::�---_:.... da�a# ..._.l�jr'..c'".. ...�.I�:,
<br /> 19<:._'i:2.r 2a�txv�n the'+'lar#,�ar, Fi,ic�, d �. Tr�estex a s ng3e..�e��on . ... . _. 1._.. .:_..;._;. ",
<br /> <_
<br /> ___. ,..... . ...�. ... . ._.... ..._....___
<br /> of. ...�._�x���.-rs3and...... ,Coi1nL1 nf�. ':� �.... ............._...,�t.�re ot..._N biaalc� ..,kaereiaa#�es referrec3 .
<br /> to as the Boramu*er; s�d the '_kTort�s�ee, FIRST FEI?ERAL�Ati'Ii`C�S A�D L�A'�7 AS�i"3CI.�.fiTON l'�F
<br /> 3.IivCA�'v`, '1235 `�1�„ Street, I.incaln, �.'�:bsask,a 68�t�1,its succ�.sors�nd assi�ms>hr.reinaf�er ref�rrer3•4.q
<br /> as Le�der�
<br /> ' 4'�'rcv-�ssErat: T1aat t.3�e sand i3c�sza}ver for and i:�consideration a#th� sxinn c�f_. .------._. ..: ... .......,.._ ;
<br /> IF71lTr.�;.T'i.<'.f?.L"'��_;S�.4'"s�._T5T_:�`�R.F�2.�i��....Iii.^.J�S:�- ...._.....----�inlictrs (L�S�..,.���.i'.{}i?..:�--_ --.:......)
<br /> paic3.by saad Lend�r, does lar:relay aioai,�age,gr�..t1t and can�=e� 3cr Lender, ats succes.sors and a,csigiis, the
<br /> , "( �oi3ow'sng d�scci�eri properd}� iocafc� in the C;t�untv oi _.....::;�;:.:t:.... ........:...----__St�te of Nebrasks:
<br /> Tne:�3e,st �ne Hundred "eei (:m� 1O0`? ^f the Sou�3� fiinc4�T_one Feet (S rl'� c�P I�t�
<br /> iwe3ve {12), T�a3cc�;z�b'� ±��gl�aarav =:a:.es, a su'baxtiisicn u� ui:e ATortne�st �'+uar��r (Td�,u�
<br /> �f t?ae Is�orti.easL �.�sr�er {NE�;} q�a �,tirv �t :,ut �'�� (°-*)n hsainiana �1Z .�n S�.c-�iari
<br /> 2�ir �e�ariship 1i is'or�h, �1�n�e �? ;�esz of .,��� bu?i I�_A�., �a?3 Cou�tz-, �Ve��as3c+�.
<br /> F . . . . ,. . . � . . .
<br /> 'IYat;h�xrx with atl t£ie in�pmvement:s naca or heseaiter erec:teci oai ihe }>roper#;*, stnd a31 e�c.�ements,
<br /> �gh#s, sPi�urkenauees; ren�.s, raYaltie_�;, m.ineral. oi3. and �as rigl3ts anci }�rcat'x�s, �w^aUer. �r•at.er ri;�h#,s. �nct
<br /> ` wata�s stocr�.-, and ali fixtures nou ar hereafter aiiached ia i.l�e pro�eri:�z, .xll of xehicn. includin� re�s3arc:
<br /> ' xnents and adrlitians theretn, s3�s�11 be dcemed io t�and remain x �:�rt vf ti�e prt��pert;� cc���e.t� by this
<br /> r �
<br /> '_4Tart�age; and all tif the fare�oing, te��et3�er with a.aid propertzr {nr t.he lessehuid estale in t.he e��nt this
<br /> ?►3nrt;�a�e is un s lea:�i�aiei) �re herein referred ta As the "'Propert��"�
<br /> ;` Barroms>er covensats ifiat �3orrower i� la�ti�tuli,y sea,eei c�#the��tz�t;e hereby rc�nve�-r d, and 33as t.he right
<br /> to mort�s�c,grant und rontc� the Pro�erty, that tlae Fro��erts*s�; unencum�.ered,:�nd i:tiat �arma�er wi3.3
<br /> vaerrant und defenrl gener�llv t,he t.itl�t� the E'mpe:rty a�insi aii cisuns snd deauands, sui�ject tv zua�=
<br /> ea.ceznezits a�zd resirici.ions listE:t�in a schedule c�f eace�rtinns to cocera�e on any tSt,le insuranrr: �aliry in-
<br /> surin�;Lender's internst in t:he Pra�ertv,c�r {•?) attoraneys ��inion of iitIe fm�n absi.racL of title certiferl
<br /> #3w Uouded abst.rac#er_
<br /> Fxavtra�v r�[.sR�n�s, nnt3 tt�c�e �re�e,nis are ewe�ur�ed and de:Iiw�red a►�on tk�e fc�ltowin�rc�nditions,�
<br /> ments and obligat�iorss of tlie Forxvwnr, t�-tic�t:
<br /> ', The E�orrox�r a�,�ees,io pay ao iiie i.end�r, or orr�cr, tlae y�riixcipzit suni nf ......... ...... ..
<br /> . _,_�.
<br /> � �v�-raum�:rt�._T.Ti{)tJSi�i+..S�s�_:�"tll'iI?Fa,C".1 �:.,.'�?_.�:?,.1.I.C24�.._- _.----f}oliars (L�S;......�,.t���Q._._..
<br /> 4 " .:.)
<br /> �a��abke as�amttideci in a note executeei e�uid delivereci.i<�iacrxamntlk liern.«�it.h.Che tinak�7amient;of prinu�tl;
<br /> nf not saon�r paid,+�n thc�_._.. .�?.. t_,,..._.... rix�y csi ...._.1�".�,3'............. .. .....,_-_..,, i��k..;Q,�'.2
<br /> L?±vi�osnl Ct��ex.�h�_ Bc>rxvwer�ici I..endez cc�venunt.ai�d a�e ms ic�iic>�c�s:
<br /> , ; 1. Payznent af Prisacipal aud lntereal, i3�rrou°er s}a�31 pn+m�>tl,� �a:iy when au�i.he Pra�sctitr,�l�f..tnd in-
<br /> ten�sL on tiae itadeta#ec�ne�zviuencect ta�the ileatc.,pre}�a�-aret�t, azzd la*e clz�r�+r� as }iro4�i�e.�i in fl�e �oi.e,
<br /> xnii the�riz�t.ip�i cef a�d interesY,on any Futvre�dvaaces�ec ureii l�y tlzis �Snrtgage.
<br /> 2. Funde for Tuxes aad Iasur�ce. �uU.j�•t Yo Lc nr3es'�e��tina�unr�er taarxgra3pd�s�3 and�� }�errc.�o£,f3oi�
<br /> rca�xrer sh:tld pa.Y to I,ender uai-t�ac:da��nzonti�iy� in:,tsllnae;�is caf�arinri�al xnti ink�re�#:c�re}�,yai�le undc�r t,lte
<br /> �tiot;e,vnLi� tha�loie is�aid in fui1.�sun3 lherc;in "Fusads"} eqv�ii to one-rn>eltid� o€ t��e ��early t:axf:,� �3nci.
<br /> a:,�.cna�uts��hich 3���.y a�;tain priari#�>�c*er f:his�'lor���e, an�d grc�unc3 rc•ncs an i.he Pm�,�rd,�-,if qn�*�ilns
<br /> oz�e-twelfth nt Z�earl}� �ar�z�zaum inst.aliznen#s tor iivz�rci insurtt�tc�eT ��1us oi�e-t�+�elfih of ,yc�rly }n�zxxitasn in-
<br /> stallmeaiY.,s fot;npct�a�e u�:;ur�ncr,if zii�,v. ail as reasc�x�ad>i� �.tinsated initi;�tiv rane3 frrarn tirarc: tca t,ime h�>
<br /> I:..eiiciera�C�e1aa��is t�g n�;r,�ri.ctn�entc�nd#��Il=�nc�rnasvsts2�3e�sti:na.�.rs t,herecrl, I..�t�cier�.zall:s�apli� t.tic.I�unel;�
<br /> #c+p,t3�•<sid t�se� a „�z�1. :tt.&, :.ti ^3t;�£�..^c;zu�.:;�aa atac3 �tuuuu xr:it:. i.r€auc:i •is�ii �ci�;>ca i9u c tiai�,e tai•:u
<br /> hralcling ane3 apFl��ng t.he F'ured�+nc i*exifYas� and cazzypilizk;, :sic3 asses,�ars�z�ts an�3 bi21�. 'F'he Z.ez.iit:z's3:cal1
<br /> �;iwe to LI�e Borrawer,^cx�i3hout rharge.an a�nva� a�+au�cia2�of the Futzds s}iarx•ii2�credit,and:detaiias to thN
<br /> Furaclr axnd z;lse ptxry�o,�e fc�rwhich ear.h t�e.3�iL tc�t1a�•��ncis xr.�x� n�a��e. 'I'he l�unds am �aleci�,*etI ��:ac$dati�naI
<br /> se�cestit}r.#vr ti3e susxxs�ur+eti bv this;ti3arx:.�a�;e. The Sorro++���r��ri.•e,�s thet t�i F�un�3s mev he hr�c3 !ay C:hi*
<br /> I.ettder ata�i cn�unisxgiec3 t�i#h nt.#ser fuuds�nd i,he Leac�er's oca•n#unc3s snt�the I:k.nder n�ay tk:aF��uch ii�ms t°y„ .. ;`; :
<br /> fran2 it�uw�t ivTrd� ac�rl the Lender sh�ll itot Ize Iiat�le £�r ix�tenssc or ciiti-xcl�n�3a oxi u�+ia 3�iaa�i�. � ,�
<br /> E£Lh�a.zutiuut of the Fun�3s:lveld by I.�der,t,ngether wai�h the futeare n��nth�� in:;tailments vf £^uncie� " ��'
<br /> pa�yable;�racerr to t.kre due dat�s vi tsxes,a�scsnt�, insuranc�e �r��isuns �asad grvund renvs, sh�id excx.�ed ����
<br /> .��; : . tta�e�zour►t re4aair�.t;+�:Pa�said:tsses,ass�s.�men#,s,ihsurantx t�rezrzimai•and grround rent,s as th�v fail due, *��
<br /> ►
<br /> such exe�ss�aii 1�er at$rar,t+crwxer's:optian,�ither pruma{�t.lv repai�i fo�c�rr�u�er car<�reriite�d t43 T3nrreaN�:r c�n
<br /> ircconfi�tv iev�t,ailm�?ats of �neic. if tlt+�ar.+.�+�n# t�f r!;e ��,••���:e:� �,��:.c: 'cr s:;^..'.3 a:,: '�c�.�::.r�..; ..�y
<br /> t�es,���ssneX�J:s, imsuz�taran �r�iniw��.s anti� t�rcru��i n-Ys�i�a� tl.a�, fNil r9jr �Mrro••c� ;„�a3 p:��y+ ec I-c�c±er �;
<br /> �..a„-:
<br /> an3' a'�xat�unt ne�ry #A txsak+e e.tp the deScieney vc�ithin thirt?s dmvs�fier noLice#rotta I.e�nder sc�Bc�rm�v<;r
<br /> retiquestus�pa�=ment tlaeseo#,ar L3tsr3+ccruier a�all, bi s�n incn�e in nionthl�isastaallmcnLs c�f Func�s requin�,
<br /> re�y t,�ats deGci�ncy within ti� Fuaaci"acovunaaa�*period.
<br /> ,. � i�i�ffi F�3'ment ia fui!eaf all sums secured bti this?livkt�m�e, I,e:nrler shai�a�Eaiti+f nnds heic�z+s s<�nreiit
<br /> a�i�xc,4:a13 4azr�s c1ue.
<br /> �
<br />� �
<br />