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<br /> ` '� �, MOATGAGS�-�9arlaqs.=vnd Y.oan.:Form-(Dima-.:Crsdtt Flm1.:YSS-2:(Spadall�� � . . .. . . .. .. .. . . . . . . ..
<br /> . ..�'^",�""....�"' �.,. .
<br /> ��, Q Q 1 J 3�. d4At�►RTGAGE
<br /> ., . . . ., Laaa�.Nn � .
<br /> t rHzs z�UR�mvde �t�. 23rd a�,,, � March 7T
<br /> � � � .. 19:___.by aad-ha�wown '.
<br /> .riENE E • CtiUF2Gh3 A1VD'EVA LYNNE CFIURCN, husband and wii�e aach in his at�ci her own ric�ht
<br /> ? ' �, end as spous.e Qf the other
<br /> fi ` aiL.__ 'H8 i{.�. � � ._....Couaty.Nebxaska.as mect a .`.�. and�.Iioma�:Fadernl Savta �� �.•. . . .
<br /> ' ` � � 9 9'�-'—... qa.and Loan.�Aa+ociaUoa�.of Gcand.I�l�d. .�. ,
<br /> ; a.trorpocaiioa�orqaalaed aad�:exktiuq:under�tho��lawe�.ot.Nsbraalca���r4th.tis prindpd.ottica�and pinca o!buataeas ct Gzand.lal�d��Nnhrarkw. � �
<br /> .aa mortrl'a4�n: . . .. � . . .. . . � � :� . ..
<br /> WI7NESS8TH: ��.Tbat sald:mortgaqor� €or and in cvnsidaratio�'af thv�sum of�-- _ � � .
<br /> THIF2'fl°�TWQ 'Ti•iC3USAN0 AN[� NO1100 -__--------------- ---_---�-�-�ua,. cs_��2,C3C?O.OU ,,
<br /> � tha reeoipt��ot whteh is 1�oreby�aeimowledged, do��� by�theao preaenta�mortqags ead .warrant.unto �aid mortqagea,��ib eucasmoir and .����
<br /> i �
<br /> . .,,
<br /> acsiqu�. lorrver,.all thc tollawing deecdbad ren{ @atvte, dtuated 1n the crounty oL__ H�t I � � . .
<br /> , }�.�� ��oad Strtte�cf��Nebraaka;tawtt:�... _ . . . _ . .. . .. . . . . . �� .. . .. . . . . . ....
<br /> S .� . . .. � . � . . . � , . ..
<br /> A TRAG7 OF LAN� CQMPF2 i S 1 NG THE SOIJ?HEF2LY i=1 VE MUNDRED !=I i'TY-THF:�E (553.0) FLEl` Ofi' ,�
<br /> �,k � TOWIVSH I P ELE\/EN (I 1 ) NOf1TH, RAN(�E lYdELVG t 1 2) WEST �F THE fiTH F'.M., 1 tV HALL t;C)UN7Y,
<br /> 3 NEBRASKA �
<br /> '; ��
<br /> S
<br /> , � , �
<br /> ,f �� ��
<br /> , y,
<br /> "k ��, j# �.Toqethor�with all heating.�Itghitaq�, and plumbing equipmmnt and fix�uros.includinq atokan and buxnare,sare�ona, awniaga slarmwindows��. �
<br /> i��. �S �nnd�doora.and window�rliade��or biindo, uxd on oz in coanecHon with safd property. whothcr.Iha ramo are.now locatad oa aaid p�tOparty
<br /> � �or.hareafter piaced�thereon.
<br /> t� �TO�HAVE.RND TO Ii02.D SFIE SAME. tngether wfUi all and aingulnr the traemnate,.hmoeditumenta and�appurtenonces theruunto balong•�.�
<br /> � � : F� ..ing, or in anywiae appertnining,.tor¢var,and warrant tho licle to tha 6ame. Said mortqagor_.�_hereby covnnant� with �Qid aorlgaqee� �� � �
<br /> F that ��he.'�_T��E_�._„ at �he dellveiy hcreol.�he lawtul ownaer_�__ of ihQ premieas above emnveyed and described, anri_�r"Q� �
<br /> $� seimed ot a gaod.and.indeleaaible�entate of inharitancv theroAn, lreo and clear ot ali encumbrancee, aad that ._.�.3�Q_.`L_ will warrant mad�� �� ��
<br /> � defvnd�the.htla thcrelo�torevor aqvinat�[he claima.oad dem¢nda ot ali paraune wtiomwever�___
<br /> s PAOVIP£D�AL4iTAY5: and thia lnstrumenl is axewted and dellvured to aoc�re i1�a paymen�oi tho eum o[
<br /> _...—_Dotlarx. ($__.___+_ 1�. .
<br /> f �� � with intrrest thereon. togoWer:with xuch chatge�e.and advnncen ¢a muy 6� au���u,�a payob[e to aa/d�mortgayeo undar.the� ter�na and . . � . .
<br /> coad�ions.o( the.�promiasory aote ot nven dato herewid� and secured�heze4y,execWsd by sald.m�Yr�agar_-+_..lo smd mor�gagee,payab)e .
<br /> ��$ �..as exprcasad in aaid naia,.and to avcure the��edarmanc� ol alI the terma and candiUona rnntained. thurefn.�. Tha t�xuu.�ol. said nate.are � � � ' �
<br /> i
<br /> i � hmrwby�.inmipoxated here(n by thi� referenca. �
<br /> � ��� � It is the iaWntton and agceoment of ihe partiea hereto that lliia morigage shatl QI9p wcurrt any futurn advettca� made �o aaid S � . �
<br /> }
<br /> � morigaqor...=� by eald mortqagea, aad aoy and a31 indebiecineea in addifioa to ihe amounl.above atatvd which acid.mortqaqorr., or.any . �
<br /> � , � o: ihem.may owe to said morigagae. however evidevwd, whethror by nate,book acwunt oc othecwiso: Thla mootgage ahall rematn in tu11 �
<br /> Y �fozce and�slfect betweca tho partisa horato and�thoit heirs, poraonal zapreaeutaUves. cucceewc� and asxiQna�.uati2 ail�.amounu pcurod
<br /> 5i+, hQiauader.�.ncludiag futura advameaa, ate paid�[n�full witli Sntere�t.
<br /> r2
<br /> $ � 'fha moztqagor�����. heraby asuiqes..�,_.io naid�morigaqea��:aq.renb nad.innome�arisiuq at any�.aad aU..tfmus froro�aafd prnperty�and..
<br /> � "i�. 3� hareL�y authatire a:d mn�tqaqoe or its agent, at its oplion, upoa deiault, to 4aker chargn o!eaid�property and cwldec�all�rente aad ineoma �� . � � � �
<br /> ,� iheret:oni and.apply lhc�aame to tho payment of inoerca6�priacSpal,���fnnuranm�promluma, taaes, amusemrnta repaita o[ improvemenp�ncee�- � �
<br /> � sary�to k.>ap.wid proparty�in tenantable condition, or to othsr charqae oz paymenta provlded tor hereta or in�hn nota h�rnfay eecure3. ThSa ^q � �
<br /> � rent aseignment ehall coatiaue.An torco un�i! the unpairS balanca of mufd note ia tully pald.. T6�a taking of posaoeaion he�aundrr sltdl ln ao �. �
<br /> s �
<br /> maanei prevenl�or retard oaid mortqaqee�.in the collocltoa n!�eald�.eume by loreclosuro or ofharwtee.
<br /> ' � �l'he faiSnte ot �hs mortgaqse�to o�ert�any a! ib righte hernunder at any tSme shaIl not bm crnietruad as a waiver ol itr rlqht to aaaeri �
<br /> j the�aame ax any ialer timc,and-ta insl�t upon and enloroo strict compltcnce witb ail the tvrme aod pxovisfaaa of snid note and ot this .��
<br /> �$j.� morRgaqa.� � . . �$
<br /> 5 ` J
<br /> - , �$ Sf e¢id mortgagor__,:%�hall causm to tw paid to eaid mortqagae.the aatire amount due il hereundcr aad undar the tarma cnd prov[sion� � �
<br /> $$ ot uaid note hnraby�ecurafl,includiag!vlura edvancea,vna;ony extsmuons or ranawaL thereal�.ln aecocdnaea with:ths letms pnd.groviaipo� . � � �
<br /> , ` i�
<br /> 3F theroaE.aad il�aald maregv�S�. .1e�ll mmp!.;-�ith al!the pr,:-:Wa.e ,,:�a;d,,,,,a,,,,u.,� ..���moily4gx, tUwn .:�ew Y�c�eeni�r a�i ba void; '
<br /> � �S oihar.wua tw zemais�-ia�[+ull farcv�.smd elloce,�and�eatd pnortqoqe��.ehail�be eallUed to.:llte�poa�e��ioa.pf�.al1 et sntd,properly,�and��.may,�W i4 � � � j
<br /> �> option, declare�.tha whole ot taid nate aud.all iadebisdoa�►sepra.antad.lhecaby�o�bs immedlatalY dua and payabls,and mw �___c5��l� . -''
<br /> .�i moziqvqe pr �ain aay otumc iegai�.aenon M:�y:oteet��it� riqht. aad lrom�the��latr o/ euah dafault�ali itoms�ol indebtednew eseured:�hecrby� �. � . . ^
<br /> . S� ehall draw 3.ntareat aOS�p�annum. Appraisemant wahed. .. # � �t4i ' r
<br /> i H ;x
<br /> .� � �Thfa mortqaqa �Lali���be btadlnq ypua nad s1w11 anur� to th� b�.naNt o! 14A Min. rxeculoay,.adminislratore.��ueca.�an aad r�eeiqna o! � �°i+ �
<br /> { tha,ra�pecti»s.,pa�fia�7frr4Ro.
<br /> .�{ . . . . . ��4�t
<br /> IN WITNE.S3 WLdE�EOP. w{d Mottqaqor� ...ha�,�� hersunlo.��i . �'�h@ t t' hand�_the day and.ycai fisat abnva "�` .
<br /> wr�teeq�'�
<br /> i � lG4 : . . s^+�'' � .
<br />� ��# :,,�. � f'� ( 'f', , � � � <'���_,� �. I"�� � >7�r 1 � �
<br /> � 'Gena E..Ghurch _y�va ynno_...�___.��'.._____.__.�.—.___
<br /> �� � �
<br /> �; �_ � �
<br />� :
<br />`.�
<br />�
<br />