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�,v;y . . . � . . . . . . . . _ � k..l . . <br />� � <br /> r� . . . . . . �� . s <br /> .�.y:,, <br /> . , . � . ry . � . . <br />• . . � . . . . . � � . ��.."� . . . � � . . <br /> . . .. . . ... . . . . . ... . ... . . . . . , . . . . . . � <br /> � . . . . . .. . _.�.�.- . . .� . . <br /> 1 <br /> ^� not exteud or 73ost�one t}ie cii�s dnte oi the naontlil}� Se��tail�zient.s referred zo in paragra}�lis 7 ut:d `L hereoi or <br /> � chsnge the r�mount oi suclt ixistallinent� :- <br /> ?� 1Q. 23oaower Not Haleased. L:xtens�on of ttie tiene for paz•n�enc or modificstion ai ainort,ization of the sums <br /> ^'Z secured t�� f}iis �'Iortgage �;ranted 1�,y :I;eT3der to aav ,isccessor iri intere5i of Borro�rer shall not o�zerate to relesse; <br /> C� in :�ny �na��ner; tl3e liat�ility oi tl�e or�ginal $ora•a�rr,r anc� 13aaru�cer'� �uccer�ors iii interesi: T.eniiex sh911 not be <br /> J required tc� eoinrneneei>>roceedings a�uinsi suclrsuccea.or or r� ta �5e �c� exte�id iime for payineirt or othenwise .modafy <br /> amortization of the suius secured uy tlris ltort�age 1�y reasu3i of ahy demand made by thc originn] I3arro;ver and <br /> ; a '*w Borrarver's sucoessnrs in'interest:` , <br /> � 4 d'� 1Z. porbeasance �sy Leader No# a Waiver. < Any forbearance by Lender iti exercising any right or remedy <br /> hereunder, or othersvise affordeci by ��irzlieable li�tiv, shull n��i be a �vaiver of ; or }�reclude Lhe exereise of any right <br /> or remedy hereunder. Tfie �srocurement ai insurazice or ttte p�yment of taxes or other liens or charges I�y Lsnder <br /> ; shali:not be a waiver of I.ender's rig}iti to accelerate tlie asiaturity - ot it�e inciebt.edness securved by' this r2ortgnge: <br /> ." ; 12. RemediesCumulati�ve.- ;�.II remedi� proviclecl in tizis 1FoMgageare distinet and cumvlcttiti�e to ssny otherr ` <br /> � ri�htor remedy �nder t:l�is \Iartgage oc• affordeci ii�- In��� or ec7uit�•. arxi niay !�c exercised concurrently, independ- <br /> ' entl� pr successivel��. <br /> 13. 5uecessors msd Assic�s Baund, Joiat �d Severai Liability: Captioas. 'flie co��enants and agreements <br /> j ' Iiarein cont�ined shrsil bind; and Liie ri�hts liereunder shi�l! inure to, t]�e res�eciivc successors and assigns of Lender <br /> ; aind Borrocver; suUject to the pravisions of pur�gr:i��L l i t7ei�eoz. Atl euvenanis und agreemenGs of $ocro��er shttll <br /> be joint and se�•eral:'I'he csptions anrl ireadings of :tlie parngra��hs oi t }iis � tartgage are for convenience onty and <br /> ; , are not to be useci to inierprei or define i;iie i�rovisiuns hereoi. <br /> 14. No?ice. Anti� ��otice to f3orroiw•er procided fnr in Niis lTortgage e2�aii he given b5� n�iailing ,uct� notice bv <br /> � . certiSed xnail sc3dressec3 to F3orrowcr at t.l�c P9ro}�ertv :1�idre.a siated ba�lon� , c+xr.e��t: for any� :iot,ice requireci under <br /> w? 4 ;>arugr3ph 18 hereof to ne gi�•en to Borro�tier in il� e nianner � �z-e�cri}>ert b�• :3��plicablc luti�• . :�ny notiee pro��ided <br /> tur in��this� �Tort,�age slx�till be dPerned Yo l�isve been g�vei� to Borrotcer� o��her� given iri clie cnanner designsted herein. � <br /> 15. Unifozm Mortgage; Governing law: Severability. 'I'his form oi usnrtga�ge combines uniforai r,ovenrsnis <br /> ` ior nationel use and iion-uni{orm co��ensnts ��•itli lin�ited ti�<;ri:itions b}- jui•isdiction to constitute. 0 uniform seeu- <br /> rity instrument covering rea[ �xopert3•. 'i l�is �I�rtgege shall be governed i�y the iaw of the jurisdiction in which ` <br /> thP Properiy is locsted. In t.he e��eni tIiac any provision or clause oi this tilortgage or tihe \'ote conflicta with <br /> �e apptic�ble law, �ueli contlici shali not affeci other provisions Uf tl�i� \Iortga�e or the \Tote �vhich can be given < <br /> �, . effect withaut itie confliciing provision, anu to thfls end Che provisions vf el;e ltortgage and the Not,e are declared <br /> io be severable. <br /> i6. Borrow�r's Copy. I�orrower sF�a11 be iu;s,i�iied a r. c�ntarmed ropv af t}xis 3�Iorcgage at ti�e time of exeeu- <br /> iion or after recordstion liereoi, ' <br /> 17. Traasfez of !he Prop�dy: Assumption. II all or ;sny riurt of the Yropert,,y or an interest tiierein is sold <br /> or transferred by BorroK�er �vi6nout Lender's prior �vritten consent, rxcli�ding ( ci) the creatiaii of a Iien or encum- <br /> �: brance suUordinate fo ilnis \iongage, i,b ) the creatiou oi a �nsrchaise n:onep security intemst for household appli- <br /> t auce�a; (c) a transfer by devise, desceni or by operacion of la�a u��on the c�cailr oi a joint cenunt or (d ) tlie grant of <br /> any 3easehold inierest of three }�cars or less not containii�:.� :ai� opcion zo purch .xse , Lendei• iziay, at Lender's option, <br /> declsre all the sums �ecured by this �iorigage to i�e immedistcl�• cii�c <�»d pstyable. Lender shall hs��r, �caiveci suclt <br /> � option to accelerace if , prior to tlie sale � r transier, Lender an�i cl �e p��rsun io x-liom ilic Yropert�� is to be sald or <br /> Cransierred reaci; agreemenL in writing tiiaz t,he credit oi sucl� �7ei•soti �s sati�iactory to Lender and tliat tlie ini.erest <br /> paysble on the sun�s ser.ured 'uy this llorzga�e sha!! be at �ucli ratc+ as l.ender ehall requeet. If Lencler i�sss tvaived <br /> i}ie option to aceelerate provi�ed in this partigrsph 2 i ancf if I3orro�ver's su<;ccs:or in incerasi, has executeu si wrii- <br /> t.en assum�tion 3greecuenz accepied in iti�riting hy Lender, i:encier sl�al2 relea�e ]3orro�ver irorn all ob3igniions under <br /> this 1\'Lortgage and the \Tote. <br /> If Lender exercises such option to accelerate , Lender slisli ��iail Borrower noiice oi acceleration in accordance <br /> � �i�it�l� j�ara�rapla 1� hereoi. 5tac}i noticc �hall pro��ide a �>eriod oi nrx tes� t�l �n « 30 datb frorn the ciaze ttle notice iF � � <br /> i�iailed wiihiii tivi�icfr Borrower ma}� g���}• tl�e si�ms declared ciue. I � I3orrol�•e:- t.�i1� to t�;iy �uch auins {�rior to iiic <br /> " �x;�irution oi such period , Lender m� y', n• it!laut Cuct, lier noticc or cieu�t+nrf on Iion•a«�er, iati�okc acnr rernedicb per- <br /> mitied by puragraph 18 liereoi. <br /> :7 \ t�:.-I? ;. ignr�z�x Cc�vatieri•s. �;oi•i•o�ct: r aiid Leucic�• fu3�t]rer eovenunt and shrec �� folla�vs : <br /> , <br /> `�� � 18. � Acceleaatioa: Remadies. I��xcept as pror :ded in � �ar:�gr:y ,ii 17 hurea� , u � �c�n L' orrn�ver's brea�cli oi any � <br /> eavenuni� or agreeroent of .Borrot�•e:� its t3: ia �fort �agc� . ii7cluti �in � � I �e corcnunr t.o pc:y �+�l�en ciuc ,�i�y sum� secured � <br /> � <br /> 6y ihis �lurtgage, I,�nc3er � rrfor to aeceie:�atiois �liull n �aiJ �r�uxce [ c� 1� urrm�'ee rt� � �ruridrd in paragr.aph 1 •i i ,�reoi � <br /> '� epecifying : ill the in�ei�i � . i3i tiie aoti<ru rcyuire�i to curc� �:.uch f, rrncl � . i31 a da�tic.� ❑ot le.<c thsn tt��irty d�vs � <br /> � � iron� t,}�ie ciate ihc nvtioc� �� mailed to 13or�on�cr. in• �. hicl�, �itcl : } ,re:tr. fi uiu=t t,><^ cio�ctii ; and + �= 1 that i:ail�ire t� curc <br /> ,ueii l�reacli bn or before cl�e dace a�;eciiied iu tl.c isocicc � �i:x}� re�ult in areeirriit:ion of t�lic suui, s��crm�e�i b}� r.tiis � <br /> , <br /> Vorigag� aiaci sale� oi t-he !' rca��erc1- . S ; th2 bruacli 'i, naL curr. d iir. �ir before tlt � <3 ;11e spc� iiii,r�,+ iu the n<3t' i��e , I.en<der � <br /> �' �f Lencier's o��kion m +a�y �ecf �re all of QPie �+am,� secured h�- � lai 'r' 11��rt �sKe , o i �c it�� ar�ed �atcly � iue s�nd ��imiyabl� � <br /> �cit�ioui iurther deinand and .nay 'lorcrla�e thih �Fori�:s�;e� l�}• ju �ii�•iai 7 �rocecdin;;. I.e�ndcr slu� i ! i�e �anzitled zo colleci <br /> in such proecedin� � ll eapti:�x�ses of lcrreelosure , iiic ! u� liri� . l �iit not : iin�trd t ,� . coat� of r9ocu� nert,ur�� c�vidcucer, <br /> 3�.1SLT'SiCCS 3r�ri � tit3r rrnnT'i.F . <br /> 19. Bonowers Right to Reinstate. \ot��' iti� tun�i� n[, 1 � •nde � �c �•efei ttimi o; tl .c .< uu� �ecur+ �1 b�• this � <br /> � � '_13ortgage. Borrower e1�s11 hs,�e t.l�e right to hnco ai. � i�roeeect � ne� E�igun b,: L :�.xi�� �� r <� � �;forrc ri. is llr�� t ;;ags dis - <br /> continued r�G� atiy time prior t�o e�ntry oi a juci�rnenr enio7�cin� dii�� SCori�;age ii : + a i Iioi•ro�rer psv; I,ender all <br /> siims which wou3d #re then due under xhis 1�iott�;a ��re . tliu �otc ssuf notE � se,curin� 4�'u � urc 3�i �-.�ncc-, ii an�• . }�aad xru � <br /> " ;, aeeeleration occurred : ( hi Borrotiser cures ail i�rerss• h��s �,> i ;:in �� uthrr cu� cn:trn � ur a�riu�uent � 01 I3orrou-er con - <br /> � z ���121P.f17Iif�111S �Ol't��;'9'(�'t1 � �C ) �OP^QWPI' ��fE � � 91 � 7'p•zif�C)[1a �11r t'V � ��•r1�Pi lnr• rit,f] "t'�c � r� <br /> u l .��n ! r in or+ torr � r�� thi �crvensnts <br /> ailu si��c�liiC.IIi,o Ui T.+Ol'I'J1ri,i CJili.a f �.� ;L__ t � r „ . . . . r . i .. � .: :1 � � , C � .. � :.A �� � <br /> gr8p2i 18 hereol xneluding, b �t tlot lin �ted tu c scti itl �ic ittc � � tt � t � � = + �1 � Ilr,� o�+ er t if � ueii ic [ � t�n �t� <br /> Lender may reseonaD�lY require io asau3� ti�x� �r�c- . . ,� :s� ', ,. ` ; .; � � «�,c� . 1_. „� 1u � ; � t� re�c in � h�• 1'r<�p�,itti a�zd <br /> ,� � � Sorraa•er's obtigation tcr pay ti�e �ums se�cured bc ti�is :�tvr�.R ;r -: , :u1 cmitii. u� u ❑ iitt ,aireri _ i ,�on � ucti , ��i�� ! ne*'�� t � <br /> and cure by f3orrower, tl�is 1Sort�s�e� and tl�r; z�bliga�xiuns �ecu� , d 7 �. e � �Ical �: . : m:sin �r. iut ? ierce a •id cft'Eact a� if <br /> no accelerstion had occurred. '? <br /> 20. Assiqsament of Reats: Appointment of Heceivar; Lender in Possession. :1:- s�icinim:al .�rri:rtt }• iure - � ^ <br /> under, Borrower �hereby assignri cci Iznder t2ie rents ��i � l�ic P� o��zi �� ; �iu �icie,i rh:a F3o.rK��ti ��r =hall . prinr to �iccaler- � <br /> , �,,,�� � ation� under paragraph i8 hereof or abandonir�ent of fiie PrvT�e: r> y . u i� << < Le : �, �l� t ro o �llcct an�i r<•cain . ucl� rruts ,�„ <br /> :is i,hey becomc due and f�arsale. +�- <br /> � Upon acce9eretion uzider ;�aragrsph 18 hercoC ur ah.�i��ioninem c�i chz, }= rt�� �err �- . Lcr.�, e: . . rsun . u1� a�;en� � � � , <br />�� ' 01' �>V �JUIl}CSNI�!V PA�7�101I1L�CQ TEtC.QIVPT Sh7i.41 b(' l',7147G1P.t] LLl Cliit'. 1' ll{ IOS1 . I 1 �Ua�(r�.•lUlf ti3 ! :vL'� 1 SU;1u3L' i' Itn' 1 ' 1'u3 �lV'bY . <br /> 1�"� <br /> , Slli3 LU COfIEML LIitl S't'[iG8 OI 4flt' YfVj)CI'Lw' . 14n'JA1llllx� blhE• � +:i�l iU[• _1 � i i � . l � '. � i �� c� � .c� � ti � �.. : . �. i � i ..�.a ���c' i� <br /> � �� s}�ial�l be app3�icd �'irat to ��avin.ea�t oi the ca�t � vt mai .��cmEnc o� hE Pi ,1 �c tt < < < r i ' �� � � � « i ,� r� t r .i�� n � i , u <br /> t <br /> .. , . <br /> n�i iS�n�tcd io, rceeiver's fee ' . l�remiums cyn r� ce f+. c� uonfi� u u i _ �i� �z� ib�c sttarive� � , < < �_ � � , u v < <c � t � il r . � n*zs <br /> . ..rn.. ,-�ri �. . ii.:c 'LQ47+..n ..r Tn•.i#�r ., nr7 � l. .. r.,nt,...�„- . � .�, � i ��,. . 1 . I . � .n : ��. .� .. � �� . n� , , . . � iii .� .�- � � � .. <br />� .._., ..._ .� .. . �..... -" •y...ti... _„ _. . . ..... � . . .,n „ ., . .�.r a . .. <br /> . . � . . , � . . <br /> v �_.;,,- ... . . . . �� .. � <br />� <br /> e <br /> � <br /> � � <br />