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<br /> 77•� t�t�1�O� ;
<br /> I�S4RTCAGE
<br /> h10RTGAGE LOAN NO.�- '
<br /> xt�row att Mex sY�Ese PxEs�vTs:rnat �harl es F. Lange and Go11 een E. Lange, each i n hi s and
<br /> �
<br /> �)l'Y' OWtt ri ght dC1C1 'd5 SpOUS@ of each 0 CI]E?t', htortgagor,whethtrone ar moie,in considerucion of the sum oF
<br /> ' Thirty-three Thousand and NoJ100------------------------------------------- ------- ;
<br /> - DOLLARS
<br /> � loaned so said mortgagor by The tiquitsbl�Buildin and Luan Association of Crarcd istand,Nebraska,Aiortgagee,upon 330 sbarea of stock of
<br /> �said ASSOGIATION,�Cartificate�Sdo.L.. �22>>����� ,do hereby�.grant, convey and�mortgage.��unto the said�ASSOCiAT10N the'.following,..
<br /> �, described real ascate,situated in Ha}I Caunty,Nebraska: � .
<br /> ��.
<br /> �. togeUier�witli�aII the�tenements,hereditaments�and appuaenaneea thereunio belonging,�inctuding ax.tached floor�cAverings,ell.window screens;�
<br /> winclaw shades,blinds;storm.windows,awnings,heating.,air conditioning;atid plumbing and waterequipment and accessosizs theaeso,Qumps,sxoves,��.�
<br /> � �refrigerat�rs,a±tci othar fixtures xnd cqu�pment nnw or hereaiter atta�fted ta or used iez connectio»with.said real estate. � � �
<br /> � And�whe�eas�he�said moatg,agor has agreed and does hereby agree that the moztgagor stiall and will pay a11 taxes and assessmm[s�lavied or�
<br /> � assessed upon.said premises 3nd upc�n this mortgage and the bond secvred thereby beforz the san:e�shall.become deGnquent;to.furnish.appruved�����.�
<br /> � � insurance upon�ttte buitdings on said premises situated in the sum of 5 3����Q.QQ� payable to said ASSOCIATION and�.co.deliver�.ta said�
<br /> . �:1SSOClAT'i�N the�pnlicies for said insurance;and not to commit or permit any waste on or about stud gremisas; � � .
<br /> � � � In r.�se.o}"�default�in the performance of any of the terms and conditions uf ttus mortgage or the.bond�secured�heseby�,��e mortga�ce shall,.�,.
<br /> j��: � � � on demand,.ba�entlHcd to immediaie possession of the mortgaged premius and�ihe morr�;agor hereby assigns, transfers and szts.:over xo the�1
<br /> mortgagee all the tents,revenues and income tu be d.rived from the mortga�ed��premises during such time as cize mortgage.indebudneas shall ramauf��;�.
<br /> � . � ungaid:anc�the mortgagee.sftall have the power to appoint any agenz or agents it may desice for the purpose uf�repairing�said premius�and mntiag�:�-�
<br /> the.ss.me and�co�decting:Yhe reais,.ravenues and incame,and it may pay aut of s;tid incume atl.expenses.of�repairing said premises and necessaty<��
<br /> eUxnmissions and rxpereses incucred in ren:ing and.managing the same and of collecting rentals�there{rom; the batance remainiaK,if any,to be�.
<br /> . applieG tuward�ihe diuhazge of said morigage indebtedness,ihesc rights of the mortgagee may be execcised ai any timo ducing the�.existence af suah.�..
<br /> . � default;itrespective of any te�rnporarp waiuer of the same_ � � � . .
<br /> � These Presenis,h�wever,are upon t}�e C�ndition,That iF the said;�lortgagor shall regsy said loan ar or before the maturity af sai3 shases 6y
<br /> . payment,�Sray monthly t�said ASSOCiATiON�f the sum�specified in the Bond ucused hereby as inrerest and grincipat on said 1oan,on ur be{om=�.
<br /> � xhe Twentittlyday.�f each and.every month.esntit said loaa is fully paid;pay ull taxes and assessments levi�il againsi said premises and on Uiis Mortgaga ��
<br /> � � :uid tha�Bond secured thereb.Y,before dctinquei;cy:�furnish epproved insurance upon the buildings therean in the sum of S�� a(?Q OQ���. �puyabte.:
<br /> io:said ASSOCIATIDN;repay tv s;ud ASSOCI.AT}ON.upon demund all moaey by it p�id for such taxes,asszssments an in�uiance wrih��fnterest at.�
<br /> � . the maxuneun legxl�ate thareon from date aP paymenl all of whicin Mortgagor hereby agrees[o pay;pern3ix no waste on said premises;keep and co.mply�
<br /> , . .vith a13 the agreements and cflnditiuns oC zhe Bond for S 3��OOO OO�his day y��on by the sald t.fortgagur to said ASSO(:IAT1i0N,�and coinply��-
<br /> � with all Lhe reouirements of s-he C�r.tt=*_t�n s a Ry,.�,.,.:u.:o ;;a,.a.F,SS.r.ATiviV�,uicif tl�csc presenis shs;l bzcomz null a;d vaid�,oY�haz+n�ise t:�ey: �
<br /> ti�� � shaii.rernain�in fult force and anay be f�c�reclosed at the oPLon of ihe said ASSOCIATIOAI aftnr failure for.three�.naanchs to make any.of said��
<br /> . pay�tntnts�or br ihree months in xrrears in�mal:.ing said m�nthly pvymrn4s,or to keep and comply with iha agreements and wr,ditions uf said$t�nd;
<br /> . . and�;irlortgagar agrcea In have a receiver xppainted fonhwith in such foreclosure proceedinys. . �
<br /> � � if there is xny�change in ownership o2 the real estsce mortgaged herein,by sale ot ouierw•ise,lhen the entire re�nainnig indebtedness haraby� �
<br /> secured�stiall,at the op4ioa af The Equita63e Building and l.uan Association of Gr.u�d lsland,Nebraska,bccome immediately slue and gayable wiihout. � �
<br /> `urttler���noiii:c,araci Che amount rtmaining�due urder sxid bond,ar;d any aiher�ban3 for any addiiionat advances made therounder,.shall,from ihe
<br /> . �.ate uf esarciu of seid opcion,ocar interese nt�ihe enaximum de,gai rate,and Y.t�is morty,age may then be ioreciosed.to s¢tisfy[ne atnouni dua on.said
<br /> . bond;and any uther bond for xdditional advances,togeiher wiih al!sums paid by said The ERuiiable Building and.Lc,an Assaciation uf Grand.island,�.
<br /> � '-`-' ' ��i�x i�isvrance,ea3cas ann assaswnrncs,nnd anstracting extansion charges, with interest. therwn, from t3.ate.ot�paymeni a[ tice.znaximurn .
<br /> . �Seg:�i,-.,te. . . .
<br /> g-:
<br /> . � � As.provided.i.n the$ond secured hereby,while this mort.gage remains in efi'ect the mortRaCee:may herenfie*advance additfonal sums to the�. �
<br /> .. � maken�f�said Bctnd,their ac��„�or sucr.essors in interest„w}�,ich sums s#iaU be within the security of this mortgage the same as ihe funds originally �
<br /> .secured.thereby,Lhe�total arzaount�of princigal debt not eo excred at anytime tiie origis3ai amauni.of this mortgage. �
<br /> a c�;: 7 5th ddy oe Apri 1 ,�.v.,i9 77
<br /> � K /
<br /> � 1 ���f. J `'� �/..FY 6�,/.
<br /> ar7es F. .Lan9e Co een E. Lange
<br /> �
<br /> STATL 4F NEBR4SKA,� �{yy�f A�}}^l� 19 7 7 ,before me, v
<br /> COL^v"TYOF•IIALL ss. on this. 7 5th V_ �
<br /> `� �� � � �� � � � the undexsigned,a Nntary Public 3n ar.d for said County,perwnally came � � R��4 �
<br /> Char3es F. Lan and Go'#leen E. Lange, each in his and her own rignt and as spouse-of �'
<br /> ' ��
<br /> � 2dC�8 O�h�i' �... �i9 wha dY,@ personally known to "�`a'�M.,
<br /> ���� � ��5���`�, oae ieame 5 <3 Y'2 afFixed toxha abvve instruenent as mortgagoc 5 and th2J+ sevezadly �� "
<br /> a.ck:n�w3t .%�.�1�0#�u��nj�p� �}�L'71" � �.� vo2unta.rv act�and docd. . . � . >�t"�.�
<br /> r, ,.
<br />� ., .. . � r�.�: �'""'y 'wr�y"`�u�taay$ crcurial Sen.i.wo tiace aiurosw�.... . , . � ,.
<br /> .. . . . � �Atscc... - . . . �'.
<br /> � .
<br /> � . �
<br /> � �"'qG�`��"�S /�/9�,�'D �.a'��.r.�°�-��-�-�---.�i`'.���.'��.�_�.;
<br /> a.e:st�s�.t �•�'�i, .,-1� 3�'� • � . 7�otary�PubLc �
<br /> . '•T,.'SIn' . ..�i.,�` � .
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