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<br /> �� ��� ���� Op�.�fl2 � � � � � � � �� � � ��
<br /> ��,� ��a�,�ox ,
<br /> Gz►a.ca Luthern Churflh Of" Grand Tslend
<br /> t�'" a uor�prxkion or�anitc��3 �nd e�isting under arid by virtur� o£tl'iu la�vs pf Cha Stiate n,f- ' ���5's�,g„ k� "
<br /> �Y . :�1.Q4 & o.v.a.
<br /> ici coai�ideratiari c�f ,
<br /> 9 � � � � � � �.
<br /> rceeiced from �r:xntee; �iaes �;rant, basgr�i�, ,sell, co�+.•ey azi3 confirxn:unto
<br /> ' � .7`acl� 7].. Heck and Gku�.rl�b+e Rp T3ack, eacla in 2i3.s ar�d har owra rigl�.t
<br /> a�ad as spo�s�s 'oP eaoh ot'her
<br /> � as joiiit tenauLi ��ith �ight nf sui^c*icorr�hig, and uot u.� trnsnts ia c<>mmon, thn �»�ynerirM r7��;�rihflt9 reai
<br /> ,�,
<br /> property �n HA�..1 .. Cuunty, IYebraska: ; , s..
<br /> } r Lot Nina (9) , �axo�k mwo (z) , p�khx�.s. suba�.��.��.on, �n �aa�.�ion to
<br /> Grand Island, Ha13 Count�, I�Tabraslsa..
<br /> �� NE$FZRSKA D4GUIUtEi*l'C/�f2Y. (
<br /> ,x S7AMP TAX
<br /> ' % �i��i �.�J 1�i�1
<br /> �
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<br /> ' ���S 7s� BY�
<br /> { xra7enn�r�r;,.sr,�rx� ;
<br /> �
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<br /> r + 'I'o litxve ani} to k3o2i1 the ul>o��e ili!s�i•i}.�eGl pretitises toyether �vit.h all tene�nents� hereditamen�s an<i
<br /> appurtenan�es t}aereta beloug;in�; 'uiito tlie granteea ancl to their assi�;r�s, or ta the heirs aud assigns of�he
<br /> suryivar o3 t1�em lore�er.
<br /> Arid �;raiitor far itsel£ rind its suecessors do�s IiireLy covenant x�ith i;Le �rante�s and za•zth tlieir
<br /> a5�i;;r.�.�: xiitl �vitli the Leirs and usai�;ns of tkie survi�-<sr o'r tl�i:ui ihat grantor is larviuIiy seised oS said
<br /> ��xuxe�iaes; il��t they .ari� free frurn encuinbrnnce
<br /> ,
<br /> e.�cc�+pt assamants aud restrictions of record
<br /> �
<br /> 3 tltui; �;rant�r has,�oae3 right aixd la�vful authority ta convey the same; und thxt g-rantor ���urranLs and
<br /> ,�' x ' �viil defend the k'it.le ta s:iici prsiuir�es ztgainst tl�e la«•ft�l clairua of all,persozzs �vhomsoever.
<br /> It is tlie intention of all parties Lereto iIia C in the ever�t of the de�t3i of either of t.lie �rautees,
<br /> 3 tl�� entire fee aimple title to the real estate sha11 vest in the �ur��i��iiig grxintue. '
<br /> Tn �citiness,wliereof, gr�.ntor Las IiereunCo can,ed it:s coryarate s<>,al to be nffised and thesc prasents
<br /> si�;s�exi bv its f'resident.
<br /> aucEa �gril �5 �`�77
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<br /> y , i3y��..xo.�?2c �..t¢,,r:. Presidant
<br /> ,�y�..a . . 'L} �b... � . � � . .
<br /> 3� BrA�'��`�}�j�.��H.&�C& ...... ....:. , C-u�inty of N811.
<br /> ...... .... .................... ..............
<br /> � BePore ane, a aiotary public qunlitieci for ��id S�onnt.v, pi:rFe+na7ly came
<br /> � �fent]a'trh E. N9.et1k1L1a3aP 1're�ideut of
<br /> �
<br /> F
<br /> Cr2'8C8 T�U'�+k].eE2'A ChUrah �l� Grand �8}.&1�K7 , a corporation, �1 ��,.,,
<br /> knu�•�c tu„ui� t.o be tt7e :E'r�*sidezit sud i3entic�l Z�risun re}w mig�ied the fure�oirig instrucs�ent, aud acknow'- ;' a� .
<br /> l,� � leciged the executioxt thereof to be his voluutax•y act aud deeii hs such offieer uxtci the ��oluntt�ry act �zid t�' �,;
<br /> �� dPed of sttid corparat�con a,nd that its oorporate�eul zs�ar� thereto affi�.ed by ite autliority. *� `
<br /> � ' „ ��
<br /> �r ' soal on ... ...r .... .f� ?�'�......:�...:r'' , 19 ��........ a� �
<br /> '$� ,.... .... .... ;6� . n... ...
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<br /> � ' 6EY�RA1..i��ETTA�'Y ..:.. ...a�rY'^:'�..�:.`.:'.`: Y .. � L�'` Notary Ptrbl�c.
<br /> ,.,.. ,
<br /> ,-- StQtr of IWbeaska : ,r,
<br /> � �� � � Nr CGMll1lHJKW�'Etw�r. � . . . .' ({("� y�/ �,. 5--� C,? � � �
<br /> . ' �4c*!n,t�s f!7`A� 7Yfp coinmisssion eapxres ......�.:._ak.1.t�:S..... ... ........ 19.�/•:...
<br /> ;�.•�� � . 7e r
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