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<br /> I �� -. . ., ., . .. .. � . .. . � � . � . . . .
<br /> �' � , MOAYGAGE-Sar3ags.and Lnma Farm.--lDiraet Gxadit P1aaD 455-2�t5pedaU�.� . � � - � � . �
<br /> 4
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<br /> 50N 1C 0�' GRANt1 1 SLAND LTD. A L i M1'i"k0 FARl"NE�SH I P ` �`'� ' t � � �" �M � `
<br />,.fi ... .n,i ' . y tf� �p �a�4
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<br /> � o��:. Hc���1 Cvuntp. Nebrcaica,cu mort8a9ox.._....tmd Yiome Fedaral.9aYlrs9s aud Zoaa Aaso.cfaLLaa ot.:Gzaud Xelcmd. � �:... � ��� �+�
<br /> r
<br /> a corpomcttoa�organissd�,aad uxlaifri8 uader.��tha:lavn�a!:Pdabcaskc wiW its�prindpal..oitica andplaow..ol.businmx-nt.f3rancl�3alaad.Nebmalca. ���.,fi y
<br /> 5 4 r �3
<br /> � ar uwetqaqos:��: :.�. ... .� ; '. '. �.. � � � � .. � �, r �✓.
<br /> � SO11T1F,�SETH: That�.aiaid mortgagor_,.._. for and�ia coa�idemtloa of the �um a! . � . ' aMy, : ' .: '��J
<br />�1a' � ��`�.�.�T�fli�lriAlJl7���ANl7 iJt���l(7Q ^-__-.______....'____--.__--__,..-_-__-.'-__-ra�,llaxa:t$A1�(�i')t7 Cl(1 ), � '��� �:� s� r �r,�,.�:
<br /> a. tke=aaaipt af��.whieb Ss�hareby-aslmawledqed, do_._,.�by tkeos��PrssenUi��mort8a9a�aad�waiianc uato.aafd mortqaqo0, lU'sucaewon-:aad a :.� �, q ;. �"�,s
<br /> � �
<br />,, ' aaafqas. tarevez,¢7.1 tho,.Sollowin9.deauSbed.real cetale.eltualed #r�!he�aouaty.oi �f•1�� �� { . � , ;
<br />�'�r ' and 8lata ot Nebccaka.�#o�wia . . . � . � . . . .. . x . � , � ��
<br /> 'z , . . . . . h> , . a r 2 ;
<br />��. . � � � � � . � . . . � I.
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<br /> . . � � . � � . . . �� �t y t
<br /> � ` GRAND: ISL:AiVD, NEf3RASKR, COMPRlSING ALL Or LU7 7, �O�1NE� SULiI')IVISIUN, . � ` ' - :
<br /> fuy ADDITf(7t'J TO TfiE CI'CY QF CRAfJ[� ISLANU, N[:k3f:ASICA, EXCEf'T TMEFtEFf2CJM �' ,,.:.
<br /> Ti-iE WEST :�.5 FEE7 Of-' Ti-iE SOUTt-I �.0 f'FE'f, ALL IN f''AF2T UF 7tiC w'�5N'k r
<br /> QF SEC7 f ON 22, TOWNSN I P I I , NOC:TI-!, RANGE 9, ZVEST Q��' l'HE G7H P.�1., I N ` '' � ; '1 �
<br />�� HALI C0UN7'Y, NEBRA5KA. } "
<br /> � � �� ,'_ i
<br /> � � � . Z�,
<br />� +
<br /> }j � :;���
<br />.tM1 �:3 Togather wiW�..�all her=Iia4. kSfi�q� aad piumbing equlpzneat�and.fixnuas.includiaq�.stokars and buraoxt..�creon�. awdag�.�stocm wtndom� . t
<br />'+� aad.�doorm..attd�wiadow�shades or 6lindn,�waad oa�ar 1n coanectioa.ce�th said proparty.whather.tke.wme.sszs aow.loeated.an wid.propwtty
<br />� �F or�h+axealler�.placed�.:thereon,� . . � . . ,`�.
<br />��' ���TO FIAVE��AND..70.HOLD THE�.SAME, logether wlth all and siagular tha teaemmab.hareditamvnte�d appurtenancas:ihateuata beloaa- �� r'^
<br />� � .� ... .� ,. .. . : �
<br /> , inq,or in anyxls¢�aPAOna+nia4. '�orover.aad.warzaat lhe.titla to tha umno.� Said moctq7agor_hereby eovenant_._._�.witb. enid�morigagso �. ,� ;.
<br /> � � �
<br /> ly�.� ��k i.i, � i�S ��{yQ dollvery hcroaf,tLe lawiul owaez_..._o! iho prmmies�nbove convay'ad�aud de�crihed..and �1 i � .. '�y :
<br />�;,� :.� . . � . . . . . . 4
<br />� ��sat�ed ot a good and��fadofaas.ibTe.eetate of In.harttaaca�therein. lrea and clear of all ancumbrnnear.�aad.tha�_...�.b�aCl.�w911 waaaat�.aad � .
<br /> bi
<br /> dafond the.Utla th�eto��.forevez�againnt iho.cla[ma.and.demands ot all perwaa whomsosver.� � '
<br />� � 1�.
<br />��''< �PAOVIOED�.ALWAY5.�.�and.thl��3nntcumant le mxacuted and.defiveced�to eecure C�LO pQ}"WlA1 O� iL0��1xL�.OF .. �� 'i
<br /> !F�� TN(ll l 1�AN11 N(l �!(l(1-_-__.-_-__.�,�-_____...^_-.--�-___ ..r. . � 4 .j
<br />' . .�.��'s�.-�-.L i,8{`lj � .,..._____�eDollafs�( � .
<br /> with.�intered lkeraon,-logether�with.suc&�charges�and adraneae as may�La.due and.payablo Yo safd mortqagee�undos fho lerms and . y � ,`a -
<br />�1� a
<br />� condttina� ot.�.the protdesorX� natn�of.oven.�date�.�hat�wlth and�sacurad herebp,a:ecuted bp wdd moztqaqoz.r._to�aid.mortqagse,�payubla �
<br /> as e:preaead�W�aaid�noto,and to ae�eure the pexformaaca o!all We.tecros.aad coadltt�sw.contaiaad.therrSa.: Tha term���oi raid��aotw.�ara '�
<br />�'�' hmreby 4ac�rrpozatad�haraia by.lhla�refernace:� � . . � �. � � . . � '
<br />��q 1
<br /> s �� It tr the-3ntantina.and nqraemeac of tho paniee hoi•oto that.tLie mortqaqe-. uhait���alw aecura�.��any tutm�e. advauces: madm. �o eaid � �
<br />�' mortqcqpr�.by said..mortgagee,and anq�aad aU indebtcdnass in addl.tion to the amount.above ata�ed wbich.�eald�moriqaqoa:'or my �
<br />�"g�" ����ol.�fhom, m¢y.�owa to�sald�mortgaqoe, howevar evldenced..wheether�.by A040.bookacmuat.or atherr.iw.� Thta moztqaqe rhaL.ramain�ia lull �
<br />�3x�� ta,ncs.aad e1lect be3wamn.the.pnxtiea herew..end theis.beir�..Psi�oisal:.xnpreneatutivms.. auccm�war.a�d..aasigan. swiil..all.amoants.eecumd � � �
<br /> ccm
<br />°� hereuad�r iacludlssg lvtura advancne,aro��paid�W tull.witb, inlerrsaL
<br />�&• �,�� ��The moiW44ox�._.hexebY;aaa48++--.to�snld.mor�4Q4e�.all matr.ond.iucome osiatnC..at cny.��and�.all tima�.Jram��aid property.aod. --
<br /> _ ._. .. . . . .. • �
<br /> .
<br /> __. .,;z.�2g;.�. ':'u'xs�sis3�5ma:F.e,asi��a����ii.fia �gn- ai.:= �p��:. u� ...p..'e �� --�i�g �i+ y��2•�� .� ��se+.'E�.r T.a ar.9.Y.^.�50. '� .
<br />�f'a tharatzom and,upply tha�.aame to�.tho�paymaut ot intmcaet...princip¢l.inswnnex��premivav..tazo�. asen�eroents...repau��.or.imProvamenb necea•� .Y.'�
<br />��'y,' eary.�.to 3�oap.�;add Dzwpa[ty tn�teranntablo.conclidan,or fo othex chaxY�.�.M�Y+nea4r�pxovided�tor hernW.or!n.the nota.hareby securad.�...Tbir.. ' � ':
<br /> renl.:at�34amant.NLall..canttnno.to.forea..untfl.thn.unpWd balance.oi raid aote.is lully.pafd. Ths talcing�oE yoarawioa hwwuador ehail in no
<br />��, maauer prevent oz smtard�aaid mortgaare in�tha�cellectlaa of aaid eums�by.fozeclwura or othac�vvt�e. �.� ` ' �� ��� �` ^`
<br />�'�'�'., �. : : .. . . � .
<br />�'+ �3 Tba fallure.�oE We marlSageo to asam[t aoy ot�SM riqhts�hocauad�r al�c+tty 8mp�shatl aat..be cona�rued.a�a waiver ot fb�righl to aawri�. . , : �..
<br />�g' �:� .tha aame al pnY 3ntqr3'.f[#RM"a'fntlWo'fmFN^wP?R apd.�.enfores�txict oomPLuow with.all the�:.tnrmr ansl:�prorJsSoaa..o! said�note and�ot ihia .�...
<br />�,� ul'0.SlgCQ4. a .: .... i �:' ;, $
<br /> L�'' (
<br />�r-�� � �-� If aWd �,otig,s�qw�a,qwkw assaeti,ixivas la bx��W�id�to ra33.moctqae� �a aatize auwunt dw.lt hotsundar.aad undmr lb.o tormm..and grovidom
<br />�s :y af aasd oote . ...: Li9.d�151 duiura uuv��.wu�2.Yny axtarss:Q;is.ox z�neKaL. iharaut.L^. aca:ardsacrr vc:th t.*.c ta.-�sa cvs!p:oriicr.a � ,�
<br /> � � iherAsai.,and.SR wid monpa4or--�.-:shall a+mP3Y w�ith all tli�pravl�iau�04�aid nate:aad ef thi�mort9aq'e,then�tL.ass prs.wues+Ylaasli.tw vdd...
<br /> s � . ,S athanriw fa,xemntn.Ja l�ili,lases aud alSecG und sakd mort9a9e0�:sha�1 Ae�vatl�led!o eL�peu�Nqw a!aU ot��eatd�propsrty.:aad mny.�:at fu •...�. .
<br /> ..:t�, optto:s.doclate�.:She xlwle oi rai.d�apta cn�i a11 iadebta�ser, rapraeonCe3 t6ozobp W�ba icamor!laidy dun and paYcble.ar.3�saay Sarecloes.rht3�� ��.7
<br /> � moztyaae or lake cny.othsz.legd::actioa ko proiaa.iw��riqui. anci irom�ae.dat�.ad.��sucb..dafaule.all�ltsms..al is�debtadaa�s�eec.vied hsrabp. . :. �
<br />� � ahc!l.;�drar.r.4ntmm!�t�ffi%psz annum..AP1�aSaesnsat walwrd. � . . �. . ��� . � . � .. s � <�:
<br /> � a
<br /> j,� � � 3"his moriHa9e rhaU,2» b3adia� u,-�ca ua3 :,6ai1�.rasuw to tho 1»a�ftt aS fPw.h�4r..�rawuWn,adminLt[alorr...rucce�sors.md.4wf�v.d � ��� . „
<br /> � : ;»es
<br /> � ' tha;eat+�w•paretw 1wcMo. . � . . . �'a =r. � ;:
<br /> IN,iARTN$Bb WIS.�OY. satd D4ort4aqor$.ha�- hex�uato �et �h aa�._th+ and yaac tk�t abow ' � �
<br /> ' .S wrtdla�,-� ,. , .. . � ., .. ;, r �,�.
<br /> s�N i c c�� i;RAtvn i s�n�va �rn. f3� _ . �. ' ; ;�
<br />� � iQ �a , .,.-..f� na�3��r�r�'n,�-r �� �'�", `�
<br />� ' �,....:"` �
<br /> s . an t sc , oner� Par-t-n�r
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<br />�� � +�n� . �,ti�-. ,h.. ..�..� .>�.c�i:._��rr., r.�ati .1-;..4..�� 5.�++ww+._..,. . . . . ��
<br /> - ,l �r � ;% t �� - � . . . . . . . .
<br /> I . . . . . . . . ,
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