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<br /> - a coryorcKWa rnqaaizad and exletia8 vader tLs laws of�,Nabraslca<vrills ita psineipa3.of!!ee aad Plmee af buafaesa at Gcan3 i�lm�d. Nebrmlca., . ��5"«��,�t�4+,�:rb t��*f'�'+���,�'tw�u� ��r�''i
<br /> caf mort9a4ee: . ��' �( ��4 7 ����� ���'t�!"�'"��4��,�
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<br /> 'th�r�receiPt�oi ^avhich�Le horeby acimow[edged�do=.by theea�.:presanh moriga4a�and wazr�f ssnto�taid moilqaqee, ib succesaan a¢d.' ��i^'3�'t� U5x �� `�,.^�L�ta�'� ��d'��^'��
<br /> H a I 1 c' " i S�'+ ae ',n�7�,�+��F�s�� �
<br /> asaigae,forever..vll ths�foliowinq described real estate, attuated Sn the wunty oE . � �a �`a �'' �'�'� 5�'y`�,��'��v�'c.x4��.'�y
<br /> 4md&kate o!Nsbz4alm.to-wit:�, . . . . �;��+� ti-a^x y+!��"t�'�sf ��'r4ir��
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<br /> ( 117, TWELVE (12) ANQ THlRTEEN tl3) , II�E HARB 5UBDIV1SlON, TO r� � � � � �
<br /> � Y � p�i ���� ���r � s��
<br /> Tt-IE VII:LAGE DF CAtRO, HALL COUNTY; NEBRASKA. �'t�` � �'; ar��,a���
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<br /> ��.1 Sogethez with a21 heatln9. lf4htiag..aad plumhln4��e4�Pment �d�ftxtuz0a.indudm4.stokera�cmd huznera.aereeas.��axnia9n.ttorm w3ndn� ,°��.+r�� 'r!,�, � ��y a�4� s �;W
<br /> �d doozs,aad..'wiadow.nhades oz�bllads,.uemd oa or in aoanaetion.�wltk eaid properly,whethar the same.�e now Iceated an��rmd propo=ty � ����k��� �s�,?�
<br /> or hozeafter pincad iheraoa. � . .. � � . . . ..� .. .. i fti�V �
<br /> � ��� � �� `� ���s-�i��������'
<br /> TO IiAVE�A..VD TO."�HOLD Tf��SA34�.�togerhez��with..all and.nfagular ihe teaamonts.hezedit�eats aad appustea�ces thereuato bdong, � , r.��
<br /> f
<br /> � �� �i� a z '. €'� .��'1`
<br /> [n4.oF Sa anpwise appaztaiaia9�.foxever. �d�waxraat.the titla to..the.eame. �Sald.mortgagor�_.hereby aavea�t__vrith��au[d martgaqee �rt� �7 i� �,,` ik°�'� S�y'
<br /> tLat���.._—he`.; � 1 5 �.at the delivesp hezeof..the�lawfui�.owaez_�.of�the premfses.above maveyed�cmd�..deaeribed.�aad i S: � �. �-..�z a� Y�y�r$
<br /> h
<br /> . . .. � t' i sa.tM ,�7 F k�'d�
<br /> sefzed of a'qood aad indeteasible�eetate.of tnb.erit�cc therein, fzae and.rleaz of�ail encumhz�ces.�and.lhaf ���+e :w311�m�zcmt�..tmd �,� : r ,��k z w}r{4[`+�
<br /> defend tha tltle thezoto�£otever aqaina[�tka cicuma and��.dem�dn.of dl pezaoas.whomaoever.� . � � � M+ � �1 '
<br /> . . . . . . �. . � N� X �N � i�k ��1 �1 �'��) k
<br /> �.PAOVIDEL:�ALVStA'Y'S.��.cmd:tlsss 5astrumeat-3s�asecuted:and��deHvezed to eeeuze-ihe paymeat a!the sum oL �. .�. �is� �, � .,r'�t�`�� ���4ti
<br /> �I FTY r=�;vc T, �� c� n� ��in. r.�n!I00 � . . � — _ _... .'_ ...,.� �.:.�_,.�,a„n�a <s�55,nn(1:(lil ' ). 'F S y �. y ; t�, ��µ s"t,
<br /> wlth��lntezeel�:thereoa, together w[tl3 auch�char9ea.and�advaaees�.�.map be�due,��d payable.to�said.�.morlBagee� vnder.;the texms��,amd y, v x t _, �w.r?�"a3 K� `.
<br /> nte
<br /> �
<br />' wadiHoas ct�t6a promisaory noke.oE.aven-date hesewith��aad eecared herabp.enecuted bp u3d mortga9or ta.eaid mortgaqae,payable � ��1 ` '�, ' ``� �.�r S,
<br /> ��� as espresaed-in.aaid�acroe,��and�to:�aecure�the.perfncmanee.o!all.the-tezma-amd coadi8oae contatnvd thexe5n. The teims of eaid nota-are n ' . r: .
<br /> 1�eseLy.:.inco:poxated..haze5a bg thts.retera�-: . . . . � .. . � � p � ': „ � �' � r�,
<br /> . . . . . .. . .. . . . .:�, .� . ;¢ .
<br /> .it is the��iatentiea��d aqteemeat-of:.the.pm�tiea:hazeto�that this�mortqaqa �ahaSl��deo.�.secuio .any.furiue aP.ve»ce—_ �a� ?a �fwSd � � t� �.,
<br /> mostqcqor,_:_�.by.aaid martgagee;��and any�.aad all�indabtedaesn�3a additSoa m she:amouat:.�abova:stated�.which�:eaid.mortqagoxe: or�uay � �': � ' �' �
<br />{ �'�oE ttuem..�.maY��owe��to...said:-mortga4ae.�.hnwever��.evldaaced..�.whetLer��bY nota.�-booSc axouat oa�othezwise.�.:This mongaqe�shall xemafn ia�iuli ;� ," .,;
<br /> torem-and elfect betw+en�.:the��.pariies hsaeto.aad�..their..heire..Aei�aaal zepxesealatiras.:,iueeeasozs.�d�.assigas.�:.unHl all .c�o�zate seeured � �° ', ,.. ,.:,,,'
<br />,�r heievadss,indndia4 iuhsse advaaeee.ara�paid�ia�lull with iatereaL � .. �. . �� � . : �. -�' .
<br /> � :The morigagor�.hezebp ceafqo � � to._eaid.mooriga4oe.all renta��aad iacome��tsiaq at aap cmd�.aEl times..tsam eoid:proportp..:aad �� r �� '. ` '�.'`"_
<br />•. �;��. .hsreby,:.uuthazize a�d�mortqcgee,�.or�ita�.a4�4 at�ita���ogtion....upoa default.�.�to take�.eh�qe of�.�aaid.�propertq mrd�oolloct.aII.�reats�d�.iaooaie :. += � ., _
<br />�;, thoratrom.aad:appiy tho.�.same to:.the Da",�maat�c!�ters�c4 rnSnaval.iasuzcmca premiuma taaes.�,asseasmeab, seP�s�...oz imPmvements aeeor � � �.� � � li�
<br />� aary.:::W keeP �aid ytopastY in teaaatahle:croaditioa..oz��to otku:eh�9as��paymeau�pre.•,�.ati;� •••;�ttaaoto hezeb9.�eaeuced�.-.ThL ,
<br /> � ......._' � .
<br /> zeat.aeatgamea4 shall ooatiwau�fa�iozce�untll�the unpcad batt�ae of aald aote Is S�IIy pcd3..Yhe takiaq of poeaeeston hessunder shall ffi no '.�; �. �.
<br />� .m�aes�.pmraaet�.ar.retsd�actd mort8agea in.the aollgycHon�of�naid sums bp foxoeloaure aa o►herwfse. - . . . ^+ . �. :• . :
<br /> �;
<br /> ��r !ha sams a!��..ot the�mortqagea 2o awCrt aaY c(St����zighU�.�,l�eseumd�z�af�.�y tlme ihall aot�be eonstsued�as a�catwer of.tis.riqht to�asaart `��, " -
<br /> . T6e leilte� ' `'
<br /> y lates time. �d'to����.lasts!uDoa�amd eafaars ikict..cosnPllmce vrith:�ali�tha.te:ma and.provisioas af�:.aald -aote �d ot:�..t6ia ,� ,, �.s 7 .. ! '�.
<br /> ��� mart9a4a ,... .� . .,�� � .. . ...: ..�. .�.� ;.. . .�. .�� �� . .. �. " ,: � ,;
<br />�< .. .. . . .. . . .. . . ... .. :
<br /> Tf wtd�mortgaqos�� ahai!�oause to ba:�pNd to �cid mostqaqas tho entlte�ount due 1t]wreunder.�d imdet.the.tasmn rmd Pzovia3oas
<br /> ci I
<br /> � o!eaid notn.her�+eby�ecwrad.aaeludanq iuque adxaacei.and cmy esiaaeioas ac..tnnewaL..lhareui la am�rdaaca with tha tsxma m3 pmvF�drna ' '_
<br /> � thozaof.�d#-wld mactqa4fl�—:shaYl complq xtth all lhe prwidama of�d aots�d of this�mo�g�e.:thea tLeae.paesents�ahall be�void: ,� �
<br /> ,S ath�nvira,to zs�.oaln,in full.fozca aad effecf.aad c�d.spott444er shaII be ealiUed to tha Aome�rim oE all�.oF w3d pzopertp:and may, at it� ;r .� *;.
<br /> qPtlon..daelmvn.i.tha wLol�:ad mid�ao3e.aad all Yadel+tadne�s xapsas�ated Uurahp to bs'lmmwdiabslp due and paycbta.aad may�fareclom��.tdSs
<br /> :�� mortqape�or take�y�athivr le9at�.:acGoa fo�.psotaet.lts�xt�Pub aod Ssom tLe-.e�ta oi:suc6 dafauit fxll ideuu ef 3ndeMedae�s eecured heseby > �� :
<br /> auaii..;ffi4no iaiaresc ''a�`per•••••,•••^.�iapprcdaemoat aoaiied. �.:. ,. �. ...� . ... . . �,.�,,,,,.,� e ,«;��� ,�,„���� �,
<br /> Thie moctq�a,�hat�-:be Wud�aS npoa cmd abari m+us M tM� b�aetit of the 2u1s�.esrcueosa,admtaistcaioxa�auceeesoz�:mad assi4�ot � �, .
<br /> iho:eapecttvw�;�asuea:Lereto. . :: .�� . : : , � . �' .�';:
<br /> , , .... . . . �k. $
<br /> � .,IN WLTLPF68 VV�: wId�a4os:, h�._ hexewsW �tat M 15�� �.� �d S—the.daY cad year firet abore � �, � ����
<br /> Z 'wriltr°' . .. . . � �� ��
<br /> �7 a
<br /> D�/� Ji� ��!�q../.6�d�'..[%�i' � .. � ,�,�.
<br />� ... _`_'�a'� . aswe-i�1-T` �:.� e��,
<br /> ��c-
<br />� • �,
<br /> `'�F;`n�S+r 1. z � x ��i � r�.n uh 4av,�.vi'a �s.,F �-G � � t'Wr"' . -
<br /> y z��r�n*��-^r�c�;�^,��>r rrm ,�x e h=�s��� �r��. � �
<br />