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� � � ' ��,� <br /> , � ' <br /> �. � � �� � "�� � <br /> , _ <br /> s: <br /> 'j � � ,•-�_z � � � � ��� <br /> .. � , � ' . , . <br /> z�ot ext+�nd or' ��osY.pone' tl�e ` due dake oi klte monthiy iirstnlitnents i•eferred : to in -�itir,tgraphs- l and - 2 hereof or <br /> ' ehsnge;�the attiaunt a! suci� ins£ullments. ` " <br /> , <br /> r 14: Ba�awer Not R+eleased. Exiension nf the tinie for 13:�tnvent o�• madification af amortiaution of the sums <br /> ' sQavred- b�/ #�is 1iprCg�ege granted bv 7.ender La auy successor in int�rest of 13orrq�ver shu11 not� operate -ta releasa, <br /> � „ , in sny* m�Uqer, tlie 14abilit,y af tlie originul I3o!•rower and 13ora•o�vei's successors in ititerest. L.ender shslt not tae � <br /> � .� "'`i required to euri'i�nenee proceedings against such successor a• refuse to eactend time for payment or otherevise modify <br /> * t � :�tnortizatic��iof th� sunxsseeured �f�y tlais \lortgage` Ijy� af an�= c3emand uiacfe by the original Boxrower and <br /> ; �� , �X.; BorrnR+er's successots in interest. , r , <br /> ` ' " , �+"^t " ' 12.' . �orbeasa�c$ by Len�er+l�Iot .a 4V�iver. Any forbeur�nce by Lender in exereising .axiy right or remecly t <br /> �" ",i : C•� 13e�eunder or.otherwise afforded i�Y a �licable Iau� ` sE�sll not be a ���ai�r$r of or iecliide the eicercise of, ua ri ht ` ' <br /> r , � P! � P ' Y B' ' <br /> Y'3 , ; G; or ren�edy hereunder. Tlie procuxemez�t of insurnnce or the pttyment of tc�xes or other; liens or charges by i.ettder ^ �; <br /> �,' '; r ; shali nat �e n :tirsiver nf Lender°s right to'acceleraEe ti�e maturity of tlie indebt,edness secured by this 3klortgage. ; ? <br /> ' � h I,2:, Remedies C�mulative: i11! rerneiiies �rouided in tliis l4ortgage ure distinet a�d cumulative to aqy other � ' { ' <br /> � t h" ri ht, or remed vnder tliis .11ost a e or affnr<lert b ia�l• or e uit and may isc exercised concarrenti inde end• ` °` <br /> � g Y B � Y 9 Y, Y� A ' < <br /> � '� enGIy or sueesssiveiy. <br /> " � i3;; Sueeeasors aad Assigns Bouud: Io9nt and SeveraZ. Liability; Captions_ TtYe coventvitn und agreementa <br /> � �:, � ' hereimqontsinecl sltall �irnci, and the ragtats l�ereander ahal! inure to, t,lie respective successors ancl nssigns o[ Lender � <br /> , � $ i�.nd Borrower, subjeet to the prot�isions of puragr�ipli 3 7 i�e7•eof. Al! eovenants and agrecments aE Borrower. aliall <br /> � be joint and several. Tite ciiptjons and lieadin�s of tLe puragraplxs ot tliis \inrtgage are for convenience only and � � ' <br /> t �. � ' are not to be used to interpreL or de&ne tlie ��rovisions hereoF: ' � ' °' <br /> '2 14. Notic�. ", An3r notiee io Borrac;rer� t�ro�•idect for in #ttis �2ortg�ge sii:�7t }iE> g'rt�ea F�y rnailing suel� notice 'b3� � ' <br /> , � certi&erl mai! addresscYl to Bora•o�a�er � 't tl�c Yruperty <�dciress �tated beiotiv, exce�>e fur :�i��� notice required under <br /> :� �as�ragraph 18 laereof to E�e given to Borro�i•er in tl�c �nanner pi•escribed : by xp��iicable l�i�r. Any nutice �rrovided <br /> f: � for in tihzs �Iort�Age sliall l.m deemed to liave beeu given ko I3orron�er tir•iien giv�:n in tl�e anaiiner design�ted herein. <br /> �., 15 Uaiforas Mortgage; Goveming Law: Severability. - 1'liis form uf moriguge combines uniforiai c�venants ;'' <br /> tor national use and iion-unifoi•m covenant� �vitlr liinited ��arisiions Uy jurisdiction to constitute a uniform secu- <br /> i <br /> ( rity instra�nent eoverin� i•eal propert,y: '1'his liortgage stiall be govertied by itie lntiv ai the yurisdiction in tir•hich <br /> � <br /> , , ' the Property is iocx�ted. In tlte .event that: any r�roti�isinn oi• ciause of tliis l7ortgage ' or the Note conflicis with _ . , <br /> applicable law; such conflict shall no£ aifecf. other proti�isions of this :lIortgsge or the Note which can Ue �iven , r' <br /> ' ' eifeat without the eonflicting provision , and io this end 'the pi•ovisions ef the �tortgage and the Note are deelared �` <br /> ' ` +i tb be severable. <br /> ; _ .. . .' . ., ' <br /> � 16." Borrower's Copy. I3orrower shall be iurnisi�eci az coniormed copv of this i�lortgage at the time of execu- � , ; ? <br /> ` � iion or after recosdsCion hereof. ; �" ; <br /> ' ' 17_ 'Sssmstea af the Property; Assumpfica. lf all or ant� Part of the Property or an interest tlierein is sold ` <br /> 3 or transferred by I3orrower without I,ender's prior wrii, cor.sent, cx�t��diag ('a ) the creatiom of a lien �ar encum- ' <br /> '" � ' 6x��nce subordinate ko tliis lIoztgage, ( b i the creatioti of u pnrchase ivane�* security: interest for household appii- <br /> � ' � ances, (c) a transfer by devise, desrent qr hy nn<�rafSon ot ln.�� upon the death ox ,s joint tenant or (d) ' the grant' of <br /> � ' any= leasehpid interest o£ tl�ree years or lcss not contuining un o�>tiorr ta purcl�sse ; Lender n3ay", at Lenaer'a option, <br /> declare all ihe sums secured by this iYforigage to be innnediately duc :xncl F>ayuble. Lei�der shall huve �carved>such <br /> � , 3 option to accelerate if; }�rior io the sale or transfer; Len�ier and the person to «�hom the ProperGy is to be sold- or <br /> , , � transferred reucli agrQement in �criting, tl�at # he credit oY suvh person 5s satisfuciory tq Lendei• and thaG the interest , ' . ' ` . : <br /> � }>aygble on the sums secured by this liortgage Elia}t be x�t sucl� r.ate us ,I.ender stiall zequest. If Lender has waived <br /> the option to accelerate provided in tliis paragi�apli 17 and if Borrow•er s successoi• in interest has uxecuted a writ- <br /> • `� ten assumption �:greemenG accepted in �vriting_uy Lendea•; I,ender shall release Borrower from ull oUligations under <br /> ,f � t his Morcgage aud the 1�Tote: <br /> ` , .� If Lender. exercises sueli option io accelerate, Lender shall �nail f3oi•rower notice oT scceleration in accordance <br /> ' � �viEh �aragraph 14 hereof. Duch notiee skialt proti�ide a period of noi, Ir:�s t1i�1n 3Q days from fhe date tlie notice :is ' <br /> �y`; ) mailed x�ithin which Borrower may psy thc �uins declared duc. lf 13orx•o�ti�er fails to pay such sums prior to the <br /> , � ��cpiratinn of such period , T.etider may . ��'itliuut fiu�Lher notice or ciFinand on Borrotiver , invoke �nv resnedies per- � <br /> . ' '! ; mitted by paritgrap�Y 18 hereof. ' <br /> , � <br /> � " � ivTox-ITxiFc�x�t Cov�;xe�xs. �3orrowei• ��iic3 Leiidei fui�t3ier caveiiunt ¢�iid a;;ree �s follo�c.r• : <br /> ; 18: Acceleratian: Remedies; F::�tept as r>ro��ided in ��.sr;s�a :sl�l � 7 7 tiereof; upoci 13orrox�er'n brer�ch of �n3• <br /> „- f covena35t or agreen3enC of Fiorrower in this �loi•t �a�;c; inclu�liiig tlu� coveiiani:s tti �iay �c-hen i'iuc am� sums ser_uretf ; <br /> ' by tliis 1Iortgage. I,ender ��rior to aeceler:xtio�a sliult �nait nacicc lo Borrosver u4 �u•vvic.3ed in ��.iragrat�li 14 hereoL <br /> ' SpccifySn� : ( 1 ) tl�e breaeh ; (`� } tdie :zetion reyuiircf it� crurc rucl� breach ; 13 ) a tiatc, not less tlinn LtSirt,v days r <br /> � from the date the noticc is i�isiled to 13Urrowcr , hr �i liirii sucl � !.n•cach tuust bc cur�d ; ;xnil i4 ) ih�t fi�ilure to cure <br /> suoh breacli on �r Ueiore tl�e date s��ecified in tl�c: notice �uu}� a•esu)t in :tcceleraation of tlic suins �ecured by this <br /> :�Tortgag� a�xd sr�le of the Yrar�eriy. If tLe breacli is noi cured on or before the �3ate spccifiea :in the ,noiice; Lender <br /> at Lender's optiori �nay c3ec.3ar�� all i�i �he �tiius scetirer:l by ilii. \Iori �;ag� to iie irun3edis[ f�ly due itnd pay�ble <br /> �`;' x-ithout further r3sinand anii inap foreclose tl� is \4ortgfige by j u�iici;tit j�roceeding. Lender shxll bc entitlecl ta colTeet <br /> . � . tu .�i.ii'ii� . t» �c'u'cui a}; uii 'vnyc+..'>?� � �i . iV!'@L'lUSllC4'. �� 111C1U[110�;, � 3)LLL IlU(� I111UtCC�� . t.0 . � (`OStti� O{� C{UCll117E'I1C81'V ' G'V1fIQ1lCO3 �. � <br /> , <br /> abstracts and t,itle report�. <br /> ° ' 18. Bozrowss's Right :t�o :Reinataie. tiotwitlistssnc9iiig I.,ender's acceleratian of the swns secure3 l�y t:his <br /> � = iVtortgage, Borrowea shali have ihc ri�Eit. io ha��e any �rroceedinq, beg�ss by ixncicr to �nforce this �fortguge dis- <br /> a� '' + eontintied at any time prior to entry of a ju�3gmenc enf�xcin�; tliis 3lortgnge ii : �zxi Borron�er ��ays T.ender a31 <br /> 4t „ y sums which wouid be the� due under this �lort�:ige, tlic itiote and notcs securin� FLxture rld�-ai3ces, if any , liaci uo <br /> , . . . <br /> aecelerstion oeourred ; -( t� ) Borrower cures :ill timarhe� or' .�nv other co��enants ar .igrrements nf Borrawer con- <br /> �. i f.riined in this bSortga�e ;, (c ) Borrower :��xys �l1 rea�,unc�lalc rx� xii�e, iueui•re�i b�c I.iucl�r in 4nforcing Che co�renasnts <br /> � aad sgreexaents ni �3orrower contained in thss \Lortga�e anci iai enforc3nr l.ender's renxeriies as ��rovided in para- <br /> w: ; graph 1S li�reof, iae3uding, but n�t limited to, re�sansbie attorney°'s : fee, ; and � d ) f3orrower iakes such action as <br /> ,�: "� Lender may reasonably require tq ussvre z}��t. tl3a lien of Y.his \1aet�;x�r, Lender'� inierest- in the Yroperty and , <br /> j Borrower"s obligstion t�o �ny ihe sums secured hv thi; _liortga�e =liaii evntinue unimT>sired. Upon suc2� payment ^ <br /> and cune i�y Bottiovu^er, Ehis l��ortp;age and ihe ooligatioz� secured liereb�t- shss13 sen�uixr in full force and effeet xs ii •�� ' : �., ; <br /> , # :� . <br /> ' ; � no acaeler�tion haxd occurred. ;� -� �. <br /> z 2Q'; .Aasagamosxt. of,:Reuts: Appoiatmen3 cf $eceiv�er; I,ender in Pcssession. .9:� 3dditiac3al securit,y here- " ' <br /> , y ,. ,. <br /> i� i' under, $ormwer hersby ssaigns tn: Lender:the rents of ttyt YroF�ca•tp. �ir•ov"sded ttaat 13orro�ver shiill , ��rior Co acceler- �, <br /> �, �.�, . . st.ipn under parE�a�ph 18 hereoi or abaudonment of the 1'ro��erty, ha��e the rigiic to cnI3ect and retain such rents '"' �� <br /> �- :r ssti�ey ;beoame due and paysble� , i> � � <br /> " . r, Upom s�scc3eration xuider paragrapl� 18 hereof ar ;�bandonrnent of r he Yrot�ert}�. ° Le�u3er; in �,erson; bv agent ��^; ' <br /> � , : - - . . <br />�a.. .. ar by,'�udiesallY �PPointed mcraser shs91 be cniitled . tca enfer' u�on. Cake Tiosse�sian o: :�nc1 inasiaKe_ the Properiv „ `""':",= <br /> 2 * aad ta collees� the reuts of the Propert�, inci�ding t.hos� ;�rsst du�. All x•eucs co7lected .�y I:ender <rr the n>ceiver �=' ' <br />� shail be appl�ed firs� to payment of the caais o# mxanagementpf #lie Propsiw� an�i collection ot rents, including. but <br /> not �i�uited tp, rece��er's fees, premiums na rc�ceiver's Uoaul� sn8 reasonat�le xttorney 's fce�. xnd tlien to the suix�s <br /> i �e�ute3 i>y i,liie a�Iuti�age. I.enc�er nnd the r�r.ei�•ersltal3 i �c iiabie io xccount oniti� ior tho�c rentu aaetuslly receivc�'i. <br /> _ ; <br /> �.I <br /> � ;.��, .. —_ . _ <br />� <br /> w; � <br />