<br /> � �.:
<br /> � ' � �:
<br /> � ;�,:",�,;
<br /> �� Y� I �
<br /> �•j ' !� � i'� 4 � ; � ' " _ _
<br /> , T� . M08.TlGAGflE. E'IART.HER: CQVENANTS ANE3' A+GRE+�S: ,
<br /> . � i9 .
<br /> Thai tlt� M.x�;gpg�ar +wilP pay'the indet�!¢�!r„ess as, h+cereintref�re pcawided, ,
<br /> �... Thai f.he hSaSrtgagor� �,s .dRse awater caf sasd grrnper#y �tt tr.e. szm}>le �xncl has ��Poai right and lnwfuR sut#iori;v Er�- ,srt�d artrl �.
<br /> ctirnvey i�aq�, saune, a�s�sL lhei thiy,�xt��q,ir ,as fqre� end clear of sny lien ,qr�:ewcuinhr$nce; anrX�� thut Mortgagur W^idk �+�arrant �e�d �3efen�l� �i�e �
<br /> � fitie tu sai� ,:preislises � a �aas�, z . - , . . . : . . . . . .,�. � . , �I
<br /> �
<br /> . . . � . 'k� �3�i`qs qt �;f�� I>ktson9 �;wltaxnaoever " � �
<br /> ��� "Y'o P�Y, imm+edxat�^1y'iw3ahr0 �','�x¢ saxtd '�ia�'.able .�,�t geriera! t,axes s}�se�iai f.axe� s�x �.ea8 a:c�es�arnents, v. a!< r rfi.�cr�es srwvr Merv� ���
<br /> � iee cPuzr$eiG. ¢tad 'uther.taxes ,�nc! �}3.argt� agBan4t sdtc3 PL9f�riy. and �r#.1 kaxe.s Iew:exi un Yhc: �leh�t �rured heret>y, ureei tp Fur�n��h the .
<br /> ". .h'6�orf,a'ag�e; uW�r regueat, *��th the vrigi�nai rYr�: s3vpl�ie�le receipts� �� tYaE refrar,:�. "�'hc•. ��T1x�rt�;r�^oe� �:e�reea� Y�Frai dhe�.re � sfaatd- hr �:�.adi3�kri dc} �'�.
<br /> rae�a m�zpi}ilp ;as}za�-nt rer;,uimi hcreundYr r>r t�ntiea the��� e+•idrnce�. of e#�•bt sk�+r.urec�.. }3erc±ti}r , :tn�::sm+si3nt rsi�rnate*ai� � 4�v 3hH �,Ttfari�7g�-e .:.;.
<br /> t+� k� sczi3'ie�ent �b�� £1n��+e ,L9xe �41�azl�.gaKer� ,to y�riy as they hec•ome�- rltx�. �l3 �.:taxe�s, ra.c�F�srn�rnCs, anu' sin3itxr rhat�+rrs sxi�n t}rr psrcm. � '.
<br /> i;uNe subJeGt Ehenrtc�: �� *ian� 'xfetiritnca ksei�ai�sr- of �t:ht� ias+u.STir�2hcy <ii� � .:uc?7 vdtlr4ennel �{�i't., :naait; -s}��ll k�e � fi�rthw�tfh`�rle}amitF.rri� bg'. 'the. ,-.
<br /> °- ., '� te�rsxtga,�nr� , tvitta ikec+,: ,t�+ .�rtgz;.fiee u�.acai .slemarxd �fti� f.i�ee��� il2c�ria:aF;ee: Aasy defaull . �uru9e•r xtti;.s:,.para;�ra;.{>h � s}afll: fse� r7o-�emeK! n�. 'ffcfa <d� ie� ��: � , �'. �; - . �.
<br /> i�ayment r.if it+xes, a.u'c�*ssme�nts, or sa�roaiiar rh.argas sec.knirtvi ira�rvun.c3er � � �� . . � . � � �� -
<br /> '€'3�iG :'vlarY.g,egur a�yrc� tlxui �.�therr siivii"rt��a kK�:.addec3 tt+ etr.c3: nionthlY Pay-mF•ns +nf� ���:inr.sFi,al ,�r�r�' anft�t�at te�qurrcd� hese- .��
<br /> u�a+3es ara -:am�ru�G� eitamez.�d � }.>y 2he� ?.�i:ri�agee � ta b��� sufTciesi: tr, enaFrlc- ihr '�4ors ¢a�e� tu �aey, as �t tre�cunir�c ���lve, t}ie iciurarace '�
<br /> � {ire•rsvum :taa :aioy insear�nce .�cakae.y dr&i��erect io. 2ht !�Sk>rYgager. fiiiy d�aficieratc�• bccause uf t, he ��r�sutfici�niy <�t svch adc]itinnu9 ��ay-�.�. ..
<br /> :.mexYi.� s3aai�1 'tie� f.xrthwith �3c��i.�.it3^d h�� .:i}ae- Stor�t��,�or wtt.li Yh� A4tirtkt�f ae,: �s�r�n r?'ertsiinc3 Erow' fhe �fc)rtq��ee rtny �cirdauP4 iiau3er thi.s- '��
<br /> � � ..� � �. pnra�rtap,#i �;rhat2 fec: r3�e=e��:ec3. a� cic.f�uls in 1}�e ;��p'mer.x .nP' is':<narancr ���re�s��iititms. If t4se� �f�;ir^t � nr ruiicre¢ c3<.�7xasite�cl��: arr �,uch � as iacirnc- ..�..� . � . , ��
<br /> irc�•n�:n ar� �ull risk. pc.3nt^iac.� rs:id thF a:3C{ws'stv are itx�.taRi�iarn# tt� � 6>ny ii�e- entirR= far<>miurn . � t #:e Rlcyrt.g�gee�� tn�:i�� , a{.;�slv ¢he... de��rrKrf �ta� � �
<br /> .. {su}. prem�iuma :on risks rer�uir<zd ia ik nncure..# � ty�' t}�iis, mort ;:a�e. . . . . . . � . � � � � �
<br /> � . . � . � . .1'ayments . nv.sde k>y f.h.� A4..rLga�ar� uxtrier rkie:r abnc�e }�:a:a�r.tp} �.= n:n��: . arL ; he r��x[,<an oF 2 }���• A�liirt€.a�re.. 4:�x� hel�f... f>y � ;. � ani<d � ��
<br /> � � � cansn�ing:de<i u�itis :u�tk�cr sv�.l: fiaracis c>£. its e:x�n �un�3;;. :os th< {�ayrnetzt o` suc}o it . ns. anet ts:�. trf so a.t:�r�,lie.i. �lia•h �{�.Gg�ments �.ze hc rriri� .
<br /> .:' � Ptr,r33{;ncl n�s.. securitt� � Ic>r i37e un�aid 13a1anr;+e�� tiF� th<• ix.o�l�Fa�e -snde.titerkna�s�: � . : . . . . � � . . .
<br /> � � � `F'�x� , .,,..�v.:., r � . .< .�� ?c,_ W:i�i. nrx�iiiia.in �ic,r Rh�� b.�.nefx[ �,t` thc: h'{,�rt;agra �ic: rinp;. t ;ac ktfe A�! �zfiEs �nit.istg �ge. t>raglnal ii�i.fiae��.� ;ins3
<br /> � �;e.ne^wals .fhr•nc�c.f. � r3elt .•R,.resc? vt {e.�.t i:t=n �3a��:s� laefi�ae :he <^.. ,i� . �nC;��r� �7 : i,v. ;auck, p�,:icirv. i> �sus��ng agbin.st :ire � :r,nd uther�� i::lsuaaMte
<br /> � ltaaards,� casuaSties. �. rnn�3 coniingencic:� txs . tkte atortgr-a�getr� m�y te�quir�e, � in aaz� s�mouni equul to t1�e inde�bEedn�ea.en serurer3 � by � this. .� .
<br /> , ' . . '4'Is.3rfgage. anct.�.iai� cora��anin:� accapt.sbl<: tar the:-. �i��r,.y-:.«;��e. e,�iti� 1c�n.. . �t�}� abie clause .in fav<Yx�� �+�f�and in furere a�e:c�pf:ssk�i� ta�.the \4�. ttga- : �.�:: . � . ` ��.
<br /> $et-. 3'ra i.1-te �ecerrL a�av p<'�licy �n,; nof. .en��w��l :aa oz laeF<>re tr. � �2�y>; at` �ts ex{;�siryt3on_ t}ie'• A�artsai,ee� �enay c� r�yniee �� i . s,�-�c�� u : , ;.,.:
<br /> �. . . pnr[>ravrtr�rnY:s. Pa�t�� c}at� :nremivz: tf.t:�setor. and such =�rn slnall t�ei:onze irnm.eciiaic•is� . 1lue1 anci pay;3.hie with inierrx-.t. al. the � r�t�> set� : � .
<br /> � fvek.h �in said �� ar.ote ur:til paitz .�nd .sla:xil !�• .e•rvred t+;� f�3�is rn<�rt�at;e. 1�`�silue�n a�n t.Fsc> F.ar1�, c�+€' 17�e '��4carfgagnr to. furt.is}x such�. rsenr•wal�; � . �
<br /> . � � as � aere .ha�rein mc7utrecs srr tail�rc tnx {;say :any s� rns a.fn-�nc�c�a he� reunde� siia}l; at t.}v� <>{�tic3e7 0( the ifortgaga���. e•i:,3��ti4.vte a �x9�3�u7t . , �. .
<br /> ,' � �. . . 4tS.t�i.t �t1H LC'![125 ;df . t�llv hit:In{,'J3�P. �S'�'c� (�F. Yi•�.^E:`F}� (>i •lli`Sl �Ns� tt'i�'�% .+,1t3i � . :.1') t �'t[� E:'4'a�YfY. fl{ !14"i.213F �, ir.rya;f.ttlf�k ��Aft :!'.�SlkiiRtPli�E ' cYt� . :St1E^ ttxi.:
<br /> � fsaraerT�� gmmium. � . . � � .
<br /> . . . ?any sisms � teret� er? h�• i ��e :^.�T+>tt 3;:ee fr� r . xs<rn � f r ;;r. c �' �mage tn- urcc3 eg;airist tnay iie r�� ,au�r•d .L�� the �1�orl�:fgee .�
<br /> ` . atxcd xWyrleexi towam3 i }aa S>,a .�ancoot csf Lhc es.rFx hcre6� Si-cur«i, or. et r1�e apt�e:ir c�f t:}�e Mortga�ee, s«ch sun.s eit.her �v}�r�¢iv x�r in � � �
<br /> �yaart � xneiy be �aic3 � o�•er te� the- 1liirt�:a�;nr xc� £x- iisecf . e;i n�•pair .s,vch � b� i.ldir�t os t.o hi�ilci ' e:ew� buitciu�gs 4a iheir � 7�:are� or: �fcir any: � �� �
<br /> � ofh�r ���ur-pnxse t�r. ohject 4zt.isfactory ao the A?urtgag��e u�ith<�uc a(fer„iirng I:hc tien � n th�- :nr.rtga�e f�:�r {hY isyll :tn��-.unf . necur�<} 'tie�e-
<br /> . 3.o;' � hcafure such � papment �ver t<>nk ptxsra � � .
<br /> ' � �. 2'+� 7�rum{at3y re��ai:r, restc,re ur ren�sild ao}� huiiciinFs or impzn��errneria� riow ur ;�z•rc-after ean G1oe J�remise} u-hich�� may Ue- � . .
<br /> ', � . crome� cisrscsgecl �r . ciestroyrrl�.: � [n kee�t� saul preznis<•s tr. y;�x�d mndition a.Tid reF>ei� anci frc. e f com xny n�eahare�:ic's lien nr at}�er li�n nr� . .
<br /> � . ctaim �o; lien not ex.pm.ssty iu}rc�rdfr2ax+ed. io tl�e iiers hexecif: not io suHer or �r�rixrt!-�� any vr:laevful eL:e af err az»' nuiri�cnce rc> +�xis1�.�.rin '�
<br /> . � said prviperfy . nar to�� {.roe.rrr.it wa5te om said }�renaises: n��r io ri<o any ot'taer �ct ��hrrel�r th�r Fuopeziy hereb} �x�nva:y�ed . shal2 � }secume � � ��
<br /> � �:� � � less . idl�uairle, nur irz� ci:nuttis�ts or inipaiz its i�atue be� an�� ai�t or .,missi+.rn :i� � ac-t : tr, c�;enEs� s: lvish all reryuir.rmrntc uT I3gu ��vich re�neck . �
<br /> � . L�o zhe��morYqa�cd premises anc! !hr u� the. reo€. . .
<br /> e
<br /> � � � � 1'haC shcxtIc3 xhe Nreen�ixs vr any yrerL chereo# Lx� taken or f3an-�.agcd t1y reasun of an�� puLlic imprn��erztcnt or e�ondrnznation� � �
<br /> `� " . � irx.�e:+edin � � .� . . ,
<br /> . . p e g, ar� under the ri{;hi caE enainent ricnnain, or �rc arn:� ozher mafz.ner, thi�� A1art �a c�s shal3 ��i±c: . entitlyd W �•st! rom sensatiqru.� .w. :
<br /> � �atir•as,a.s. �ar.x3 �anp.� athe.s� pa_vsneak .ea rr�:;cf tfserefur. anc,'. shaii be�. rntit:lac9: at � its � oistii:in: � Y.� ec,mmi:rxee�.� nPpear in : ara�<d proseceite isa. ita ^ a.:.' `
<br /> . � �owre »,etcir. any � acaacon� .ur prr3ceediog> or tn ma?;e nr�y rc�mpromise e�r settirrneni in connect���n �r.�ith sucla Yaici.ng or� �<ia±rxage:. :r11t sUCh , .,.:
<br /> � coorf.P�a+;ataun.� awarda; civaiiages, rigtat: of mction and Proceeds �re . }iereb}• � assignecl ta . . tse � Mmiga�ec.��`w�ho ms���. afterl.rFeduetin� �." .
<br /> � .
<br /> � thex+efrom aEl'.iis er3�easr.:u„ :red�ase. an�-. maneys. so re�ccive+i bY it nr ��Ffl.y .the same a�a�. �any� inc3eWedness� se•cs�rec3 � her+eby.:The � ArintO .^' ..�
<br /> �. �agoz ag�es to eK��cu:te surie �.further assiQnnianis �rf any cYymFxsnsatsun. �awarcis,� iiamagKs.. �:�.n<3.� righf.s.�:�F �acts:»t anci. f>roceeds, es the �...� .
<br /> � � bldrfgaSee�.,ma3" . �e,cluim. . . . . . v_'::,, . .
<br /> � � �. , � . . � . . . . . . . . . . . � . . . . .. . . � ' . �,. .. ..
<br /> �� . . .That in. w�e crL failurn to per€urm an}• ��! t.hr cnvenanis hercin. [he h4r.irtga�;ee ma}• r3a <�n thc !�'lortgtsg<ir's t�iha;f. c+�rrvt�ing �� ��. �. . .
<br /> �; �. ao. c��venanted; that� itte A4ora.gasrR .n.ay also d+> ssny ect it may dr.em nE><-�•ssary tr� �mtect t}+.e lien tiiereof�: 2hat tkte . ?�4ottgagor wiil . .
<br /> ` .: rr�SaM npom�.demaand an'y "�mnneye paid� nr siisbuised by �1he �Mr>rtgagec !csr an.Y af 2he' aFaove :FavrP�'s, and:sue?� m<>ness Sti�eftier �wiGh � � � �
<br /> ' . � � intezest��Yhereon'a[- Yha� fate� pravid[>cf:�. in ��id �note� shall lxrame �so � much �n<idi[iosaa{ �� inc3ehtedneae�� hereby. secured- 'and maY ' E�e� in-.� . .
<br /> � � t]uded� in� any decnee forectosi+u; this. .murtga%e s�nci . t� paid uut �t the. ren�, or n.+-�c.�wfr .,t .. ,sxlP � r,(. �said. nr�mises , if � �nat: .ucherv.��ar: � :
<br /> Fraid; fha# ik shall aot be �ul?14gatory u�.+nn xrte �dort�agee tcs inquire ieato. the �•g!'tciity of are}� lien, e>ncum}�rx�ces: ��vr ctairn�� in ed-: . : � �� —
<br /> rai �
<br /> vatuitsg moneys as.� akrnwe�:aut}a�rdaec#, :�ut nothizig�� hesein�: c�ntaine�i a�a33 � be. c�csnstrned� as requiring . t.he Mortga�x:e .1ti advacnce� any . . .
<br /> aeiaceeYsfor�anp .isuch. purpotae aon te� da�. any aci ;hereunder: xnd lhat h4origaK�' shxi{ nawt inrur..nny. Sx'nusind 3euF�i}iey , tau+r .o( fxny,. .. . .
<br /> . thin8.!it ma.)`.� dc�.or.. omis�, ix; �o hernuz�c3ee. :� . . . . , . . . ... . ..
<br /> -': � In � f}3e ever�t ��af the defaqjt f>y � Mortgagor tn £he yayment of ar�.y . installmen[.� as require+i by the. A`.ote secured Iirre�by , or � � � � . . .
<br /> ' � .sn the performancw. crf the abii�utiun in Yhis mortgage ar ir� Lhu notP � secured thereby,. th€ iilotkga�ce sha3'. � h 'r- entitlec2 tu dr.c�.:are � the � � � � . �
<br /> �bt aeecut�d .. hereia�Y .due a[�ci-�asy�ble. :�aiihoui.��.notice. and�� thr l4lottgaRee shbll � k?v eniified x�R ixs t�ption. wiih<�ut r�o9ice. Pdthrr h�• ieceif . � � � . . � .
<br /> ' '� � � a�rl+v a receivrr t�v �[+e ' annc�ir�iPd i+p. .t4�r��rnnrt thi�i�r,i. arv.d �x ;ihe�•t •�pa�d en � «. � ,,,.?;;.,, _� .�. � . r � �. � . � �. .. : � . � . , . .
<br /> . n 'wi• F . F I + ' ] t ).
<br /> � . �. a. f uiu�n tAi�ku�R:A4 Sc..
<br /> i.. . eutee$ hen�by. ta extiez apcyn ��`gred take� � }scroses»acin i�f 4he :mi��rt�aged � prrn9ises; and ix� �ce�lle•rt ancl ��rrcrcvK��rhr r< ni�. � �is��rs and � X�rc�fifs � � � � . . � . .
<br /> : . fhereoS. and�;zaPP�Y t3ie ssme. :ietts custs�� nf nperakion an�i ci>{ le:rCion. � ujac�n� �.tlse � indebtrdne� -secured hy. .i}�i+: norigage; said` rentg, ���. : - , . .
<br /> " ' �: 'ssitiees ancl ��ri fifts beeng hereby-asai��d� ta khe`lhforl.gagee:�ms-further��sa�v.netity�� for the paymenf 'ni� a34 iadebke�nesa rerure�I hr.�e�rv: . � .. . . . . . .
<br /> T$s+�.�. A2t�rkgag� shal.-.have tkas. p�wer tu x�lwini. any a�ent or a�,wenfs it may desise for dhe pur{�ose c�i mxsatnn� said. prc-m- . � . . . "'°'� , r .` .,
<br /> i-sea; mrttiag��� the s�tme; cvllecting fhe� ��rentu, zevenuPs �. �nd incamo; �and it rnav }�ay out of saixi inairne alt ex�rrns��s � incurreeS � in rFnt- � � •" ��i �" '
<br /> . . i.ag and man,eging t2re a:ttne��aot3 �{ ccdkcting �the se�tels. Yherr[rom. "E'f�e�� 6a3ancc rrmaininR�. � it any�. � shali hn . applted. ibwarc! the � � �� � '�
<br /> , �„ aiieal�wige ot the mas.f�e inde6t¢dness: This assignment �is W er�a:ainale �and bec�ame :nnli a� void r�fwn raiesse c�f thts morfgage: � � � r '
<br /> ,,. ;�. � . . . .. � , . . � � . . . .. � r3�� n .:
<br /> �
<br /> . � . . � � r'� .�
<br /> ,. � � �,� . ..,:. . _... . . . . . . , . , . � . . :. :. � . . . . . � . . . �:' . .;a� '.y.. .
<br />� � .�:��_ :..:._�__.......,....��...._ _ �-. . ._. _..: :_.r._......, � _ .. . . . . _. ._ . . � .
<br /> �—.._ ._...._.. ..._..__..,..,.�,.....,..._... . . ._................ ... .�.___....._._.. .
<br /> ...�,..._ .�
<br /> � . � . �. . . . � � . � . . � � . . . . . . .
<br /> a � �� �. . . . . � . . � � �
<br />:;�
<br />