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� `� , �,: <br /> r � �: �;� � <br /> � � . � ,. , „ , � <br /> .. ,. .. .., , . . . , � . <br /> ` <br /> � � " . 77- � �� C14� 1 � � �- � � ,�; ' <br /> . � <br /> MQRTGYIGORS �' MAY MICKE PREI?AYMENTS' OF PRINCIPAL ON ANY INSTALLMENT DUE DATE. St1GH PREWAYMENT SHALL 8E :j <br /> ^ ; APP4lED�'[CI tNSTACLMtENTS R/#ST+TiD BECQM6 DUE ;tINDER THIS MOR7GhGE. PRO�YIDED THE LNDERSkGPiED ARE NOT iM DEFAULT ' <br /> � <br /> ANd ARE'''i'HEN THE OWNERS OF 7HE' MQRTGAGEEI PR@PERTY, tJPON , REQU£ST OF TME UNDERSIC+NED, OFt EITHER OF THEM, <br /> t r' ' PAYf,� AR[2EES','tO .Ft1R1MlSH, 7'O CHE UN'AERSIIQMEp1fl0% CiF &UGM PRiFFCiPAG, PREPAXMEMTS, 4NLES6 ADWANG'EMENT I5 AR0- <br /> T, .q HIBITED. 81f THE';�tEf�iULAT101VS. �RF Ct{ARTERIIVIi hND SWPERViSOIRY AUTMQRt7iES THEN IM EEFECT. 1'lLl� SUCH ADVANCEMEPiTS <br /> ;:,� SNAI.L. RE:SEGURED..BY ;7HIS MORTGI4GE` !N tkfE S1lME MANNE#i A1�D < EFFECT !lS IF ftO PREPAYMENTS HAD BEEN MADE. <br /> ,; � <br /> �� � " , � �� r: � <br /> �'� �, T�i£c,".MORTG�IGOR' FURTHEli. GOV.ENANTS RND "A(�REES: ' ' � �' ' <br /> � t3 + � <br /> p � � �� „ <br /> ,r� � 'i"hatlithe; hlark'gaR�t' .will }�ay kh� indebtc+dnerora an,hereialtef�re pro»ded. "� <br /> xt.,� . . <br /> �" fi �, � � 'I'haG :it,he Mcartgagor is ;t}�e owner crf s[3id-.. pr�Perty�. in fec simnle anrl ht�s (tociri ri{;ht �:�and l�wful aufbnrity lo sell flnr! <br /> x � �.�m�eV thc.:s��iie t�nd' thdat the+ vam.e� ix free� �nd cldan af an3�: lieix or enci:mbraac�; Axrd that A4ortfieag�z svill �wrx+rrani And cir�fi•a�it khe t' 1 t � <br /> yrg' � titl,e�.to �&aicl ;}iremisax againrat , tlie dninys ':c�f u11 �eisan.s wh. pm.5oeveyr.: � :� �;�.. .� �. � ��., ` � '�;�. <br /> °A ;� Tq. 'pey, iuuneclint�l,y wkiwn due and payabin ali gCnF.isl Ytixe�; spaci8l taxes. st�eaia! au.4essment,s, w�zter char�es� aewcr �:serv- ' i , '° �' <br /> .'s � ica �cllarg�. and afhwr taxes rand�: . charges agsinst ��xicl ��ro;ierty, end all tazes . levied ari�: thc drht secured herehy, z�nri � tcr [u�nis}i the ' ` �� <br /> r + � <br /> +�' , Mfarf�e.e, .uTa�+c reque�k, wii.h i.he origiiiu! or c3uplicate rc+c�i�ts �. th�refor. 7'he Murtgngos s�greea that �:there rsl�al.t be udded ta <br /> k { <br /> '� � � eaC11:�.;znunLhly ��. paYment tequired�� heieundei <�r under the evidence qf :debt s� herelry t�.n nrnon�xat e»timated #ry���thcr D4pcl��agc�et <br /> �b�`�� tz� be sufficient � ta:.enaLiic� the Nfoztga�ee:: ko puy. �as they � k�eccrme�,due, nil taa.e�, u�ae:,smenlx, � bnd similnz�.rhargcs. upc>n the� j�n�m- <br /> e <br /> x� <br /> � �r iteti !�v thk+ <br /> ' e ice�� siil�ject therete�; any de&cief�iy hecaua�e uf tl�e . inaulficiency af ss�c:t: arlditzanal ��c�ymcnta aetivit tx� . f�ri.liwitkx da �. � - <br /> n�� 1klortg;agoz wiLh t}t� 11+,Farkg�Ke��,�' u�rara tl�rnand by. , the 11�2urtuF�gec. � Any d�fauit. uncier � iliis purut;'raph sNHll. be de�mi�ct a default in <br /> � ,� . , . . , . ; . � a. <br /> rn +'. . paynient nf t�ixes, Hsse�ssmenks, ;:nr similar char�e.s��: r4�yuired� � hc�reunder. �� � . . � �� � " � � � <br /> � t � ' . . ... . . �. . .. � � � .. �. , , <br /> � <br /> k The, ...R4origa��r agrees��'that thei'e shn❑ � .al.a � Ue.� added . l:n each monthlV � puYnlFnt � �f� principa! tlnd mterest. �rquarxrd � here- ' , <br /> � �� under an sm�urrt� er,timated :hy.thn Svf�zrtga�ee .tu �be� ta eri�ble � Lhe T4.3rt�;agee. 'to Eiay, a_, it� hecon�e, sliii.�� ih<• inyurance , ` <br /> � ., <br /> r f�remiuin ait any in.curr,�:nct� }aalicY d+'liv��xc�d to � the: � binrtgagee; Any deficieney i:�e.c�use � ot thc : insuflicie>ncy af such. acldili<>nal :p;�y'- <br /> t1 ` men4� shta3l bc� forthwiYn det�eisited by � i':he�� Moitgaj�or .witli the �luriga�;c•e � u:pc�n� dc>maand� by the Mvct�;agee. AnY � thts �.' <br /> '� � � �t�ragraph shgii �;r t9� a�� defnulY . in � ihe. pay�ie:nt af insu.r3nc�r prem'tuins. lf Uie palicy or policier, <]epo:�it�sd are � Fucia ae� hame- r-. <br /> �ti ¢ <br /> �, � uw:iee, or all �:risk pnlicies, ar��l . the dc{xlaits are. � i.nsutFicirni tu ��.+y Che cntire F:�rF�mium. �the � Meirtgages . ma}� a��ply�. t3�e dep�xit tn <br /> w N.t3}� �ire�miums csn risks .seGuir�.�cl ��tar b� inn�.� rc-d �by th�ti rnoecgi��e. . . � . <br /> f" r q I"m�nnenfs made by the: '7lfiortgagnr uuder � the a6i�ve . para.ttraj�hs may. :�t. ttie a{rl.ion cr( t:l�e h�fortgu�;e.e. � be� he!d by it. nnd <br /> ,�� �' rnmmin�led . w�th t�ther yuah fuilcls or. ifs . Cowt� , (unds fo 'r�ifie payxnent of suc:h i[ems, anci unti7 so u�3pliae�, vuch payrnf�nts arn:here6Y <br /> '';' ��(�!il��ed as �;wF�curity'for the un�r.ird � i�alarrce of��.the�� mnrtga�e . irrrlehtrc3ness. . � � � � � � : , � ; <br /> '� �X . �' ' � � . . � � � . � �: �t <br /> � To ��roture, �daliver tti; xnd maintx: u� for � the ben�rlit� oi . the MnrtK�R�'�' durinR thi. li.fe of thi� morl:;;arrbriKinal policies and , <br /> C i � � � � � <br /> � _ ' renewaLs thera��f, delivercxl eC Ic:ast ten days.. betore � thi; exx�irazion � c�f ar�y� � such �x�lic'ies. insnring s�guinst fice and � r:rther ixv�urnble i' � <br /> hatet�is. .=a.>aa;:.isn, aa- c ..tin;;er.rier: es � the. ?Y!+�rtga � ee nx>ay ±-eqi�ire, in �n arm�unt cqu ��t to the indebkr�dnt�Ya .� �sr-.cvred bv tliis <br /> e. h�iori�z+ge� a.nd in a�mAaiuca� sceepta6le� t<r the �MortKa�ee: �vith loes l.�ar dhle cl�uea in favor of �nd �ia farm to thc; �itilnrtga- <br /> , i gee <�In the e�'enG any�. ��;�olicy �is a�it :renewed can � azr beforr. ien daYb . ol .it, exp� rtitinn, thti Martgagee �may Y'iro�;urer. insarxnce .on ihe <br /> „ i . improvcments,. �ay t6e ..premium k.herefor; ssnd such siim sliall becpme irnmediately dur, end.� Payable �witt�� inter�s6�� ax th� rute sdt <br /> .� y forfh itt said�=note untii �a:�itl.:� anci. shall t� sc:curett. l��y tnis mvrtgiage. Fi;i.lure� uri t.he part <>f the hiort�;a�;trr. t<� fiu•nish such renew:ils . <br /> ° t - as �are� herein �requireci� 4ar failure . to pay any� sums udvanced hereundr,.r� �:.hall, at the aption R�f � t}�E• hlortga�e�, �.un+titate � a defuuit �� � ` -� � '� �' <br /> � ; . . . � . . � . <br /> �� . ;g ur�der the term� uf this mort�age:� 7'he delivcry of such � a�nlicie� sha�ll. . in the event at c9efauit, cortsti3ute . an assi�;nmenZ � c�f : the un-� . � <br /> 4 f.'1I23t'f3 uTf'ITI#y1217. <br /> �t:. �� � � . � � . . <br /> 4 � <br /> , f . . 3ny_�:sunss �.��r¢c�ived � by � the � hiortgagee by re�exson : ot� ioss or� cl.unage �nsure<i af;ai.nst may be ret�ainrrl by � �klie. ;vlz�rtKa�i'e � <br /> ` j and �a�aplied �� toward the paymecK c�f � khe�. debt hc�rel�y secured_ or. � l ehe u�:+iion ut thc hic>rtgagee.. such sumn �itl»r whull.v.� or in _ <br /> j� a gart':�.may he � yaict ove,r� to the�. :Mqrt�ugor� to .Fx .usect to. �re��air sue}x 6uildinRb vr f:n t�uilcl new �buildings �in their ��. pl.�ee ur. fc�r anY . � ,'��. <br /> , <br /> y�"' ;� �. . other purpose. or�. object satisfac:4ory . tu t.he Mort,gagNe � wiThc�uT afTecting the lit.n ein the mori�;age f�>r the 1ii11 :amount st�<•ured :hern- . � i <br /> �� ,�; by ��l�ct¢ad .such piiyment ever� ttxsk place. � . . � � � . . <br /> '� � Z"n;�� r.iromPily � rrpt�ic,. resatore � �c�r .rehuilcl .anY �building�:� . or improvemenGv� nuw �or )��ereaEter �n tiie pre,ini�es whicl� msy Iv�' . . . ` <br /> ;i,, ,� cume damaged ��or clestroyE�t3 ;� tu.. kcep .said. prnmises in ��x�d condilii�n and repair �and frca f'rom any mechwiic'a lir•.n srr � aather lian or - � <br /> '«� � ) . clium uF li.en��nut�� expresyly� suhnrdinated tn tlre lien .hereaC; � no! to sut3'er or �aermit anv unl�aw�fu} uye of or a��Y. nuisanc� to ��exi�t un � . <br /> i aaid:�-.pruperty:� n<�r tra� �permit w+�six; un . said P�'mases. nor-. in de� any othcr act� wh<rebY thr � pruCN:•.rt> � he..ret�y ccime,yed tihall }��cx�me ��� <br /> v � Iesa vsa.Iuai�ie, nor w �iimini�ii c�� i�npaix iis vatuc i�y wny .,.-t �;r vi�2i�sii.n .�,,. �:` � 4olt.� �f[ Y � '� ` vt....-,..� � ; � ..,... ::: �,:..^^„aci . . <br /> ai �" <br /> ✓ � to 4he mortKuged �3s�rmiaer� and lhe ur,e� khere<>L . . � � . � � � �� �. . � <br /> �, <br />� a <br /> ' � 'I'hat . t,huuld t6e � prexniseas c�r any � T�xh thcrr. ot� La: talteca �or damugeci by reasnn. o[ any public iniprovi•mc�nt ur cundemnation �. <br />�" '� pr6ce.�r3in�, ar under���t4�e riRht..of eviinenC domain. ur in any ok.her � mxnnec� . t.he Mortga�ee sha�U . L�r. enlitlac9 to a�l cuma�ensaf.ions. � � <br /> � ' awardx, [and�.any athrr�. ��aymenf � or relief therefor. anti �shall Ix entitied. at i4s c»�tiun, � to c*y3xvnence, al7Pelr in t�nd prc�necrute � n iLs �. <br /> a ;. .� pwtt�. name any acGan . c�r proc.�eciing, .or � �La muke . any. ci>nzprnmine� �ox setUcme.nt 3n ccinneciic�n wit}z �uch tak�n�;_ur clxmaga. Al1 suil� .� <br /> � � -s . wa - �. dama�-a�. zi�fxY . nf a�:Eion. uiid .pruceetla. arc .herel�y . �s�igned io tt�e Nlurigage.r. , :wi�o . �nay.. aELs:r �� a3edut:tinR. . <br /> , <br /> �,iu x�atia�at, a r�,, s �, <br /> o-� ' � thNtefrorrt ull its ex.��env:s. selease any �moneYs so :rec�eive•c3.. bY it <ir ,s���39y the sr�mc c>n ��s�ny itadehl:edn�as �st�-ared h�=reby,�The M�art-.. �. . �, . <br />�r , . , gag�r agrees.. to exec..ut� such�.��. further assiRnment� of an,Y comF��ennati�.ia. awards, dssma�c.s, and riRhts c,f actic�n � ian�l pr<�c:eeds a.� the .. . <br /> ivit.L2y,Ngc;c .iaB,T y.:��•. . <br />� � � .� . . . � , . .: . . � . . . . . : � � � . � <br /> � � ? ��1At 1[l CkiSC� P¢ f's1I�UkY" fU jH±i�l)IIi] FIri,V <l� f�1Q' t:tYVCL1.Nt1�.� �14'Clitl� Clit:� tiTiDI'tl.'TS�'('S' 7fl:ly (.3<) ()Il. t�1C+ h'tOI'�.�,'A}�[)I�ti �N.'}13�� E'�'k'I4' fElltl3'. . . ' <br /> 2� <br />�A � y sa coven,s�tst'ed; that�.the Nlo'rt,�a�ee mev. �als� cie� aa�y ,acf� ii. inz�y 1�em nt ess:a:ry- te. ;ir�,tect tl.�- lie�n 1t�er4�oC:� � tl�at: i�hr_ rRa�rt��,ag�or .t'i11 � . <br /> 5� <br />'� �? reyay uPUn �dernau�i �.:�.z:y r.ta•s.ey:.� }_�d �•,!' d 'r.sburueti by � the MurtgaKcai� lar aizy c,f the . sb��vc ,.ae�r{ius:. . sad. �;:.iY� mun �:.ys izr;,eiher :vith <br /> a�r . , , . . . . . <br /> � � `a inLcrest f.t�eriaon �t the� rate f�r�vs�eti in :.said� nuie � ahu2l � lx�onx� su � muc}i adc3ition�l� indet>iNcinmae� hervby hccureci �a��d n�ay � kx ii�-. . <br />�"`�t �,� cluded in ianY raectee�for'ecl<xsing� fk�is mortgage .az�� be � P�id vut pt�� thr rcnts e>r pruceec3s oF salv. �f aaid �l�reni+eua xf nc>t o4herwire � . . <br />�u , � :' _ � . � : � . � i � .. � � . � Iraim � in R[I_ . .. . <br /> iR �7 [ 814�.: LhF3S li�.��umu ia.��. l. t I eMf .. .. � 1. . �h.f �a . ,. . . i.c� : vaali�f� � OI . Sn,Y . ItCti t,r:i:�i .i. .,.. � _ .. . . <br /> � .. .. ..�..... .. ....... h . n.... .... y.. .,.. ; ... y . . <br /> u +'" ��? vancing �mni'�e�ya as al»"ve authortzeci, but.� nothiix6i h� cunkainect �shali l�e� �enricU�ueti as rccluiriny; ih� 2�2oid�,c:gee. iu aclvancr. a.ny � <br /> _::Q.:Ca"9 !�<�l ��.a.Y.t�' <Ucki. 7>?xcI`�?"�> n<"' 4r �rir� rtny aCt hvrrt� nrir•r� <inri ihnt Mc�rl.r, raete uhs�ll n<N in<�ur :+tiv {�er�:c�nel Iialiilitv F�•c..iu�t� �>f an�•. . . . . . <br />� ° ` '�� thiiig it ma.v��do or om'ri, to do'� hem�:nder. .� . : . . . . � . . . . . . . � � . ; � <br /> p , , � .. . �. . . . . . . . . . � . � . . � . <br />'�,`�4 " -� � � Tn the eveni arf thp d�:fttult t�y IvlurtgaKoc� iu the }�uYmcnt � of »n� insttilfinenz . as r��quire±cl bv tl�r. Note s��vre+l. her4isv. nr � � <br />! a�„ - s in'�tkie faerforknance of����ihe <�taligatio� in ��this murr,rH,v,.• c+* �n �C�e .Ut.;. :n e'.� .:,erei>y, Lbe Ivivrigagee nnuil. nr eniitied cc� rhe � <br />'�i. '� . . . ` . � � . . ' , <br /> i<t,�a� � �g}�.: ��r0d�e Mna V�Yalsle withoul. naZice, and the jvrorEgagea: sha(I�.ib!e enti[iea ac i.i.s q��i�icair. w�i7ipu2 Aiui,i:x:,� etlher�.by 3tsell. '�. <br />� ` pr fi:Y � zeceiver tn br �"ap[�wutet3 Uy the :ciiurt ihersu>f, attd �:withaut.� rt�Gax'r1. to t:hc sderqui�cy �f arrY sec,tiiriiv for ihe :indebtednes.� ��- � � ,' =.r , ��� �� <br />� S. , +c�xrkiL� hexebY: to +enLer u�czn and take �awxteasivu of the an�xrtgs.t6ed Premiaes, and tu cc�llect and mreivr t}�r. rc rit., issurs unci �ro&kra � <br />� � t t1�e�ot , and.� �P�Y -th� smzn�*., le�,s cbsts �f nperA�.3u� c+nd cc�lle�tian, uRon tha �. �iralebtcx{nc�., aaccumd by � tPa�, murl�Ka6cr : ,Yaid sents. . '� ,� <br /> ,�`E�...,� .. iasties az��RTqfit».being� lcereb9 �ssiKned ta' Mc+rtKaRc� as f�rktier seK:uriYY S�r the y�svment of .a11. indt:htr��l:ia•ys r:ec.urecd here0y. � � " <br />�,, "- ' � �- ' � � � !'` <br />�'c ' , . . : �. �. ; , . . . : <br />�'r�� � . . . Tha '11Jlprtga��c+ ehall heve-t�hes ;u�wer to :a��potut Any a#fu�k �x� ut,t nts� it� xnay d��fr� f�r �it�e L�ara�rzse, cat rep¢i,ring axiti prein- x � <br /> u <br />� ,�,, t „ i,Ua: ruitii',e .,�' �-' s:xlaC: call�cti[:a tS:� ze:its. n, � 1 . . . .. . , � ; <br /> � "5C"':�i2C' 31G1 :.:C .. . A,.1(� .t . $ � ��St4' rr2St ni ir� �fnev. ��M+ ."ill N�' tw!1w �iR�`r3it'r�rj fYt rs./#t� „'� �. <br /> � � � *k±r� anrxt+- an�i nf cxilifrtin tFi�� rrnrx)s ifiPrvfr�rm�. `['hi• hs�ixina:N rHmainsr4i., if Hnv. niiktl 1>�� a i iia-<1 u�wnrci thr.r . � � . ,. < <br /> 4s1��' lE'a;� -'AA1t� 'cTlNriH,$'iRQ. . . . .: � : . . . 1 V . <br /> W ; �iach�trK� af �.the 'nxo,wi�a�,4 inc}ebi.�dness.��..'I`hie a:�iRamen�t . l+ t<� ix�rminatc+ xncl. t�rconsK nuii �z�nd vot<3 � uy�on .rrlr•a..• �,1'. it�i. � n�ort.�agrr. . . �"w <br /> Kt ;. . . � � � . � . <br /> 'a.. ` '� . . � . . . . � . � . . . . <br /> fi v .� ,,. .. . � . <br /> � � � � <br /> � <br /> . � �w,Je��: :,��,a, <br /> pMu,,.., . .. . . , ,� ..�. . , . .. . . . . L�.► <br />