<br />,, , �
<br /> � � ��
<br /> �" <�,. ,,� � �
<br /> � �
<br /> � � �'7" . i� 01 �'�.t; '
<br /> ,
<br /> F3 .,: r .. :' Tlne ' lU.�prtgag�e xnay cirlleet a "'la�ta +chqrge" naE ta� exceed Fiv� GGnts (5c) fot each dollar ($1.00) o( each iotel moathly �.
<br /> j�aylp.ert� .7iLRr� that4 15 claYs` iI7:� aTre8rs t<f cover the Pxtrq �E:xp�nsP. �inv[�Ived �il� �'IandlinR d,elin9uent accaunts. ' �`� �� � , �, ' �' . , "
<br /> � �: -. , � �.. r ; � . , �. �- . . �. . .I .
<br /> � , A1F peyar�eqYa; �d�ade xinder. tt►r. �rrouteions of this misrtgage o{ aha note riereby isecux�rl, which auay; be conatrued as inYerest,
<br /> �' 4ha11 nat, :�e t3ae aggcegate b«er the tcmi the�edt,�l exceed ih� rate that may xa�v be lawfu3ly contra�ted far 3n writing_ a ' , ;,
<br /> � � ," �r
<br /> �f 1 , j ` It is iurther•�agceed .that in .csaa=any auit ,is begun °Lo f�cealoss t]iie moxtgage, the Mortgagee. its =apresentstiver+ ur ass�};ns. " � � ,
<br /> '`i� � = stiall at pzice be enlatIed to ` the poecaessiomnE s�id premiaes, smd � upon applis�tion ther8#or, the courE - in wYiich- sneh actiosii .�hAI1 � � ` ';
<br /> £x � #ic`taroyq}�t°yir any,�juilge oY. aue3i courE�, eztheX. in ,texm time; or vacatioz�, is- hereby, authorized ko appoint ti r�ceiver Go take noa�ea- ` , '
<br /> � rz'ron af �uia 'premisea. vr to colleeG the ' renks khare#rom, nnci k� do and perform , aueh cithes aMa 'as may be required .by the o:dex � '
<br /> s-�y� � ' cs1' the , couxt�;mskiag iheappnirn.'#xnent;• end saiil •hriaitgagor �her�l�y. wa.iYea any noEire , of such. aj�pliaak4onc:anci c.on�senks to t�e ap• ' � �.
<br /> �+t f,x ' pa'tnhnent 'vf a receivex upon kha �roductiion ot this mortgag'ae, vKitl�aut oth�r eyidence. i ` �
<br /> � "�
<br /> F=,y The 1u�ortgat;ea �hall !>e subrogated to all �f Uxe right9, priviteges, priorities, and equitic� af any lienholde.r whose lien may � ' "
<br /> "� ?;' � , hz�ve beeu �clischaY�,ec1';fro�cix the�� proeeedk � of Ehib �•Icstm, or �l�y any fun<ls hereh �
<br /> t Y Paid or furnisheci bY the' i14orl�aKee-
<br /> ?�' I1' I6 E3�:FF�ESSLY AGItE�D ;:that if tkia Morf�ugor shnll setl, ranvey or al(eanle snid property, or any part ihereuf, `
<br /> n , q ar anq interest thttrein, ar eha11 ' be divesfed aP his title or any interest therein in any manner or way, whether voluntslrily or , ;
<br /> ,'g involuatari)y; without ,wriften cunsent of tlse Mostgagee bein� SraC Iiar3 and obtained, Mortgagee shell have the right, mt its ogtion,
<br /> � , satn��i$Fmmad�atel�due ` :
<br /> , + ' � ko . teilness, or obligmtinne secured� k�erehY. .irreapectiv� af the' znaturi#y daEe specifled in any note' erridencing �he ; '
<br /> y and paYabie without notice, and snid debE shail tt�are¢pon become ebsolute. If the ownerslvp of !he mnrb
<br /> . � �� ��
<br /> r� ¢ $aged property bc�roxpes vested in a person other than the Mortgrfgpr, the Mprt�,rngee may, without natice to the -MoztgagoF, d�91 l� ; '; i '.
<br /> � ,, ,� sv.Fth .aueh succeasor or: auccessata in interest with ;eference to this iaartgag� ttnd the debt hereby secured as wikh the Martgegor, h -.
<br /> andvmap Eocbear 'to sue or may extend time faz the payment of the debt hernby secured withaut dischnrging vr in any way aHe�ctia � ' ` � - • ,
<br /> ,� �,: �' the liab3lity ai;f the originai Mortgagor hereundet or apon, tiie debt secc�red. % $ ` `
<br /> ,
<br /> � ,�. , . In t3oia itistrwnent , the singulur includeu: the plurai and tha masculine Sncludea the feminine snd the neuter and this in- �' ' ' �
<br /> ,' � atrumenk shail bQ hinding upon��.the ur;dezsigned, hia heira, �.personal represenGativex, .succesenre ��and asaig�: � � � �� " `��
<br /> � ' �
<br /> � Ni pp : �� �� . . � � � . � E
<br /> �'�..,, � � .��� . ,' ., � � � .. : . .� � .: � ��. �_ r
<br /> M `r % II3� WITNESS WIiEREOF, we �huve herev�ta aet our hands and seal, the day and yeac first atwve written .
<br /> ? �.�� . . i r.-:
<br /> '`� � Ia the presenca of: � � . � � . � � . � � .
<br /> . � �:
<br /> � � . . �. �. . � . ..
<br /> `' � �� ...�- ..:��-� ��..�..:
<br /> � �.
<br /> .. . ... . .._.. .._ ..
<br /> � . :� Faye •e C .Hewit+ ....._.._......... ;
<br /> , � `
<br /> , .,� �J
<br /> ..'��-•�'-- �- " -" "- " � r
<br /> � .... ... ,.... �... .._- �--- --...._ `
<br /> ` ,��� . � � � Agnes J�.- Herrit�� � ` � � � � .: ��,;, �
<br /> r` � . � . . � . . � .
<br /> �
<br /> , ,� � . . . . . � . .
<br /> � ` i S`��ITE OF NEBRASKA ,
<br /> �
<br /> j �
<br /> : r . , ,
<br /> r � . ,._..--. .._.._.:xait---co�ty. � .
<br /> �, � ,
<br /> � ,� � On tkazs ...---.f.c�._....... day ot . _.:.../-T�'JCt.1.... ......:.. 19...Z7 befure me. hhe undeisigned, , a Notary, Puhlic. in and for asid ^;
<br /> r � � ;
<br /> � ' Fayette C HewiLt and Agr.�s J Hew�.tt , 3�usbattd and vr�fe ,
<br /> � '
<br /> CcwntY. Reraonally came ......::_ . . . .._:.__ _........ ....--�-- . ......_. ..----.. ,. _...... . .....,._ ......... ..._.----. ._. . �
<br /> � � l��nallY know�n W me to ba�: the identicat persoiuz.� whose��. names are��af$xed �to the above and . foregoin8 in�trunient,�..as morkgagore,
<br /> °�c and each aeknowledgeri said iastrument to be his az her voluntary act and deed.
<br /> � � � a
<br /> � � w' kress xn hand �na natar4si seat at C�rand Islana�, Nebraslsa
<br /> : .. y ...._ ...- - --�-�- �--'•-•
<br /> the date last above writtea . ..._.. ._...... .....-_-
<br /> ........ .....-------�. .
<br /> ' � rv � /�/
<br /> - —�t'GCINIE. S s'i"C3i.' � p ,�[ � �. :
<br /> � � � .� ( C ' �.f .A' � f �1��. Y � % �� � y_.��/1�d
<br /> , , .. ." ' -'....4:ff",.CA''ie'�..�['.l�C.
<br /> a ' t�� � t ' ,n,.! t � t 1bhr.i t . . . . . '�'.....-TG'l_ �� . "'...... .�/ ._.... .. .
<br /> { ......""" ' .
<br /> n �� � "�'k���,ry M9y ��m rii t� an ExPi s s � � : . . . . 2Qatsry Public: � .
<br /> My aommiui e�l�_.., ��»`�'?.. ..�s3.ci�i6� n .I '�.7.7.. �
<br /> � �_,_..._..:_.__._ ,
<br /> ,, STA'1'E OF .......:. ...... .. . .. �..:._ .. .... ._--- �
<br /> , , l �
<br /> ' } Count3� :
<br /> : _...�... ..._ .. __ __..._. _ _..----- 1 . '
<br /> � �
<br /> �' * . Ez�tered on numerica2 indes and . filed tor reeord in the Register of D�eeda 013'ic� of said CounEy the
<br /> � s . , �
<br />�� ._, �
<br /> ,: . . _._. ....ctay of .. . . ...: . . .. . ....: ..._.. .., 29 ..._.:..:, nt...-- '..: ..----..:o'clock end ...::.... . . .... ..miuuates �. ..... .....M..
<br />�a ? ancl ..rt�ox,ded in $a►k._._.._ ..., _.�......_oi Mortgages a� psgaa ; as Instxument I�Ta
<br /> ^� a , ... _. . _ ._.
<br /> , � � �
<br /> ; ....._
<br /> �, 9 � � ; � Re� of Deeds ; . . p
<br />� fi '.. ' � . - ... . : . . � .� . . . �Cm�r,.k �� � .
<br /> : BY� - - Deputy �
<br />�. '
<br /> .. ... ... .. .... ... . . . . ... . . _ . . . . . .... ._ . .a •°G s Y . :
<br />�e '� When recarded . to be returned tn the ` S 5 � �
<br /> i3t�""�, , . LIN�.QLN OFFlCESt:'. �OMAMA ..�L}FFdC65s . REGIONA�: OFPiGES.;-. . .. ��, � � a" �'
<br />��'� ` � � Q i�23a'" "'M�," Stree� � . -. � 8706;� 3'aci[iC St. (� ��2120 FirstAve.. KeameY . � . � � � �5 ��'i'�'
<br /> �' . "
<br />�.�' �f . . � � ,...: :f,, . . � . , . �. Pfiorte 234.2493 -�. �. :. . �. . . . . � � .
<br /> �'',,,�'^ , T?5 Nn_�j�`atner B#+id. �YOI=.So. R2nd �-5L �. < ;r t
<br /> p"r+ ^r" � ' � � • v ('� 513 "E'" :S#reet, Faitbury � . . . . � �, , "�`; .
<br />�,`+s r � �' 7�l}1 ARff .rAe� 'a�l'. .: . . i'. y3'),� i.<�u-i��< . . . . ,
<br />� . .. ��. t�;j 32Ub;. Pto,.�UmcS�.� � - � � � � . �
<br />� t � [] 2541 f+fe+'t lith Str�aet . [] 143S•.M„Street;Ord ^,
<br />�* ,, � lOJ2(3West0odSeRd. Fhone 728-3218
<br /> c . '., ' . > �. , �; Phane 4?5-p521 . : � , � :. � . [�� 2.301 Main� �.Ave..��Crete � . �.. � . - � .
<br /> a... ..; . . . 435-2131 . . PhtlDB;��558�A323: . � � Phnn.r� A26•4949 �. . . � . � . .
<br /> CoaYN.EM� �814A by ihst feYeral Earin[s aoA Loar �Acsa¢trUpa nt 4.kucalp. iiaoa�a MaWaska : �� . . . .
<br /> �
<br /> K . ,� �a.. . . . , .. . . . . � .. .. , � . . . . �. . . . . .
<br /> . . . � . . . . . . . . �
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