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<br /> ,� � s*�k� . . . . . .
<br /> ,�.� d��0�$��:''
<br /> � Iia11. Caun�Y, Nebraska
<br /> :
<br /> �r- ., ���
<br /> ��
<br /> �
<br /> ,. 1 ' �e undersi�ne@� ?rvin C. Bick, hereirsaftsr call.ed the Subdividem, as o*,mer �f
<br /> ,
<br /> '.' k
<br /> a •craet cs3 land coinprising a part of the Northwest t�uartar (NY;T�-} o#' Section '['wen-�y,six
<br /> {26), ;Toc�rnship F>leuen (],T) North, Range Ten (10) 47esi of the 6th ?'.T4.:; Hall:County,
<br /> Ne'br.ask&.,. and more par4icula,rly deseribed a;s foi3ows;
<br /> ', ; 13egirlra3n�, at a point on the northerly z•ight-of-way -�ine of.' the Union
<br /> . ; ; Pacific Reilrpad Company, said pointi being one thousand twa hiandred ;
<br /> ni.nety-eight and forty-three hundredths {3,2�38.43) teet southwestexly
<br /> irom the intexsection Ui seiid right-of`-way line witYh the east line oS'
<br /> sa:id Northwe�t �,uarter,(NW,i-,)•, thence southwesteriy a.long sr3,id riglit-oi'- -
<br /> way a distanee of 1'ive hi.�ndred eiu��,y-six an3 fif�y-seven hundredth�
<br /> p
<br /> a C5B�.5?) �'eet; thence northerly parall�l to the eest l.ine af' saic� North--
<br /> .� west Quar�er (NWu) a dista.nce of two hundred twen�y-five {225) �eet; ; . _
<br /> � ' thence northeasterly, para11e1 to said ri�ht-of-way line a distance o�' ' ^
<br /> � , f'our hunclr.ed seventy a,i1d fif'teen hundredt;hs (�+70.'1�) teet; thence .south-
<br /> ` � easterlSr perpendicular to sr�id right-of'-way line a c3istance of one hundred
<br /> ninety-ti•ro and i'ifty-four hundreaths {lq?_.54) feeti to the-point af -
<br /> be�inning; and containin� 2.34 a.cres, mare or 1ess,
<br /> desire to have subdivided as <,� subdivisi�n the above describec� tract oi' land outs:i:de
<br /> the curporate liinits but witnin tiao miles oi' tYre City �f =rand Island, and hereby submit':
<br /> i
<br /> �o �he' City Council af' suc;h City f'cr acceptance as provided bs law an accu.rste msp and
<br /> � P1at of' such proposed subdiaisian to be knawn as I�iek's �econd Su7adivisiun, design�.ting '
<br /> " explic2tly the land .to be laid out and particul�.rly desr_ribing the lats and_easements �
<br /> �
<br /> `f belonging to su�:n subdivision, with luts czesignateci by numbers, a.nd easements by dixnerz-
<br /> ` sions,r;a.n� propo�e to cause tiae,plat of such subdivzsion �ahen'�'Xnaliy approved by the
<br /> i
<br /> , �:
<br /> y Regi�nal Fl.su±ing G�mms.ss_�n and the City Councal ta be ac�not�rled�ed by,suc.h o�anex;
<br /> eertified as to accuracy of survey by a re�istered :Land surveyc�r, and to contairz a ;
<br /> i
<br /> � dedicatzon �aP t;he e�,semesits i'or the us� q�' public u{:ilities. .T.n considerat,ion of thc
<br /> ri � � � � �
<br /> �:. t _
<br /> aec�ptt�,nee of the plat �t said Biek`s S�c�nd Subdivision, the Subdivider hereby consents
<br /> •} ru�,d agrees with the:Cit�r of C�r�.nd Is land, IvTebraska, that he wi3.1 in�ta.11 at his expense
<br /> ; , thR ��,'�� .r;,,T �..,..:_.._._.___.�__
<br /> .�...�. l.,.y.�tvrcauca.�L�:. . . . � � � . .
<br /> ' � 1. S*re4-Gs. 77�� �ubdivider agrees not �u pr;�l;est �zy pr?vin� cr re�aviri� aistric�
<br /> c�r �.isL-ricts o£ the streets adjoining such subdiv3.sion.
<br /> � 2. tdater ;x:�' Sazzi.�.ary Sewex. '�ere are no pubixc water ox puol,ic >ewer sysi;ems
<br />�..
<br /> ,., ; avai3.able. _
<br /> ; 3. I1�ai.�a�e. Phe Su'�divic3sr a,�rees to grade the lots of 3:he Su'bc3ivision in eon- :
<br /> A � �,. ` ��
<br /> june�iutx sa3th �h� cons�ruciion o� �,nSr structure t,�:Axeon s� tha�t storm ;uater,dr�ins,L-o �,,;^
<br /> y �, , the pub3ic righC-o�-way_ 3n �.daition� the Subdivider covenasits and agrees not -co ' � +��'���
<br /> _ � ��",
<br /> �.,,
<br />� , ' �
<br /> - 1. ,� 5 f�f E u v..�.�
<br /> `�'' �` w�.�
<br /> �-.�..,. � +_.._... —.7
<br />�
<br />