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<br /> 5tT81�IVTSZfJN A�EiEEP�tENT
<br /> � }3
<br /> A� Addit2on ta the Cib,y of` Grand Island, Nebraska
<br /> 0
<br /> .,
<br /> 1. ' .
<br /> t�iid-Continent En'�erpr3:ses, Ine. , a Nebraska corporation, i�iereina£Ler
<br /> � �� �a11�e"t. �he Subdivider, as owner of a traat of land comprisin� a part of
<br /> ,:,,
<br /> � > 'Lot One (2') of :F'ractional Seetion Seven-(7) and a nart of the West fialP
<br /> of the hTorthwest Ruarter (WZNY1�) of Sectian Ei�;kxt (8), a21 in 'I'ovrnship
<br /> ; EloVen (11'3 North, T�an�e l3ine (9) West oi" the 6th P.M. , City of Grand
<br /> � Tsla:�id, Ha11 County, Nebraska, and more particularly ciescribed as follc�sasr ;
<br /> t�f . .. . . � . . . . �� . . . .. . . .
<br /> Commerscing at the northwest eorner of said Fractional'
<br /> Section 7; ��7ence S .OQ� AO' 00" W (asswned'beaz•in�;)
<br /> along the' west line of said �'raat3.anal Section 7 a d3�.;-
<br /> ; " tance af nne thousand .four hundred e��htY-nine and aorty-
<br /> seven txundredths {1,489.47) feet to the point of be�;inning;
<br /> thenee N 90� OQ' QO" E alang the north line o'_' Cal3.ege
<br /> Street a distance of four`hundreci eleven and sixty-nine '
<br /> hundredths (�t11.69) feet to a point of c urvature; tYience
<br /> , ' on a cizrve to the leFt (chord bearin� N' 112° 33' 22" E, ; '
<br /> £ : � chord disLance 11�.76* , rac�ius bein�. 78.0 feet 7- an ara �
<br /> distanee af one hundred twenty-e3�ht and nlnety-five :
<br /> hundredths (32Q.95) fe�t to a no#nt of reverse curvature; '
<br /> ' i thence on`a curve to the right a3on� the vaesterly 1�:ne o.f ' .
<br /> `�t Rue de Calle�e (chord bearing T1 O1° 59' tl4n �, chor.d di:�-
<br /> tance 236.02 feet, radius bein�, 1D09,0 fcet) an arc distance
<br /> t of tv�a hundred th'irty-six and fifty-seven hundred�hs (23�.`57}
<br /> r:' ' feet; thence S gpa 00* QQ" GI a distance of Four hundred '
<br /> ;', ° ninety=seven and sixty-five hundredths f497.65) feet to a '
<br /> point on the west line of saia Fractional Sectian 7; tkience
<br /> ,'` S QO° Q0' QO" W alon� �Yre west line of said Fractional
<br /> Section 7 a distance of three liundred tw-enty and three-tenths
<br /> ` - t320.3) feet to the point of be�innin�, and containinp; ;,
<br /> 3.5Fi6 acres, more or 1ess;
<br /> c3esires to have subdivided as a sut�division L-he ab�.�ve descrlbed tract o£
<br /> land whick� is locat2d within the corporate limits of the City af Grand
<br /> Islanci, Nebraska, and_hereby submits to the City Council o£ such �ity
<br /> for acceptance as pxovided by law an accurate map and plat of sucn Fsro-
<br /> �aosed subd3.vision to be knovrn as Lot 2, ?�lack 9, Cantinental Gardens,,
<br /> a�,..�..�.. .,..� ,. _.�,__ �,__ _
<br /> ,. ��,��at.�z.�; �.����4�,,iy �.�,� i�x�a co r�e laia out and particularlv cicsCrib3.ng
<br /> .�h]y. '�r�f 4 .C�'f'Y+Pa��-..c va�� Qm f 4. y. .t.n 4.. r.l. .1+.7� i.+i . . .
<br /> , ..� ,.... .. . .. �, ..,=r _,c_, . .�,._ . t. ,�:_w�7is t�sit%7 Iots
<br /> ` ' designata@ by nur„��r�,, jyrests by names, and easetr�ents by �inensl.�n�a and
<br /> �
<br /> propv��s to cause the -plat of such subdivision:when finally aF?praved by «�;•�� -��
<br /> as � �ie�ior�a2 Planning Commission and;�he Gity Councii �o be aa}snowl�d�;ed by
<br /> �,. ^�`
<br /> � sueh owz�er, cerGiPied as to. aecuracy of survey bg a re�istered land � ��"
<br /> . �� . .. . . .. .. . . . . . . , . .:i:.,g4
<br /> � . . . . . .. .. ., . . . � .. . � � .. . . . � . . . . � .. . . . ��."c,^.
<br /> �, .. , �.�. .. . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . <.. „,�.;. .
<br />�.,, 1 "
<br /> `�. �
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