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�. , . . . � . . � � . ���.a� <br />� f �-�� <br /> . <br /> . �. <br /> � - _ . <br /> �"�"� Q��.B�3� <br /> WARFtAPi"�Y DEED <br /> � <br /> .�,� R1�oFI !�L NsEN BY `�IiESE PRESENTS: That �re, George W. Sass, a s in�1e maxi, and <br /> , A.lbert i�. Sass and Lue11a, E. Sass, husband and wife, hereirt eulled the �rantars,- 3.n <br /> cons:ideration of`kQrty-ttao Thousz�nd �ive Hundred ($4��500.00), receivefl �ro� <br /> k' ', do hereby �rant, bargain, sell, c�nvey r�rxc3 conPirm vntn the <br /> ; ; <br /> e: <br /> cz� ?� rr�arm isza�vv, rrE$i�,sxn_ <br /> a municipal corgeration in Iiall Cciznt,y, Nebraska, i�er�in caLled Lhe Grantee, �he <br /> ,� fo1S:rlwin� describeci rea,Z praperty ii1 Ha1� t;ounty, Iv�ebraska: ', <br /> ` � <br /> 1� tract o#' land comprising a pa.rt c+f L,ot 'Pwp f2), �•9ain3and, situa�e3 in <br /> the East HaZf of the Southea:si: �uastex '(��E4) of. Sectian k'c�urteen {11+), <br /> " . ' 'rrnanship Eleven {ll) Nari;h, �?an�,>e Nine (�) Wes-c oT tY�e 6th '�.?�I., in Ha,l1 <br /> U,; � Gounty, Nebraska, more par�icula,rly described as follaws: <br /> ; � ' ?3eginning at the nort:hwest corner o� said S,ot Two {2j, M�.inland, <br /> also 'bein� the northwest corner ot said East Ha12 a£ the Southpast �uarter <br /> (E�SE�} of Section I�ourteen {1Lt-); thence i�asterly along the narth line c�f' <br /> r said East Ha.l� :�f the Sautheast �2uarter (E-1��-SE,i—,) a distance of seuen hundred `' '- <br /> and eighty-nine hvndredths (70d.$9) feez; thenee southerly a.long a line <br /> si�c hundred t�aenty-i'�ur {624 j feet west af and psrallel tp the eas�t line <br /> of said Southeast �uar-ter (SEu) w dist�.nce o#' one tkiausand ssventeen and <br /> eighty-eight hundredths (l,Ql'7.88} f'eet to a gciinb on the northvresterly <br /> high b�k. of Wo�d River; chenc= deflec�cin� ri�ht 3�° 22* 40" and running <br /> scuzh4re�terly a2cng sa�d hi�h banY 3 distance uf ei�rhty-four a.nd ninety- <br /> ei�*,ht hvndredths (8�+.98) ieet; thence de_lectin�' 1r�ft l�a 49` �t7" asad<. <br /> �� <br /> « runs�ing southwesterly along said high'bank a distance <>� twa hundxed <br /> � thirteen a,nd sixty-szven hundredths �213_67) fest; thence deflectin� right <br /> � 48� 05` �y0" and running souttzwesierly along said-?zip,h bank a distasice oi' <br /> two lzundred twenty-�our and ninety-eight hundsedths {2?_�+,98) =eet; zhence <br /> deflectir� lef°t 33" 03` 20'` and rusu�ing southwester2y alor� said high b�� <br /> t a aistasice o�' two hvndred seventy-foux ar3d twenty-two Yiundred-�hs (27�.22) <br /> feeti; th�nce �e*lectir.g ri�ht ?_8� ?_2' S0" and running southwesterly along <br /> � :r said hi�h banit a dista.'ace of t�ro hundred eighty-eight and twa hundredtYis ' <br /> (2�8.02} lee� io the s�iest line cf said E�st FIalf a'F' the Southeast C�uarter <br /> (E�E,�—,); thezace ncrtherly alang the YI@St line of' said East Half o�' the <br /> : ,� Southeast �Zuarter (;1���j a �'i�tance vf :�ne thousand seven hundred forty- <br /> seven a:n�l nine�een hu,ndredLhs (1,7�+7,1�) i'eet to the place of be�it7ning, <br /> s�i�3 i;ract ec�ntaining 23.8�2 acres, more or less, vogether wiuh any accretion <br /> ` - �round there�:�. <br /> Ta have anci t�a h�ld the abave described premises tagether w�th al'1 tenements, <br /> heredita.saents and appurtenancea thereto belcngin� untca the C:r�ntee ;�.nd �c Grantee's <br /> successars and assigns iorever. <br /> " nn�a r,,-�nt.Qrs heretiy`ccvennnt witYi tlie Grantee t�r_d �aitY� Grantee's successors <br /> a�d assig�s thau ura.ntors are la:�rf'u11�� sei�ed :c� s�.,.in; tr�ati ihey are z'ree fram <br /> , ; erlctambrance, and that Grarltors have goc:d righi: �sid la;�rful r�uthority to convey the saine; <br /> r�nd"the.t Gr�tors warrant ard will def'end the title t.,o �remises a��i.nst t�ie 1�.wfu1 <br /> claiins.of ali pers�.ns whomsoevPr. <br /> „nya� ,�!�y_ �� <br /> ` ` �fJ rc��� <br /> .. . . ' . . � . . . . . . ,`.iBflX'€'y . ,�B.�S . . . _—. . .._.. . <br /> _ � I� ..�/') ./ <br /> , : 3+lEBf?�4�l4� GC3CtlS�:EPVTAC�I' �' . ���,/���r?/'.1.'' �� ` ��, <br /> 5�,�1�8P T,�.Y. � ,� ^lbert D Sas �= o� <br /> "!, " � x <br /> �,<, �1���.� ��f� �4 �r�".�W: <br /> > � .�'��'� �..�.iG���.�.� ��.. <br /> ;�''� -�+_;d<7 f:,,,t?,f`" T., ella E. Sass <br /> t � ��"Cs 7 � . . . . . . . � . . � <br /> � <br /> .. � . � . � . liH�BlV'1YJ:."i:i. . � . � . .. <br />��' . . � � � � . . � � . . . <br /> ��h;�. � .. . . : .. . � . � , . . .a.�� _ . . . � . <br />� � <br />