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•� � � � �� : �i <br /> � �� a�* „, , <br /> � ��. ���� ��i <br /> E��. �;�.s��.d'�� � � <br /> �a <br /> z , h!f]RTCAGE � <br /> nqoxrcnc�.i.aar�rro, L ??��g� •" ' <br /> � ' hraowa�.L�E�svTxEss:rc��s�rrrs:zn�c Larry E. Royle and Ceci7ia B. Ro;y�'�e each in his and her ` ` r ' ;1 <br /> 't� �r# '' � <br /> � � ohrn right and as spouse af ea�h.nther <br /> �` j M�artgugar,whexlirr ane or mcue,in cansideratian of the sum of � <br /> �,� �Ttri�rt� Tt�rn�cancl �anr� �11IIf i(1Qs�c __ DQLLr11tS <br /> t ,� loaned in sard.mortga�or by The Equitable 8tiii8ing ana Lowt Aswciation of Grand ts2and,Nabraska,hlartgagee,upon : :shares of stoc[c nf <br /> xr�; said ASSOCIATfQN,CertiElexite No,L�2 rjq� ,do 3icreby gcant, convey-und murtgage unm ihe snid ASSOCIATIDN.the fo2lUwing ' �; <br /> � described reai est�tc,situutod in ljall Count'y,Zvebraska: `? <br /> .. <br /> � <br /> � <br /> �;;� <br /> � a <br /> �.,.� <br /> „� LOTS ONE'HUNDRED ELEVEN (111) AND"ONE HUNDRED <br /> � k TWELVE (12�) IN HA►J7HORNE PLACE, LQCATEJ ON'PART OF` � <br /> ,,� <br /> � NW� OF SECTION 22, TOWNSHiP 11 NQRTH; RANGE 9 WEST OF <br /> � <br /> �q� fiTN P:M. IN THE CITY OF fRAND ISLAND, HALL CL}UNTY, <br /> .,� <br /> :�� NESRASKA. <br /> �:� <br /> ',t <br /> +� togafher with'_all [he,tenements,hereditsments and appurtcnsnces thereuato betunging,including ettuehed Iloor covcrings,aU window scrcens, � <br /> winxiow s}4ades,blmds,storm windows,nwnings,liaating;air conrlitioning,mid plumbing and water cquipmenc and accaswries therrtv,pumps,stoves, ` <br /> � � refrigerators,and other,Cxtutes and equipment naw or hereafter attechod to or used in connecuon witlrsaidreal estate: <br /> � <br /> <) And whcreas tho said mcsrtgagor h:ts agreed and�oes herrby agree that the mortgagor shall and will pay all taxcs and astiessmcnts levied or <br /> -` 3 assessed,upon said pienvses az�d upon this mortgage and thebond secured tltcreby bal'yre tl�e sume shall beaome delinquene:tu Eurnislrspproved <br /> ,� insurancaupun.tiie.buitdiugson.saidpremisessi[uatedin.thasum.o(5��.3(���Q�. (�p�� . p;�ys61e�to.said..AS5OCiATION and' deliver�-tosatd <br /> 4 4 ASSOC2ATION2he poticies for said insurnnce;and n�f to commit ar permu any wiuTe on or a�out saidpremisos; <br /> � ln a:ise o£default in the perfocmance of any of thc terms ar�d c�nditions oF this mari�uge.ur tho bund securcd hereby,thc murtgagee:shvll, <br /> v�i on�:demand,6e�entitled.�to immediatc�.possession oF tfte�mortgu�,ed�preinises.anc3 thr. tnortgagar-hcreby-»ssegns,�.[runsfers and�sets over�to tltc <br /> mortgagee atl the renis,revenues:ind incoma derired from the mvrtgaged premises duringsuch time as the mnrtgage indebtediiess shell remain <br /> �a unpaid;and Uie mortgagec shall t�ave the p�wnr to apgc�int uny;+Sem ur ugrnts it muy desire fcyr tNe pucposc uf repairing said premises and renting <br /> q the same and collecting xhe rnnts,revenues and incnme,and iY may pay out of ssid incume alt expenses �f repairing said premises and necexsary � ; , ` '; <br /> � crontmissionsland expenses inoeure3 in renting and mana��g the same and of collecting rentals thcrefrom; tlu ba(ance remauung,if any;to bt <br /> app#ied toward tfie dischargr of said mortga�c indcbtedness;these rights of ehe mortgagee anay be exescisc¢at any time during zhe exastencr of sueli <br /> drfault,irrespectivc oC uny tcmporary waiver oC the ssme. <br /> � These Prasencs,hou�ever,are upon the Candition,That if the saiJ Mortgadur shall repay said loxn on or betare.Uie matuuty of said sttares by <br /> g payrnent;{sxy.mnnthly 2o said ASSUC 1AT10N oG fhe sum spccified in Ute Bnnd secured hereby as mferest and�nncipa(on sa�d lortn,onar before <br /> t�� the Twentieth day ot aach and every month,until said loan i�Cully paid;pay aU taxes and assessments levied agaiiast said�remises and on this Mortpage <br /> '� and:the Bond securad thereby,baf'ure delG�quanc}�;furnish npproved insurance upan the b�ildinss thareon u�thc sum of$ �O,OOQ.OQ paya6le <br /> '� tn said ASSOC[:4TION;repay Lo said ASSOCIATION ugon deinand all nwney by it paid fnr such tuxes,asxssmca[�and'u3surunce with incerext x4 <br /> n,,� tha rnaximum legalrate shernon from date of payment all of which Mortgagor hereby agrees to pay;�rmit:�o wuste nn said piemises:kcep and'comply <br /> h <br /> �y�� with.all ihe agcerments aa��conditions of tha Bond Par S$Q QQQ.QQ this day given by the s•rid Mort�agor to snid ASSC)(;IATlC1N,s�d comply <br /> with all tl�o requirements oC ihe Constitutian andBy�Laws ot'said AJSOClAT1pN; qien these presents shatl become null and voia,uthecwise tlmy <br /> n� shat3 iem;tin in full focce and may be Poreclosed at thc optiun of the suid ASSUilIA7'!�N ufter failura,for three ui�nths to make any oF sa�d <br /> �� paynients az be xhree n�canths%n arreacs in cnaking said anonthly payments,or t�kecp and �wmply wich the ugceemenu and ironditrons pf said BonJt. <br /> �'� and Moetgagor agrees ia havn a rec.eiver appointed forthwith in sucli fureclosure pruceedin�s. <br /> '� If thcrc is any rlxarjge in uwucrship af the rea!estate mortgaged herein,by sale vr otherwisc,then che entirc remaining indehtcdness.hereby <br /> ,;,� xecwred st�all,at;tho optian uf The Equitable Building and Loan Assnci�tion of Grand lslnnd,Nebraska,bCcame unmediatdy dua nnd paynble withaut <br /> further notice,znd Ylu sm�unz remaiaing due w�der ssid bond,and any wher bond i'ur�uiy additional adrances u�nJz tliereun3er,aliall,frum the <br /> x^j date o!'exarcise:of'said option,bear interest at the enaximum legal rate,xnd this mortgage snuy then be foreclased:ro sazisf'y ihe amount due un snid <br /> "�N bc�nd;and any�ther bond far ad.ditional ndvxnces,togethcr witti all sums paid by said The Equicahle Building and l:caun Assc�ciatiun of Grund I�and, <br /> �� Nebraska foe insuranee;ta�ccs and asxssments,and abstracsing escension charges, with intcrest theroc�n,from dnte of p¢yrrxnt at the maximwm <br /> legat raic, <br /> s� As provided'u�the Hond secured fiercby,while this mc�rtgage remains in ef£ect the mor[gagce may l�ereafter advance additfan�l sumx to the <br /> 1� makers of said B�nd,theu sssigns or successtrrs ic�interest,which sums sliall be witliin the security oE this mortgage the snrree as the Cunda originnlly <br /> ��„� se nd thercby,the totul nt of principxl riebt nat to exceed at any time thc orl�inal am�unt of ihis mortgaga. <br /> a� ' D ad his 2 y day of �"�dY`Ch A.D.�I`� �7 <br /> �..¢ � �� <br /> . <br /> , � ._.._.w�'..:. ----- „ <br /> '`'� �. - Y e ����_ ___...____ <br /> �� Cecil9a B; Roy��:, } <br /> � STA3'E OF NE9RA5KA,�` <br /> x�1 xs. On this S <br /> `�r COIJNTY OF HALL " 29tF1 dny vt r}dT'C fl 14 77 ,befare me, � y�,,.,�� <br />�`,� the w�dersigned,s Notary Public in and fox ssid Counry,perxanally cuma }�' � <br /> Lart^y E, Rtay�� artc! Ceci.lia S.;Roy�� each in his and h�r own right an�d as spouse of ach other �"�" ' } ' <br /> • �' �: �� : � . - , w a persanaUy�own to �� � ? r M f�,��. <br /> � me 1x�r tre 1}r�identi�s#�r�tin 5 �whoae�ame S d Y'8 affizcd to the�abc�ve insttume gox�S � �� and th@,Y severally.� � � ' �hy � <br /> '� ,-k�crz�Gclgtd ttt�ssid,irw*Yrumecxt to tw '��tE�4" ro2uuiruy ar:t a�ui atrra3. ' , ' <br /> ttt y <br />�"" :�?T.'tiI'w wy Lae`1.mHI atiF;aceaiYl 5aai tt�e�lutn nCor�texid. .r��. �j � �,� <br />, . . /fi L C��� <br /> � �� �. . <br />��. �f�EfVi RA t�nr�a v vn A n,V�Crr, • <br /> �- 3r,a K,�r .aS„� � � hot�r)'.!'vbliC <br /> R �� R � . � �Ji.,y�/.: .. ,/ 7/'� �/.G'��. . . . . . . . . <br />+ i ��+�9.,yl�t°r;.�.Fxd-7+}Uu.�1i- ld:�� .. � . . . . <br /> . . . . . I' .. �. . <br />� �. .. � . ,� � . . . . � � . . . � . . . <br />� ... . .. . . . . . � . . � � . <br />