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. , �.�� . . � . . . � . �`•4:, . � <br /> . . ...��' � �e <br /> . � . � . „�y.."� <br /> `� . . .. . . , . . .. . .. .., . ... . .. .. .. �.� <br /> �`� U�i�7�U <br /> , MORTGA!G6' <br /> { '.' �oKmc�r�t:,o�.r��vca.�; 72,605 ..�.% <br /> �'� rcrrownunt��vB�axiEsca�rs�cars:�rnat Wa7ter E. Schinkel- and Eleanor H. 5chink�i , each in his ;, <br /> 1? ' <br /> � ` ar�d her awn right and as spous�e of each rather <br /> ' Morrgagar,whcUier ana ur marc;in considerstion af the sum of ` <br /> � ` Twent�r Thousand a.nd :No/3iJm--------- , : <br /> _--'.._--_-_-'_'__'__ ____'-__-t__--__^--__---__'DC)LLARS <br /> 4 -: <br /> �ia� t � � <br /> � r. Iaaned to said mortgagor b4 7'hn Gquitable�2 d�it�,nnd Lusn Ass�aation�f Grand Istsnd,I�¢6raska,hlnfsgagee,u�iun z00 sliarCs oFsmck of <br /> � �� sai,d q5Si�C1ATtON,Certifxcatc No.L � �i5 ,do hereDy grxnt, convcy and r�ioriGage untu thc said ASSOCIATION thc fuUowicfyy <br /> � .� descsibpd:eal zscace,situated in:tiulI C�unty, �ebreskn: <br /> , � LQT SIK {bj IN CLAUSSER SU6DTVISION BEiNG A FART <br /> � , OF TNE WES7 ttALF 0� THE SOUTHWEST QUAR7ER (W�SW3�) ' <br /> � � � � � <br /> � OF SECTION 7WfJ (2) TOWNStfIA El.EYEN {I!) RRNGE TEN <br /> (1Q) WEST OF THE 6'�'N P.M. IN HALL COUNTY, NEBRASKA. <br /> ,:j <br /> ,�:,x <br /> i <br /> tc�gathar W+ith sll t)�e trnemen[s;iicrediramertts and appurtenxnces il�creunto belorigin�,in4luding attaclud tloor ccr��erings,slt window xcreens; <br /> ,' ; . � u�indawstia�fes,blu�ds,se�rm:windoa�s,awnings.lieating,airc<�nditionin�,andplw�ibingaiidwatrrequipmnitand�acressoriestliercYo,Pumps,stbvcs;. � <br /> : �� reSrigerators,ancl ot3xer liriures an�i equipment now ur heresfter attachrd to or used(n con4iectiun wilh sgid tesl cstatc: <br /> ,1nd whcxe�s tlte said murtfiugur lras agrced xnd does hcreby agrce that thr 4zc�rtgaeor shal! nnd will pay all r;�xes rnd assessmnnts ieviad ur: <br /> .�ssseascd vpcin sai3.premises�and upon this mwrga�tc snd the UiinB securcd thereb,v bef�are the ssF: ���? becume:cielinquent;tu�!'urnish.�pprotirod... <br /> $ ieasurance u}wn the buiidings on said preznixes situated in the szm of S �Q,OnO.0� paY�ble w aaid ASSCH:i.�FIqN attd to Jclivcr tu said <br /> �� �ASSOC'IATIQN the�policies tor said insurance;snd r�or to c+ialmit or permit xnv wast�un c�r nbout said premises; � � � , � � <br /> tti cax of�iefaidr in thc perfurmance of any uf 2hc terrtix and cunditions of this mart};:t�e ur tl+e Uond secured harebu,thc rnurt�ee sitnll; <br /> on dcmanl;br enkitled to imtnediate poss�^.ssion<af titc mortFaged premises and thc murtgagor licroby �ssi�tns, transf'ers an3 sces aver fo Ylxe <br /> mi�etgsger�ll ti�e rents,rcvenues and i�tcqine to hr dr.rived from the murtgsgcd prcmiscs during sirch timr as tl�c mort$sge indebtedness shail ramaui: <br /> iu�p;+�cl:�und��the�mcsctgagee shall Itavc thr pciw•er co appoint any agent or agen�s it.may desire fi�r.the purposa uE repxiring�suid�.premises�and�trntin$ .�. <br /> . �the same and ctailecting the rents,�rovenues and income,mxd it may pay�cauc of sui3 encuine all�eapensex ciF rcpairing��said pra:nises and,�ne�ssary. .: <br /> �,i.. . . . � ' ., <br /> ' • ci�tiuzussicins and e;�penscs uicwccd in ranting ynd masiagu�the saaze and of c�ilrcting iertala therefroni: tlie bxlance rcinainfng,if n�iy; tv ba <br /> nz <br /> �� '���� � . :i.pp3ir.d t�}ae�discHarge�F.ssid rocxi&age indebted�iess;tlztse rigtyts of the mortg3�cc muy b�rxercised�a[an}+time�dLLr1nE.tha.exisCencraf such�. � �- :� � . <br /> �� �.afsult,in�espective�a[a�iy tenigorary�waiver uf tlie sarne.�� . � � � � � �. � . � � <br /> E � � � 9'hcst.piesenis;�howe�mr,are.up�n the Conditiou,'I'h�t if thr�nid Dtc�rtg¢gor sh�ll rcpay aaad loln on ur�t+eforc ilte matu[ity af 3:tid shacos by. , <br /> `� �=�� ��pay�mentt.�ay-mcanihly to said ASS(�"1.4TlON�o!ihe sum spcciiird in thr Bont1 secured t�creby as interest und printipal on swid ltran,qt�or bePora � <br /> t#ie Twentirdi�[av�sf each anci even•�nont2r,untii sxid l�an is f'ully pxid;pay all taaes and asu�ssments levied aguinst said premixes ns:d on[his hic�xtgn�e <br /> a � vnd��.the�'$ond secured ihareby;befure delinquency;furnish approvcd insurance.upon tlte 6nitdings thcraan in.ihe sum�c+f S��2Q!QQ(a,QQ����.raygUk � � <br /> ta said AS3QCTAT[�:d;repay to ssid ASSOC1AT10N u{aota dentand sll maney by it paid t'or sucli iva�es,�ssrssmnnts and instuancx with intcrrat�t <br /> ! itie maacimum legai rate theteun fn�m date ut pxyment ail af w•hich,�faxtgagar heraby s�rc¢s tu}�a,v:permit no���aste on said pretnises:kecp snd cc�tii�aly <br /> , � <br /> ;,'�� � with�aI1.Uie agrceme��ts and c:n�nditiqns af ihe�8ond for 5 �(�s{��p.()(]this�day given b}•ilie said.Morr�:a+gor tu ssid ASStX:IATtON;axtd w�ttply� <br /> . b H°�t:h alA zhe requixemnnts at'tho t:onstitutiun und By-Lnws c�t ssid ASS+b�'IATtUN:then ihese presents YhuJl becumo�iuil ynd vc�id,uUierwise they <br /> sfvtit remoin in ta1P (brce xnd ma> br fcurecdou.�d nt tlie optiun oC ihc said ASSCIC:IATIC?N at'ter Cnilure fur tlisee montlis to niodlcc snv of said <br /> , c <br /> ��pay�ntnts.�ur,bc Yhrce�r[iunths in arrears i�n makir�said moiathl_y ynyments,.or to krep an�comply with th�egreements at�d�rondAtiotfs ok�said Bund;.��� <br /> �"x �� .. . anrt Mortgagc�c�ngrees loltsve a raceiv¢[�appuinted�forthwiih.i�t such foreclosurr proceedings: � . . � � � . <br /> a ]F there is any chvnse in otimersh,ip aC ihe rcal atatc martgagad lxcrein,hy�le or ozl�eiwise,th�n the cntirc rei2witxuig indcdcedness hcieby <br /> ; ;� securtd sha71,at the uptic�n uf The Lquitablc 13iuldin�t�uad Loa�i Assuciauon af(;ran�i lslsnd,Nebrasku,becume immedi�tely due and payable without <br /> - � furthcr noxice,anu lhe amuunt remai�ling duc under suid bond,and aa�p•Utlier bond Cor any xdditional sdvsnas made thereundcr,sttall,froan ttic <br /> �iate nf exrrcise of snid optioai,be�r intuest at ttie maximum lega#ra�e,an�}this mort�age may then be furecloud to sntisf}�,the amount dua can said <br /> a <br /> brsnd,and:any oUier bond tor addit9on�s�iwances,togcih¢r wiih ali suma paid Gy saici The Equiiabl¢Building and Loan Associatic�n af Grand lslund, <br /> �-�7:�: �.� Nehrasica�.for.instu'unce�,rsxe3andmssess�uents,a»cl�ahstractingextensivnchsrgrs, wich�interr�t.t4eceon,�k`rum.d�te uf' paynttnt at t2te��ns�imum�.��� � <br /> ; � )egal ratt. <br /> y Asprovidad fc�thr Band securcd hereby,while this morzgagc[rntaii�s in effeci thc murtgagee ntay hecealter advance additio�aal sums tu the <br /> makers vf sxid 8ohcl,ttyau assi�ns oraucu swrs in interest,�vfiich sums shall be wiuun thn�ccurity uf this nwctgage the sama�s t4in i'wids originally <br /> � se:cured.ihereby,the tolal a�tx�unt ut principal.deb[n�t.tu eac�ed nt nny tisr�e tlie uri�innl.atnuunt uf lhis.nxottgage. . . � � . � <br /> I?aied this s'�h 3ay nf }�¢C'1 7 A.P..19�� <br /> 4 �� � " <br /> E. �a'i�er E. Schit�t��a7 � � �g�;,^ <br /> "�"���l��r4 7f"��o� .e°a.a..��r..w��.t . . . . .. <br /> Eleanor>N. Schinkel <br /> S'TATE OF'NEBRASICA.� a <br /> C4UN'fY CfF HALL �� C3n this �ttl da,y of /��r'j], 19]� ,betora me, <br /> � �F y"'a� �'� <br /> , ,s the undessigned,a Natuxy Yubiic in snd for said County,persvnatly came <br /> 9�fa]ter E,: S�cfiinke� and Eleanor H. Schinkel each in his and her own���ght and �§�r��g,��f� af � <br /> � each flLMer d� <br /> �..-, ma ko be ttso a�e-nticxi pecson S wha6e narn� 8t'E nffucod t�tlio abovr ins mort}�agur S and f:h8y sevarally ,:'� <br /> rn <br /> { �°4T.'�i�SS^t)'hs o ba thE7 T voluntary act and deed. /� __.� �y� <br /> � ' � nd arc�?dnLaria.i Sts?tS:r Qst_^afa+rrssic.: l� '+, , �.�-e"= .� - �" <br /> acknowled d ihe said attsfrtsxt�ent t <br /> �/'y '` <br /> ,I�,.y-G�+m��yi+.+ms . ,r' / ,^"7 ,/,.%'���. { �/ 1�sy..r,.,^f. <br /> Y y .{ AF.. ���''L^ i� <br /> �r ��� `..�' Notarp Publlc � <br />�' �,� 83,. r .>. t ,t� � � � � � �. � . <br /> ,� �,,........+.. . � . -,-�.. . -��"--�a� . .C.�,..- �y !�•-yr . . . � . <br /> r � <br /> k <br /> i. <br /> S � <br />