<br />�� _�
<br /> � ���
<br /> �� _ t� ""�.
<br /> ��'� (:�:;�'�1�
<br /> �, : R£s,i�Z; :ESTATF.�'Mt312�!GAGE
<br /> ¢
<br /> s TCbiL3W ALL.I�1EN BSC T33ESE I�'32ESEI$TS 't2'�AC TSE13i7 P.. E22ICI{5f3N attd
<br /> NA� �3.� E�tl+Cft5�323, 3��sbanci and w��.�e y i�lART23N D. �.RSE�T and-�t>�2.E'�TA
<br /> >
<br /> � I.. ;G1iR�3^sNy k2us3>and 3ttct ts'if�, 3t1�. FtEI3�2Y C. BACH acxd k2U�'H I. ,��GE3, .:
<br /> ' txu�s�d an�ti wii:+�# 3�ez�eina�ftas re�'err�d ta a�s 2lortgagcsr�� :,Lr�
<br /> �a��:�.+deratioan of th� �vim �s� �a�e fi�sandred �'i've ThaLasan3 Thre�
<br /> Y �u�are� rr�.ne �n,a ��l�.�o��s ��.i�rs t��.a�,�a�aag) s.n r,arna �a�.a,:
<br /> , c�o 3�+ar+eb� as+a13. and convey unto �c��tEhzH wT» 's"��,P;� �.r�d ;xoSF i�s�ARY
<br /> ', STA�B� t�us�and and wife, her�ina:�°C�*r r2fer� �o a�: �Rartgaqe�!e,
<br /> ,- th� �o,t3.r3winq clesarit��e+d prems.�e� sitcaateai'�ri 1E�aSZ CountYr Nebraskar
<br /> �ts d7ne t 1) , Tari�s E 2;) . �rhre� (3� , rour
<br /> (•�d r �3.rre< t51 . Ss.x (63 , Sex.en (73 .
<br /> Eigltt. �9�°, Nine (9) and �l`we3ve (32) .iz�
<br /> 33�L5 secor�d Stiabdivision, an additi�ssn ta
<br /> �Lh� Ci.ty of Grand Z�land, �iall. County,
<br /> IV�b�as3ca.
<br /> iTd t#AVE 111v� TO I30LD the premis�s above describ�ct with a�.l
<br /> th� ;apPurtenance� thereunt+� belongin�g uzxto the �aS.c� iKortgage�s
<br /> :. anci trts t�teir h�?�.rs or pers<�nai repres�:ntati.ves, Eor�v��, �rra3ridec3
<br /> a3,+wayr��, �r►d these pa:'esent� ar� upon the expr�ss conditiran- that,
<br /> iE t�h� a��aresas.d Mortgagcars, their heirs ar persona:l repz'�suntativ�ero�
<br /> ;'. sha3.1 p�sy° or cause Co be pa'sd to the �aid Mortctageesr their
<br /> h�irs or ��r�o�a1 repre�entatives. the sum of �On� �undred �itr�+e
<br /> . ' �'h�►usand'Three Hundred; Nin� and 49�'lAOths L�ollars ��1C�5,3Q9.�9) ?.
<br /> e +u,r,r�.th: it�t+er�e�t th�x�n, payabl�e alI accordi�g to �.he tet�Lt�e� art3:'
<br /> ��f�e�t of a certain Pzomissa�p I�Tote executed by L3FrAN ft. �RI��S55C]N
<br /> anci ivs�c3a'��i� 3. �Tt��CRsi?N, husband and wife� MARIC)N D. i.�RS�N and.
<br /> LiJRE�A �. Lt�,12SEN. hu�band and wife, and 3�TENRY C� 13ACl3 �,nd RLDTi3 '
<br /> I« 33�Ct3�` Yeu�b�a3ci and wife, axxd delivered to KFtQAiEgTfT W. S'SAA}3
<br /> �nd i2�S1E �Y STAAF3. husband and wife, an .7anuarys 1, 197"7, and
<br /> a�ha:L�. �a�y all taxes and assessmenta levied upon sa3:d real �state,
<br /> , axld kei�p �Ch� busldinge nr�- said premi�es insured. then th+�se
<br /> pr�ni�es ta ;be �*oid, otherc.rise ta be and rema3.n in fv1.1. f�rcra.
<br /> �t is furttxer agreed (l) Tlaat if the saic3 M�rGgagaxs sha31
<br /> �ai2 to ;p�ay 4uc3� Caxe� ar proeure auoh insuranc�, t�.e said Mtsrtqage�e�
<br /> ` �sY E�Y such taacea and procure such insuranc�; ar�.d the sum eo_
<br /> advan��3, with �nt�rest in accordance with the said Prom3.ssory
<br /> Note shai3 be �id by saiti Mortgagars, and this 1!�3ortc�age ehg1.3
<br /> �tand as securit,y �or the same. (2) fihat a fai.lu.r� to �a}* any
<br /> t�f sa�fl m+r�n�y, a�ither prin�ipal or interest when thrr_ sam�, b�cc>et�e�
<br /> c3ue, or fa.ilure to eomgly with aI1 of the �oreyoing agr�ements,
<br /> , s�aa.Ii eause th@ whole sum of moneg Rer�in secura3 to ksecom�
<br /> �ue and co�.iecti.bl.� at once at the nptior� o� the �Sort+3agee�s.
<br /> �igned this �- da,y af l+,pril, 1.�7'I.
<br /> � ..1
<br /> � .' , � �
<br /> .,
<br /> . � ,_.°r` �� ,.�� l. � °��7.�rG.�'. �� '�i�' .
<br /> A'�_.I <�«.: i, _ _ ,t�. � ,......,
<br /> DeBn . �rsc son _ ~ N�i J. c c�tsn
<br /> �, .
<br /> � �.,�:""�r�--�,� „y,?,:rr�... �r... .`"�� ;?✓ � .,
<br /> °�.
<br /> , � r ,�::..�.e . ,
<br /> ��.�t3a12�ySe� L��C'etCa Z,. I.�r.��n:�
<br /> �
<br /> - """�� fl� `' . r�, -� ;} �-� %
<br /> . . .,,I,t'--c..-'�-3..�...«-v �,... l'i�z,...•- � t r,�.. �.:,•u:'��.µ`�`�.... !,.��. �y� .�'�_.t,,..�,s ��...,�..;,,'. .. .
<br /> � . � . Y#I1r� . �r,+��".,�I ��� �� .i... �3�C� . .
<br /> � . . �. . � , � . .
<br /> ST1#T� OF NEBRASR�I )
<br /> Cssr ;
<br /> C4UPJ'TY O1r Ei7LLL; ) '�4:f '-«�*,,
<br /> t�► th3.� f d��r cai A�aril, I977, tbe�or� rne. t}t� under��.r#,r�ed, ,�.,
<br /> � Nota3� Pubx�u�.�,r '-ecammis�i:arsegd an� qualifi�ci for in �said �;'�x
<br /> � . t�`+�ltit�� � � ;�,;`�
<br /> tr 3► p�rsotsa3.Y� �az�te . 3.eltscn �nd Narsm�. J'. Er�ckacan. �� ,.
<br /> . ,, .
<br /> � he3�b�r�d. �s�e3 w�,�+�. �,c� .m� . " ., c�wn a�d aekanowiedq�!r� thcs =,
<br /> �sce��tti�aa th�r�c►�E to l�b -���9tii7t�ini�►r�r ae� ��� r��e��
<br /> #'�l.��as m� hatss3 c��td����'$�.'�,^,� ii� saa.3 Caanty, �he day ' '
<br /> aaad y�eaas laaL �3�sv�e �3� � ' "'
<br /> �Mna�a�sa�y�v : ,'
<br /> ,, � xa�a.t : - . _
<br /> �� ��"���.,.. �� '� �
<br /> 4 k �`r � �,,
<br /> .
<br /> � � � , �
<br /> �:� .. . t :�'�k ;. ' r
<br />�1.: . � �:� Y � ..
<br /> �.K'�`"''`
<br />�
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