, � ��.:
<br /> ; ,� .-�
<br /> � �
<br /> ,.,.
<br /> �i�- ���.�Q�
<br /> `
<br /> ' n�n�t�rcnr.,�
<br /> t� �aox2rnc;�:Lc�.a�r�c�. !.`22,3�2 MGIC
<br /> �''� �owAu.�r:�vn�n-�ts�rxEsr�rs:��i,ar �teven M. 3�undei3* a singl�e person
<br /> i�,.
<br /> Mortgageu,whcthes nne ur morc,in�onuderaiion of tlse stcm of
<br /> ' Tha t-twan��2�s�and �i�Y and Nhl�Clflw
<br /> --- —^-----_�__ ___�_ __--------- --- ---- ixJLL�e11t5'
<br /> n�,..� lo�ned cew said mortga�c 6y Ttte Equi2a61e Hutldang a�td Laan.Assvciatian�f Grand Is1a�d,Nc3�raaica,:'�loitgagce,upons++r 30� �liares of stc3cic�f
<br /> said ASS(9C[A77�N:Certificate No.L ��Ls���: ,zlo)icreby 3runt,convev a»3 mu�2�age untv Uie said AS�OCIATiON the;i'uilc�wing
<br /> z ° destri�acal estaic,situaCod:h�I�ali Cauniy.Nnbtas�ca: ; �
<br /> ,,
<br /> � LOT"FOR7Y-NTNE {49j, IN WE57 HEIGHTS ADDTTION ' ;` '`
<br /> ! . . . , . . . . .
<br /> f . . . .. . . ...
<br /> � . . . . . . . � . .
<br /> i��. , . . � � � . � . . . .
<br /> Iqn
<br /> � _� �h�Rcihcr��.with.all thc tcnements,hereditaments and appurtena¢�rs cherevnto trelisnc.ing,inclu�i�ng attac2te�i l7out cuveria�s,�.all��vv»Iow Scre+ens,�.�.�
<br /> ,.�� �+'induw.shadcs„bPinds,stvx�m�l�imtows:,awrunEs,hGaiing,air cnnditionin�„aiid.plutrabitih und�vater ec�cuipmeni a:nd.accessuries�thcretu,�pmnpx,stot�es,�:��
<br /> . refrigecax.:�rs;anc3 oihor iixtiires anc�c.yuipasriui eiaN�:�,r a�A�:����i.,., .,�..,...,.�;:. ;:s:'u er�.c,..,i...,t.,vn.:j•i2!:M:kd.:e�?esf�±e.. � � . � . �
<br /> !l+��i v.�he.reas the said rrraxt�agor has:�zrced and does hr:reby agrce tlixi shc m��xi�;:�gor shal]and will taay all ts�es and ussessnxnea ie��ed ar
<br /> asxssed u�un s;+id premises and ii{xtic�this morig�gc and ttic b<�nd secured UxercUy het'ore clic same shall become detutquent;iw turniaki apE�rn��ed
<br /> � insurxncc�upori�afxe beiSldirtgs�an said premtisc.a�iiwntr.d in Uta siun uf S �.~i�17�0..Q0� � {*a4�abie !w.said AS5OC.IATIUN arrd-to deliver t� said �.
<br /> . ASSOCIATION�the polieies fc>r said msura.n��e.;anci nuc tc�eoir3��aiit ar�xnnit a»y e�aste on or aliuut saiei.premises... . . .
<br /> � � . Tzr casc.iit�default ii�tlie perf�rrnancx oc any of�the�terins u:id conditii3ns uP this ntarYgaga or rhe Uond�xaured ti�eschy;tlia ar��c[ga�ce,sltall�,�.
<br /> � on demaad,.Ue en.iitlyd to.inimcdiatc{wssrssic�n�uf tiie anortgagr�prc�x�ises.�xnrl xllc murlga�cir hex�eb�� ,�a�ip;��s,.transfcrs�and�:seta��c7v�t t�a ilte�
<br /> � tiaort�agee.ail i:he rents,re.�renues�an�incnme ro br derived(rom the morigaged prernisrs during suclt time as the.�x�urtga�indebiodness�shaU ren9ain��
<br /> . unpaici;and tlzc mc�rfgager�shadl.liave thc po��•er to appoint.�ny:sNc.ni or a�tents it may cicsare�f�r Y.he pur{nasi^.of�repsirin�saici premises a�td reniing .
<br /> � the same and cc>Itec[ing�the re��ts,revenues und incume,and ii mxy pay oui oC suid incwne all e�per�ses��f repauing said pxernisr5 ar3d-neixssaiy���.�
<br /> � � cc�mmiasuans and�cxFmnses incurred ia renring a�iS ittanngiug the sa�xze and ��l` collecting rent¢Is tI1C[CI�Y01T1;�tI1C balanc.r iemaini��,if any,tca be�����
<br /> apk�lied lowar�i tlec dischacge u4 sx�d�nnrt�;age iridcbtedness;thesr ri�;h�s c�t the ar��rt.gafiee ma}•�e eaexu�ed al any fime dvring the c�istonrc of such
<br /> defauti,�irrcApertive oi uny tetn}.x�rarv�vaiver uf'the sante. . .�
<br /> ,i� � T}iese�Vreser.ts.hnwtvrr,are upuat tl�cConlitic�n.1'hat if titc saia\2oc�t�agur sflali.repa��sai�Inan un or beleare�t:tie mxturity.uP�xgidsharasby
<br /> � pavtaienU pxy mianii�iy ix�said :ASS(3C�:tAT1C)N eC ti�e sum s�ecativd in tlie E3pnd aecured Nercby�as ixaterest an�prirrci�gui o�i said loan,un pr be€urk.�:
<br /> � ihc 7"wer�tirtli..day of each un�i rver��moni.h,unt�l said 1a:�n�s t`ully�pxid:r�y all taxes asid aa��ssments le�`ied agmictsf said premises and un tliis.T9urtgagte�.�
<br /> . � az�d thn E3�ittd.se�ured thercliy,L+cuare deiinyucncy:(urniala�Fiprrivrd insurartce vpon t}ae huildings thereon in the sum c?f'�$ ��j��QSQ.;QQ: Pay.�k�ie��:
<br /> tu�wid�ASSCIC'tAT"Il:1N;r�epa��t�i axid.,-151(:?C:lA7'I()ti upuu Scmaird�ll motirY-hy it pa�d i'or such taxea,�xssessrnettts nnd insutance.with.ultcYeSfat.
<br /> � tt�c m�ain�um iega3 rutc d�ereot�li�om d:�tr uC payntcnt stt u�which bic�rtga�or l�eicby ugrces to pay:�rrnit no wast¢.un s�id�+remises;ko¢p�ana conaply�;:,
<br /> u-nth aN tfxe agreeriacnts:and o�nc4itions of thc Bm�d fi>c S �g Q5fJ this ii•ry givrn by tlie said hlort�ugor to aiid A$SC)l:!iT1C1N,:2itd caanplq��.
<br /> with all tftia requ'ueinents of the Cx}nstitutiun a»d 13ylaws oC�°aid;�SS�IA710\;thcn �.3icse presents ahail 6ecatnC uull��ond vaid,othecwisc t.hey�.�
<br /> . shaU rema.iu in fuil force und »�ay bc(oreeiuscd at the upii.A�i af the s:+id ASSCK.(A9']ON aller ta.ilurc�lur tR�rae months lu ssialte uuy of �aid� .
<br /> pa}�mrnts ur be.tia[er nwnl.l�s in arrcars ie�mai�ing s:ud munUiiy paymenl�:�ar tu i:ee{a;m�cuntply wiflt ihe�t;ceetuetita and ci7xt�iitivns uf said$:at1�1;.
<br /> and M�art�,agnc�a�rx�es to liave�raceivcr ap��uinA�cd Curt.h��itit i�i st.iclz foreu�nsuxe pruceedings. � � � �
<br /> lt tlrere is utxy cliange in cnwarTsliip of che real e?laxc morigugae�herein,bY s:+14 or utlxerwise,tls�n ll�e eiatire ceniaatiing iaxdebtodyaess hersby
<br /> se.�ured s.S�iali,t�t�lie op�ii�n ot�1'tic l�quitabir Building anu�Lua.n Aa+ucia�ion i>f<�raitd ishu�d.Rebi�asl:a.bea>me izitmeJiaiely�due arid payahle�vittxcwt..
<br /> n
<br /> k � iurthc�r xtotice,�anci it�e xmiaun[.re�xi�inirjg due iutder s:aid hun�i,end any ut.faer bond iac any aeiditixa�ial advan�Ys m�ile eiiercun3er,�shu(1,Cr�tt1 41ic
<br /> � date of'csci�cise oi sai:i optinn.t+ear inicress.ai�I�e ma�iinum legal i�ic,nnd ihis rciortgage may then br ftxeclosed lo�udsfy t1�e�am��urft due.on�s.vid � � � �
<br /> ,u
<br /> � UonJ,a»ei at�y athrr hond liax�ddit�vnuf atl�m�uxs,togethar witi�a13 sunu paid by sxixi 1:lie fiqui�dble fiuilding.azad Loaa AsaoCtatiunUt Grand txl$nd, � .
<br /> : � Nebrasi<a lrar 3nsurance��[uxe:s ar�d assessnre��ts,a4�d abs[racting cxie��sicm chsrgos, �ait1� int.arest therer7n;from dutC�uf�yment..cft the�paxit�um� � �
<br /> legal ratt.
<br /> � ��+p�rovided in the IIund sucured IizreUy,wl�ile tliis rn��rtgage rcrnairis 1n e17'ret. tlxc�u�.irtgagne rnay.hereuftar advanc:e additiuKwl sunis Gu t.fte �
<br /> . makers�o�i��;fid B«nd.thei��ass�,[ns uc successors in inlereat.whlei�.su�ers shafl be wilh7n the sreurity.if tliis:t�ore$agt the sa.i�io�s.dte funds u��iginully
<br /> � sec�u�ed thereby,tiie tufai amc�rant oC prir3.ciy�a!debi nui t<i ex,red:�t any time tt�a qG�iginal a�nount ol'lfus euurtgagc. . . . .
<br /> n�ce���,;, 28th a���,r Septernber ,i,�>..iu 76
<br /> -w���_�_
<br /> '�'��.�'.�.���'_.__._ ..___.___.__
<br /> Steven M. Lundell
<br /> STATE Of N1=.BRASKA.� �s: t)n this Z���l day tti $E'ptp.JTl�1�t' 1�)7�i ,befurc mc,
<br /> C OI.�NTY t?F HAI.,I. ,,h,
<br /> . � � . � � the un3ersi};ned,n Notary Fublic in snd for saici Cuunty,}�ersutrally rame, � :. ° � ,�'a ,
<br /> S�even i�. Lundet'i, a �inglz person �,
<br /> � � ���}ia 1 S prrs�inally known tu � � ..� �
<br /> � �:. ���:sc .. . .
<br /> tne tU be�the idrntical}�arson ;���kwa6ar�.�L,,l S�..� afd`ucet!to flae above inat.rwiient as itenitgag�r and h����j�J(�1( � .��#,��
<br /> � , ackiww3edged the said�insuupye��R�'n,i�t i i:ru�i,�'," , <�<,yoluntmra�..acM�und�ee�1. ,...` � � '.-�.�i"`�;
<br /> u'I'1'�i��tpzi;�haft�a»d Nt,t�.a!'�ad,i�'�da�c:�k�.xe..-��.� �' � . . '�'��., .
<br />�, . . �r.:+ r� r. � ,�#` !��� '' ' ' -—. ,
<br /> .i;i C' 1ut ,u..:a�' kAlch�.�� !'. , ..� i� a .
<br /> � �r' � � --�'�=t'��� �-._..__:�
<br /> � ,� `r�s" ''r �_�s�'_��r:.M...._
<br /> � . . �
<br /> � �: W »
<br /> , , �« �,: hufary Pubtic
<br /> . � 6�A.8A1 R1
<br /> �vS
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<br />�s . .. .. . � L.�..... . � � �..�.. �
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