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<br /> �'� �. � �r:
<br /> �'41 0 0 l �9� REAL fSTATE /V�C?RTGAGE
<br /> THOMAS J. WOt7ASZEWSK! f1ND ROBiN R. WOCTRSZEWSKI ; husband and wife' �ach in his
<br /> •-: and. her own riqht and as spouse of the other ' .
<br /> � . txf We�ounty of Ha I} ���te ot Nebraska hereinafter called the paxty of the first parE,in �
<br /> considexation of TH t RTY TS�10 THOUSAND THREF HLfNBRF� ANFJ NQ%�0�—...__.r.._'___---------'--- 'F+OLLARS,
<br /> ta'haad paid, do herebg grant,bargain,seli and cronvey unto the Home Federal Savings&Loan Association of Grand Island,
<br /> � � +�. s_ � ��.
<br /> .
<br /> Grand istand,Nebzaska, and its xuccessors and Ha 1 !
<br /> '"` ass38as, the tollpwing real estate,siYuated+n
<br /> � Cuuaty,State of " �`deb ras ka ;._, towit:
<br /> e'
<br /> ., k ' .:� . �.. : .
<br /> u1 . '.. � . �...: .. . ... . . ' �� � �. � � . ,
<br /> ..,`r ,-' .
<br /> y , :
<br /> .
<br /> �.;�, _ � � � � ��� ��
<br /> Together wlth all the appurtenances ihereuactp belonging,and all covenants in atl the title dieeds runniag wit6 said real estate,
<br /> � and all the rents,issues aad proSts azising therefrom after default in performance of any coveaant or conditlan herein con-
<br /> tained; and w,axraats the title:thereto perfect and clear except for this mortgage.
<br /> ; , During;the time tfiis mortgage is in force the mortgagors agree: ,
<br /> � First To pay all tates and special assessments levied against said premises, including all taxes and assessments levied �
<br /> upon this mortgage,or the debt secured by this mortgage.
<br /> Seeond To keep all butldings thereom insured against loss by fire,lightning and tnrnado in some company, to be a�r
<br /> j ,�, proved by the said Home Federal Savings & Loan Association of Grand 7sland in the sum of $ �n Gu rab i P va i eie far
<br /> the benefit of the said Assoeiatian,and its successars or assigns; and to deposit said policies with said Associution,and ahall not � ;
<br /> commit or suffer any waste on said premises, and shall put and keep said real estate buiidings and improvements in good
<br /> orden
<br /> ' Third. To pay or cause to be paid to the Hame Federa2 Savings dc Loan P ssociation of Grand Lslaad, its successors or �
<br /> a��Q++=,tt�e sum of� �HIRTY TWO TNOiISANn THRFF Ht fNllRFtl AN�ni�Q�__________________ DOLLARS,
<br /> - : paYable as follows: _ �-
<br /> ; ' $32,3Q0.00 DUE APR�L 1 , 1978
<br /> �
<br /> cvitL fnteresi thereonpayable,according to the tenor and effect of the one certain first mortgage��o,,te of said mortgagors, �
<br /> bearing even date with these presents. AfLer maturity said bond draws interesk at the rate of���i�r cent per aanum.
<br /> � , � '- If said taxes aad assessmeats are not paid`when due, or i.f the buildings on said premises are not imsured as above prn ..:.,
<br /> vided,or if ar{y uf eaid interest is not paid when due,then said whole debt shall becnme due immediate�y,at the option of the �
<br /> said Association,and sha3lthereafter draw intereat at the rate of niae per cent per aanum.
<br /> The mnrtgago� hereby assi�_ to said mortgagee a12 rents and fncome arising at any aad all times from saxd �
<br /> � property and hereby authorize said mortgagee or its agent, at its opUan, upon default, to take c�arge of said property and �
<br /> tolYect all rents and iacome therefrom and apply the same to khe payment of interest, principai, insuranca premiums,#ases,
<br /> � assessments, repairs or improvements necessary to keep said property in tenantable condition„ or to other charges or pay-
<br /> . ; . "" ments provided Eor herein or in the note hereby secured. This rent assignmenk shall aantinu,e in force untii ttie unpaid bal ��•4
<br /> ance of said note is fully paid. The taking of possessioa hereunder sl�all in no maaner prevent or retard said mortgagee in �
<br /> the colleetion of said suma by foreclosure or otherwise.
<br /> Whether said debt bernmes due by lapse of tSme, or by reason of the failure af the party of the Hrst part W camply y
<br /> � witl�any condition herein,Lhe said-Home Federal Savings & Loan Associaiion of Grand Island,the successors and assigne,
<br /> sha3J have the right to begia the Eoreclosure of tlus mox�tgage at once on the whole debt hereby secuced, aad to,iaclude
<br /> therein aIl taaes>assessments,-insurance P���s and costa, paid by it or them: or said Association, its successors or �
<br /> assigas, may foreclose only as to t�e sw:..past.:''•e, .:i:ksou�.injury Lo ihis mortgage, �or the displacement or impairment �
<br /> of tLe lien thercwf. �
<br /> And the said firsY party and Yhe makers of said note, especially agree and declare that the separate estate of each and
<br /> �" every one of thern, inclnding both that now owned and that hereafter acquired, ia pledged end bound for the pavmeat of �
<br /> � the+•debt 3ieraby�eeured. ��
<br /> Aft�' ti�e eqmmencement of any suit in foreclosure the p3aiatiff thereia shail be entitied tn the immediate possession of �
<br /> � ' said pre�ises aad the appointment of a receiver therefor, notsvithstandiag they may be the horaestead of the oceupant and
<br /> �-^ �� nuCwithstanding tlie parties iiable for the debt may be solvent; and the first party herebp coasents to�e ap��n**�+ant of a
<br /> ltseeive3'upon,xhe praduction af th3s indenturn, without other:evidence. `""=� "��°*
<br /> The foregoing conditions and agreemeats, aii and singular;being fuliy performed,this convepance shall be void;athen 'n ',� ` '� "
<br /> �csge tP be and�remain'�fuil force and effect , � ''��
<br /> � ��`� .
<br /> :>
<br /> '� 'sigaad�tp 4�'h" �day 18� ' � � � `��'�^�
<br /> � � ��
<br /> ' Ii1.Presence of t
<br /> y ' �� . ._ . � . . . � . �y:�T,35. M. .yx� . :,:
<br /> ;. . '� . . . r�&SZ�dSec�l s.
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<br /> ,� . , . . . u.l..' r � � • ..
<br /> ' , .J"f I.�t/�-�� Gc.1.:�K.c-i . ..
<br /> obin R. YJoi aszewski
<br />�,
<br /> �, , �
<br />�
<br />