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. . . . . . .. . � . . . � . � . . � 5, ' i�. . � . <br /> � . . . . I ���`� � . . � .. M <br /> , <br /> � . . . ... .:�:. _ . . . . .. . . . . . . . .. . . . � � <br /> . . . . . . . . . . . • .."^i+i�.. <br /> �� � . . . � � ��, <br /> �i {� <br /> ��al ( � `.T � `-' . "' �+ . . . . . � . <br /> � ' TO` H�ti'S Arti� TC3<HoLD tl�e s�zne untu tlze 3Sortgaget>.. as taerein p�•ovided. �l4ortgagor re�aresents tv, <br /> and couensnts �vit�x, the �dor#gagee, that the �Jiortgmgor has �ood right to sell and conue_v said premises ; <br /> , : th�rt �hey are free frnm eneumbrance,'eacept as hereinutfier^�yise recited ;tizat ttze Mortgagor �rili c��sxrunt <br /> aaad defend tt�e same against ihe i�.�ti�ul clauns of all persans �s*homsoever: :liort�agor hereby relinquishes <br /> alt rights crf t�omestead;: ali marital rights. eat2ier in Ia�- or in equit�; and a2i other conts`ngent interests of <br /> , t#►e �fortgagor in ,anc� Lo the abo�e-described premises. <br /> , , �` FRovi��r ALv�*A�s, and these prase.nta are executed and delivere3 u�wn the foliazviug tonditivns, to <br /> , E svit : w <br /> `' " � T►3ortgagoragrees ta pay to tlae ?�3ortgagee, or order, the aforesaid priz��ipai seim �•ith interest from date ' <br /> � at the rate o£ eight per centum ( � . a;"e ) �r �nnum an tlie ungAid ►�alance untiI �aid. <br /> � ` The said prinei anfl interest shall be p.�yabte at the officae o£ �'1rst Federal Saviu�s an� I,oan <br /> ; � Associ tion oi i,incoln . <br /> , � in I,inco?n , or ai such other piace as the t}ol�er af the note rnay designate in <br /> wrFting deiivered, or mailed to the Mort8�8�r, in montltly instalinaents nf `i'wo liundred Twenty-�ight �n� 2i�;f1C�- <br /> ; � Doi3a�s (Y 22$ : �3: ) ; commencing on the first day of June , 19 �� and cdntinuing o�s <br /> e. , ; the first day of e�ch month tliereafter until sa�id nate is fuily paid, earept that, if not sc�oner psid, the finnl <br /> ; paYmeat of prineipal and interest sh�.lt be dae and �Ayuble on the first daF of N� y 2C3�7 ; ai! <br /> { ; according 'F.fl the terms o# a certain promissory zxote of even date heree�•ith eaecnted by the said Dio:�tgagor. <br /> '1'he �iortgagr�r further agrees : <br /> 1. E�e s�-s11 pay the indebtedness. as liereinbefore y�i•ovided. Pri�-ilege is reserved to prepay ai an�; <br /> � time, i�ithont premium oi• fee, the eaitire isidebteaness or ac�5� part theret�f not 2ess than the amount of ot3e <br /> ` installment, ar one hwndred dolIars ($100.00) , whichever is iess. Pregas.ment iri fuli shat3 be credited on <br /> ` the date reeeivec3. Fartia3 prepaYment, other than on an instaliment c3ue date, need not be aredited untii . <br /> ` '� the neat ft3llowing installment due d$te or ihirty days aft,er such pregayment, whichever is exrlier. <br /> � r - <br /> � = 2. Toget�er K ith, and in addi#aon to, tixe monthiy payments of principal aud interest payable under <br /> . : ; the #erms of the note secured herebg, :��ortg�agor tiviA pa3� "to Mortgagee, a:s trustee, (undea the terms of this <br /> ;;' ; . trw�st ;sa hereinafter stat$dj on the first day of each month until said no�e is fully gsid _ <br /> ` ;� (a) A aum eqzaai to the gronnd ranis, if �azy, ne�:t due, ptus the �aretaiiunas that tir�ill naxt b�come due <br /> ? anfl paS�ahle on palicies of fire and other haaard ansurance covering the mort:gaged property; <br /> ' , f glus ta�.es aiid assasstnents next c�ue on ttie moitgagad property ( ali as estimated bp the �iort- <br /> ^° p gagee, and of �s•hich the 1l3ortgsgo�: is no:i$e� ) less all sums already paid there£ar divided by <br /> the nutnber of months to elapse before aiie rnonth prior to the dttte «•hen such ground rents, <br /> gretniuzns, taxes ai3d rsssessments .c-i11 become delinquent, such sums to he held bv Mortgagee <br /> � " in trust to pay suid gi-ound rents, premiums, ta�es and special as�essmenis. <br /> (b ) The aggregate oi the ari�ounts pa3-ab2e puisugnt to subparagra�h (a) �nd those pas*able on the <br /> note secs�red hereby, sh�li lae paid in a single ��a�•ment each motith, to be appiied to the foitotiv- <br /> , ; ingitezns iu the order stated : <br /> � "� ( i ) gi°ound rents, taxes, assessments, fire and uther hazar�i insurance premiums ; <br /> p <br /> ' � � � (it} interes� on Che no#e� ses�ured her�by ; aiicI � � � <br /> ; '� (iLt} ainortiza�io:i of tlie principal of said note. <br /> .� ny deficieiac�^ iii the amount of an!,� su�li aggregate monthit* I�a}mzent shall, uniess made good <br /> by* the ?�iorigagor prior to the due date of the nexti such pa4�nent, canstitnte an event of default <br /> undet t?�is mortgage. At �liortgagee's option, lliortgagor wvi31 pay s "late charge" not exceed- <br /> ing four per centum (� �'c ) of anv a:�staltment �ti•hesi paid more tha�a fifteen ( 1� ) days sfte.r the <br /> �� due daie thereof to cover the �xta•a expetise am�olred izi handling delinquent pay�nents, butsuch <br /> ""late c2aarge" shall nut be ga3-abie out of the pruceeds of an� sale made tcr satisfy the indebted- <br /> ness secured hei•eby, unless such procee{3s are sufficieut t,o discilat•�,e ttse entire iadebtednesa and <br /> , � all proper costs and eapenses sec,ured Lherekry. <br /> ` i 3. Tf the tota3 vf the payments msde by the hiortgagor under (a) of paragraph � preceding shall <br /> , exceed the amount of pay-ments actuaiip made by the lVioz�cgagee, as trustee, for g-round rents, taxes and <br /> ' '7 assessanents or ins.urance premiums, as the case may be, such excess shall be c.redited b� the 11Sortgagee <br /> on snbse�queut paymcnts tcs be mad.e by the Diortgagor for sueh items or, at BSortgagee's ogtion, as trustee, <br /> '` - shatl be refundesi to �i�artgagor. 3f, however, such monthly payments shail not be sufficient to pa,v such <br /> items when. tk3e same sha31 become due snd pa3=able, then the 1Kartgagar shall �ay to th� hfortga�ee�, as <br /> Crusiee, any amotuot neeessary to naake up the deficiene}F cvithiA thirEy ( 3fl) days afzer ivritten notiee from <br /> � the 34forkgagee stating the au�ouat -of the deficiency, �hich notice may tae given b�� maii. If st an� Lune <br /> , ; : the Moz�gagar shail tender to ti�e 14iortgagee, in s�ccordanee �5�ith the provisions af the nate secured <br /> ; here�;sy, fuil paymez�t of the entire indebteclness represenled 'thereby, the �iortgagee, as trustee, shall, <br /> c in comgutiag the aznovnt of such indeiatedness, credit ta the accaunt of tii.e 114artgagor any credit baiance <br /> accuanulat:ed �nder the pro��iaions oi (¢) of paragraph 2 hereo£. If there shall be a de#'ault under any <br /> , .. ' af the provisians of this martgage resultin� in a public sale nf the premises co�-ere3 liereby, or if the <br /> l�iertgagee acguires the �+rngerty other��ise after defaaxlt, the Alortg��,nee, as hnistee, s1�:� i1 nppi�•, at t}xe <br /> time af the cummence.ment pf auch proc.eedings, or at the time the pmperty is othertivise acquired, the <br /> ' " � amwaat theu remai.ning to credit the &Iortgagnr under {a) of paragraph 2 Prececiin8> as a credit ott the <br /> � ;, Tnterast accrued a�d unpaid and the balance to the principal t}zett reznaiaiug nnpaid on said note. ' <br /> �` � A. The 3ien of t�is inatrumenE shall :remain in full force and effect during n.ny gostponement or exten- � `� Vk�� '' <br /> � � � sion. of the tiame of �a�°memt ssf the indebted�.iese or any pari thereuf secured herehv. <y" � <br /> ` 5. Ha v�ill pay all ground reuts, tastea, assessments, water rat,es, and other ga�•ernmental or munici- ���� <br /> Y ,� pal ��'8es.. �tes;. or impositio�s; levied upqn .said preanises and �at he rtXili 7p -. `,�j `�' <br /> � -.. • ptt3' ail taxes .�tiied up�on this � ; , � � <br /> �; ; mortgage; tar the delat secured thereby, togec3ier �;•ith any other #axes or assessments «-hich may be levied ;;'A" � <br /> �,. : . � L:.:'Z. t��«��.5.@.�$�1!3 GT��r�L'�',5:�.3 '�d' S 'n } �'w�:`' �^Yt 41. #�'�rpt hn.lii r f g � ,n��e+r��^�,7 !2Ctfs' 02: $CCQl22?± Qf . . t .`., �. . <br /> � �., � �..-s� E'�. cr . ..e � e. �_ �.d <br /> '" � �.i2`.� :=.�1.�' P.�3�L`�$3r '�'..�S�Y^.��. ."�`.'�Zow a 4� � 1 ci � 'h m aa h#e r�+" n. m n i�nrio � n � i .: . . <br /> ��,,-r;zEn. �c_ ai. _.zc.hi.e....s h._ .. ..._eret. _o�-e �_en __:ad: .. ._� _ r .. of pa.�t+- <br /> � : graprh 2 hea�of, anrl he ti��il1 pramptly deliver the ofl'icisi receipts therefor t�a the biortgagee. In default <br /> thereo€ the Mortgag�ee ma3 pay the same. <br /> . � � � <br /> � � <br />� <br />