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� ��. . <br /> � ,,; . <br /> , �,� ,, � � <br /> �.... �. <br /> ��_',�{�1'�'i S"7 ` <br /> � � ��� Mo�iTc.acE ! � � � ; :; ���� <br /> �.� MQRTGAGE L014N IVO. l.. 22.59$ �> <br /> ��'�'� t�vt��+�u�,a��a�YTt��sEPRes�TS:Tnat Roger L. Christensen and Mary f. Christensen each in his <br /> t !i '� ��� �� ` � � � �" <br /> ' and her. own.right and as sp4use of each ather � ` <br /> z < Mort or,whCther one or mare:in wnsac3eration of the swn af ' ' ' ; , :: <br /> t � <br /> s Thi.r'ty—five 7housar�d S3x Nundred and.N0�10t1----------------------------------------��;y,�� <br /> # ' <br /> � �4anod ao said mortgagoc tiy Tixe Equixabie Building and Laan Asscsciai'sun of Grand Island,Nebtaska,Mortgagee,upon 3�6 sl:ares of stock of <br /> ,x, said ASSQCIATION,Cextifieate No,L �s 53$ ,do hero6y grant, convey'and mortgage unto the said ASSOCT�TION the foikmving <br /> � deicrihed rea!essato,situaud in Half Count;+';Nchraska: <br /> �', � tOT'THIitTEEN (I3), IN BLOCK TWO (2); It� <br /> '� � WEST BEL AYR Sf£OND ADDITI4N T0 TNE C2T( <br /> "� OF GRAhlD ISLAND, NEBRASKA, LflGATE`D DN <br /> �.�� PART OF THE WEST HALF OF THE SOUTHEAST <br /> x` � QUARTER (W2SE4) OF SECTiDN TWENTY(20), <br /> � TOWNSHIP ELEVEN {11} NORTH, RANGE NINE � <br /> �k (9), WEST OF THE SIXTH P.M ; <br /> r � <br /> �� tpge[}ier:�vvith-all ihe���ieneinenis,fsereditaments��and�appurtenances thersunto�belongin.g,inctuding attached:floo��c�verings;.�all_window>scretns, <br /> ','�e ���wu�dow�s#�ades,biinds.;�storm�windows,awnings,heating,:au.condiiioning,and:Qiumbingandwaterequipmrnsandaccessories.thereto,putups,atoves, � �� <br />}x,�.� cefragerazors,and othor�fixtures and oz fu�eafter�attached:#o or coruiection with.said ieal estaYe.�� � � <br /> �� ��:And x^hereas the�said mortgagor has�agreed�and��does he�eby.agree tl�a[.the mortgagor shall��and will:pay�a11 saxes and.assesssatnts�lev3ed or . <br />� asusud upon said premises and upon this moatgage and the bond secured thecebv before the sume shall become delinquent;to furnish apgroved <br /> � ; insuranc,e upnn,the.buitdings on said premixes situated in the sum of S 3rJ,6fl0.�0, payable-to xiid ASSOCIATIDN and to deliver ta said <br /> `�"' �.�A580CTA?ION�the:policies for said.insu[ance;and not zo eommit or permit any waste an oc anout�said prenuses;. � � � � � <br /> � In case uf de£aulf in tke pezforcnance of any at tha terms and conditions of this mortgage or the �ond secsued hereby,ihe morigsgee ahall, <br /> on demavd,kae���entitied to imtncdiaYe possession of the mortgaged.premiszs:and ahe�..m�rtgagor hereby.assign:,.transfers and�.seTs aver��to the <br />�,`�"',� tnorigaget ell the rents,.�rerenu�s�an.d incame-io be�derived from the mortgaged premises during suc.h�time as�the mortgage,indebttdneu sl�ail ren�ain � . . " �� <br /> = Y � � unpaid;asidihe�mortga,�eesttall.have��t}ae�power.toappt�int�.any�agentoragents.ix rz�ay�.desire foz[he�purpose:ofreprtiring:said�prenuses�:and�.reaLin� <br /> ' the same and calleciing ihe rents,revenues aad income,and is may pay out of said inc,�me xll expenses uf repaising said pr+emises and necessa�y <br /> ;F �mm��;ons and expenserincutted in resitittg and managjng xhe same nnd of-co3lecting rentals therefrom;-she ba3ance remaining,3f ang,so be , `: <br /> ,¢ applied sawutd��.the dischargc of�said mortgage indebiedness;these riy,hts of�the�moztgagee may be any tune�dunng,the enistence oP such <br /> y �" default,urespectiv�t of any,texn£wrxry waiver of the s�ue. <br /> �J"� These Prestnts,however,a�e vpon the Condiiion,That zf'the saad�Sortgagor shall repay said Iaan an or before the maiurity of said st�ares by <br /> , sa <br /> '� payment;pay��monihly�to said:AS50CIATION of the�sum:specified in the Qond secured hereby�as�interes[and principal on said Soan,on or.bafore <br />�Y-� the TWanciethday of each and every month,untit sa�d loan is fully paid;pay sl!taxes and assessmrnts leviedagainst said premues and on ihis?�4oxtgage <br /> .q, and the$ond��seeurtd[hertby,bef�re 3elinquency�•furnish.appruved�insuranceupon thebui7dings.theraon in�the sum:of.$ 3�j�50Q.(jO �payable <br /> � :� ta said ASSOCIATIQN;repay to said ASSOCtr1TION upnn demand ail money by it paid for such taxes,assessmen[s and,insurance urith interrat az <br /> P � the:ma�ctsnuin legal rate.thercou f'com date of paymene aU of which Mortgagor hereby agrees to pay;permit�o waste on said pramises;keep and comp}y <br /> > wiY}rall ti�e a�semoats and wnditions o£tJie 8nnd f'or S 3rj�(QQ;QQ t3us day g3ven by the said Mortgagar to said ASSOCIATION,and camply <br /> � with a1l the reqi!__.^::ncs of t�c Corasiit¢iion ann of sa�d ASSOCIATION� lften these presencs st;atl become null an�i void,o3herwise they <br />^ .� shatt cemiain in fvil furce and foreclosed ai che option of the said ASSQCfATION after faHure for three months io mmke xny o£said <br /> � paymenis or be thrre montks in.azcears in making sadd monthly payments,oc to}ceep and camply with the xgrrzmonts and c�nditions of saidl�ond; <br /> and,Moctgago;�� have a rrcieivcr apperinied Forthwith in�.sueh foreclosuee.proccedings. � � . <br /> � �!f Lk�ere�is�.any cl� irt ownership�of the��real estate�morxgage�i l�erein;by sale�or othenvise,Lhen the�entiic�remaining.videbtedness.horeby-. � <br /> � suwed shalt,aL[he option of The Equiiable Building and Loan Aswciatiun of Grand Island,Nebraska,beavme anmediately due and pavable witleaut <br /> fuxiher�olice,twd �e amouni remauaing due under said bond,and any other bond for any additionaf advances made ihereunder,shall,From t#u <br /> date.�f oaccxcise of said qption_boar interest at the maxunum iegxt cate,and tlris mortgege may ihen be Saroetosed to satisfy ihe amount due on said <br /> bomd;and any Uther band for additiana]advancts.togeiher aixh ait sumspaid by said I'he Equitable Buiiding and Laan Associaiiva of Gransi island, <br /> he6ssska ior insurxnce,taices and assessments,and abstraeting extension charges,w'rth interest theroon. from dstx of payss�ut st the mexintum <br /> legat;rate. <br /> �` ; pAs provided in the Bond secured here6y,whilt shu•morzgagt rem�ns in effect t4±e morgcgee mry heceafter aclvencc additionalsums to the <br />� �: t�akers of said$ond,theu assigns or suc�essors in interest,whichsums shall be wit;him the security ot this mortgaEe the same as the.funds oGiiginally <br /> t; ' <br />�4 +' �cured theceby;the totai smonnt:of piuicipai:debt not to exceed at�ny time rhe origi��sl amount of this martgagr. <br />"�" ` z�a�� ls y oe Apri 1 a.n.,i9 77 <br />�� � � �2-� �'-�==�:::�;.,_ ,�. <br />� j`}'��'q' ,�r ns-py,n--. <br />� � �/���7fi lr;{�� + ��/rsC�'aK.:i2:s�-a...�': . � . . . . <br /> r : r�a[ry�Chr.i s tensen <br />� <br /> � <br /> a� STATE O�NESiLa4SKA, ' C:,:.t:,'s 3S� day�eF J.1p1'12 3 9 77 ,befoze me, <br />� CfTIINT'Y OF diA1.3.�W �au�� .. s�c <br />,"� � che undcrsigned,a Notary PufrSicin and tpr said County,peimaally came ��E I `°? <br />� ltcsger , ' tense.n and�.Mary E. Christensen each �n his and her owµn,h�right andea=������us�,ento ���' <br /> of� ` t? are <br />�;� P� ` whcase namaS dt"E' affaced Lo theabove instrumeut aa morcgsgarS and 't{lEy sreverslly; �, <br />�t l � 1hp sa� � �t xv;be '��1e31" woTuntsry act and deed. �'", <br />�, x �� <br />, x ��� l�and ahd No3azia#Sesi the dau aforesaid_ � �`�' <br /> yY �� , � �:iiv�:a3e..�,�cr�,y..., C , a � , �: `� . . . „� � . �,. <br />�' �. £kJ'}f€'rs�,`' 1` . x�F4re \'ia.�..q�t�p,.Y .3 1 ��,,��7,,�q . � �'�`�'.�\. . . <br />� '�.�`� 1•�,� r r�at�y��u� <br /> i: �,a� <br />�, ' s.v ��1`*'" : � � <br /> �_ � , � � <br /> �xi�-,<e,�,., . ,� <br />