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<br /> ? MURTGAi;E LC1At1 NO. L ��+5�� i
<br /> ,fr ��wa��r'�ay�r�s�ex�s�rrs:Tl�x Gary P. Rowe and Ghartotte L. Raare each in his and:her , . . � ; �r'
<br /> � � � � ! r �� s a'.
<br /> , ' rig t and as spouse of each bther . ' ', `,
<br /> � olYti,% � � �+ s
<br /> , Mortgagur,wiiether one or more,In considcratic�st of thp sum of �
<br /> 4 Tvrenfiy 'flxousand Seven Hur�dr.ed and iV0l100- ------------ -------------------- -----.. rsca�tnt�,5
<br /> s t�s � lthat�ed tz�said:rnartgxgpr by 7'he Equitablc IIu[Iding and Loan Assbciatioat of Gcand Island,NrbrssC:�,Martga�ee,uppn �L�T� :s[xares of stork of �;
<br /> # ' s�1d,r1S5p�7i4?'1A�[.�ertificate;t+lo.L 2�'�5}3 ` ,da hereby Rrsnt,canwey and moctgsgc un[n the suid A550GIAT[ON t1�e fotlo�ing "
<br /> " ' desrxibed�al'sst.v.ta,slt'uated in,Hnit Cuunty,Nrbraska: � ��
<br /> �� , ;;
<br /> � , � � ,
<br /> � � � t =� ��
<br /> c } � � . �� . � � � � .�� . . � � r
<br /> } ' . � � ..� � � � .
<br /> � � `: T�3E NOR7H SIXTY-SIX (N66'} FEET 4F LOT SIX'{6}, 310�K `
<br /> ,':
<br /> .� ,�'
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<br /> : �
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<br /> 1! . . �. . . . . . . . . . .
<br /> � �... .. :. . � � . . . , . . .
<br /> �¢ tagethcr With all ihe tenemec�ts,her�ditaments and appurceruuices thcreuntu Uelun�r,ing,u�rluding sttar.he� lloar coverings,all window�:rcena,
<br /> �� window shudes,blinds,storn�windr�ws,awnings,lieacing,nir coiiditiuniri�,sn3 plumbing und watec ei�uipment nnd uucassuries therelo,Pumps,stovas, ° '
<br /> refrigerata;s,und ntl�ec Gxtures ahd equipment now pr heroafter attnched ta or usrd in cont�ection�vitla snid rcal estute.
<br /> s ��'^ An+i wheceas the said martgagor tu�s�yreed and does heseby xgroe t.hat dia murtgabnr shatt anci wiii pay nll ta�ces and asstnsmonts irrieci ur
<br /> , assessed upon said premises und upon tkis mortga�r und th�bund sec},tnd there�+•• bef'ora tlie ssrna shal!hecomc dellne�uent;to furnish npprovod
<br /> � insurancn upon ihe buildin�s�n said piemises situnted in che swn�f$C�a�QQ.�� payabk to snid A5SOCIATIQN end t� deliver.co said
<br /> ASSOCIAT[q*I the policies Cur said'nisuranr.e;ancf noc to commit or prrn�u an�wastc un uc rbout said pmmiscr,
<br /> � fn cas�of deCault{n rhe perfpcmxnce of any qf ihe terms and cunditions uf this mortga�c �r the bonil se�urcd hereby,tl�e martgagce s1wi1, `
<br /> . ', ;
<br /> � dn demand,be e»titlqd'tu unmediate pcassrssi�n c�i'the mortgaged premisrs and thc �noxtgagrar licroby sssigns, crunsCars and sets uver to tlse ' . , "
<br /> mortgagec ail the rents,reF•enues and incc�rne to bE derivec!frum cha ru�xtgaged premuns durinq sucfi tirae as tlw murtgage indubtedness shall rem.i�
<br /> unpaid;sttd,tttc mvrtgagee shall have[he po�nrer m appoint any agent or rgentx it may�iesire 1'ur the purpose�f rahairing said premisHs and ienting `
<br /> the sume anei calteotin�the rents;revenues und incoma,and it may p�y out of said incusne sU expeilses of repairing sxid premises and nrcessary ?
<br /> tummisxians and rxpe�tus incurrod in renting and manuging zhe samt an3 caf'collrctin� roAttals chereFrum; thc 6alance remein(n�,iY any;t�be
<br /> appliod tawuid the discharge af suici mvrtgage indrbtec�nesa;thesn rights oC Uie mort�taRee mxy be exereised at any time duriz�the ezistonoe uf surh
<br /> , ' ;� deTaalt,irtrspectivp nf'any tempercary waiver of the ssme. ,
<br /> % Tlie�e i'rexents;Itowever,ace upon tho Cundition,Tl�ui iC the said Mt�rtgagur�I�ull repay xai3 l�an on or dcf'oxn tlic�naturity o1'sxid shares by
<br /> � paymenL; pay manihty ta said�SSOCIATION of tfie sum speuified in the Bc�nJ sCcured hcreby as intereat�nd principal on auid loan,on ar balorc
<br /> r .s the`t'�v�aititthd�y of each acid every anonth,until said loan is fully paid;pay alt taxes and assessmpncs levied aguinst s•rid premises snt!nn thls Mottgagm
<br /> � ans ttie Bnnd scc�red thereby,befoie datinquency;ftlrniSh epproved inaurunce upon the build'nigs thereon ixi lhe tum of$ZO�7d�.QQ p�Y���G
<br /> „ sa suid ASSUCIATIC)N;repay co ssid ASS(�'lATIC.?N upwi demand all rnuney by it puid far such cuxes,assoss�nmts und insutanco watli intarest at
<br /> ,y�y` tlae maximum legal ratr tltereon from d¢tc vP payrnent»II of which r4ar�gagor hereby agrees t��pay;�rmit no waste on suid p�emises;kecp esd�wmply
<br /> ^ b, with ull thn agreemernty and conditiuns of die Bu�id fur�20 7(���pp this day give�i by Uie said Mc�rt�;agur w Exid AS5fJC1AT10N,and tompl,v
<br /> . ,� wikh at]the rayuirements oi the Cunstituteon and 6y-Laws c�i'aa�a SOCIATIOI�;thrn xhese presents xhall becume nup snd wid,uchenvise thoy
<br /> y...�� shaU remair�iet full fc�rcw and may be furtclu�J at tlie option uf the said AS50Clp'I`ION after £uilur� for ehroc montiis to make nny uI said
<br /> � payments ur be three tnonlhs in axreacs in�»king xui�3 munthiy�ayments,or �u keep and cuinply a•itt�the agreements and a�nditic�ns uf sxiixi Bc1nd;
<br /> aiad Mvrtgxgor a�ees tu have a rac.river appointedf�rtlxwith in such fc�reclosure procn;edin�s.
<br /> � If ch�re is any changc in ownexslup of die rcul estatt mortgagedl�ecain,by sale or odaerwisc, thrn the entire rcmelnIng indrbtedness hereby
<br /> ` secured stw11„at the opliu�s af T'he h:quitablc Building nncl Lo�n Aswciation o1 i;ran�i island,Nebraska,be�.wma immedi;ttely due anci payabla w[ihout
<br /> � furiher notice,and tf�e amuunt rema3ning,duc undrr sxid bon�,and any other bond Fat a.ny addilianxl advancet matle theroundtr,s,hall,frum tlie
<br /> ;,'� . dste ut excrcisz nt suid option,bnar interest at Uio ma�ciinwn iegal ratt,and ttus mortgage may th�n bn furcclaa�ed co sstisfy the smnunt�iece un said
<br /> ^,j bond,end any other bapd far additiunnl advances,togexher Svixh ull sums paid by said Tlea Equftable t3uilding��d Luu��A�sciciattun�f Gran3 Isiand.
<br /> ' 'a t+lebrasku#'or insuran�ce,taxos and uss�ssmenxx,an�4 atastcacting extansiun�hacges, wiih interest ct�arcun, tium date of pay�ixnt at the n�ximum
<br /> `� 1c$ai.taie_ >
<br /> s � As provided in thG$und xacured hert6y,wl�.ile tlus mortgaga romeins i�eCtect tt�a:nurtga�ce mey hereafwr adwance sdditional sums to tho
<br /> maktra of said Bond,4heir assigusar suc�ssors ii�interest,which sums shaq br witMin ilie xcurity of this mart�a�n tha wine as eRc funds originally
<br />�� y- sccwdd therotty,the totai umotant a�f pri�cipnl debt noz ta exc�eed at eny Iime thc originai atnount vf ihis murt$age.
<br /> ; `� d ct�x�J r dgy nt' Mdreh .a.n.,rv 77
<br />�, ,� �,,. � �� � ' � ;'�'
<br />� r �„�`Y R � f,�
<br />�... � ,::,"° /�-��.�.e__,
<br />� ` Charl��te' L . Rawe
<br />�, , .
<br />�n'. � STAT��l+7�BitAa�KA..�ss. Ontkcis 315� dayvf MdYCh 1*)77 ,beturema, � '
<br />�� r COtiNTY AF NALL � �;
<br />���,,r ' the undutsignvd,e Notary Putilic in and for uatd County,peruanaily cama ,�.e�-� "`�
<br />�� � Q r�r P, Ro�ve and Charlotte L. Rowe each in his and her own r9ght a�d as spous�e�-0:�yn�a�h�cp �-,� �
<br />�p� are
<br /> ;L�� 8 whose�amp S dY'C• at�"uod ro thca4uve instrumiant�s moriRaSv6 and Lhf�i savazal�y �! .
<br />�� �� � t iw be �hE'�Y' voiuretary aca and deed_ � ��
<br /> , r �
<br /> z� W t'�" .�.r�qwS�l �+aEtdand NuCariel Sea2 Yhe dnte aforesaid. 3 <
<br />'a�IY 3 ' . . � .
<br /> �"� �k��1�5,�1"sII�r�{2a�l�i�sicai�ex��es 1 g � �>�� �1.. h�. : -
<br />"� � F.9C�''iF"i3•:`��,�' ����.� � �''1�0 � .�--------=—:1-��--•.--,j�`i . � .
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