� ,�
<br /> .. � . . � . . � , `y:Yr. � . ..
<br /> . �.. . .. . . . �. . . ... � �. 'r+`tM2^�� �
<br /> ,: .
<br /> � �_.. . ;. . .l . : . .. .
<br /> � 'I , �
<br /> %7= �����r�
<br /> ASORIY',AGE
<br /> �� � �L 22,595 MGI6' . � ;,
<br /> ;dORTGAGH L;]Ai�7 i�0.'
<br /> ��.. K"a�wa�.t.,�s�zsYa�x�sEr[t��ns:Tt�r Rohert L. Lassen and Velma a. Lassen, each in h3s and her
<br /> , f... � � � �
<br /> � Y c�v� right. aa�d as s}�ouse of each other, �
<br /> ry Mort�gar,whotlu�one or mose,ua cansidetatioa�of itke au�of
<br /> r
<br /> � : T�en-Cy-ane Thousan�i,rSix #iundred ansi NoI'100----------------------------- ____�____�yi.t.rires
<br /> , F loaned irs ssid morts�gvi,by 3"hc Equitabbc Building and Lvaa Assuciation of Grand Istand,Nebraska,MvrigaSu.ugaaa 216 ' :�aares of stocic af �' r '
<br /> � e saiil,ASSOCIAITC�1�i>Certific�te ho.L �2 r�q r, ,do herehv gaat, convey and mongage unio tise ra3d Aw�`50CIATION r1�e folkowing
<br /> � x' descxibe+d.rral.estate,situated "sn,liaii Counf�,ltinbcaska:
<br /> r .� . . . � . .. � .. . . �
<br /> n,`' . . . � .. . .. . . . -
<br /> rq.,`S , . . .. . � . � . . . . .
<br /> � �.� . .. . � . . . . . . . . . . . . .. ... ..
<br /> �l ,f . . . � . .. _ . . . . . � �. � � � .
<br /> �
<br /> � � C�:Tti(tEE�-(3��. SLQCK`��ELfifE�[� �(i3j�,� iN�� i1NiVERSfiTY�' �� �:
<br /> �_
<br /> �`
<br /> �
<br /> � � �
<br /> F �� , . �. , . . . � . . � � .
<br /> n :� . . . � . . . . . � . :
<br /> r `a� � .. � � - � . � � . .. . . .. �..
<br /> �,�� . . .. .. . . . � � . � . . . �. � � . . . .
<br /> � � .. . . . . . � . . . . . � i�e
<br /> r � rogether with��:all thc�irnemeais:hereditamants and appssrionatnces tliereunto�b�longing„ including�axtachcd f3ovr ccwerings,�.a!1 window screens, : '
<br /> � k �:� wintiowshades,blinds,stormwindows,awnings,heasing;air.cunditionin�,and�plumbingand.wattrequipmentand.acassQritstliereto�,gumps,stavrs, � "
<br /> �,)` � �tcfrigeracais.�;and ot3ser.fixlures and zquipment.n�w or hereafter attaclxrd to or.used..in tonnection.wdth said:real enate..' � � � � � . �
<br /> � ; .�xd w}aereas i3ae s�d martga$os lvts agreed and does hereby agree thaz tlxe murigagax shal!and will pay all zas.es aaa as&essments ieried ar-
<br /> "� F ��asscsred a{wn said gr�mises:�and upon��t3�i�mortgage;a.nd the�boad�socure:d-thrreby�befura ihc sazne�shali become doGnquen.,m��furnishapproved' � "
<br /> g�,., z ,:.insuaance�upon�ihe��buildings�n saidpremises si[va[ed in the�sum uf$-�'j�6Q('1.(j� Paysb7r,y.;a;d F.SS£��AT;O;v�an.a.�:ia 3:...�it�z-io said,�.
<br /> £ � ,•
<br /> " ASSOCIATIO:�the p+o)icies foz szid insvrance;and not to commit ai permiY an}•waste on�r a6nnt said pzemisea: "
<br /> i sz
<br /> '' - In rase��of defav3t:in Yhe padorrnance afacuy.of the�3etms�and conditions uF�this.mortgage ur ihe�band.:secuted hertbj�,.the..morsgagae sttali,.�:�.�
<br /> un��demassd,,�ba�c�tit3ad.-to�lmmetiiate:pussession ot[he morigaged premises and.thc mortgagox fiercby�acci�nc,� iransfers artd sets�..arer.to the�...
<br /> �, �; ��mottSagea;atlttxe�rsau:�revenurs.�.ai+u�.�;t..:��e..:?+r'�?�*ivr,d�'romtha�marzgaged��:��*csn:.rr��,;za^^.•u_<i'r:�;...ari.°�c:rccctg�gr�.3!debtr.c?ne�.�-shall�xa�3+ain �� � ' � .' . -:
<br /> i.�r; � �.unpaid:artd�the:morty,agee sita3l�have ihe pc>wu to agQnint any agtnt or agents�it ma}•desire.forJthe purpnse��of repairis�satd.premi.ses and renting ...
<br /> r a
<br /> ihn�sarne and��collertingtherents;revenuts�:andin.come,anditmaypayout.�f xaid 'uncom� atl�.expenses of regairiag sadd premisrs-aszd�.necessary
<br /> m
<br /> comnvssions and expenscs incuzred in reutix�g and ma�vxging the same and cat' coikcting,rentsis theretrnm; the vafance rsmaining,iF an>F,to he
<br /> applaed toward ihe discliacge oi sxid murtgage indehtedn�ss:these rights of!he moitgagee mas�be exercisrd as any sime:during che acisr.ence a[sucli
<br /> tidef$uli,u=aspectave c#'any iemporary x�aiver�af ihe same,
<br /> �y � � These Fresenis�,however.are upon the Candititra,T'ha[�iC[he stid Atr�rtgagor shatl repay.said loan an�or beftare thc naaturiry of.ssiid slasres.by� �
<br /> "� �' �� . �payment;pay�monihlyto�said ASSOCIATION�of the sum speaifud in.ti�s Sand secared.herrbp.as inicrest.and principxi�on saidloan.,ron�arbeFore.�.,
<br /> t
<br /> '< xfie TWantitth day of each and every month,eentil said loan is futly:psud:pay ali taxcs and assessmmts 3evied a�ainsx s,aid pmnuses and crn shis Mortgage •;
<br /> �E �
<br /> ; and�:.:ihe Sand�secure:c�thereby,.6efare delinque,ncy;tu:nis}s appruved insurance upun tlie buiidSngs therenn in the sum af$� 2 j,$��.������payable �
<br /> [o said,15SOGIATI(DN:repay��10 said�ASSOCIATION upon dema.nd a�l money by it.psid[or such taxes,assessmonts and iruursncc wic3iintarest ai ��.
<br /> '; the.xx�axixaum:legai rate�thrrenn from.daie of payment ull of which Moctg-agU[hereby x�;rees xa pa�°;permit no waste a,n said pxetniaes;keap�:and com�ly�� :
<br /> � with ail khe agreemetixs and cvndiri.aiu oi ute Bond ior D. Z��6{j� '��ehis�da��gitixn by the��said Mortgagor tu said A�5SSQCIAT7014,and.�cumpl7��.��
<br /> + ? wiila all#he requireanentsot tke Gonstitu�ion and By-Laws of said ASSOCIATlON;tiien these presrnxs shall becumt null and void,oztaerwi�they
<br /> `' �f. � �sltali remain:��in fu13��.€urcti�d��mav�be f'oxeclosed�at the�option-ofthesaid�ASSOCI.ATlON .sfier��frilure for�tlaree�mantivs�tu:make�.any�of sxid�..� � '
<br /> paymenxs or be thrrs�mhs in arrears in mxking ssid inant}ily�raymencs,or t�keep and tumpfy with the agrecments and:.ond9tions of said$oad„
<br /> , ; �nd Adwtgzgor xeres�io,have a receiverap£>oi,�ted forthwiih in surh farecicasuze pr�xts#ings_
<br /> -,h �� if there���:is any�change in�ownersttipof ihe�real.estate mortgaged�herein,�by�le ar oiherwisc,t4�en�tht entire remtirfiiig�indeh[e�i:ness�.hoxeby� .
<br /> a sccuzcd saaii;:az tho c�p�ian of The Eytutable��Iiwlding,..xnd:l:oan Association of Grx�d Island.2*3ebrasica,becorne xmme�diateiy due snd gayabie without� �.
<br /> � furt}acr notice.an� tihe amount rem .+�.g due under said bvnd,and any othe�bond Cor uay addilional advancxs rnade tihsrewidet,sisxll,fmm the
<br /> ' daie.of extruse oT said optioa bear mteaest at 3he maximum legal rsu,and ihis mortgage may rhen be foreclnsed io satisfy the aznounx due on said
<br /> - - • - -.. ���
<br /> . .. ..� ._
<br /> � w;� � �.p.0�,�s��z:.uiiu:�:s�:.:.�. .� ;��� � g�<icc::wiin aii sums pa�a:oy�ssw�j ne��quzcaoiz tins;ctutg ar�,i.am.+.ss�..acici�vf v�_z.-�_..>.;:<;�.�.��. ��!
<br /> ; ` 1Qebr�ska for icisuraru,taxes and asussments,gnd abs�racting extensian c;twgcs,with IA[CCCSi c}iereon, irom dase oi payment at tiaa mxximum
<br /> .,�
<br /> legal raie_
<br /> � As�covided in the�,Bond socured.hereby,while�this mnttgagc remairas:in elTect�thc�mnr'tgagee mau hereaftes.advanct:addilional�sums to the� �
<br /> �, i makezs of�axid,$tand,4heir assigus crz sueces�urs in��interest,which sums sha3i be�within.ahe��secvrity of[his mvrigsge..xhe sazae as the fun+da ociginaUy�. .
<br /> secuce.d Yhcrek�y,t�t.3o[ai amouni vf pxincipaldebt.nox zu excaee�ai any Lune the ory5inai aznouai ot ihis.munguge�.., � .
<br /> Dai �s �' 'St dayof'. Mdl"'Ch A D 19�7
<br /> `` d��GE��^"""��-��°r�'"`_"`_ _ � �� n�
<br /> r'.''�'�,-� __ ..�...r
<br /> �� ��
<br /> Ro6�ert t. lassen �e ma J.��assea�f
<br />� � ''�,. �: . . � . . � .. . . . . , .
<br /> , ST�3'$�4E''3dE2iRASKA,�ss. On ihis 315� day of Mfl f'G1'f 19�T .6efare me,
<br /> �CQ�U'�+1'I;Y�tisOF tiALL � � � �.
<br /> 3 � unde a Notary Pui�lio in and i said Gount7'.i'w Y� ���;
<br /> ; itnt�er� L. Lassen ar�d.11elrs� J. Lass�n, each ira `�i`is an`�d�er ov�n r�ght and as spouse�eac�`a �,Y�,
<br /> �2 � 4�kl� who d1'� Porsonaily known to �'
<br /> � �..�
<br /> t� � dI'E �'�d ta tht�houe;,,�+*+,,•••�st as ato Lhi' �� .
<br />�4 tac +uhc3seasxua5 i rigago� and Y y
<br /> _
<br /> •,,. .. .� ; - . ,
<br />,�� � a ��s� c.ro t�e. t�'1el r votunrary ad ana deaL '`w
<br />� ` _.v^3 m an3 i;caazisi Sc�sI tkuy 3stc:sfc:sesuid. _ „ �
<br /> r } : �t3Aat.eAca .;y �. �� � s' � r r!� /f .-r--, i' ?.a . ..
<br />� :- �. �acp3s�`�.�d exp�rc't'�4� c,.:.-�'" ✓`�',, r r�cr f r J 1 '�.�.�-�2:. ,--=� 1�//y�.`.'�-t�X�'> > �..
<br /> 'dlv�..,��? ,��.,ptl�� � � . . . . � . � . � Notary i'ub3ic . �
<br />� 6"� .rJ'1"'+.«::.��c."�,'�' . . . , . . . ..
<br />� . �Q�` ��.��'�*' . . . � .
<br /> h
<br />�} �,.�, � � . ..:�, . �,. .. . ,��.._.: �.. . .
<br />� ,x�... . . . ,
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