. � r;�
<br /> � �� y
<br /> ��,,;`�.
<br /> �.. . . , „_.... �:
<br /> �'�M. t�C�16 C�t;?
<br /> � ; �ox�cAcs
<br /> r „ n�ox�rcnrL c�a,r�nra,_L 22,59I
<br /> ��aw�.c�ssNs�r�Es�r�s$rrrs�rc,�t Royjene L. ;8a�ni�ridge and Gordon D. Qainbridge, her
<br /> � ` �� � �� �
<br /> w S� i husband
<br /> a Mortgagnx:whether o�se mc rnurc,in cwnsiderat3oa nf Uta aum of
<br /> r � Qn�.�lundred .ttne Thousaad Six Hundred and:No/100-�_..__�_____�________--------------- no�.c.ar•s ; ,; ,
<br /> � , . �
<br /> s , _ � lt�tteel ta sai�4 t3ttor+g�Sot by'Fha Equitsble Suilding ant!Lw�cn rtsraciittiuct.af t,rand taland,Alebrasl:s,�iurtgagec,ulwu ,0�� �ltarca ai stn�c xa� , . - i ;:
<br /> x .,: said.�55C1�IATldPT,Certife+�ts 1+io.L �Q�5i�� ' .dv hernby grsnt, t,'aavey an�i nwrt�a�c untq the said al5.y�'OC'IATtDN the tolkrwing : � ' :
<br /> �,
<br /> ; describcd renl eatate,situated Jn,Eiali CnunF,Ne raska: ,
<br /> e � I . :
<br /> t.,. ,
<br /> (7), IN BLOCK t�FNETY-i�INE (49) IK RAiLROAD
<br /> �
<br /> i
<br /> x
<br /> 4 5 .. . . . . . . .�
<br /> � together wittt alt thc trnemants,t;eredifarnents and.appurtenances theceunto tsela�uyu�g,including atcaclud t7��r cvveringar a11 wSndaw sueens,
<br /> � �vindow shadea,biinds,sturm windows,awnings,h�ating,sir cortditiuning,a�id plu�cib'vi�end�vueerequipmentwid acccxsurics iliecetv,pumps,stoves,
<br /> r¢frigeaators,and othez lixtures and eyuipment.nuw rsc liereaf4er sttsrhed ta ux uead'ui miueactien with s.hid rrxl estate. =:'
<br /> ; And wlitrcas tha said ixxart�qr has ugrnc�i xind Joes horeby srgrcc ihnt the mart�Zsgar shntl and rvill pay all caac�u�xd assessinente leviad or
<br /> assessed upun ssid prem�s ana u�n tliis morfgagc xnd titie band securcd theroby beturc the same st�ail Necc�nu dcllnyucnt,tu furnisli:nppnaved
<br /> r �isar��.x upon clu buildu�s a�n ssid premises situated in tht�um ni��0� .��0.t?� payeble tn sa[d AS5UCIA770N and to ddiver to saici '
<br /> � ASSOClA'i'IQN the poliaes for sai$insurnnce;and not ca cummit or peruut any w°aste on oc atwuc tnid prcmises: '
<br /> [n case uf defauit in tltc Qerfarmancr of sny of the terms and conditions o€this.mortgags or tiw bund secured hereby,U�t nsosty�ea ehall,
<br /> ; rin demand,bc eAititled to immediafia possesaiait ut the-mort�cd premises and tlte murt�un c�rahy exsigns, tra��usfers and sets ovar to thc
<br /> a
<br /> ' m+artgagee alt t1u rants,mvenuea and incume io be dcrivcd tiam the nrort�,aA,cd prcmists during su~:h 3urio ea Uu nwrtgag�s indebte3ivass shAU rsttmin
<br /> � unpaid;end the muxtgagce s'taR hs��thc l,swar t�appoint any agcnt or agents it may dc�aire Cor x.hr purposa of repsicing said premisas and,rentin� ,
<br /> agc
<br /> � tha sun�e anci coUeaxiag the mnts,revenuas and inconx,and;i nwy pay out od said income aU expez�sea xif rcpairing said preiniscs and aoct.essuy
<br /> ? c+ommisslqns and expenses in�urkcd in reniin$a�id ma�ugin�t the aune and of'collecting rentals therat'rum; ttic batnnx rncnaining;if sny,w ba
<br /> �'' nppLe3 Y�ward thc disci�arge oC ssid moctgage indabtcdness;zhGse rights af the ivart�agee rnay bo axeTcised ut arxy timr.dezring the existance of suah
<br /> default,irrespeceivc oi'nny icmpnrory wai�s�r uf ihe xgmo.
<br /> ' f These F'resents,s�owevrr;sre upoa the Condiilan,Tiint if Yhe snid Moctgagur shalt repay sai3 to^rn un ar hofuro Uie xn�tu�ity of said xltates by
<br /> U =L paymrsit;pay monthi,y:!a ssid ASSOC11�TiON�if the sum specitied in�I�c�nd srcured hcreby as icsterast snd pri�icipal on u�idlottn,au or bofuro
<br /> the'�'wentieth duy vf ench and eve�y month,untit sazd lu�n is fully paid;pay�IY lexrt and as�::xmentx Icvied egsinst said{�rotniaos and on thFs Mortgage
<br /> �,���� �
<br /> � � and the Bond sccur�d Uicrcby,baEure dclinqucn�y:Furnish appi»ved inxuranx upun t.he bufldings tharnun in t}ie xum uf ffi �Q��6aQ nQ {*nY�bie
<br /> ro said ASSOC[ATI.ON;repsy tu safd ASSOCIr1T1�N u{wn demand all maney by it pai+i for xueh tx:�es,aascsamenrs and insurnnca with inrtrast at
<br /> ' tha m�cic[rum,ltgalrsen thcrto�ftu���ce pf puyment nit Uf w(uch MortNa�wr liereby a�recs tn pay;persnil nu waste ansaid premfsra;l:raap and�romply
<br /> ,+'
<br /> with ail the n�,rxments and condiuons uf tfia Sun3 far 5�Q'��6Q0 QQthis dny given by ilxe sai�i h4art�ugur to sniS r15S(ACIATiON.and wmp(y
<br /> � wit3ti at3 tUe�oquirements ui'the Constitutiur�bnd By-Laws uf sat3 ASSC�(`[ATiON;thcn choae rresents shall becomt nuU �nd vvid,oUiarwiu thcy
<br /> ;,N shall re.main in full icxce and n�y 6r furecfoscd�c cha o�ition of the�vid ASSOCIATtGN uiter Pailurc for tkvne nwnttis ta mak¢nny o!'said
<br /> paymex�ts or:ix three months in arrears in makinq said manthly gayuicnts,ar W keep and cumply witii ttxs a�,roements and r�ndivans ef ssid Band;
<br /> � and Me:rtgagur n$rees to havr x receiver appointed furt3�with in such fnredosvro procc�edie�s.
<br /> % t�ihera is any c�nge in ownership of cho rcat�tate m�rtgagcii herc.in,k�y aale ur etherwise,then tho cn[iia reniainutg indebtednexs hertsby
<br /> ' :� secut�d shaU,at thc nption nf'7'I�o Equitabie Building,and Lca3n Aasvc'saciun uf Crazid Islnnd,Nebraaka,brcuxun inmtie�tcty�ua an�i payabla without
<br /> u (uriher aaxice,m�[he amaunc rcmaining due uader.said band,and any uthcr Nund for any a3dition�l adven�rx mado thereundec,sliall,frc�m tha
<br /> v a
<br /> Jsta af rx�xcise of sa3d optic�n,bear intcrrst et the ma�a:imwm legal ratc,and[txin martgage nuav thcn be i'orecluse,;t to ssitxtW the ansc�unt due un said
<br /> ; he�d aesd aaty uther bond foE additiunal advances.tugrt6cr wich sll sunu nsid by sai�i Tha EauitaUle Suilding nnd Lraan Aswc:iotionof Geand tel�d,
<br /> 3 '?t�. .,F�suxazive,iaxae��u asaxasmeats,and ahstracting rxtensiun clsnrgca with itNe[rat Yher�n,from dntc of paycmnt ei the ma�ccim�,un
<br /> m
<br /> Icgat rato
<br /> � As prnveded in the Bund srcured hcrcby,whiFc this mcartgaga remains in e1Zo�t the murt�ne may txtxaaftar adva�a�additionu!su�ms to U+e
<br /> :,,; ,nntirr:�[�i3�•,::t+,'.htir asvi�as or snacessucs in iniercxt,;s 4,,:,.::;;e 1:_!!�e . ra, �h ..-_ r,ty nf thix m��ria�uc ih�
<br /> _s ga»�c:..gc�f;t fu]is 4iriY,i�taiilv� .. �
<br /> � seCuzeci.thcreby,ilae k�tal�zt�owiY of prklcipat debt x�cat tu excaed a4 any time ihe or�ina!acpuunl of ttais mortgx�e
<br /> ,
<br /> S �'`;�Deted this ��t�'l daV vf` Mdl"Ch � 1���,>'9 _. ,�...:. ,l'f1,r� ",�
<br /> �'7 ,t''C.- � . r". „�•i;,.. o^:�"'� :'"�..:.t.."�`�--�7.�....�1.�::.:. �.-.J.:.„,..F���-,,,,7 .
<br /> a ' � Ro erie L. BAinbridge µUor �n~L . a�n ri ge °
<br /> r .f
<br /> ' �Fk�OF NERR„ASRA,�rs. Qa thix 3�t�t da�r of MdY'C}i 19 7 7 ,beforo me.
<br /> Y' + Ct]UNTY QF H/�.LL ,,�
<br /> �� � tha un+�cnignad,a Natnry I'ubiic ui and fur aaid County.peraonatly cnme ` ,, ��
<br /> ^ Ragene L. 8ainbri�fge and Gordon D. Bainbridge, her fiusband , t� ' , ;
<br /> 3 wha a� parwnally known to '
<br /> s:
<br /> ��-,., n � �^>'F �d�ars�t S w6osn nemo�s c"it PE atlLttd to tho abavo instrumont as morc�or S � LiT4y acverally �
<br /> ; „ nca�ent lu be 'Ghe#r valut�tary-act u,a deea. �� �'
<br /> � � • •.,��d�;',, dd.
<br /> ^ �
<br /> ' ,�:e . m5'3S.vtd�Atratuisl S.,ti tht dats afotet3i�1. � , �
<br /> ' ; � . - i . . „ , , • :
<br /> , � A c�rnr.� �i� �+�a i..M�-.�,�h( '�i 1 ' Q � -�91; � 'x-(� �'s~�
<br /> �, �'�" , �+�Y� �-,
<br />� . <crr��t ��� f�'� .
<br /> ' ���d�z�s ,; � �t�s,—�-„ .�--.--
<br />� a.�+�`� �i��w+ i
<br /> � � vra+y. .�1 ��+ r .,
<br /> rr'x.. :+.•"„r,�.C7' :
<br /> ���,
<br />� � , . •'��1�'��.'�`�"4s . � . � �
<br /> .;.,,
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<br />�', s � .. . � . ...
<br /> �. . ':'w . . �. � . � . �� . . . � . . . � � �
<br /> �": ��„_ . � � . . .. � .
<br />