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<br /> ` �t�����.La��,�raY~r►i�s�rt�r�s��s:m�z H�nry �. [3�Itard and R�th J. �3allerd, each in hi�s and hpr ',
<br /> � -
<br /> 4 ., ' f
<br /> IJ A i z
<br /> ,� �n r�i�ht �r�d;�s s�a�iuse o� eaCia �sth�r, ; a•
<br /> ' Mu�2�agur ,a�hett�cr anc ar mcs�e,ra conside�stiu�n o#'tha sum nf
<br /> !<; 7�1�t"�,�' �11DtiSdRl#� 8filf� 1�i1��ti0..��_,..,_.. .._�,._...�.«___.._�W.,....� __� ..._.... .. ..�»..�OLLA�2S . �
<br /> � 1kNtied tn s�5d;na�rcgagur by"I'!ac tiqairable H�sal3in anz#t.�Yan.r\ssc�iatnan Ya!'t;rnnd isk�nd.Nehrask�,�Scartgagee,upcan;��a �I�ares raf atuek of " Y,
<br /> �,� sxid A�C2ATlL`�N. C'�rt9firata 3�Ta, L ���5�"� ,cSu heretry grant, ccHtt�e�� �nd�awrt�age uxito the x�id A'�"CX'[A1'fON the fol1uw58g �';
<br /> � dn�xibed rea��tscacag�itwaDeci i,t liali Caune�r,Nebraska: a ;
<br /> °� r�iS:
<br /> .� a
<br /> �„ LOT ?'1�t3 lil3NlJf�Q TW�NT'1� Ft3UR ANQ lOT `t1+10 liUNqR�SJ ,
<br /> ,} . . . . . . . . . � . � .
<br /> �� rw�r�xv �rt�� (2z� � 22�} ��ir�avr �anrrron 7a r�t� `�
<br /> �
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<br /> ,� . ... � . .� � i � ���
<br /> � tc�e�l�hr witA alt tl�e lcnentcn4s,hereditaments anci a��purtenan��ea Cl�emu�atc, bzlo�y,laK,mctuding�tc�ched tlour ra�+er(ngs.ell urindow sereona, ;
<br /> W� wi�dr�w aftad¢s,bi+nds;stu�r�»uineiows,awnings,heati�g,nir cufadSt,ionin�t,aitd pli�mbin�a:t�i�vater ec�uip�nene nnd at���ca3i�riea thv.retc�,puratp�s;'ti�nvea,
<br /> `� re:ftigetatc�rs,a�td utlirr t7atures anci eyuipnient�tc+w i�r licreatter aetanhed t�c�a used i�a ainne�•t[cm wit#i saici reai ext�ze;
<br /> � Aiu1��hercax ti�e said tn�rt�Za�r kas agreed and daes ticaeby agree titat ihe morcgagor alirSl a;ad will pay ali ta�:es anJ asses,unents£eVied ut
<br /> Y� assesse.d upun said prcmises and u�un tlus mortgage a��d the l�and secured ttaereby bs!"ore thn santc slia:il tecv�me z#eltnyuPpt.tia.f`urnista spptpved
<br /> �� Gtsura�ice.upc�n�the buiidinps nn sai�i}aremis�s aituated in���e suniof F ���a{JJ(3�.{)Q �aayable��fu said AS5C?CL.�1'IC)N aeid..tu del"nqec.tci aqid
<br /> �; rl.S5t11:11'lT[C)N ihc p�!'tcits fc>c said.axisura�ace;and�ic+t W 4wnimit ar perin�iC any waxte�a c�r aByut.sai3 pre.mises;�� �.
<br /> ';� in case c�f del'ault i��ilie perii>iman�e o�'any uf ttie teKmx an�+�undrtsoi�a ol'this�ur>xtgagc �t thc bund secured licrcb�•,ciia muttgagce shal�,
<br /> g on xleft�and,bc entieted to immedaate�axseasien uC tlae more�taged�nemisrs and ihe iuostga�,ur #xereb+,,< assi�ns, tranators aa�d sits ovet to tlte
<br /> a»cut�agee mA thr icnts;revenuea aa�d incUmc kv b��ierivrcl fr��m ttic nic�riKaged premises�#uiin�stzclz time ax tlxe n�urtgagm iiadeisiednrsa ci�tatt7emu'v�
<br /> � unpaid;and t.he m�frtga}gee shail hsve thc powca�o a���int any a�,rnt ur ap'c»ts�t may dextrc foe the�nirpase af re�aiting saa3 ptcmtsea and reatitug
<br /> the s�t�te and ti�ltaccing the rents;zevenues anci in4romc,anri it may payc�ti( ui' said �ncc,cne all expensca vt'rr}�lier�g said premises�nd nei.r,asaey
<br /> r c°untmiasie�ns and ea�enses incurred in rcntitig anci manaqix�the saane auci oi'e�ilectuag rentais therel'nun; tl�a halance ren�nintng,;f any;'ta bt
<br /> g ited t�w�rd ttic riischaage;�f said morip,agc indeUtednexs;these ri�iits ot the mort�ugec sx�ay t�e eaerciaed at any tinie Jui�wg thc existence uP'suot�
<br /> � ci�nult,irc�specuve caf dn�temp�e�rar,v wai��er of Yhe same,
<br /> z;a
<br /> x �� ����These preseuts,l�i�w•e�Ct,are.upnu tiie t�.an�tiCiuP�,T�hat if t.he said Mts�tgagter ahaii re�,�y*i.i�i lo��a aix�or b¢fute the ntaturi[y�u1'S1id�a�zarcn by -
<br /> r�{• (xXmenC;(�ay moothty tx>sai�l ASSLX'lATiQtV ut'ilco sutn sF+e¢ilicd in tltc Hend sm��ured l+cr¢by as tnecreat pnd pri�ici�E on oafd ir.ian,qn or betare
<br /> VL� the TWe�it�Clh�lay of¢uch:and every�nionih,unt91 sd'ad Ic�an is 1'ully�3aid;pay a11 t�xes and agsessmen.ts lr�tie�i:�;,ai�st avSd premisns atidtltt iht+�hl.utigage �
<br /> � and t1�c liond sesuKed ttxereby.br(uxr deiinqsien�y;fur�ush spprvved insucan�e tt{wn dte buildings thec�un in the sunt raf S �b���j}.a{) �xyable
<br /> c
<br /> f� tcs said.ASSQCIA't'IC)h;repay tn said ASSU(',iAT10h upu�e demapd all monet�bv it�iasd tcrr su�;h ta�er,assessme�ais and�nsurance w�tlx Sht¢rest at
<br /> �A tlte:nmaimum I�at rate Uacraun tron^�d3ta of paymc�at all�aCwl�ich htoit
<br /> '� Rz�ur he�Bbp a�zrces co pay:imrndt r�a tiva�te on ttaid premi.cest ke�p nnd+rom4�l�
<br /> x w'te3�all She 0greements n»d vortd(tions r�t'H�e Aond fur$ 3p ��p,Q(�is ciay piven by tha said Mnrt���x tu sai<i AJ5Ut:tRTIt7N,an3 te�ntplg-
<br /> ,,� with a11 the requiretuents Uf khe Constitutiun and F3yLaws of sai�ASSt)C►ATiON:then thesa presents sh�atl bacoma null end��id,uthcrwiaa the�
<br /> .-i shaU temain in fu#t E'orce and �rfay he tbr�aclosed ut tl��urii�i��e(the said ,iSStICIATION altec (ailure fur three �nanths tc> inske sny ot'�n[3
<br /> .� p*aVtnettts�ar Ne tf�rce tat�nths��r arrearx iai mai:fn�z�ici monthly�ay�taents,ur to kerp a�id rumpiv�vith tl�c uk,reenteuta a�td c,�uitdiciuns ct('said licmd;
<br /> snd M+ortg�gur xP,:ers t�a ltave a receivet appnintsd forthWith u�suc.h fc�reclu�ure pmcaadiz�;qs.
<br /> ti t[�err is qny chas�e in cawnctship of the�esl est�te rn�rcga�tca herein„'v�� saie or ecnarwine,cha�tltie entirc ren�auting iridebtedness l�emby
<br /> yorursr!stseli,sr.the option of'I'lu G�yuitxbie B�cfl�fu�t and Luan Aasociutiun ol'Grand Is1�nS,Nehraaku,UeeUme itnmeciaatela�due and paysble+�+,ithuut
<br /> furthcr ncNfce,aa�d the �ninusu remain#npq due undar said bi�nd,and xnY u4hcr B�nd fi�i a�tiy xdditiunal advanees Fna�ie#hereundax;ehall,Cram the
<br /> dat+e i71'sxrraisc�tiY sai,��?j�tlon,bcnr interest et thc n�eaunum Icgat rat.c a�td tt�is mortgagc maa than 6e fareclased tu sutisfy iltb anaauitt due uu gaid �
<br /> bafld,and anY ialher$rand fnx s�tditic�nat ad��a�ces.eocetlier x•ith alt aisnz� .+r�:� :1,T n;-y.,..e.,.��,.,t..,..�;:'L ; .,af;.,..�.., :u2S;
<br />� Ne�ra3kn S::r inrurartce,iu�n anil as�essmeais,mnci nbxirariing a�iensiw�ci�arges, µith intcresl thei�n. #'rom�date uf paynient at tlic maximwn
<br /> legal,ratc.,
<br /> +,� As�eroviGed in th.¢T3oitd sccured h�teby,whfle tl�5a raur�Kagc trinains ix�efteet the rnurtgagcc n�y heec�ftur a�ivuttc�e additic�nal eums to the
<br /> ,p tEiakars o1 said Bpnd,their ussf{ttta rJr sttu;ess�rs in intcr�aY„which snms shail bc w��thin Uae xeau�it}�csf 4his mortqagc che sarnc aE the Cunda�iiXtinallY �
<br /> a� securcd tl�eteby;the tolal wttctunt ni p�inciNel debi nut fu cxcred et anv�ime iJ�e otqtinni atnount nf thts�xtortqn�e.
<br /> a
<br /> ) �C)arc�-this ���.�--^ dav e,f 1'"I�TC47..T�T, a,n �0 7�
<br /> #� rW"`l t f .,� � � 'l� C•^x' ,� t�'`�,.N �""`!°"��.r L'" �
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<br /> J' . ,a � � i�J�.�ickair�
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<br /> �'c s�rar�a��r���i�.�
<br />"� C(9U*�TY�$�1�?L4L as. Oiathts 30Ch dayut P1dY'G�1 1v 7l befntarne. � F�,�
<br /> �� �R�e und rs�zned.nN�xaiv PuUhc Sr�a �i Cnr�,hl Cuwz1�•.�terso�eail�i�� �e
<br /> NLL�, �t�rr�r.J.,.�a.`llard and Ruth J. 6all�rd, each tn h�is and her uwn rt qYit �n� es spous� c��"�ach h'; .
<br /> ;� O�►Et': ; w�ia 13rrecanallY kt�uwn 1n � , �sus ..
<br /> i� . tt�.i�be't�e idtmiipal.�Y¢tac+n 5 whoae nsme S �!''@ a1't6aa:.cd tr�the s�taovr i as mcxt�tagnr S and 'Lh@,�� `etieraltv
<br /> � " �� ,,v�. .
<br /> � �r�tt�vl�pd tt�aasd uuYtrumeat ta tae t�#E 31^ votuntrrv aot and dasd, � a�4 ,-
<br /> � r,
<br /> �, . 15't"T3v�SS tny twt1+3 eaS Ssiutua33�a1 fium.iytn rCur�e��u.. \�,. ,, r �Y rt ,.'� �
<br /> ,f, r^ ��..�, .�,.. , ..,.,,� ._...._.� .:... " ,
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<br /> �'" rY c�rt�oa 6 '.'d,8. ��'➢g - . __�i :U.�'' }
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