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� � � ( �� ��� � <br /> ;�._ _ _ .�� ^4- �. <br /> `, " :MOR?GAGE . . .. . .. � � . <br /> � ' . .-�avlm9�and Iaaa Form--(Dtroct Gtwltt Pt�)�255�R�:(3peclal).�� . � ��:� .. .. � � � . ,:; <br /> � �� � Mt�RTGAGE <br /> .. ; <br /> �le�'..� , C�U1��(� <br /> �., ,r <. i.�.xo <br /> a t :�; ttiSs•�tNLtE1RT[fA&..aaaae thsR 30th a�,.,,, of Marc.h � � .ts7:�� by ana�_bss,.esn <br /> C � � � , , �. .. �. <br /> �: � RIC�IARF��M��'Mc�QU�RN, a� singfs �persom�' � <br /> ,, ,, _. <br /> �, <br /> �r <br /> of f-1a� ���' ��� ��� r.,••• Nebrasko,aa m os—_.aad Hosne Federal Savlc ��aad Loaa�:Asaod. <br /> � �� � �d co�wra�tion o:gaaized and existtng.�ciader�ha�laws:of Nebzaska'wtth ib.priadgal a�ffiae.and place�of bwtness��at��a�oi Gzaad.Islaad � „ , �_ , : : <br /> �� ' . '. .-a. <br /> ' . aad:l�l�d Nebraalca, . � , . � <br /> ,-`s�� ' 'as mortgagea: . . . . .. . .. . . -.. , <br /> '��- WI�'NESSETH: ��That aaid�.�mortgagor�_� tor aad 3n canaidermion.oi the�-sum,ol� � � . <br /> . . . . ;, ..,. . . . <br /> , ; 7WENTY—N I DiE'THOt7SAND AND NO!i 00 - — �,oua�, ca 29:000:00 ,. <br /> ;y ,. . :. �.; , .- . <br /> �p: t:; ��the recei iof w2�ir.h'�fs hereby���aclrnowledged, do�.'�, by�tkeae pzeseata mortgage and��w�rant unto said mortqaqee,�its auceeseon aad.�� � ' �-' � <br /> aesiqne,iasever, aYI:'tha�ldlominq,dexribed�rea3�eetate, divated:tn the��county of . ��� � � �� <br /> . ,`�.� �`�aitd Statc��.ot Nebraskar to-wir�� . . . ." . � � � ... . � . .. . . .. . �, ;'� <br /> . � . � . � . � . .. . <br /> .'r ,., .. . .. . . . . <br /> . � � . . . .�. � . .,� ; -.:� �. . ,:. <br /> � LOT TWENTY-7W0 C22) IN SASS SECOND SUBDIVISION IN SECT�dN FOURTEEN (f4), TOWNSHlP <br /> j �' ELEYEN (FI ) NORTH; RANGE NiNE (9), WEST OF THE 6'tH P.Nf., IN ii-iE C�TY OF GRAND ISCAND, <br /> HALL COUNTY, NEBRASKA 1 <br /> „ , � <br /> r. � , <br /> �� , . <br /> �.s��. . Toqether with<all Inonhng, lighLng, and pinmbfag equtpment vnd fixturee,induding�atokecx aad burnera,ecrcens. awainge..�stormwindows���� <br /> aad doore;�and.window�shades or bliada, uaed on or in coaneetion with aaid property,whether�the aame.are now loc¢tad on said�praperip <br /> ;i � or hezeaftez.�placed thereoa � . , f. <br /> ' � �� :,.20�HAVE �AND TO HOLD THE�SAME,togethez.with all and ainqular Ihe.tenemeuta,hereditamentn and appurtanaacea thezaunto beloag-�� <br /> 1 � ... . . . . ... <br /> inqr.or in anywiae�apperiaSninq,forever,and warrant the tiUe to the eame. Said mortqagor_.hereby coveaaai�:.x_with���eaid mortgaqee-� <br /> that._he—. �`'' .at tYie dellvery hereof, the law4ul owner�ot the premiaes�above��conveyed ttad deacribed,and � �5 <br /> �f �aeized ot a.good azid indeteasible eaiate of inheritance theiein, fxee and clear of cll eacumbrances, nnd that ��_ will warzant.�d�-: <br /> <5,:� detond the fitle.therelo fozever aqcuaet the daims and demands ot all persons whomaoever. � <br /> E' �3 PAOVIDED AZWAYS. and this instrumeat is executed and delivezed to aecure the paymeat oE Iha aum o' � <br /> � TWENTY—NahJE THOUSAND AND NO/I00 ----------------------------- ,,,,ll�ets 29,OQ0.00 , <br /> �j wilh interesi thereon.�together with such churges and�advancea as may be dun and payaYile to aaid mortgagea under the tarnu aad . <br /> conditiona.oi the pzomiaaorg nott ol enen date herewith and secured hereby,ezeeuted by waid�moztgaqoz_zo.avid mortgagee,:'payable � <br /> #3 �as aspresaed ia�said note,and to aecure ihe pezformaace of all tha terms and conditioas. coalained�lhe:ain..�The teims...of aaid �nota are <br /> Ilereby�inco�ozated bemin by this refereace. . :. . . . . <br /> �$ � . It ia the�intention and agceemeat oi the paziiea hereto that thie mortgage ahall alao eacure any luture.advances.� made to eaid� z2t <br /> ��.� morts�aqor� by.add�mprtgagee, and.any and al] iadehtedneaa in additioa to the amount above ataled�which said mortqagora. or �y� F� . <br /> o(them,�may owo��to aaid mortgaqee, howeve: evidencad, whethe� by�note,book accouat or othezwise. Thin mortgage�shall zemain in�fu11 f <br /> $$$ toice and..effect betwaea�the parHes hereto and their he'aa..peraonal.repreaenta4vea, successors.and aasigne, �uatl all amounta aenared t <br /> j� �heieuada:�includnag iuture advancea,aca�paid ia tull with intereat. S� � <br /> � �. The-mortqaqor hereby-annig �a said�aeorigagee a11.reata�and inrnme�arieiag:at any rind all tlman Szom:,said-:y=operiy:�mmd��. � . <br /> . � hereny c.uehei ._ ��To_^.gegm c: i:s agcn:, a: efs ap�.a.e:,^�� c^fa•+:t.!c:we e:.G.—y�e; smci pr��irrry�und rn.Feu aii renes and income� i . <br /> f��-. lherefrom�and apply the eame to!he payment of.intareat,��priacipal;fasutance�pxemiums,.tazea,aeeeasments.�rap�a or impzovemeab.necen- � � <br /> $� sary to keep icaid property�in tenaatable�croaditioa, or to olher ch¢rqee or paymsnn pxorided Sor herein or in Ihe�note hereby xcured T'h3a. � � � . <br /> ca <br /> �t �rent aseignment shall contiave in fozce until�the uapaid balancer of said note is tully paid. She takiag o(poeaeeaion haraundez ahall in no <br /> manner p:event or�retazd the wllacrioa ol said suma by foreclwure or otherwiee. <br /> �� � � The.tailu:e ot�.the mortgpgee,to.��aeaere �y.d�.ib�righte.hszeuader at any time shall aot be coaatrued as a��vaivar of ita riqht to asoert � � � . <br /> I � iha.sazne.cst.any later time,aad�,:to ineiat�,upoa aad.�eafo7ca:.atrict�wmplience with. all the termi and.:proviaione of eaSd aote and�of tHie j, <br /> yt ..�mortgage:.. . . .. � .. . . ... � . <br /> $� � It eaid martgagoz_ehal!�canee to��.be paSd�fo imd.mortgagee the entire�amount due it heseunder.�d under the terma.and pzoviaiens ��:�� � � <br /> � � SS; of naid note�hereby�eecurad.inctuding tuturo�advancee,und anyezteneion� or�renawal� theraof�in aecozdance wi�h tha tarma csd pre�7aic:� S � � � <br /> 2� �thereaf.aad��ii said�morigcqoz_ahall rnmpkp svith aIi the pzaviafona of�aid aote and.o!this mortgaqr.thea these pre�enss rhall ba votd: � <br /> 5. � otherwmn ta�.,:amma..ia.tutl forr.s��:and etfoe4.�d smd..:mortqaqN��s�all��be the..pue�foa ot.all ol.aaid�-proputq, �d.may.��.at ita <br /> � � #+ �� op�ion,daeIore tk�e w�ole oE wid.note and�all indebtedne�s�rspsdeated therabp to be immediat�ly due and papable..and may Sorecloss thi� � f �' <br /> hi <br /> �s_� mrntgage or�take aay..other�loqal action to protect�its��riqht.�-�d.lrom the date�.of euch�.delmtl4 a!!�fiems o!�indebtednem...socured�Lerahg�� . . m��r�` , �."m,�°s <br /> S$ , ahall_draw intrceat�at 9% pa:anaum. .Appzaaement.waived. . . . ' y�V <br /> $S Thia martqage ahall be bindlnq upoa�end shall�.aauza lo tLe bwneHt ol the hair�, ezecutor�. admfaia�satora. eucceawrs mad aaatg�u o! � � � <br /> . � $3 She�re�pact�uo pattios ItB[etG.. �. . . ., .. . . at . � . <br /> �"• � �. f$ � !N.WLTD7�S8,I�YSEAEOP.,witl DdOrtqagOi h.,.. 5 hafOnaM.�et�. �'1 S�... . h6nd__th9 dcy and . � �j „ <br /> year tirit cbovN �`� <br /> . a:+tittea. _'�"_ <br /> � S�. ��� ^`��� ':c � . - . . <br /> .. tj� r21 Gi t�]1' �t. ��ai:-��VG-?'�fl� iJ. 5 1 fii�.I C (�CE"�SU(i � . � f •. <br /> ?` _ �3 . <br />" . <br />� �.,�s � ._.1 <br /> a � ���, <br /> °�r.. <br />