, :, �N
<br /> �
<br /> � � � � � � x �,� �
<br /> : • ..�,✓,�.
<br /> �.,, .
<br /> � " �
<br /> r
<br /> r noG eact,errd or '��os�pos�e. tlie, due.. date ol t3�e 9i7ontl:ic in�stiiiln�ents referree3 - to ic7 �:�aragraphs I and '2 hereof or ,
<br /> k' ' ch�an� �e.c�mo�nt ot: s�¢9a insta3im�nts» ', � � � �
<br /> + 30.:;Sc>a-rawer �Tct Helecsecis::%.E�ension' csf �l�e:,#i�ve for ;l�avn�ea�t; r�r 3nadifrcaiion of arnortization �i the sums
<br /> � , , secuzed bY this �i�rt.�ag+e gtt3nteci :l�j* T.esu3er tci mn;� .ucc�sric in 'snterest af.;J3osroa•er sha11 ize�t opers�e io reiease,
<br /> , , �� � �
<br /> im m�y`aitanaer, the ]iabiii£y oC tt�e �riginai l3orroz�'er nnd Iiora�uixe.r'.s suceessors in interest. ` Lender shs11 not >be
<br /> ,� - reyuirec3 to epmrtzeua� �artaceetiizigs against; st:ciz suc�essor o3• refnse to eatsi�d titne for puyment or ottxaerwise modify
<br /> , � � aiuoctizszion oi ti�e sums se�ured ' t�y tlYis :ltortgage 1>y re�:,on o; � ��v c�emand ' :rasde 6y the origix�ai Borrnwer snd � '
<br /> � L�' , Borrax=rer's suacesscara in interest. ,
<br /> r ,e..,�, II_,�Porbearanc,e �ry -Lender�Not u 'Waives ,�ny #arbearsnce by Lendec in exercisin� ung> righb or rernedp
<br /> r� `� hereunrler, or othercviSe sfforded .ki`' sppLie�kale laca, ;sTiall n3t }ae a tit�si�er oi or pree3uc�e the e.�ereis+e of �nv right
<br /> , . � � �r remet33 hereunder. T�ze procuret�eaa, of ;nsrsrance ar ilie ;7avnaeni of Lz�.xes aa a#her liens or ;r3�nrges bu Lender
<br /> � . shall uot lh� a as*�iver of Lendez's iight to �veeieratc tlic snaturii� o[ ' the indebt�ness �ecured �3 t�iis iti7ortgage.
<br /> x� ,_ � 12: ';Reasedi�s CumutatiFe, �l! re�nadies provi$�cl in t3�is 11ott��� are distinot �u�cl cumuls�iYe to xnp other
<br /> h � � �
<br /> right a�r remedy iirsder t3�is 13urt�age or aft'orded f>y latie c�x cc�uicw, sna�l may tie exercised concurren�Gly, indepand= r `
<br /> �; ently or successiveiy.
<br /> � 13:. Su�essoxs cmd� Assigns Sound: 7aiat cmd' Severat Liab9lity., Captiobs. T'iie eo�-enssnt� aad, �greements
<br /> �£ ;-t� faerein c�untained sI3a31 �inet And the n hts iiereiiucier s}iaVl iaaur� to the ret ar,ticc successor3 33ici_ ass' iis vf Lendes ;
<br /> , �� ' , -P �
<br /> r';° E and 3ior�a�cer, s�il�aect tca tiDe pmvisions at itura;Tnpii� 1 i l�erenf. �{9 covenanf� .3ne1 agreements of I:orrower shal3
<br /> t , :} �e joint-anci several. The cs��kioiisand headin� oi tlee ��ar�a.�ra�3lis �i this 1lort,�a�e �re for com�enienee- oniy and
<br /> � ' :3 are notto 37e used to interpret or define t3}e` ��r�ti•isions liereof. ` ' , ' `
<br /> " I4 ''1�tatice. ` Anv nociee zo. I3orrasver ��ro�-idect , for 'r�i ttais llors�i�gs s4aa�1 13e s�icen br r�i�iting ,�cte ; siotice �y'
<br /> �` ' certi5�clrsuuil :zcldreas,ed to Borrorver at tiie i'rape:-cp .ldclress sz.�teci i�eto��•, excepc for �inp notice required ,under " � '
<br /> w� ' g�aragraph 2S lrer�oi .a �a gi�,•en eo I3orco«�er in ilie manner. pre�cri.i�ed tti}* appiicnt�le iuk•. an�> ncstico , ;arovided
<br /> ' ; faz i� t.Li< lior[o�e 41�aLt:.be deesz�ed to lna�•e l�een niti�en to Bora•o�rer u-hen gicen ix3 the �nanner +iesi�nat.eci lzerein: � '
<br /> ,; , � , 35. IJaifprm Morlgage; Goveming 3.aw; Severability. "I'liis iotm oi �iiortgage r.ozaibines ux7ifoxan r.o�•ennnre
<br /> �, � for nntionai �ise �,nd nan-uniiornz cavena�ts �vitl� limiteri ��aristions t��- jurisdict.ion to constztute u �niform secu=
<br /> rity ins4ruuient 'co4ering real }>roperty. 'Pl�is �Soitgage sh.idl bc gc�� enxed F�i� tl;e Sacr c�i ihe jurisdic#ion in tivhiah
<br /> �� � � �
<br /> Y . . . . . . I . . .
<br /> t + i?ro ert � i loeated: In the e��ent thst anti� �ro� �s�on or clause oi thi bior w'
<br /> he s s � t a e or th Not =co fii ith
<br /> P _ I e e n cts
<br /> S � 8
<br /> , ' `� a�piicuble Isw; such conflici shall noi nifect �tlier l�rovisions oi this :�lortgage or tttc :'vrote �vhich cssn bo gicen
<br /> ` �� effeci �szihout ihe con�ieiing �>rovision, and io ihis end i:he �ro�•isions oi c't7e \fortgn�e and tlie V oie are deciare�
<br /> ` , , ;, to i�e severabfe: , .
<br /> 2& �orromer's Copy. Borrawer shail 6e furnisi�ed � conformed csop�- oi i:his �Iortgage st the time oi exeeu- i
<br /> , , tion or aftes recordation .lier�t.
<br /> 7 17: :Trausfer of fhe Propezty; Assumptiaa. Ii ail or a�r yiart oi. #he Property or �,n inter�t t�erein is sold
<br /> ortrausferred ;b3• Bormwern='sthouLLender's �,rior r:ri#.ten conseni . eaciuding (a) #.l�e creation of a lien or enetun-
<br /> brance sutaordinate {u this lZoztgage, { b) the creat:ioci of<s �:rurciia,e mone�- securiz,}� interest- for iaot�sehold .appti-
<br /> ' L S
<br /> � :�nees, (c � a transier i�y cievise, descenG ar )�s- o�eraiion of 3ss«� u�aoi7the deatli of a ioint ienant or 1d } the grant. oi '
<br /> � an3� i,as�tQId "anterest of t3�ree, yen,rs or less not. cpntainin�; an opi.ion to �urchuse; Leuder inav, at 7.e.�der's optian; ` `
<br /> . � declare-all the susns sc�cured 1�ti- xhis �iorigage co Le inmiediazel�� ciue s�ici ��syat�lc. Lencier s1�a11 lnuve x•ais�ed suah
<br /> ". y aptiou ta accelerate ii, }�rior tn ti�e sule or rranwier; Le:f�der aird ihc> person i.o �c}�om fhe P3roperty is io be sold or.
<br /> , � zrsnsierred aeaciragreemettc is� i��riting zitst sl�e creait. �i suc13 pereon is satisiscton� to Lender and thal ti�e inierest
<br /> psyabiean the surus secure� 1>}� this \-2arLgage sf�all be at sucli rate :a� I:enrier �hai3 requasi: If I:,ender has �+�=aived ��,
<br /> the option to �cceier�.te prori3ec� in this. f�ara�;x�zip4i 17 nnd ii }3orrower's �uccessor in inierest; iras executed u wri#-;
<br /> tKaiassumptionagreement nccepted in :�rri�ing i�� I,ender, Lenders'tia11 relesse Borro;ver �roxn atl obli�uiions under '
<br /> : ,
<br /> ,'- ; ihis D.Zortgage and t.he lToi..e.
<br /> " � If i.euder e�iercises such opiion to accefersis, Lender sha]I *nail I3nrroner notice ot accelemf,ion an accordance .
<br /> . + 7 «itli �arsgrapl� 3-� Lesc:o>`. S:zaii r.u:ice sl�ali �irox�idc a period oS not I�,.,n: # Zzan 3(3 dars froin th� dste i}�e not,iceris
<br /> �naii+ed +a�it3�in n-hicii 13orro�+•er ms}- psy xhe sunxs riecinred �iue. Ii I3on•ower iails to pay �uci� sums }zrior to ihe
<br /> � . ex�airation vi sucl� period . Lender may. n-ithout furtliei� notire or <ierusnd on I3'orrower, inl�oke .�n,y remadies ��er-
<br /> ," � initted by pazagrap3�' 18 l�ereof:
<br /> ,� . � �
<br /> � � ' :��o�.-L.; �t�oa�i (3avEx.4a;�: I3oi•t-a�vc>r :�nd Leiidei• furtl�ei• c��-e�iant rand a�ree as follon•s :
<br /> � 28. :Acceierat`sca; ;Ramed'xes. Isxceg�t x� �ri•oviiied 9n 1 �urt3erulali 7 r" l:creoi ; u�fon E3orrotii•er'� kareacla o2 an��
<br /> ` ' o�Fenan�, or �greesrtex�t a4 �iort�tn�,•er in #lais liort�;ugc, inc3��<is�3g ci�� ca��en� nts to �aa.Y �c3�cn duc :any :,un�s .ecured
<br /> �= b}� ihis :�.9t�rt,qage, Lender priur to Hr•oe3eratio�� slxal3 ;ex.iii atz�iicu €o Liorrc�«-er .�:; '�rovicicd i�i T�itrakra3�i� 1� 3tereof
<br /> , � � � �� � � specif.ving: ( ij t�tze &�re,�rl� ; �,'29 tlie �art.ion re��uii-ed � t �a � cus�<� sucli � i>a�� arl� : t31 a�_ ciatc, xior� • .less f2�ara � tlaiitc� dais
<br /> frani che dat.e tlie noticc is ii;siled ta 13orr-oti� cr, l,}- ��•}� ici� ::iicii k�re<aci� �nusx !�c ��ureci : ssn<i ( 41 ilizt# [silu7r, t� care
<br /> ' surh breach on or i�eiore ilie date specified in thc notace ' airay resuii. �$� r�ccelecstir�n ot tlae 5uius aecurcd bv -this
<br /> R3ort.gag,� xnd s�ie of the Propertl: Tf thc bmarli �s not eurcci oi. or befoir tlac ciate ,pecifieci in ilie notice, Len�3er
<br /> ' � � � s�L Lenc3er's bpt�ioxa r�aay � <9erl�re e�3'1 oi t}ie .u��z c�e.�Aa ; r�i b}• t9 �t� ��io,rf �a�e � to iae innnediati�iy � du�� z�rai� � payaGle �� �
<br /> i*:ithout furt,hes ciem_and an�i rna}• foreclase xiris �Surtga�c b}�. judiczal �it�vcc�ea�iiic. Ler.dersnall ��e ea�tit-�crl cn rollect'
<br /> 7 in suct� prpeeediz�� ali espenses «f forecloeurc�. inclu�lii�g, 1�ut i�at lin'tiic:�! to . costs ot ciacu�nent3n- evideaice.
<br /> �.. •. �sbsiracts and tStle re�arrs:
<br /> ' k 19: 'Boxiowas's 8ig�st to $aiastate. tioticit�atanding l.endei•'S s�ceeieration oi the �ums �ecx�red - i�y iiiis
<br /> � A Mor�gage, $orr�owsr s2aali Y�sve xhe right co 13ati•e auy ��raeee�ing, l�egur� Uk 3.ene{er co cixf�ree tkais ilurt�sge dis-
<br /> = co[ztinued at anv ttme prior +o ertr�� of � �i:d�meni enf»rrin� tl�is �\loragagc ii : cui Barrcjuer F3ays i.t�ader a11
<br /> � , 'i :S�ums �hiuh �could be theu du+e under this _llort�a�*e, tl±c+ \ote iincl nat;e: sec�rin� Future ..acirancei:, ii �n}; hsd iso
<br /> _ >>'. aeoe3erat,ia� occut�3 : i i� ) $orruwer rurer ail i�reac•i�e, or e_nti- other covrn.tnls or agrcentr'nts of I3c>rrower c�n-
<br /> � tnizteti 'in .�his 111o�tgage: (c3 13arroxuur Faa3-s ii11 reasona.Llc ts�ae�aocr isururre�i bi� I.rc�der ic� et�iar<•u�K t ��e -r,o4�rtya�nes
<br />�.. . 4 sua a�r�eanenta oi Horrower contuinetl zn 11c� Ziun{;s,<;e sna �i3 ,•rtxcrrcrr,k Lcniicr'� rcrnedie� as protit¢ied . in para-
<br /> grap� 38-hereo4, iue3udi�g, but riot limzteci t.�, i•ensa�iai�le xit:vrne�*'� iee� : an�i ic31 Iiorroucr takew such acci�n »..�
<br /> ? ..
<br /> ° , � I.retader ma} reasonab]S> :require io sssure #hat ihe lien oi tiiis _ltorigxge, L�*2zrier'� iuterest an the Pro�ertr snri ,
<br /> :,.� Barraw�er's +obligatiom to �as�- the :ums seeumi t�y ; thi. liarcga�;e �i�aii cc+ntinue uninipaircci. L?�,on sa�ch- ;�ss�n�enti ; .
<br /> � ., ,and cure,3ay $nr�ow+er, 'this �furtgs,�e aud 1he o�li�at:icans �ured tiere�i�r �hall rrmain in f uli iarce aczd efiecc xs ii � �
<br /> ` }s ,.. . .,. � �r; ; .
<br /> no a�era#a�af :e.ut�: Appointmeni of Aece�xer. Leader, in ' Passeasion. . 3s ;�ddi#.ional sec�rit�- here- �r,' , '° � ;
<br /> � . �,
<br /> ,� uad+er; Bormxcer hereby assigns tu iiendert3ae raaais af:# }ar^ Prb�ert}`. {�roti•i�Ic�i tl�ti# Barror•er sltali, i�ricax to aeceier- � "� i
<br /> �, �' ationa�nder �ens8zag�� t$ �iereof orabuad�onmeni bf the Pro��ert�-. l�s�°c ti�e ri�fyt to coitect and , retai� such reuts ^�
<br /> ss they become due and pas:abl�e. � �; �.
<br /> � . SII
<br /> TJ}�on� acae#ers.taon under }asragrnp}n 1$ h�rec+f vr, »baadannae�t of t�3e 3':^�perc�. I.rne�er, in r,ei.on: �iy aeenc ��,
<br /> k"" " ?a' bp juclie�si3X �Pd�tbt�d ':sccei�er. �hn.!} 3xe':eszs3xicri fo rnier npon. ia3cc Tauase,�sion oi :.�d aiiana.�e i:im. �'ra�icrt?�= . . "';;:.:
<br /> � s�lad Lv:cxt33eca� the ',rents nf the Pro�er&v, inciut3z�� chose �aa.�1> �iue. .all renxs rollec#ed !�}� L+:�ader or #$r, ncei��er ''�
<br /> E13
<br />�, ` sta�3�.be �,ppiieci first to pavmen#. ni the �cost�s of i3�uua�esnent eaf #he Yro��ertti• an<� coilcctian af rer�t�:, inciu�iing, i>ut.
<br />�• ; nat limiL�d Lo, reeeiverF i�, �amrz'eiurns ns; -r.cenver's l�onxl� and reesonable :etiorne�c s fe:e�. and t3:en co t31� suixjs
<br />� ., : �.:�et1 Lti i�io �Z:ii�LgngG_ �eueier .»t�d Ute �-e�+eiuz:r siai�il d�e iixiiir to ziccc�urat unlr iar Ui7ose renLs seturr.iiv :�crcei�•eci .
<br /> 4 , ��4'�^�N' . . . . .
<br /> q
<br /> '. . �
<br /> - .. �-,� .,- . �
<br /> ',�. � � . . � . .
<br /> �� � �
<br />