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<br /> tn�a�va�c+u�►�.
<br /> L?tfE'4i+T :SALE'
<br /> a i ��"�` ` OP'�'tO1tiAL E�]TCJ14E''1�DSl'AIV+CEu
<br /> + SAti1N,f".�S`.;F4tldL3'S
<br /> �� �' � 'F'o�ert hio.720 � : :� �� . � .
<br /> .� ���:
<br /> f � , La�n Nusrfb�r_.�27�..�t___=-_.3_��_��-_.�.�_
<br /> :. ... �.pK . BfanCh
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<br /> so � 'i`HIS l!�£t�FL'�°G.AGE,xaaade'nnd�e�erut,�th�s ..._-�..�� -•�---:_ ._.,da}�af.�---�t�,.r_c� . A_D.,
<br /> • --�---- �
<br /> � : 19 '�'7_;.;;�e�.eve�n ttze M�irt�-a�or�...,�c31a�_.�..__i'riesz..�nci_T,eca3.�.�i._.�sz�s:t,::husbartd__anct.�t�.er_,��eh " f
<br /> � �-.3a3s_-�„Rd..h�__s�m:_irsci^�sridu¢1._r.i.gk3t.,,�sut..as :s��se__af__i:he.:a�h�x,_.�.o.intly..�.rsfi:sesres�,s71y
<br /> �� ,- `of ._��sia��_��3t�nc1_�..,.L.�^ouiaty o�..�::E��L__;: _----------_.. State of.:;3���s�s_,._,�eceinaf�e'r reterred �
<br /> ,; to as,..�2ie �iomawer, anrl k�e ?4�ortgagee, r3I�2�'T FE3]ER�L SAVI�*GS r1ND LC3AN ASS4CIa�TION CIF `
<br /> �, Li�i�(3L�vi,,32�5"'a!T"'Street, Linmlu,:i�+dehsasi� b8501>;its snci��crrs and-as.�igns,hereinafter..referred to
<br /> �r3 �as.I+ec�d�er. � � � �
<br /> �
<br /> r ,� 13�rc�rassrsr�: 'T`�-_,at the said Borrosver for�nd in rnnic'�der�t%on nf the suaa c�€ �.:�•...i'�€F3Td��,#D�-A�)-•--
<br /> � _�FE3�� .....:.'_-_.___ _�_T7ol:srs {LTS$�.,.QQf,�..�2Q ..�_:.. �___:.)
<br /> ;r ` 1�t �v-:�said Lender, daes hereb�r mnrt�ga�e, grant nnd canvey � Irender, zts succes.sars c�nd a�igas,.the
<br /> � �- folipwing des+cribeci p�upert�locnted in:ihe�ouutv�f:::...----F3ci2:1.' -----�_ ..._...:_._.,S3ste of�1ebr�ska: :
<br /> f ;+ . . . . . . � .
<br /> `z Lot 2s�e3<ve �`12}, B3taci� Fifteart (1��, i� Saar#'f's Adc3itiozi to t+Tes�
<br /> � I�a�a, �rand Is3.�nd, H�i1 �ounty; Nelarasks..
<br /> .,
<br /> 1.;�
<br /> .� , '
<br /> r .:
<br /> �:
<br /> , ,
<br /> �,� �
<br /> ,Y
<br /> '�tiGE�t�s yvith all'the i�uprrnemen�now or hereaft�r erecieci on tha property, snd xll easements,
<br /> ; � T���: �Purtenanoes, rents, ro.valties, niinerai, oiI nnd g9S righCs snd'pmfits; �s•ater,;water ri�hts, and
<br /> � ; water stock,.and Fsll:'fisturns aaw or herea#t�r atta�had tv the pmperty;ali vf n�ich; inc3uding reglat�a- �
<br /> � rnents anti�dditaons tberetc�,shall Ue deemed£�a be and resnain a part cif the propert,y-covered bg this ; ' , ;
<br /> �;E Mort�e; and'ali of�&e foreg�ning, iogether c��itia s�tici property {or the lease:t9old estat,e in the.eeen�this
<br /> ; '3Wto�e z,s a���a leaseshol$) are�hereix�.referiec�ta as��ihe `Propert�,, � � � �
<br /> ' .r Borcnwev cave�maats`that 33nrrower i_5 lswfullY seisecl o#Lhe estate her�b�� ennveyed and hss the ri�;ht 7 `'.,
<br /> Ga mt�rtgs9g�e:b'R��and:convev the�'Popnert�,fhat the Propertv is unencumberecl, and t,i1a� Barrowes�rri11
<br /> pe
<br /> w�rrant:anrl defead generaiiy the title to the Pmperty agaixest all cla5ms a[aci demaads, subj�t to any � :
<br /> easem+enda and restrictions list,�d'in a se2sedule of e.ecepiions tn rovera�e in aaY title insura�nce policy in- s`,
<br /> suriaag Leader's'inter+est in t��e Pro}>er#.v, or{+>) attornev's apinion af titl� from abst�ct of tit3e certified
<br /> ' by bon�ded ab�stracter. t ,
<br /> t Pst�vin�a ALw,a�xs, aad #�ese presents are e�ecuted anci delivered upon the inliawing cronditivn�,agrre�-
<br /> ��, �
<br /> .A,� ments amc3 ob3iga#ioas o#,the;Barm3ver, to-wit:
<br /> :� , ., „.
<br /> �� `I'tte Bornnwer ags�es ta pav to Lhe Lender,or order t2ae pnnei�a.3 sum of _��'�� �A �C}��.i?p- ,
<br /> . ..:-es_._-eaear ""..'" '"".' -...___..._ :�-r ..._,..... ._..__�..�13uf2T9 ��,5 �:�.�2 a�QQ..�_...:.._.. ._......j. � .
<br /> � pa�.�bie as pravided in a note executed aud delic�ered,roncurmniiy herer�vith,fl�e final paVment of pnnci�aal,
<br /> r
<br /> � if not sooner gaid,on t�e ---:1s.4 .�'----- .day of ._.. .__AF.�i�.._ ................, 29_:.:��.
<br /> �-�
<br /> T '^ L71vt[r[aaM C'xavs:�auzsz�s.Bozxawer a�d Lenc2er rnvenr�t an�a��e ss foLcc��:a:
<br /> !. Pacgmezst of Priad�xl cmd Intezest,_ $ormwer shsll promptl� Pmy* whert due the prinr.ipal nF tznd izs-
<br /> ' terest an ttze indebtedn�ss evide,rsced by�he,�Tnte.pre�avment and iate ch�r�v�as pmvided in tite Nc+te,
<br />�; arx3;.2-�;:��inc.�spai bi anci inier�c on any�'uture Acirunees sr�cured bti� this Aiarc�a�;e.
<br /> =x 2. F'imds for Tax�es and iasurcmce. �ubject to Lender's uption undex pa��ra�hs�# and 5 Pser�rof,�C.ir-
<br /> ,-a row�r shal;pav#u I.ender oxa the�iay Tnonthiv insta.lirczents of principxl auci interest are�vz�ble uncier the
<br /> r� 31TQte, ;:n#i, f.�te IVate is�iaid in:futl;a suut {herein"'Funri.s") ev}ual to one-tw•c+lfi;h uf the yedr3i= ta�es arxrI
<br /> =� assesamen�s�vhich may attain priflrity over this 1�tortga�e, and grauncl rents on ttae Pm�ext�•.-if i�n�� �iaas
<br /> � one-�velfth ca�year�;P,�aremivan;aasta3lzue�ats for har.�rd an.surance. plu..� ane-#w�3fLh o£yearly preuiium in-
<br /> si�3trii1etai�s for��rtga�!e iusuraacce,if uny,a12 as iceasonabl.r estimat��d initially aiid fxvm time to time liy_
<br /> : a
<br /> L�ender vn the b�sis o£a�,iRsrnent.s and biiis ctmmd reasonable e�timates tL3erc�ol>Lencler�kzsli r�p�ly Lhe Funr}a
<br /> " t
<br /> �1�3'�sid�es;asca.,.;+a..�n�s.ituurence�rerniciuv4 and gi+cax�nd rent�. i.ender ciaatl n�ake no c4ixrge{c�r�� �
<br /> k�alda'u�.a�d a�lyuag the kzznds;or veri£yzng and cumpiiin�:r;aid asse:sinents and bfills. The Lender s�a�l
<br /> A � Rive #a 31ie.�3oxan��es,withon�chstge,an aannai accountaag Qf the�lzads showing cre�iits szad detaits io t�e
<br /> � �+�tcis�s1d#3i�purp�sx�fbr�vhich,�esclt�efiait tcn the Fund� �►nade_ 'T`he Fund� arn pledgcd ss additioxssl
<br /> na
<br /> 9, sectzritY for.the.sums,sc�ureci by;ttus i�fartgage. The Bormw�r�grees-#.ha.t ttze Funds mav be held by t#�e
<br /> 'v�` Lendee a�id caritmingled svith other fuuds snsP the.i.ender's r�uzn funds and tlae�.enci�r nu�y Ewy such i#e:Q3s
<br /> � - fiiam:'i£�oNrtt fuvdsase3,rl t}ie�exsc{,er s}taii na� be liable tor ic�terest or dividends c�n �;urh Funds. . �""� ;,it�+
<br /> ��, I#�e.as�oua�of:t.lus Fuads.held�y L�ender.together"ivith the �uture mon�hly insttatilments �of F�ncRs `,' �� '
<br /> P���e;prs�cfr�o,the:?d�xe tiaL�s ofatasas,.:�ts. ansurastce paoeemiuxns;aud ground ren�, shadl eac�eeii � ; y
<br /> a
<br /> ' �t�e smaual��xsued,�v.�ay said.t�azes,as�sments,insuxaana�reanivrns�nc�ground rents�es thev fail ciu�,
<br /> r�� susch e�.�ix�I�e,at Borro�''s op�`rass,ei�er�romp�.lv repaid to Barrower os cr+edited to Barrowp,r on
<br /> �= rmaa�h3�u�ss#�a��euCs c�f Fuz�d�,.�if �e�ssptu�t o# the Funds heid bY Le,�der shall not,be suH'ieie�t to pav ' ��'_.
<br />�? t��.-.�ssc�smeu��s,zuar,cran�c:� ps�iuc�,r�d n�r2 reat�s�tlaev fali d�.e, �rrower st�aLl
<br /> u p.�v i�a Len�9er
<br /> '� al+�*a�m�ian�r.�:_io�c.zz�.t2xs d�a��p�it2litz thiic�y�ay�e�iLrs neti.ic+�tc+arn L�ender cv�c�rxc+wer
<br /> `z r"e4sie�`pe.3�tee�nt tf�e.a�of„or B�armwrr.<shsL�; �y aa incz�i�t:mont,i�ty ins�a33meuts o#Funds required,
<br /> n
<br /> � ', repa��#3se��efici�y.v,rit�ain Lhe k'und.acc��untiag period. � � �
<br /> , ' $�i�fi'II��n�'titt ut fui3 of•a3!szszns secutad hk thzh�k:ear��a;I.a�i.Irr�I�nil a�ply Funcis Fzrid xi5 a rrrciit
<br /> s againfst�31.sRrxzru.:tiue.
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