�� ;�:
<br />�� � x ��
<br /> �- �, � .�: �
<br /> ': � � 1 C '7t� � ` _ ;
<br /> �o ' "�HE ...M�RTGAGOR;. FUR'3'fiER ' COVENANTS AZvI? AGREES: : '~ c' � '�� ��D ' ,. . '
<br /> � Thst Rhe Mori�a�a�C �,i�'�tl . i?aY,Sha �rtde.�,teEiAc's� es,'%k�gceini�g.f,oae Asa,�dgd-
<br /> � :
<br /> _ . ; ,� .
<br /> +' �/. ��. That the Mortgagox ia Lhe ,+dwner of saA<i pmperty �n tee '� e�imple and has g�ai riglz£ nnd lawful autharitY to sell .ind
<br /> coaWsy Lhe seme �x�.d -:that th.�,lsarµe xs.€t�t and, clear ,of any, licn or' encumbrance: and tt+at:Murtgagor will cr� arranl � a»�l drrfen�i 4he r ;�,
<br /> � 3iUte fo sairl ,Premis'vs' ag�i�E'�il�e� eTai�l'a� +of a11.'s:e,i"sc�,ns'.ivhoensakv,er=, . . � . . .
<br /> ti . .. . , '- il y � Fj �• : � .�,; � � �. x . . ' . „ . . .
<br /> To Pary �zrtinediatelp�whe�� due ;and pay�blew all genecal taxea, speciak kaxes,.s{secial aK�:is�nents, wat@r rhpr�es. srwer wxrv�- '
<br /> ice. e]�msges,:� and ather kaxes Rnd c}iargeti xRainat :v3�d prnpc�rty, an�l� �II taxes Ir.vied �xn� t1��� drtiC� sr��ired .��hereby, ant3 fo furnish the �
<br /> s �:Mortgagee..::upon-�r.ecjuest, tivith the �irigirial or :'�lra�'>i'e�ate �..�.receiP�s'.:$liercPur. :'Plae \�tarkg�'�,�sr . �.graers �ihat ClAere �stia2! berq;ddeck tn . .
<br /> each monthlj+ payment r.eqcaircd hereunder esr �nder t}��� E�viriencc �of �etat ss<�cured h+�rehy- an amount esCixnatvd hy the Mcirt�agee
<br /> to��.:�� be� su�ciunt 4u etiable, the�.�a�t�gee . ,t.n yay; as .� vh4:y. Lecurne- rtue., all : taxes, s�ssr>s.+mer�ts, and siroilar r.harges�: uPnn tYre pte�rr�, �
<br /> ' ��- isi`s subJecY.th�c'reus; ��ny riePicicncY t�rc�use �>f� ��klir insutfir.i�ncy of� �such �. actditfonal ��ayments�. s}r;all t4t! �� t�>rthwlth . tt+�� pasiterf'..:�hv the ; :
<br /> I�lortge�os.�:wittx t,he� Mortgagee .�up�n. . dea��tind by� th� �1urt�;ca�ee.: Any� f1eFaAiit ornder� ihia:,para�;rar�h shall f��• dr.•emrr! a defHult in � ���
<br /> payrraenl uf � t.axes. �rv+.�+amoz;ts, .s ...�:s�i:..r c3-x,:r;;cs require?i k=c=rei3�nilnr. � : � . . � ' � '
<br /> '7'he :&1ort�aK�7F' agfees that tSiere shaIl�.:aiso 'be �� a�3iied ta� cach :nt�inthly p,ym.ent uf ��rincc�'ial .unri intea�wt reyuared here- �.
<br /> � � under an-art�ciuz�t e�atima4eci bY fhc� � i�5ortgagec:�� io iu� su.Ricient ta cnahlr ttja itdortg:agh<- tu g�ay, rts it � !>ecame.x � rlue, Yhe �rrsuranre �. :� �
<br /> x�reaaium an'a tnnY. inswrant-e ;iUliCy rlelxvered to �k}'�c 2�4evrtga,�',ec. rAnY �1� (na �+�itc,y heGau!+� . ��I ihe en�affiqicn.y �+( sur,li, acidlttnqal 3raY '
<br /> ��� n�atktsts shail':�v fcert.}iwith �degositec3. fay � fhe ?ulcrtgag�r. ..�ith #.he � �Yvfe�rtgti�;�r �� �,un dernsnii by. tlif��. I�lortga@ei F"1ny defavlt unc3er this �
<br /> . � � ry:v�a�ralsh �.s}nall k�� dita�nrd a deFau#t iri . the F>ayinent � �f� �ia.uranitc pcottxiuni.s. � If the pi�l�cy � nr- �.roh<•i�s �<ie{�osited' �3re snch at; ir�me- `
<br /> . � c,wazrn �i���. ul! rislc potAcics, an�! the c§e��sits� �are. insi��eient to 7�+��y thn � entirc�. {�irert�iurn. tkie .Air� rrhal;ee � inay :apryly` the � depoazt to �
<br /> . � ��n,y. prerz2iums �i>n rlskx� required Lo !?� insuriu3 by t}sis mort:Kage. � . � � �
<br /> � � F'ayrr.r:nts. made b}= - the Murtgagor t:.nder th�-- a6ove* ;r.araKraphs rnay . at � tha=. cipticin of thec Mort�;agee, �. E,u hcdd���hy i! unei ��
<br /> �. conirningled with other sucYz�. funci.s or itv . awri Eunds (or Lhe payment o� such iteitys. ar�c! urntif s:s e3�:�F>1iec1, s�eeh paymen.ts artr h.•rnb}'� ,�
<br /> ` � pic�dg`v1- .aa .ceeurity tor lhe �: unpaid halance � oY tlir mox•tga;„e fndebtednes.y. � . . . . . � . . . .
<br /> � � � To �r��ure, drlivec to, tc.nd rn�.int:if ;i for I.he brnefii nf ttir ;Yfarty;¢ig�e ditring tht� liFe r>!' thi°s m�.+ctKaKe. original �aolicirs and ��� �� �
<br /> rr•newuls� thereof, c}eiivertxi a1. le.�xst ten riays betore t ��?e e+:Poratinn nf :any surfi txiiicies, ineurirr„ �gainst Eire � ernd �athi�r uxsuratxle �.
<br /> huxtards, casualties, . und a�ntingenci�s ae trie 2�Sortgzgi•c ma,y tequire, in an nznovnt e.;�:sl to tFe iiideUt2dn�s.a�.� sec:ured�. ��by this ...
<br /> � R2or4gage, and � in cumpanie5 accepf.�F.ile lo lhw. 14artgagee, •,viih tnss pati� able c3�mse ia €avor of and in Form ac�¢eF�talale !o t}re NtortRa- .
<br /> �ee. In t�he ' event 3ny .. K�olicy i5 not. r+en��vt+�i <»� or kseGare ten duys uf =S=s expnratinn. LY.e !�Sor: gag�e znay �irc,acue�a� rrysuranca t>n the . �
<br /> � im,�rcrvemenks; {�Ky Lhe pr:�mium Lh�reior, and . such si.irri shatl � f�.�cume irnrneciiatc➢ y due und i'•ayable � wiih� iz�terent at � the. rate set
<br /> . � �fvrfh in said :ntife vt�.til p:�id and hhall kx- scrcured 4>y tf�is mort,ea�e. T'as7ur:1 nn the pa :t� at tfir 1lortgagor . lo (urnish suc.h � renewats .�
<br /> aa � axr.� herein requircd� ur fe�s.ilure tn psy aiiy sums a<Ivancrri.i hereurxder �t�alt , at fhe <>;ation� oC � LPie RQc>rtga�;ere, � const:itut:e �a d+-f�ult� �
<br /> ' 1�� � � �ircder� the tennv uf tLis mortgage. "I'he� rlelivery erf sucn pnlicius sha!! , in fhe evNnt ¢f default, � constiiute nn . nssigntnrni: uf thr un- � �.
<br /> e.arneei� Premium. . . . . . �
<br /> � Anv 5ums rrceived by thc l�lortgagee by� reasari uf t��ss or r: amage in=ura�s3 ngainst cnay Ik rctainecl by � t.h<v N., ort#;agee � �
<br /> � �' uta$ app4ied . f�oward kfte p:iyment of tk�c dei7t. herrlay s+�cucrd . � r. �i �7:e +iFrt;on af t:��� '<s9orti;,r5r^. such sums e�iihet whotly or in. � ; .. , �
<br /> purt.-may be peid over . t.r.o eh�� �1 �rt��agor t�� tx ��SCN1 tu ri���nir such buildings or tu Yyeiild 'r�ew 8yurldinFa� . in their j�Iace � ar � f��r Uny : �
<br /> other .purpusc� � or ob)ect satisfecfory to the IViortgagc:e withoiit ;�ffectir.g the- lien nn iFre nntirt�age far the fuil srnount securrrl liere- �
<br /> by � betore such y�ayment evar t�x�k place. � � � � .
<br /> �
<br /> . Tv promptly � repaix.. reAstore r�r rebuild any buiidings � r � mpsovements now ur hirreafter nn the s�rem�see which may he�- ��
<br /> � come dFunngr:xl ur des[royeai; to . kee.p suid premiscs in ga�d c��ndiiiun �e�nd repair and trec= from a�zy meck�anic's lien or uther 9iern or
<br /> � clairn �>t � 2ierr not expree;�ly suborclinated tt,. iE�e lien hereof; not to suffer *:x �ae•rmif ar�y urilawl'ui usc of nr any. nuis�nce Eo cxisf on �.
<br /> � stisd properiy � .nor do pertnit .wtlste an ssid (�remises: nor to do �ny othcrr act whereby t}i,;: proper[y }iere.by �c<>nve.Y"ed shul{ i'k:cume .
<br /> . less � valuabte, nor to dimini�h or imrrair its valu�� by any act or omission to act , tn corr� Pi�' with �I! rri� uirements uf taw with respect-
<br /> ' ta the morlgagca9 premises �n�i t�he use. therecif. � � � . ..
<br /> � TkiaG shou3d tfie premises or any part lheree�f tx� i,aken or damaged 6y rarasun vf. any s�ublirimpr«vririent or condcsmnatioi�. . .
<br /> � �� pcpec:ed.ing, c+r under the right uf ensinent dcrmain, <�r in .hny ather masiner, the �lortbaFc:e skaall Ue entttlec! to � �li compensations, ���
<br /> awurds, and any other payment or relief therefut, aa.d: shal}. �be enlitled , at' �iCs opttion . to commence:�-ugPear in� ��anii prcisi�eute in its �� .�
<br /> � uwn � iaazne an:y action or EszoceedinK. �r tu make any cnmNramisr ur settlement in connectiun ti+�ith such taking or. damaKe- All yuch � .. � �
<br /> �comfxrtsatian.�� awards, damages. �ri�ht.� of �ncti<.i�r� and�. ptoreeds ��are. Irereby assigned�. � t� the � . iviatt�;agee, �.nvho may, after .dtcIuctin; �,�� ,..�
<br /> . khcrefrom ell ..its- ex4'�*�'�. ��rnlease: any.� maneys uo received by�. ik or apply� the��saine vn eny .indr.btedness� secureci�>hereby. The Mo�L �: „�
<br /> i
<br /> � ga.�.cr� � a,�sees � to� :raxecute; su:.h �� forthar.:a»signinents cf � any cqm;�r. .ivution . � awards, <iamv�e.,- and righis� o[�. acfiun �and �..nroceed�: as fhe -.�. ��
<br /> � � Mortg�Ree,.miaY � re4ui re; , �. . . . . . , : . . . . , . . . . . � � .. . . . " . . � � . . . . , . � � �
<br /> 7`h;ai in casr ot fai3un La Verrlurm any of the covenants herrrin. t }ie l�Sortgagee may du � <>n ifit ;�Rortga�;urs !>ehalf �everything. "',� � � �. �
<br /> � ' � . � so� �venru�ted; that -the. MoctgnKee znay atso do anp ack it may. �ec+rn necessary tu. protect . Lhe . liea thePeof; that: the Mortgxgvr .w➢Il � � � �
<br /> � repay upon demand any ` moneys ��Paid� �nr � disbureed� by the MortgagPe fc�rany of the� above P� rpoces,� an8 auch monevs togeCiier with - . .
<br /> ` � int.�regt :Ehereon . at �� the� rate� pnrvidect in said. note � shall k�r�cume � so much � additional indc-.bteci:iess � �hereby. serured�� and � ma,y � Ma -in- :
<br /> ` �� �� � � cfa.:ed��.in a.-iy decme foreclo�in�; this murigage end L�e paid� � uut of l,he � rents nr procc:eels ' of ��lc, . of said� � yrreini�es �� iF nut -othe.rwise�- . . �
<br /> . � fwid; � t3tat it shall : not be obiigai�ry ❑.Pvn the Mortgagee Lo inquire into the validity � o[ any tien. c•ncuinbruncrs, or claim .�n ad- . � �
<br /> . � . � �. vata,cinK::moneys�� as� :above��. au4hor+zed�; �but :nothinR� herein . containeci � ahal4 .be: construed xs :rcquinn6 .the. �h4urtgagee #o advance aiiy �
<br /> � moneys-Eor any�,suctx�pury�vse nor .to do� any�. �acY �hEreunder; and. thai. MacLgage� .shal! .not :incpr. any; {xrsunai .liat�iliYg hecause caf any•-.��.. � � .. �
<br /> � . . . . .. . thin8 ik ;ma7✓ do.. :or umit 10 do hereun�ler. . � � � � � � . . � � _ . . . . . . . � . . . . . . . .
<br /> ' � � . � T.n the evsnt vf the. Lirfault hy Mattgag+,�r in the+ c�ayrnent ot any inst�illment, as �reyue ��ecS hy �..(he Na1.e� securerJ . hrrrby, ur . � �. . � . � . � . ..
<br /> . . � � � in eitn �{ierfurn�nn��. u� G3,e vLltbatcv:. .�i ilic� � :r.o,.�,atit' �>r :t: +.Jre � note sc-rc�rc�d� thmre•hv. �thf�� � M�rt�;ar�-r nhnli hr rntitFv<# in decl:tre tlie ��: . � . . .
<br /> � � :�; � � . delat secu;ed hereby due snd��psya63e �+ith�ut noticw, and. thr Mortgagee shall be entikied et. its vpLion.�. w'ith�ut n<sticc-. .e4ther� by i4self . � : . �
<br /> � � or "vy � receiver tc���:Ere ayC+.,�li+t� ;y the ro :: f!�ie�ee€, ^^d without. regard !n the adequa�y of ' a�y securily for Lhe indebkeclness se- � �� � � �
<br /> � � cured heae4y, !o enter U{x.'sn � and take �. pos6crssion cif Lhe •mortgaged Prerni�, ancl tt� collcet and rNceive�. t4�e rents.�� �ssues � nnd pr�ftts��� � �. �
<br /> , . . � 'thre�reo[,� �ansi �appSY�� ihe �s:uaes .less �costs af��op�eration. ar.d-� coll�tir,n, u�n � ��the � indeLSt.K)ne��c�e �:vc.r�mct hv�� this mqrtgaee: : said rents.�.� . . � , . .
<br /> ' ' � �. . i��eu and��:Pt�e4s��being het'c1�,V aesiga�eii tu the�:�MoMgaKec�.:as�#urther security� Ios the r�ayinent csf alt indebiediiess ser. ure�i fieret'rY. . . ...
<br /> . . . . . . . .: � �. . . . �.. � . . . y� � � � . �
<br /> � � � The MorLKagee shatl have the powe.�r. to a�poini any agent or agents it may :desirr. f�r !he purpcx;e uf� repairing said prem•� ',, � fr
<br /> x['�„
<br /> � �i&es; CCaGn& 1h�. ,qatnl¢; co�la�,ting the,.mntS, revenue:� and incomr„ anrl il ma,y �>ay uut uf said iacome all expenses in[ttrrnd in reAi- ' . {„ �1 1�`?. '
<br /> � � uyg and inanagltlg �the sarne��, and at callec#ing �.the � sentals thereFrora: The�� balance. 7emaining, if any�. � shail � be spplicd Wward ihe . ���`
<br /> �� � di»chetge..:Uf tl�e mo{tgaga indebt�dness. This. .ass';gnment is to ierm� e�air and Uecome null �an�l void upon release oF thih "mortqage. � . .
<br /> �3M� .
<br /> � .g.
<br /> . . _ . . - � . :� . . . . -. � . . . . � � . . ,��- ,
<br /> � . . . . . � ,. � . . . . . .
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