� '
<br /> 3r . '4{i
<br /> �
<br />`�, ' � ar�
<br /> "A�;�,
<br /> �:�;.� _ f-- "� .
<br /> ��= � �j � .�t �� . .
<br /> ' ' - 'I'F�fE , St30RTGAGOR . F.U�BZ'HER �LYlVE2aiANTS . AND : AGREES: ^�+r -, • .`
<br /> , •, � � �a �
<br /> ` � . � T�iat �he, M�rtSa�clr w�ll pay f.�he- iz�el�trd,,n�s a�+ h¢�ein �fora �proyideci, . ,. � � ,� � �. ; .,.
<br /> ,
<br /> ;} , . . � -., . ` , .., s.� , .
<br /> ,.. . ��. . . ,. . . : . . . , . . .
<br /> � Tlroa�, the �t'forLgagor is �.he bwkcer of sxid ;�rozmfty in tee� �imryle and �hae gnod rigfit and .lawf� l � autl.oritp to sall� anci �
<br /> cqnvey lhe��;same and ,��_that' thA`��ine"is�f�ee nnd cic�r of r+ny lien ar enevmFzsr�n�r; and-� tJzat [��Qitgagor.�wiit; warsant. anc3 defenc3 it��n -.� � �
<br /> kitie to �ic€ prerr+ia� a�aiztst� �t#h� �lqiri�s �at ad1� 3�trsons whumsoe++.ea : . �, ; � . . . ... �,: _ .
<br /> ���.• ,� .. .,vt k Y . . ° . - . .; ' �Y'S. A EC.tIIG . . , : � . .,, . �. . �
<br /> � � 'T'o ��"paY� isY�ui+.acl�a�Ig 'when 'rliia ��.nd S'��3`able� mll ,K�'�.�e!ra4 tax', �p " ttaans. slzecir�:l �s`s��smvrlts. ,wate+r chsrges. tiewer serv . -
<br /> - a ; .
<br /> . . ute; charges,� an�i 'tsLlier ta�ea �nd charg� a�ai.aaf...y�i�.f. P�?F?erly , xxnd. .ili Gaxes � levird �ri. thc rleRet. securecl..hereFry�, .attd t<� furnish lhe , �,� ..
<br /> � Iuloctg�egc�.��-. ea�xa+9� 'reqvest. - with `f}t� rpti�inai trc ��Glul�Lcaie '�receipts �-[hete£ar. '�.Thc \�4�t�cg;cs�or � a�;rces tha't� there. . rhalf be ���aildr.rl 4a �:
<br /> ieg
<br /> e�r.le nmizth3y �aayment recluict�ct f�treunder nr u�tict Yhe evi<�ence �oF �lc�ht secur�•d� htrreby �n ctmount estirres�ted by the M<irtyagee
<br /> ' 1� .' Mt� �u#iici�e¢t '�a 'esiabtr.+ ilie"::31�or#E:�K¢e� tc> la�y, as ttxcy� ber,��me>���c4uc. atl ��taxes. »ssessrneirfs� �and sirniltir chrirKes: u[xstt ibr {�rem• .
<br /> „ �� iw'rs �i�tr]ecE�'�thei-�ti>;' any r3eficie»cy 1�e'ctivxr xif thi in.,aHicieiuy uf � vuch atir3itianal K>ay.'zrients vhalt }re fnrtihwiY}� iis�n:�iYFfi.'hy ihr '
<br /> ASxrrtgaS<>r. � +vith ,thu� �blcirt�guKe� u{��e� : dema.ard� .. LY � i}ie�.�� tii+�rt�ag�e. �n5 � ,#Nfeiuit aniier fitiic; T.�s� rtaKra �rh ahralt trP denrna•�1 a cletauit �in .. �.
<br /> �piiyt�eent o#-���texes, ��titie�sraent_s, nr similar eFtargc+s . �rnquired h+�eeun<iirr. � . . . . � . . .
<br /> + The Mor4�a�nr a�rea�s ttiat fYtiece �hall," �elso be adde�3 3r.� raCh m=x�thly qaay.men4 r�C �irir.ci5rn! :an�J iniaxrxt rrquireed here- `
<br /> � usvder exx.���amo�nE �. esiimaieci.�lr,r the�� �S�artRage�.�-u� be .su�r.ient ta ecnal�le iPre� M��rtF;agec+� fu r>ay, � as it lia�comrs . dut�, thc insurance � ���
<br /> �� p�emium an :xny insurac...r.- Rr_•!:c}� rlelivered itx tfie hi*�rt�.ager Ar�y �. < i+. ti .ie:rscy hcaa�asc r :€ ihe insu�e. iency e�f -�uch additicinal pay - .� . .
<br /> . � � � �:e�.hts s§iatt���. k�^ fr�rt.FwitF� de�>asit�c3 tiy the ;llbrtganur� with fF�e Alcitfgugee . u�iora cic�rnciipri hy the -� `.�la�rx.Ra�ee . Asxy default i> >ir3er this . �.:�
<br /> � i�aragtaph shalt � t}v.�� c!rr•nie�.i s �de6ault in 4he. � {�ayme.n[ 'of insurance � p�remiiims�. It �the jx>t "aa•4" or�� padicir.s. cte����sit�d� :+rn si�r. h- .-i5 hunxr^- �� ��
<br /> � � pwnets�� nr�� all �� cisk �xylicic.w, ancl � the depr�vits ar.• insufficicait tci �xay thc ent.ire p>reinieem , � ihe Mnrag3kce. rn<iy apply the deF�u.�rt �� ka � � �
<br /> ' .�� C'>xy premiucns bn. risks� rz�c; uired #o be insured. by this. nt�rtga�.�� � � � � �, . . , . . : � � � � � �
<br /> �� PrsymenLs� made tay � t.kre. hirrrYf;agnr urxder the c�bqve paragraphs may. s�t. f.he u�st.inn of ihe Mnrt�,:i�;e�:;� he heF�l ��try� it. and �. .
<br /> � � ocrsu:xin�led� +.vith � nth2r su€ah . furtds or iLs ow�n funda fuc thet Cf�Y���E�� of sirc}3 itrms, ane3 unNl 'so applir�ir�st�e.Fe ��paymenfs are�r . ht�rt-try� � �
<br /> i' plc:�ctE;ed as si.curity for tne. � un;raid l�al�snc.c uf thr, n�5s�ri.cage> indebYedness: � � � � .
<br /> - . � . . . . . 'I'o procure, dclivrr te�, cind ir�aintai.ii fnr the benrfit� �.f the 31��rtgaFee dusinq t �a» lite nf thi� tnort�;aRe �iviginxl �P��licies anct
<br /> � � reriewals .thEreoE, d�e#iserect at l+.asY. ttn davs k�t(ore ±he ex��iratiar. c�f sny >ixe}x policie� . insnrin�; .r�;a�nst f�rcr :tind� other� irr�surabl��
<br /> . � Eeazasda, caxualtyes, sand c<:�ntiagencir� ua lhe 'vtortgage�e insy rE�uire, in an � rsnaunt� ���Equa1� to the - indebtednarsv securecl� . by ,:thi:s . �
<br /> ; � �Mors�age, urad in companies acrept,able fo t.hc ATorl�:agere. ti+.�ith 1hs�: E��ayvble efause in fao-�or uf �anv in� ftirm acee�takile tr.o Yhr. ?vtortgs�
<br /> . � gee. in the event a�ty p�cicey !s n<>t rereewed on or bt:.fxre t.�n days �.�f i��s .rxpirat.ic>n. 4:ie � Mortgac;ee xnay. t�ri�cure iii��srar�ce on the � � �
<br /> � isn.pne'��ements, pay t4�e prc?mi:sm t2ierekir, sne� �uch surn slxall hrcome i �nrr�ediatr:ly r#ue and payahle . wilh interest� at tFc � rale _.,-i� �
<br /> � � for4kz� in . said note uniii �7aid ond s}��sll .tx� secured hy this n.ort.gaKe. P'nilurr ue 4he p:sa�t nf the :�Snrtgag4v to d`urnish suc.h � ccnewnts . '��
<br /> . . . �� � as �ace }ierein requirc=d or f�ilure t<r F�ay any �;�rm*: a�ivanc�*�i iiereunrier ai�ui ;. rsG. ttsr. opt;.;n ot tha � ;sR;:rtg^�gca. � „ms;�:..i:: a. .i< f:�i4:. , .. . . � , ' �:
<br /> � �unde�r �th¢ t�enns ot this ntr.:�rtgt��e. "Tkie eSeli�Fe� ry o( such p��Lri�s shkifl , ➢ n the event rr£ �4xrfaul2 , ca�nstikutv an :assignn��nt. �>( ihe utt-. �
<br /> � t:arned premium. � �� �
<br /> . . � ?nY sumh rec.eiv*rJ 3rr tlza> M�:�rt};a�;re�. hy rcason. of fo.s r,r riam.fge insurecl :ag;ii»sl rnay ise rretairic<3 1>}� ttie AYorts;agee
<br /> � � axrtl appIieci �. to.ward � the �rr,iynrent r�t t7�rc debt h. rr,k>y �:ceLr�r,cn, eir. u etaa crptf�n 4f el�.e� �.2c� rtUa�,u� , �n�ich �vn s vither �w!ieUy . or in
<br /> � ��� � � f,iarL mai• E� nAj�i ���.'tr t . tt:a• 41urt„^.xgor lrr lx• ii ed tr� rr�p� ir s�ach buil�linFs or tu t�uiitl ' new busteJin�s in tia�-ir {'rl��e or �f��r anv � , �.
<br /> � csthez � pur�es� � ur ok�je.�� >.U6istactory iv She I�Surtga�ce with<�uf .�ffacting tPr�e Iien crn the .mA>rt�gagc fnr thca� Cull Fxinoisnt :-�:cux�e�l here�� �
<br /> � � by k>e[<>re such P$Y�enc ever tcx>k X�Ibee. � �
<br /> � � � 'I'o �:iromptl.v reV�ir, resture or rebnild sny hui.! :lingv nr impruveinersfs noww �.>c hrrrea[ter. un the prrmises w�filch may be- . �
<br /> ewmc d�emageci or desLroyHl ; tn keep said r�rernises in �.«,d candit.ioet arid repair and. fr�:e from any mecharyic'� fien or ahher � lien ,-ar �. .
<br /> claim vf lirn. n�t. expressiY subordiriated to the lien hereo[: riot i.a +ufirr . or sx�rmit any isnlawful use of nr �any nuisance to a�xist � oa. �
<br /> " �t;aid: property nor ta C��'rmit �•aste �:rn said. premi:;es, nor to da any othee act whereby ihe proF>erty hercby . c+>nveyed shali tiecomr�. . �
<br /> � . . fess *✓aluable, nnr to diminis}� or inapair iis l�atue by �ny aci c�r �imission io aacl ; to c�unpl�� wiLh u! ! requirement. u( taw. with � rLepert �
<br /> . tu t`se martgag��i premises and the usan thereot � � � . � . .
<br /> � T'hat ti2roulr2 the F>«<*sises vr � ny Part. i.hrrroF h..e t.akcn ur �Jarnssg.><i i7�• ri<:isun *:>f any {,ubtic improvciru:nl or cnnde�nnati<:n�
<br /> . prnceeding, or under thr rig�f x�f einir�cnl. doiriain, c�r in ar+y other munni�z, the nSort�:�gre shalt bv. rntitted to att cumpensaLir�rv�. � �
<br /> awasds, and any other r>syment or relief lhc.refor,� and shaFl k+e e3� titicYi, at its � oi�G<aii � to �ctimmence:' a�pear in �a��d � nrc�ecufe in ' Yts�' �
<br /> ocvn �ntun.e . �anv actaun ur proceedinK� or to n2ake any com{�roxnise. or Settlemca3t in ccrnnectian .vrith such taking <>T� datna�t�. AI[ suCh�� ��.
<br /> �competuaation. awardx, <i�magEs. �� right��. o( action and � proceeds �are hereby xssi�ned� �to l.he� �� h4ort�agee,-wha may.. aEter. ���dedvrting: ��
<br /> Y themtcom �a4! its exnenses.. �rele.ut;e �� anY� moneys �so: xer.eived by it� o.r. aPP1Y the :same �c�n any �indebtednrss��see:uced �hereGy, �The Mart-,. ;`�';� �
<br /> , � gagasz agree+s to exeeute� such.. furt4ier � assigrament+ <rF � any � c•orn��en�aeiun, awarc3s, r3ama.ges,.. and� ri�;hts- af aeii��a�� anii.; ��rvr.eed� as the�. .�. .�°� . � . �
<br /> � , ..h'IorigNKee.�:may. . .re4uiCe... . . . . . . � . . . � . . . . . ,�$.: � . � . .
<br /> � That in case of faifure to �.rerfurm any of thr rovrnants herr. if�., tii. :�7ort.gagee rrxay iio <,n tha A"lortgugur's lx�half evaryth.irsp.. � ��� �. � �� �
<br /> . r;o e�venani.ed; ihat thc R�Sorigagee n�ay alsa cio any act it mny deem necess�ry ��r protr. ct the lien thrrenf: that the Mor{gal;or will � �
<br /> � repsy. �upon dcmand � nny � maneys ��aid e�r �disbvrsed 61�� t.he Mortgag�e for any cnf the ntxrve }�urposes, :and such mnneys tog�clier with. �� ,
<br /> - iatezest thescron at the rsate� P+'�>������ �in i;a 'stl � :�o1.e shall be-c.ume co much aii.:iE:--.nat . indrbtc�ines� hereby srrcarred entl�� niny tsP in-� � � � � � � � � �
<br /> � cluded� in mr�ydecree � Iorec.losing �this mortgage and. be paid tiuL of :.he rents .or proceet3s � <�f wte ���f said� �{xreani�es it not '�therwi� �� . � -
<br /> � . }aaid; tha4 it shail � nut be� �k>l.igatory u{>un �. t}re Morigagcw to inquim into tfie: validity ot any 1ien, e�ncumbrances, ur ciaim in r�d-
<br /> - � vancinR�'��eys �as�:�ahove_�� suthoritxtl.: �but���nothang � herein cuntaini:ci ahaU .� be � ccsnetraed. as� , re�auiritig: � i'vie Mort;�agee� ��i.o advance arry .
<br /> r
<br /> i � . . tnoxseyd:,for �any:auch:pur�.wse noG. �kuSdo �pny. nct hereunder; and that Mart�a&�'��shail not incur �any� personai Iiri.Uility � hecau.0 of ai;y��. . � �
<br /> thin_<�,it �. may��do. c:romil�.� todo �hereunder. � . . . . . . . . � � . � . � .. . �
<br /> � � � In the eve+st i>f xhe �:default..hy� Alortgagar in. t.he paytnent o[ any �. . instaliment, as � rcrquired � i3y the Note srcure�cf hercby. vr_ � � ,
<br /> . � in the perFormruue uf the obiigation in� tt�is m�rtgage nr� in the � aoLe secured thereby, tfse Mortgagee shall hr.� vntiilec3 to declare the . : . . �
<br /> . �� � � � � rSetrt;,secured hereby, �due :and :payable wilhout. �notic+e.. and the :41ort�age.e. shall be entitied. aC. its �ption, witlaaut n��lice, either by itself � . . . ,
<br /> �
<br /> , � <>r Ysy a rec�s.iver to �-be eRa"auinied by�: thF court thereef, ani3 utthout�� xe�erd � to the�'�a�iequacy <if�� anX '�4urrty inr �thY a»dehtednesr �.�•� � . . ��
<br /> � � S:ur�i heiePs ts� ,rnl.er u u�x �.+ns! x.an� . . �ussa-.a�.u�i i.: t2« � � te.+e.'•.'. �.ttm..,t�s ...:[ 1 ".., c '1 •�� �r•ci Fvc.,rv., thF• r�•nty�, i4c�e�•�e anrl t�rrrfxtq� . . .
<br /> y. i� . ' ) •
<br /> . . � thescwd. and mpply � f�ae waxne; lpss coeetx i>f o�+eration nnd��rnllertion. � upon � the indebLea7.nPxrt �securF<i �hy thix mori�;age;:: said rents;: . . . .
<br /> �, � � �� �� issues snd �profiGs'being he�.rebY�ases�R�a � .'��e �Mnrtgagee:as further� secsurity �or ihe � �iayment nFatl indebtecines.-�:�seearecl herrby. � � �
<br /> � � � The �Mortgagee� x�hsili have.. �tiie pvwer � to a�point �y agent � or. ,agents it msy tiesire�� For fhe purpose� oi .rer�airtng- said prem• . � .
<br /> ° , � � isrs: rrnii.n� the . same; �llecting.� tha.. rents, . rPYenues. aad inc<�me.. and :it . may pay ;.out of �ai.3 incame� all expr�nsrs in�urcetl. in� rcn4•-� . . � . . � �
<br /> � : � � � ing anF3 . munatBing � the �same and � of cullecfin,; ��the rentaYr theref�mm. 'I�he� �liaiance remainin�, it a�iY. shalt tse c��piied � toward £he �� � "'""�� '.. �„ r� ,,'` ��
<br /> '� � ditieherge . ai the mortgage indebtedness. This :assignment ia to. terminate and becomF null and� . voit3 u{wn release of ihis .moztgage., : � :�., > " - �r,
<br /> ; � ��
<br /> . _ . . � . . . . . . . . �.s
<br /> �
<br /> ��. � � . . . . . . . . ' . ����`34
<br /> . . . . . . . . . ��� �
<br /> n ... �.. . . : r.� t :, � . . . . .
<br />� �, , . . . . � _ . . . . . . ... . . .. . . .. ..
<br /> .
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<br /> . . . . . . � . . �i<% _ ..
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<br /> 1
<br /> �
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<br /> -� � � _�` �
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