� ..... ��7'-
<br /> � � �
<br />� � ��f" �l�i�5.��` p a� o,>� :
<br />'� '' , . n{iPr�����s`°�AB�J� >��4/z�,�
<br />�"�` VFT�RAN�'AD1dINF'STRdTION �# � , I.� ,-•:
<br /> 3�7F;
<br />:���:' L.�� �r
<br /> tc�•9;
<br />°�„;�:; POWER OF ,�1�°�"pRNEY AND DEL.EGATION 4F �iUYNARET`f
<br />�� ;
<br />„��' VJFIEREAS, it is di.sired to inalcc available in tihc l��iid titlr, rc�cord:; or utl�er ag}�rc1-
<br /> priate records oi the couttties aud other uoliticai ,ubcliviyions v✓ithi�x th� Uiuted StaCe;;
<br /> � the tormal evidencu <�i ihe authorit}� oi the pc�rso�. dc�:;i�nate� herein tu act oi; beii;�J.i ui
<br /> tl�e undersz�ned, as Ad3ninistrator oi V�terans Aftairs, ���ith respect tc thc execution ni
<br /> certain e�ritracts, conveyanees and other inst:rw>>ents relatine, to u: aifectine the title to
<br /> or other interests in lands and other property in the vt,rious states, pursuant tc� sect?a:
<br />� ��221 ai the Regulations for tl�e Guarant}' of Mobile Horne Loans {a8 CFR 36.<�`L21), sec-
<br /> tion 434"L oS the Re�ul•ations for the Guarauty or Insurance ui �?ocne, Farrr. ,nd $usiness
<br /> l Loans(3B CI'1i 36.4342), section452Qof the Regulations for Uiz•ectLoan�(3fs CP'R 36.�}52Q),
<br /> ancl sectio��46000£the liegulations for the 6ale oi�Loans, �Guarantee of P4yment (3S GF1t
<br /> 36.4�00), proinul�!a�ed by t.l�e Adininistrator ii. accordance ���iti� a�id f�� autlic�rity oi
<br /> 36 li.5.G. 210(c) and �12(a):
<br /> ? N014' THEF�E�'ORE, the undersi�;ned �`'�� CLEI,Atv'D ______
<br /> as Administrator of �reterans Affairs, an officer of the United States of America, whose
<br /> address is Veterans Administration, \�I�ishingCon, ll.G. L0420, does hereb}' eraut tn
<br /> .Tames P.. Seward , wlio present!y occupies the oosition,
<br /> and perfor�ns the duties,of� Loan Guaranty Officer
<br /> of said Veterans Administration,_and whose address is �Gl Re�ional Office.
<br /> 10U Centennial Nlall No�rli I,iucoln l�eL�r�Sk� hF5l1R , the power and authpri[y to
<br /> execute (with or without acknowledgment or eeal},to act for and deliver in the name anci on
<br /> behalf of the undersigneu as such Administrator, and oi his successors in said afFice. [he
<br /> foliowing instruments, to �vit: �.vidence of };uaranty or of insurance crediis, and such
<br /> certificates, forms, coiiveyances, and other instruments as may be aopropriate in connec-
<br /> tior, with ihe acquisition, ownership, management, sale, tran�fer, as,i�?n�nent; encum-
<br /> brance, rental or other disnosition of reai or ncrsonal oroperty, o: oi any :i�ht, title or
<br /> interest therein, or release of at:v lien thereon, including, but not limited to, coni:acts oi
<br /> sale, installmenY conYracts, deeds, leases, bills of sale, nssignments, satisiaciions, and
<br /> releases, andto act inthe apnointment of,and delivery oi approp:iate instruments evidenc-
<br /> ing the substitution oi, a trustee or t;ustees.
<br /> Nothing herein sliail be construed as authoriziug the aboc�e named emnloyee to (1} ex-
<br /> ercise the authority vested in the Adtninistrator under 38 U,S,C. 2I0(c) or 1$i5(bj; o:
<br /> (2) sue, enter aooearance for and on behalf of the Administzator, or confess iudgment
<br /> against him, in any court, wiihout his p:ior authorization; o: !3} �,_ercise thosc powers
<br /> delegated to the Chie! Benefits Director, o: thz Director, Loar, l�uaranty Service, under
<br /> sections 36:4320(j), 3b:4335, 3b:4343, 3b:4344, and 36:4518 of said Rc�;ulaiions.
<br /> When aporop:iately executed bv the person hereinabove designated, an�� insTrumem
<br /> oz aay of the classes indicated abo��e,but subject to the limi[ations in this inst:ument, shali
<br /> li2ve the same force and effect as iinersonal!•; executed bv the imdersi�ner. in his ofiicia.
<br /> capacity (3S i;.S,C. �!Z(a)j.
<br /> Exceat as co Gersons having actual knowledge oi a modificatior, or termination ot the
<br /> atoresaid authoritt�, the recordation of this ins:rumen� or oi a cooy hercoE in an�� oi suic
<br /> land :eco:ds or oiher anprvpriate records s1�aL be conc2usive as to the authority of the
<br /> nerson desi�;nated herein to nerform the functions and er.ercise the powers herein granted
<br /> as te any� such act perfo:med prior tothe date a modific.atior. or a revocation hereoi shall
<br /> have been filed for recordin.heapp:ooriaterecords ir the county wherein the land or anv
<br /> part ihereof is situated, '?'he word "count�•" shaii be construed to include "narish."
<br /> "city," "dist:ict," or o:her app:onriatc ooliiicai subdivision,
<br /> The autho:itt� �ran[eti by this insirument is withc�ut r reiudice to or modiiication o? the
<br /> de?egatio❑ of authorit•�to the same ofiicers o^*e ochers, as sr<_t<<i ir: ,r<ic re�;ulanons, now,
<br /> or as hereafter amended.
<br /> Witness my hanc and sea1, and the officia? seal o± the �`eterans Administration, im-
<br /> pressed by authority of law this_'='�� day of_ �`�<+-'�'�. R,L, ;q7; , i
<br /> ; i
<br /> �'� Y� �t �
<br /> ����,�� r��� +.��>
<br /> " �tZ :A•') � i L.S. )
<br /> �.. ��:4:7:.) ^:AX CLELAND �s fSF�;.L)
<br /> --�� . . � �� �ciministrator of \'e:era:�s A:fa:�s +.
<br /> �.!i. -*i. �•�� Nf ,
<br /> ����s- ��
<br />- '`� l `Witness �, $."SAIJtIDERS �.� o
<br />`a�;c. �
<br />�� � �� ��.�,�-^��1.�- ���
<br />�± 'W itness ' `� �l
<br /> r�;� G. T. ST.ARUPA
<br />��=�`s POVvER OF ATTOFtiLI' B'i ADT.;I:ViSTRc,i p_r,
<br />,:,i '_
<br /> � •�4 , 2_�3 .K; , _ .,.. .
<br /> ':s �"'� i_. �.
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