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;� , �� <br />�: � :�.�.�-,�: <br />� �,.�u � <br />� �� � � <br /> � F1 RS�' <br /> F` E*D� ERApL� <br /> 4I17CO�t�1 pUE'ON SALENIDUAL <br /> . .FOAM ND.537(Rev.J�7fi�� . . <br /> r Loan Number---32Z34.-------1------188: <br /> . . . . . . . . . . . . . � . � fliareh � . tYPe . . .. . <br /> 77- OU1491 : <br /> _ SAVINGS MORTGAGE <br /> �y. <br /> ; 'CHIS h10RTGAGE. made nnd execided fhis ....•��`^......dtay ot /�.�<o`-�� _.. ............A.D..19.77.:.:;Lehve�iii <br /> f _Randall,,A.,,Feder.sen,and,Rozan_,_ _Pedersen,,lzusband.,and..wif.e,..eaCh,_ir�.,his.._and:,.her..,pw[i.::_, - <br /> 3ndividuaLright and as spouse of the other, �ointly and severally <br /> . , „�...:....Gra.nd. Island ..._._.._....., C�unty ui._Ha�,...._ . ._..., State o[.. .. ......Nebr�sk8..... ......... hereina[ter reterred <br /> to ns tlic hlortgtigoq end L'IRS'P I'EDERAL SAVINGS ANU I.OAN AS$bCIA'I'ION OF LINCOI.N, i7ebraska, its euccessors ' <br /> �nnd.�neeiFne,Lereinutterreferred tn ns Mortgagee, � � . � �� � <br /> . .� . . WITNES4[;1'Fi:�'I'huf.the naid :�fortqagor.(oc anJ in cn�asidorulion uf tlia sum o! . � � � . � <br /> ' TWENTY_.SEVEN THOUSAND AND NO 100 --- ----- --- --- 27 OQO 00 <br /> ; _....... ........_.. . ... _�..._. ... .. ... _ . _.. _.. .. __ . ... ._'-'15.._..�....._.___.... .....:..J UoilFira� <br /> ptiid by i<:iid Dlortqagee, da�e hereby SeU and cout•ey unto I1RST I�EDERAL C�VINGS AND LOAN :1SSOC[�1TION OF <br /> 1.1NCOLN, Nebraska,��n;�M1tortgngce, itc sueces;�ors �md tissigns. lhe fnlluwin;;di-�crilxd Rei+l l:slvte,xi(uated in the County af - � � � <br /> ` _.........Ha11:.......... ............... ....... Scnte of.._...Nehr9ska.... .__..... .._.._,....._.. _ _.._. �o.,�it: <br /> The Westerly Fifty-nine (W 59') feet of Lot Four (4), Block <br /> v Six (6), Westerhoff's First Subdivision of the City oP Grand <br /> Island, Aall County, Nebraska. <br /> �; ; <br /> ��� � <br /> 4 - <br /> L . <br /> t <br /> �. - '1'O l�.4VE AI9D'I'O I{OLll llie��lu�v�•de;cribed premisrs tur thr u;es herein set[urt6 r+nd tu serurr perturmvnce ui Ihe <br /> ,�� . nhliqutiuns cunlnined here�n. logethcr x�ith all Imildings.imprnvenicnts. fixlures and appur(enancvs snti nli i�asements therrunlo <br /> � tx•Inngin�, and it is nmlually covennnted nnd iigreed Lr :md Letw�een lhr p:�rtic; herrin lhat nll plutnbing. �:ay. �•lectric nnd <br /> methnnicnL (ixtures, applinnces. equipment. machinery :uid �i{:paratuw.Il�rnr cr,v�•rings,storm a�indows und�crecns.anu such uther <br /> � g�ds and chottcis nnd personal pruperty;i..ure rrer lurnished by:i l:indlord in li•�tinp or apr�rating an unturnivhed bniidin�,eimi� <br /> . lar to thc un�e now�on c�re:ifter on said F�rcmisr,.whic9�urc or sh:dl Ir� ��ilnchcd tn ;��i+l buildin� in .iny manncr +��}uitsa�ver. am <br /> , :+nd shnll be deemcvl to ba tixtures and nn aceeasinn to thc frreliold nnd a p:irt r,t Ihe realty as txta�ec•n tFe piirti�hereto,their <br /> . lieirs, executors. administrnturs.=ucces..ory ur ussi�,:ns. und all p��rsuns claimin� Iry. throu�h ur under thrm. :md �6nll he dremrd <br /> !�r ber n�x�rtion o(fhe yi�curity for ihe indebiednesY her�•in m��ntiimed and 1��b�•cu��rr��d b�• Hiis mnri�;acr- <br /> ,� <br /> . ,. .� N;'.��',;: <br /> , PR04'IDGD ALWAYS, und ihese presenls are i•secutrd :md �lelivr•rrd ❑pun fhr fnllo�+�in�; cundilinnv. :q:memrnis and , � . <br /> ��blitinlinns u( Lhe hlortgnFora.ta a�it: � � ,' .. <br /> L _ � ' <br /> � <br /> : 'Che �lorlgagor n4reea tn pny io ihi�11r�rt�akre.or ordrr. th�� prinrip;�l sum ul Tj'�`p�—S� �'j�jQjJ$j�'�..[,j�.. �.,. <br /> • _...._NO/100----------------- ------- -------------- 27 000.00 <br />• _ .... _.._. .... .. . �. .. ._'c.---------- _ . ..... _..IS. ...�....... . . i Unllur;. � .' . <br />�,. ; paynble as provided in a note rxr-cuted and deliei•red concurrenily hc�ewith, thr limil pncn:�nt nf princip:�l. iC not w�nnrr paid. � <br />�'-' l�t ADril 2006 <br />„ on the............C......_.._...._...duy oL......_....-..........._..__.....__...._._ ._...__ ..yN.T...._..__.. <br /> Ag � <br />' � Cvoirl�M1t 1965 Cr ftnl fedenl SavinR�eni Loan 0.ssoclallan el Lincoln.4lnalu.NeErovY� � <br />