, ,.
<br />^0.�. � .,{-..4.
<br />�°�:� ....M+a'�
<br /> /K��.� .. . . . . �. . .. r� •
<br />�, �-_: .. , .�'7,,:::0�1,4�3_. .. : .:-....� .- . . _, _ __ . �
<br /> _ . _.._ . . _
<br />�� � � 53-A—REAL.ESTATE MORTGAGE—Wlth Tax Clauae(Reviaed 1962) 'ILa fluIImnn Cenecd Suppiy t{ouae,L'uimin,Nebr. � � �
<br /> ;+ KNOW ALL MCN BY TII�SG PRBS�N'PS:THAT Kay�nond T. 1,3550rid0 Srid IL h11T1C7 LaSSOnd��
<br /> ;' husband and wife as joint tena�its with riglit of survivorship and not as tenants in
<br /> � "..COIIIIf10II. (rlortgagur S ) �- � � . �
<br /> ! ot II311 Gounty,tu�d Stnta of AebTask3
<br /> � ,in croneidemtion of the sum of j;
<br /> ' Seven Thousand and no/100 ---------------------'------------------------------ noLLnss '
<br /> r�� , �
<br /> � in hnnd paid,do hereby SELL nnd CONV�Y unto ,�e Overland National Bank Of Gl'aricl IS1drit�
<br /> i
<br /> � � �
<br /> . ; . (T4ortgagee ) . � �
<br /> �� of �111 County,and Stnto ot Nebraska tha following described premicee
<br /> � '% �.situnt�d in�. f'�I1 County;nnd Stato of Nebraska �.W�t. . � �� � �. . �
<br /> � �}�� �
<br /> �; The Northerly Four lfundred Ninety-Six and Pive 1'enths (496.5) Peet of the East llalf
<br /> ;; of the Arorthwest Quarter (E'ZMt"-b) of Section Ten (10) 'Pownship Eleven (11) ilorth,
<br /> ;, Itange_Nine (9) l4est of tlie 6th P.�l., lying 1Vest of the lYesterly Itight-of-way line
<br /> ;; ' o£ the Union Pacific Railroad, containing 4.401 acres, more or less in Hall Cowrty,
<br /> 4 Nebraska.
<br /> ��
<br /> i;
<br /> :;
<br /> � ;;� ; � � � � .
<br /> � The intention being to convey hereby an absolute title in(ee ximple including alt the rights of homeateud und dower.
<br /> TO�HAVE AND TO HOLD the premisey above described, with nll the appurtenances thereunto�belonging unto the� � -
<br /> snid mortgngee and to lt5 Sl1C��T�Assigns,forever, provided Ukvnys, nnd these presents uru upon the c:presa '
<br /> condition thnt if the nforesnid mortgagor , their heira, executors, administrators or ussigns sl�all pay nr causa to be
<br /> r � paid to the said mort,agee j.tS Sl1CC0 gns,ihe aum o! �%����.�� � . . � � .
<br /> � _'__ O[RS41- :.
<br /> ��� �� $BVCR �l0USr7R(� and no/100 -------------------- ----- D�ua�9,Payablensfollowa;tow�t �� � � .
<br /> '. ;' Ildlnc�onthe----------day.of------------------------:19 ;i � � . .
<br /> � i; Dolkre-imlhe----------dayvf-------------------------t'J �.� . . � � .
<br /> Y { '.I Duilart-vlrthe----------dayvf-------------------------t9 .; .. . � � .
<br /> ,: .
<br /> ;� Dvi}atsmrtfic--'-------dnvvt---'--------'-----'--'--'-riJ ;; � .. .. � .
<br /> :.� : 'i l3olhvsmrthc----------da9vf------------------------,-:7 .,: , . .
<br /> with interest thereon at �� per ttnt per annum, payable nwnthl}' n2i�all according to fhe tenor and elteM ot
<br /> 4,, a certain promissory natc o(said Rayrnond T. Lassonde 3Rd E. �1aTle3 L�liSOAde
<br /> � .
<br /> ' bearing even date with lhese presents,and shuil pay all taxes nnd nssessmentr,lrvicd upon said renl estate,nnd ail other L�xes,
<br /> �- levies and nssensments leviecl upon this morlguge or the nole which this mortgage is given to secure,betore the ssme becomes � .
<br /> delinquent,and keep the buildings on said��remises insurecl tor the sum of S �����.�� loss, it nny, j]:tYflblC to �� �
<br /> the aaid mortgaRee, then lhese presents to be void, otherwise to be ond remain in futl tome. � �
<br /> . IT IS FURTHER AGREGD (1) That i(the suid mortgngor shnit fail to pay auch fazes or procure such insurancc, the
<br /> t:�� said mortgagee may pny such lazes nnd prucure such insurance;and the num so advanced,with interest at ��Z per cent �
<br /> `:`��- - '� shall be paid by said mortgngoq�md this mortgnge shall etand as security for the same (3)Thnt a failure to pay nny of suid .
<br /> money,eithrr principai or interest when the same becumes due,or n fniture to comply with any o[the(oregoing agreements,
<br /> shall cause lhe whole sum of money hercin secured to Uccome due and rnllectible nt r,nce¢t the optian o(the mortgagee.
<br /> Si�,med thie aJ�/ day ot �J rt� , 19 �
<br /> ; : ' �)7� ' f'
<br /> " �� ` In presence uf ��YCif'�'...��r�� �-�f`J 1-�."Y'�-.{----•--...._._...._. �
<br /> t TU�Y,�Oiv�"T T:t1SS10`'17L -.....
<br /> , , � ;
<br /> _� ti a...._.,:;:..,�
<br /> ; ;� �i , ,Y, , ............._......................
<br /> ;: E. ��""I.A.S�O��E_...._..
<br /> ` STA1'E OF.........NEIIILISFA................................ CuuntY oF..........I1.AI.L......__.........................: �
<br /> � -�, Be[ore me,a notnry public quuliSed for said county, personnlly came �t3)'1flOIld �P. L'1550IIdB aTlc�
<br /> L'. Dlarlea Lassonde
<br /> �i knawn to me to be tho identical person or pe�sorte who signed the foregoing instmment and nclmowledged the e:ecuGon
<br /> thereof to be-hie,her or thcir voluntary nct and Jeed.
<br /> < :: i � RADEAN Q. LO , � • ,�
<br /> " t�t� �1, ��n� al seal on.......... .ct.�c._?.............t.: -7........_..19f.�- .
<br /> - i, :QEl�E��i�aR�=Stm o� ' �� � . p >
<br /> '- wdim�m�lmio�txvires�•.S�_.._--�•---- 19�.� :; ������� > "�l -� -
<br /> y, . . .. .. . ..�T.._..........:.._.._:_c -I ...._._.
<br /> ..........Notarv Public. •>«.I ,�, c
<br /> --f�8tfiI1M'{r-79�9 � � �
<br />� ' s STATE OF___.._..._._.._...._----______�_......_...._-.- Entcred on numerical indez and &le.i for record
<br /> N �
<br /> I i County ....._._.._.__._._._..__.__........_........_._.._.......}�v. in the Registcr of Dceds OQice of suid County ihe �, .
<br /> 1
<br /> -•_--..._.-----... 19......._....ai.___.....Y.._._�_.o clock md............._----..._. �,,,
<br /> ,;� ..._..__..._..__dny of....._.._..............-- ....avnutes...__...............I�1.. � �...
<br />., I i und recarded in Book.._....._..........._.._.---.......of.._._..�.__._._._.........�t pnge.-----._..__.__._.._._---•--- in.
<br /> � ,. .
<br />. .� � � ......._...._.__.._.....__...._..-`---..._....._._....._..._...._Reg. of Deeds . .. �
<br /> h :
<br />� By_..._.._..._...._.._._..._.._.._......---'---..........---......._.........Drnnrv
<br />� �_="' l -..:--- -.-:.—_ .-:_'_ -... -:':_- _,:,._. __.:-' . _::._.: __.::_ : :
<br /> _.
<br /> _ f:-
<br /> �
<br />^�
<br />