�: � . . � � 3'�'L
<br /> � � � � . � �. . . ` '.1���
<br />� ��.^� .. . . . � . . . . . .. . � . .. .. . . � .. . . . . .. . � .
<br /> MOAiGAGE�aHaq�aad T.oan Form—{Dusct Cndit.Plan) 2551.(Spedal) � � �. . � � � .� � � �
<br /> ' � 77� . � MORTGAGE
<br /> �)f�147�
<br /> Loan No
<br /> � ��� x�[t[s tnmENruae.muae�hi. ��� �23rd�.� a„y,, � March .�� .� � � � is��bp�anabec,oe.n � � .
<br /> JAMES MICHAEL TH(N+IPSON AND MARGARET td. THaMPSoN, husband and wife, each in his and
<br /> 3 her own`right and as spouse o"r the other �� ,
<br /> �� �o� . �� .H8 I I�� � � County;Nebrmka..ae mortgagoz�S�d FSoma�Faderal Sav(nga had Loa¢Aawciatic¢ot.Gr�d Ieland. �
<br /> �- a mrpomtion organiied�uad e:iatlnq undnr.the law�oE�Nebraaka'�vlth Its prindpal olltee nad place ot�buainees vt Giaud Idaad,Ne6vaika. � � .
<br /> � m�.mnztgagee: � , . . . . . . .
<br /> . � WITNESSEiH: Thc!eatd moilqagor�.�lor.and in cwafderatlon of tha eum�of $� � .
<br /> +£ TH�RTY-THREE THOUSAND SEVEN NUNDRED AND NO/100 ----- - 33,700.00 ,
<br /> 3. ------- ---- �t��e �s , �
<br /> !_
<br /> j the.�receipt of which ie hereby ack¢owledged, do�—by �6eee preeents mnAgaqb uud warrant unto ¢aid mortqagee, ita�euceenwn�d # � .
<br /> S as+iq¢e,foreveq.all�the following deeatbed real eetate..awated in tho ccunty ol Ha�� � � � -
<br /> $ md��Smte of Nebrmka,tawit:" f����
<br /> �
<br /> 2
<br /> S
<br /> � _� ��
<br /> �� �s
<br /> �� ��
<br /> �
<br /> £�
<br /> �� ��
<br /> �� ��
<br /> {� �
<br /> i; � Toqather.with alt 6eatinq, ltghtlaq. and ptum�inq oquipmaat and lixtu�ea,including uaken aad buraem,acreem.awniaqe,etorm wiadow� � � � �
<br /> . S�� and-dmie.aad.windaw sbadea nr 6linds.wed m or in coaneetian with aaid propoity,whother tha eamo are no�v located�ov aaid propertp�� ����� � � � -
<br /> . $S on c�realter placed�herebn. j� �. � . �
<br /> v
<br /> ,, . S{ , TO HAVE AND 70 HOLO 17iE SAME,together with all ¢nd eiaqul¢r the tenoments,hured[t�enta�d¢ppurtea�ce�thereuaN belmg- +�� � .� �� �
<br /> F_. }
<br /> . SS in4,or in anyvriee appertoining.!o=enea and wa+ruat the title to�ho eame. Said mortqagor�hereby mvenaaL—with euid mortgaqoo +� . .. �
<br /> . it� that—he +� .
<br /> t �_ are ��}yo delivety hereol.Ihe lnv�ful owner 5 of tha premieee above coaveyed�d deacribed,aad are
<br /> . Ff� seized ef a good and indeleasible enlata ot inherilance thorein.fiee and deaz ot ali encumbrancee,and Ihai T he'L_wili warraat aad �S . � � �.�. �
<br /> � ��. deland the iitle thereto lorever aqoimt�he claimn and deaands of all poraona whomwever. >t � ..
<br /> � y; PAOVIDED ALWAYS, and thSa insWment is e:ecuted and deGve ed to eecure the pa}�nmt vt the eua oi i, . � �
<br /> a � im:: ts 33 700.00 � ;
<br /> 't with intereet�hereon,lognther with mc6 chaiqen aad advancna as may be due and pQpa6le ro said mertqagee undar the iemia and $j
<br /> p $S cooditions ot tha promiasory aote o! enea date herewith and secured he�eby,e:ecuted by aaid mortgagor?to said mortgagee,pvpnble f�
<br /> ' 23 as ery:eseed in aai3 nota,and to secure tho pedormnace ol all tha terma and coadittoaa coatmned thecein. The.teraa.o! said note are +�
<br /> �;_��. S� hereby incerparated Lerc[n bp thfa reterence. . .
<br /> 'S $,
<br /> �i It ia tho intention cad aqcosmest o!lhe paalee heteto thct thia mortqage ehall aleo eecuro aay future odvancei mado to said ��
<br /> S� mortqagor S by smd mortqaqee,and aay and all indebtedneea in addltlon to Lho amount above etated whtch said mortqagon,or aay
<br /> 3� of them,may owe to aaid mortgagee,howevar evidenced. whether by ao(e.book attnunt or othawise. Thls mortgage ahall rematn ta lull ,�
<br /> ��� forco aad elfect between the partien harato and thair hdn,pereoml repre�entativee, succeeen:a aad auigna, va61 all �ouata eecviced ��
<br /> •t he�eunder,indudinq IuMe advmicee,ace paid ia full with lnterest.
<br /> � � �j- Yhe mnrtgagor_`' .be�ubp aislq�to eaid mortgagee aU reab and lawme axieinq at aay aad all times fiom.�aid propertp�d. � �
<br /> ; Sj- hem6y wthorizo smd mortgaqee or iie agent at ile option,upon delault.io tnke ch�qe o!said propeny aad collect all ronv and incama SS
<br /> .. �f theretrom and vpply We eame lo tLe payment ot iaterest,pdndpal,Sanuraace premiuma,taxe�,asseaemenh,repain or improvemenb aocos- �t �
<br /> . sury fo�keep u1d proyerty in lenantabla mndtUon,or to olher charges or pQymentt ptovided lor heretn or in the r.ota hereby eecvzed '!'hls $ � �
<br /> . ��. rant aseiqnm¢at sholl toatinue W to[ca vatll the uap¢Id belaaee o! eaid aote is fully paf�L Tho laking ot posaeesioa 6ateuoder ehall In m �S �
<br /> manner pce�ent or tetard�aaid mortgagee�in the wlloctlon o!eaid sume by loxeclo�uia�otherwi�e. +�
<br /> �5.. Tho iallure of the monqagee to oase:t aay�ot i!a tighta Lmeu¢dar at aay tlme ehatl not be conetrued ai a�oi�or o!its right to msen �f �
<br /> { 16a e�e at anp later time,aad lo im'ut vpo¢-md�enforca stri�t mmpltance wf�h ¢Il �he terma and proviNom ot said note �d ol �his
<br /> . . j� mortqaqe. . . � � � . � .
<br /> 3S 11 eaid mnrtqagor S ahall caux to be pald to�aid mortgagee the ontlra acwunt due It hereunder,a¢d mder ihe ro�ma and p�oviefau ��
<br /> . of wid note kerebp,ecured,lacludiag luhue advaacoe,md aap arien�Wni oz rena�vaL.thereo( ia aceordance wi�h the teima aad p:ovi�iona j �
<br /> <S j �
<br /> thereof.�d il�wfd mortgaqor��.S_� �hall comply�vith dl the proviifoao o!�d aote and ot thie monqage,than thew prexnu ehall be vofd; $
<br /> , T�� othenvbe.�o remaia ln full!nn a¢d eltocL�d amd�mosiqagsa ehall be eatltkd to the yoaaee,ion of dl ot said property,�d may,ct its S{ .
<br /> � ��� opNon,deelaze Ihe whols of eald aots aad aL indebtednen cepre�ented lherehy lo be Immsdlutely due aad paqable,and map torecloes�hia {I ..,yri.�•����;.
<br /> ;S� martgaqa�ar tdco aay othes�legat actloa ta pmtect-tt��dqh4�d Irom�he�dats o!such de(aul�v!!item�ot iadobtedneu sacured herehp tt
<br /> � �{� shall draw��interest at79�'Ep[aaaum. Appzafsemeat ivalved. 1� ',-`� � .
<br /> S A +
<br /> �.. 45,. Thie mo»gaqe�.�hell he 6lntllnq�uyoa and.�ha11 eaun.to Ihs b�ne8t d ths hatn.eucuton.adminlatraton,eucceuau�d auiqas ot � � ' �
<br /> i:, iha iespectiv�partis�EeroW. �{
<br /> �� $
<br /> iN.LVIR7ES$-WF�HEQF.�rald�Mortqaqor5___ha_Ve.h�ravntc.��t �'he i r *��S �yo dap aad year Itrat abors S r.
<br /> � writtea / ,„
<br /> t �r
<br /> 4� '1�'?�rz�_ 1.t �`�,��-,�� y�� ����r/'��.�� �� ."'
<br /> S — ar�g��.� �""" �7ames �� i cnae i nanp;on •
<br />�: �� �
<br />,�a
<br /> i �Sa�. � J
<br /> r.�
<br />