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<br /> ��, t���;r 4'�� REAL ES`�A�'� Mc��T�,4CE �
<br /> ' F�?`3C� DEYELU,�NIE!J�i CO!APP;IJY �"di;�� F ' ��?I'iJRh7'lGN
<br /> � �------�� �_ �,5,
<br /> . �� of`fhe Ca�trtg ot� M,�I 1 ,and Stuie ef �C�i�'skz� hereinutter cn212�1 tSeu ' �
<br /> pat7}� M 9'he fi13t�nrt,in . �
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<br /> 'coabfderedon�af TYtENTI'-}r I UE 1'N:)US'ANG hNL� !�U!!�,,: ------------------------- ----
<br /> — --- ---�_..11OI.i,.ARS,
<br /> � dn hand�rald.�do hareLq-grtmt,btirgain,sell and ctrnvey nnto Yhe Tiome FeBera't Savings A;i;oan Aasotiaritrn�uf Grend Ts�land,
<br /> .. . .. . : .. .. � . . . � .. . . � . . 'tj .
<br /> GPand 7elund,NeLraska,uad dis sucdeseors and assigns,tLe foTlaw�rcg real esKate,eituated 9n �-_� � _
<br /> wi
<br /> �Y,State�aL '�ecrra5k� ,..,;owvit: �
<br /> �
<br /> l CT ���r'EEk t i 4; 1�; /.� ` T}^!�(i 5'i�[�i l,{c l'il!�., -i-,l L .UJ Jil'.
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<br /> � 'together vricn sll the appartennnces there+nrto belm�ing,anfl all coi�erwnts in�'�rtee tit7e deeds tvnrimg with snid resl es}ets �
<br /> r, Fm6 a7l the Tzets,issacs and profits arising thereiram xiter def&uit�n perFormance of zfry rovenarrt or ronditioa tecn�n ror
<br /> �� tuined; s`ad tvnrre�the kitle thereto�criect nnd rlear exce�pt:'or�tLiS mottqr�e. �
<br /> g Parrn�the rime this mortgnge is in feroe the murtgagms aqree
<br /> • � '�Yts1. To�a9 all tar,es end speciai assessmemts leviefl f�Kainst said rremiees. �nclud:ng stl taxes ana as�essmenfs iecaed
<br /> '' npon th�s mort�ngq oz Yhe deri seem�ett L} this mcmlgsge. �
<br /> 5 S�conn. To keep sIl bmlmnga iherzon insvred A�asnrt)oss hF•tire,li�htnxng and tornado ia sorne campar.y,te Lu:s��
<br /> ' � pro��ed hp the said liorae Federal Sacings!k i.oan Assoc�stion M Grr:r.d isIend in the �mc oi S— `�'z _"� �ar ?
<br /> � t�e t�ereefit of'the said Assaiarior,an3 its aroccessars txi�a�igns: Fnd to depasrt said j!e`iicies vith�nid A.5 oceafi�on,sad shP11 nut �
<br /> comndt or snifer a�y�a�aste an snid premises, and shatl put and kec�saiii rsl est�t2 b�2iIings snd�mprcvemeirls in goou
<br /> '' ardor. '<
<br /> � TLird. To paS�'��ta be pHxd zo th¢]iome Federsl cavir.�s&Loun-Assoriatlan of f�nd Tsiar.d,its'sumessors or �
<br /> sssigns,the�vm of S T'�'Ev"1'-i=�'i F �l�t�S':J� 1,.Ji� ���. i�� ---------�70I.T,AR& rd
<br /> Pa�'ab}e as fo7lowa:
<br /> � q.• ,•,., �r c:.- . . �. �
<br /> � .�' . � ..�.. .., , �. ,. .
<br /> i �
<br /> ; � �� :
<br /> � a:a inYc^eEt thereoa p:a�aD1a acrardinc to the trreor�nd effect o; the one cercain fir.t mo:a.ex�e note rf said r,:ortRac�s,
<br /> � �; bear,'r.� e��ea da.e n��YL trese pre�aats, After ;astarit�� seid boad draaa interert st i;tE rate oi rine �
<br /> i+er cerrt p2r snnum
<br /> > ` ;f r.r,id taaes and'as�e�7nerts�am aof psid a�T.en dec, ar if ibe butldintts�n sa9d�rcmi�es are rat insmevi as�U�<�e p ;
<br /> tide8.or if r.r���of said internst fs aM rsi3 ahtm dua,thea t;id n�hote�'ebt sha'�l S+erone 8ve tmm�istti� at Yh2±��.1',or.di ire "
<br /> � Fsid,4sea^iation,ara ahsSi tharnafter�;au•iritere4 st YAe;:rte af nine pe-cent�er anmm�. �
<br /> Tisc mertg&gor_herebs assi�n_ Yo aaid ;noti.gadce ali rer�tr, and 4ncor,.e arisin� aL nay ar.3 sfi tirees irem sa,�
<br /> t prapert��aad here6p avthorize u:3 mort�agee dr its a�ent at tts opYion, npon de;anii. to tske chsr€e ef�a'sd pro�+catc rrd �
<br /> co11c�-�t ail ren�am9 imv.;ie lhc�dram sr.d r.�:y t'�e ssme ta ihe pa}rier.t oi irrtere�t.,principaL ir.:viarce prnreivrns,taiec
<br /> ,� E�essmen�, Tepairs or improvemeats nec��cnn•te ?eep scid propern��n teaar.cEbte ror,3;boa, or to .�rthe; c0ar,�es �r P�
<br /> � mcvts pro��drt9 for:tet�ein rt�n tSe r.ute h2rei�p ecrurecl. 9"hss rert ass�(rnme::t shall cmctir.ue iz iarce artii t3;c an.pai3 bai F=.
<br /> ance of said n�e is fall�•pard.i"ze tx}.ir,�c.f poszasson hereande:�La;3 in no manner rmet•ent cr ntara sa.d mortcc,xee sn �
<br /> � the co�tectioa nt ssid�ums?,} forcriosvre or otneraire.
<br /> � t[l�ethet ss;8 deSt:>acomes nae b� 3arsr of time, m b}�rea�•oa ct ihe faiicre v�f the�axit�a.t:+e f::2i �±srt iv a:mpiy
<br /> � a;i�ati,c'con3ition herein.Lie raid liorae Fedez�ni Sxt:ncs � I.�ah assnciat4ai c�i Grar,9 Sslan3, ihe �v�es�or and a�5iens, -
<br /> i
<br /> shs12 havc the right te Lie�ia 4�e farcrlosu�nf cnls mcct�N�e�i nnce .�n ihe a-hele 3ebt here:�y cercu�ec, and to iari�ee �
<br /> therein sil tna-es sssessments,tiaeursncr premiums and co�is.�id hy it t,r tSer,i: or said .�sr�atian, its aacc�ssot�s nr
<br /> � acsi&as, ma,v fo,eclose ��c�c as to ihe surn past dae, ait:�cu�t ir.�an io �his ma:ies�e.�r the dis}+:ac�emeni ar irr.pxircncrt �ti
<br /> cf tfire 3ien thet�vf '
<br /> Arid ihe said ittst psrl,�s;cd the nakcrs of ssid:a4e,e52 ecia?l}•acree s�d veclsre that ti;e sephraie c iate �t ea� hn3
<br /> f3 �Yc�ba2 c�F ihFm,itn^ivaing both thai naa�oar,ed aad t�at �e�reafter Ay:ire2. �s pi�;:�e6 ag.i brand fiu the }�s�Tr.tat vi �,
<br /> k�n'Al�t be.e1>.a retLmd. �
<br /> � �' ��tY'ECtizr t�mtmer�cc�cnt uf am• xuit ir, fornclos;ce the plair,tiii ihere;n shall be enritic,i to t::e;mmediate pasmssion oi
<br /> �sa�d pre�iS,sCa;itd i3�e sppointruent af a mc�ei�•es tSe.e�or,aotR-�t�nam;fr,�the�• nr�c 8e ifie rometeafl�f the vttvips*i and
<br /> i5�.
<br /> ,f �ot�5tt�i�n.'i�g;$s�e�,artfes tisbYe for�Be deci m�•6c�trent sad i1e f:r�t �;rtc iserebe co:,seats To the annowtmer,t o4 a t
<br /> � 2?c�Scx�7oa�ae�ction af tl-Ss:ttdenture,a;t.'�.�wt olY,er eri3er,ce. �:� «
<br /> i$'e�gS;�Yit�$'.ronBiYoas aad agnecmenTa, sIl ard sin��2ar,�einq fu1�i•�rPorsted,thfs co.;r�s-ance shAii he�•oicl uther �
<br /> tils�•��2 a1z4'1�eYaa�.n ist full frne aed eifect. c� ��
<br /> +-•�S„�'S wti�s �..c;, ] , ' 1' � �
<br /> ��. . . �� a` 9.: _ , ,
<br /> 1,1:� ���7�\:..�i, r x .r � t�
<br /> in pre=eace�cf �' c..(� � , �s- '- � � �
<br /> � e.� , �c�: ��. _ �'
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