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<br />� � 77� ; ����147i �EAL ESTATE M(JRTGA�E
<br /> �
<br /> TNOMAS J. t401TASZEWSfiI AND ROBI�d R. 'r�01TASZEIr'Srii, husband and ��iie., each in his and h�r �
<br /> own right and as spcuse of the other
<br /> �S
<br /> I f oE the Counq•of Ha I i and Statc of Nebras{:a heminafter called the party of the first rarf,!n �
<br /> consideraHon ai TNIRTY-TN'0 THOUSAND SEV[N HUPJDRED ANQ NO/I00 ------------------- nOLLAFtS, �
<br /> En hand pald,,do hereby grant,bsrgain,sell and conveT ��e Eiome Federai Savings&7,oan Associatioa of Grand lsiaad,
<br /> Crand Island,Nehuake,and ifs successors and asslgos,the following real estate.situated l� Na I t �
<br /> Countp,Statc of � bra s k? , ,towik
<br /> !
<br /> �
<br /> � Together with all the appurtenances thereunto belonging,end all covenants in all the title deeds running ccith said mal estate =�
<br /> and all the rents,issues and profits arising therefrom after default in performance of any covennnt ur rnndltion hemin con-
<br /> tained;and�cacrants the title thereto perfect and ciear eacept for this mortgage. �
<br /> � � During t6e time this mortgage is in fom the mortgagors agree: •l
<br /> .y First To pay all tases and special assessments let�ied against said premises,including all taxes aad assessments le��ed F�
<br /> upon this mortgage,or the debt securnd 6y this mortgage.
<br /> � Second. To keep all buildinCs thereon insured against loss by 5m,lightning and tomado in some crompaqy,to be ap ,�
<br /> � proced by the said Fiome Federal SaFings 8 Loun Associatian of Grsnd Ldand in the sum af C !nsuraG 1 e Va I ue for
<br /> the benefit of the said Associs�on.and its successors or assigns; and to deposit said palicies with said Association,aud shall not
<br /> �� rnmmit or suffer any�caste on said premises, and shaIl put an3 keep said mal estate bulldings and improcements in good �
<br /> � k' oraer. K� � �
<br /> � Third. To p2y or ca�.e to be psid to t�he Eome Federsl Sa�ic�s& Loan Assaciation of Grand Island,its suceesson or �
<br /> assi�ns,the sum of s 7HI RTY-it40 7HOUSA;JD Sc1'E!v HUf�DRED .A'QD PiOi f 00 - DOLd.ARs,
<br /> � papable as follows: �
<br /> , �
<br /> � � +
<br /> � S32,?D0.00 DUE nGnIL I, 1�78 � � �
<br /> ',; }� �
<br /> t � with interest thermn paymble,according to the tenor and eftect of the one ceKatn first mortga�e nole of said mortgagors, �
<br /> �'t' beazing even date with these presents. After maturit5 said bond dra�cs interest at thc rate ot ntne per cent per annutn.
<br /> : �}}..i�, If said taxes and assesments are not paid when due,or it the buildings on said prnmises are not insured as abore prn ;3
<br /> �; � �7ded,or if aqy of said interest is not paid�rhen due,then said �chole debt shall become due immediatelp,at the option of tpe :�
<br /> said :lssociation,and shatl theteafter dnw internst at the rate of nir.e per cent per annum.
<br /> �° The martgagori hembp asrig� to said mortgagee all rents and income xrisin� at ¢�c and all times from said •
<br /> �> pmperty and hereby authorize said mod6a;ee or i�agent„at its ogtion, upon default, to taLc chszge of said property aad ';�
<br /> cullect a11 mnts aad income therefrom and apply the sazue to Wc papment of intemst, principsl, insurance premiums,tuzes, ,'K
<br /> � � assessments, mpairs or impro�•ements necessary to keep said proper�.c ia tenantable condition, or to other chatges or pay- �
<br /> �. (� ments pmvided for hetein or in tLe note hemUp secured.This rent asdgnment shsll continue in fome until thc unpsid bal- '_;
<br /> T ancc of sald note is fully paid. The ta}3ng of possession hcreundcr shnll iu no�anner pm�ent or mtard said mortgugee in �
<br /> Sthe rnllection of said sums hy foreclosum or othernve.
<br /> 3 Nhether said debt becomes due by lapse of time, or bp reason ot thc teilum of the party of the fiM part to comply
<br /> j wzth anr conditian hemin,the said Iiome Federal Sa�ings & Loan Association of Grand Island, the successors aad�csiBas, -�
<br /> shall hare the right to begin the fornclosure of this mort�a�e at nnce on tUe whole debt hemby secured, and to include
<br /> � iherei¢all tsxes,assessmeats, insurance premiums and cosLs,paid by it or them; or said �ssociation, its successots or �
<br /> � assigns, may foreclose on�y as to the sum past due, without injury to this mortgage, or the displacement or impairment i3
<br /> of the Uen thereot. "'
<br /> And the said first party nnd the makets of said note,especial�p a�rce and declare that the separatc��tate of each und �
<br /> �? erery one of them, including both thai now oµved nnd that hemufter acquired, is pledged and bound for thc papment of
<br /> f' the debt hereby secured. �':
<br /> � After We commencement af any suit in foreclosisc the plainti[f thernin shall 6e en[itled to the immediatc possessian ot �
<br /> said premises end the appointment ot a receiver therefor,notµithstanding thcy may be the homestcad of tbe occupant and
<br /> notr-ithstanding lhe parties liable for thc debt m�y be solvent,and the first partF herehy rnnse¢ts to the appnintment of a �.
<br /> Receirer upon the production of this indenture,�vilhout oWer efzdence, t� .:,1
<br /> The fomgoing conditions and agreements, all and singular,being fully perfarmed,ttus conveyance shall be cuid,other-
<br /> � wise to be and mmain in full force aad eftect � H ^e.'
<br /> l � Si��tti;� �4th day o� tdarch� - �„ �y;_ 3 J �
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