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<br />� �'�. ���.�4`�t� R�AL ESTATE M�}RTGAG� �
<br /> ,'.'�'G(` DE4`ELtI.PMENl" C;0'4PhN"', I NC., r, q �.RPi�k/i�i JN
<br /> � ---- �
<br /> o#the�;onn D� `'��� '�'eL `-�'� eminaftrr called'tke p�irt��of the fii<t part,�fi
<br /> � b' and Stste o+ h �
<br /> �
<br /> • rcrnsi@eration oE Tt4 F�i�. SEt EN �N,��S.''.N� °f X %'i!4�FE�% r���, '�';�j'i)0 -------------------- i
<br /> "----D�Li:.4RS, �
<br /> ia 3�8ad'paid,do herehy graa3,Dargaia,sell and cOnvey unto tLe Iiame�`ederal Savinqs&T.oan Association of Graad Islaad,
<br /> Graad Istand,;Pebras�ra,end its sacces.9ors and as�ns,}he following mal estate,situated in �;"i i
<br /> � 'Cd�mty,StAt2.nt' �&br9=k'o � � r,towit: . .. . . , � �� .
<br /> ;�: . � � � .. . . � � � � � : ... . �
<br /> Lx3i�T1k`ELVE (i?_)� lti h�.l�i) �`hI � 5��,'s�ti`!�I.�Y,, �lati:l:� t.C��,vTY, �C�(2�Sx,ti, � � � �
<br /> �
<br /> � �
<br /> ; Ttigether�vit6 ai[tbe hppnrtenances thereunto belonqing,and alt covenants in alt the tit3e deeds canning with said real ettate, iv
<br /> attd aIt t3se rentq issaes sad P���sing ihere4rom after defauit ia perFoxmance of any ro��enant nc condition herein ron• }
<br /> � tained;sad�irants thc titYe themtn perfect aad clear e�-cept fnr i�is martQage. �
<br /> � buriag the time this mortgaqe is in force the mnttgagors agree: ,
<br /> E1tst. Yb pay sll tu.��es and special as�essments ietRed against�aid preroises, inciud'rng ail taars ann assessmenu 3e�zed `i
<br /> �.rywa ihis mertgage,�r/he debt securcKi by this moct�iage.
<br /> Y; Secona To keep al! buiidin� t�emon insured sqain�t luss by fim,ligi�tniag xa6 toreada rn mme mmpanti•,tn be ap• � .-
<br /> {� pro�ud bq iLe ssd Fiume Pederal Savings&Loan.�ssociation oi Gnnd I isnd in 1.'sc sum nf ��`-' �� �'��e for �
<br /> � ihe benefit of tAe said A�oeial5on_and its successois or assi7�ns; and tu depo�t�aid polines aith C1id Assoc�arion,>nd shall nM
<br /> cemm�t or mffer any u�aste on sai3 prnmises, and <hail pu[ and keep�a:d real estate lmildings and�mpro�•ements in gasd
<br /> � onder. ---------------
<br /> T'a;r3. 'ly,�sc or ron,t �e ti;atd �t'.e iimre�'e3eral S��n�s 4�Lcar..1s�atroa r.i G.-ard tstazrd,its saccessocs or �
<br /> ssaitSns,the sam of�S T,�t\.� �,�\ ,u�';�c ,�i� :i1� ,iti..FF� ?'�C \�.. � .0 -
<br /> Pa}'sbte as foltowa: I?ULL,iRS, +
<br /> �
<br /> 5 �
<br /> �� .._ �Cl �i: �... . ,� , � .,` � .
<br /> rg ir
<br /> � � �
<br /> ;t
<br /> ; � ait�interest thermn papable.accottiin�to the'tenor and efirrt of the one nrtntn i'irst mortea�e nnte u{ saia mocizaQurs. �
<br /> s 6earing e�rn dafe wiih them presents. :�iter matuiikp �aid bond dran�s intemst at the ratr of ttinc per r.ent per annum.
<br /> � If said tsars snd assresments are nnt paid nfica dve, or if lhe buil�iin�s on�Sia�Mif11EP.S arn not inntmi:+s�Tu�•c rra
<br /> �zAed,ur if anq u{ssfd intere,st is r.ot paid«-hen due.then sai�i nfiole debt shall Accome due immeRiatelp,st thc oFtion oi the �
<br /> Fsi3 �L.sociation,an�i shall thernafter dra�v intere=.i at the rate nf hir.e per mnt per annum.
<br /> }= The merlg�gor= herebc assiRn._ h�said muri�sehe 9II 1'PIftS and incon�c nrisinq at am• ar,d ati times imm �sid
<br /> r �' pmnetn•and Herebc authonre sa�a mortFagee er iL a�ent,at ils option, upon defauit, fu take cl�atgn oi �sid pmpectp and ij
<br /> rollsct af[nnts xnd in�v:ne thcreimm and apph•the snme tn iBe pa��ncat of intemh, prir.ciral, insuranc�c �rnfniums.ttses
<br /> t' assessments, lcpairs or impn.crments neanan-fo keep said rropertp in tenantxble Cendiiion, ��r tv othcr chlrges or pay �
<br /> mrnt?procidc�i for heiem or m thc ncte liembv secntrd.This rnnt assignment�hall ivntinue {n force��etil the nnpaid bal �
<br /> ance of aaid notc ss tullg paid. The takinx�t pesses inn hemundcr Ehail in no manncr precent or mtaid�aid mr.rtuaKce�n
<br /> � lhe co)teM�on of said sums b�fomlasure or otUrrnice.
<br /> e �
<br /> �� 1Fhetlier sa�d�febt Uecnmes ciue 6y 1ap*e ot time, or Ur reason�tif the failure ot thc part)-ei thc i5cst Fart tc rompt�•
<br /> k'. �cith hnc condition hetrin,the said Iiome I'edera] Savines A Loan :lssnciatiuh�,t i;inud Isi�n4 the svccrssrors and zniens `
<br /> eflall ha�•e the right iu brcin the fomclusum of Fhis mortgn�e at once an the ��-hole �irUt hereU�� secumd, and to inciude s
<br /> ;i ihemin ail iaxes,asacssmenl�ittsuranc�e prnmiunu and custs,�•aid bc it ��r them: ur sYid 1cop�iation, it<_ �urressurs or
<br /> yr zsigns, ivaT foreclose only ns to the sum �?ySt fIUP, 1l1«tCUL injun• to this mnrtF;,�c. �r the displacemenl or impaittnent �
<br /> oi the hen Ihereof.
<br /> �rd ihe,sa[ti fint patt7•and the makers of said nute,rspecially agrne 2nd�ieclarc that the eeparate est:�te��t cach and �A
<br /> q � �_ etetp va@,u��t�th,includiug both ihat now unned and thst hertaRer ai�uiced, ts plMiqed nnd leund fnr the papment of �
<br /> the ilnb����ui`ed.: �;
<br /> AYt^��the,`Mmlmeffeement nf anc auit Sn foreciosurn ihe pta(ntiff themin shall be rntitled to the fmmediate possession of ?�`
<br /> � 5ud�,�:reI9�3 � ih$a pbintment of a recei�-er lhemfor. notti�itivstxnding thec ma�he the homc�tcad nf thh Cccupant and
<br /> - nyEmit6xtaps�G2��+ea�table for the deUt ma,r be suh�enk and the fint parir hereby�vnrenu io ttte a �
<br /> �� ppointment of a }.
<br /> ` }3e�irais upnn-t[�'a�dvction of ihts indeniu�,�cithoui other e�idence. y-�
<br /> :sC6e fprcgb�'gy�oiyiiGent and agrnemenis, ali and singular,qeiuq ftrlly perfornted,this r�mt�eynnce shall L+c coid,othen `Y �y
<br /> , �h1�p�:'S'enuui�in fW!fom sifd effeR
<br /> 'L � �
<br /> � SSSned.it�� `}h daq e�_ \'ar�- L D 19, �� � +,3'-
<br /> i4V�•.1 � � � ��moF�� L�, � + �. �..... , � �" .
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