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<br /> ApGG DEVELGPI�+ENT CGI✓�P.hY, !i.C., ,'A, r�RPGFnT i 0li �
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<br /> � of the Connty ot Ha�1 nad SLate �t ?�ebras k,? hnrainafier calle�the P�9 uf the first put,ia � ,
<br /> rnnsiderakon oi TWEt�TY-f!U'L �HJCIS�P:� TItiD HJPl�FEU n?uu ''JO/10� ---------------------
<br /> DOLLA$5,
<br /> ia hand paid,do hea�eh9 g�'ant.has'8�,se11 and rnurey noto ihc Home Fedesai Saviugs k Loan AssocI�tion nf Grand Island, �
<br /> � GLaad 151nnd,Necrasaa,and ita suocessois sn6 assgns,iue iaiiowing reai esiaie,siiusiec i� r�i I }.�
<br /> CrwntY�State ur .�le�ras+;o .�,tauit �
<br /> U1? 1 H I:t�TcErd {1:3) i lv A,R^vG iH l�.� �uBJ}':1�?�IJ, H�=,LL CCU!dT'f,
<br /> tvEgRAS'r�A, !'4 T'r.� 'J#L'_AG_ G= :;Lh
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<br /> �
<br /> Tos'eiher a�ith all the aPPtfftenanms theren�o belongine;and ail roreaxnts in zIl the tifle deeds:vnaing aiYh said rerl etitate, �-
<br /> � and aIl the Teats,issxes aad prafiLs�rising therefrom after default in perfor+naase of any covenani or rnndition�erein con- �
<br /> tain�;aad t¢artants tife title thcseto perfec3 aad clenr escept for this mortgage
<br /> - Durivg the time fLis mo:igage is in force t3e mori.gaBo�agree: '�'•
<br /> � F'irst To pay all tazes and sperizl assessmeas lecied a�•;rzh ssid premises.inclnding a31 tas�s and n«�n,esis 2ecied �
<br /> upon fhis martgag�or the debt sec�sed bp this morigage
<br /> Second To keep all bvildings therena insured againsi loss bp fire,lig�faing and tornadn in some eampans,ta be ap�
<br /> prored bS��d Home Federtl Sarings&Loaa Associntioa of Gtaad Istand in the �u.�n of� �' � �=`i e ;r''�'` ior :�
<br /> � the bene£t nf the said Associatian,an3 itr s.tccessars ar assigns; aad ta deposit said po}iries criih said Associarion,and shaIl rc2 �
<br /> � commit or svffer sap�aste on ssid prr.miscs, snd shaII put and keep said real e�tzte bvildings and improveaents ia gw�
<br /> order.
<br /> T4ird. To pay ar ceuse io be paid to the Hvme Federal Sasit�s k Losa AssociaLen ot Gzand IsIand,ifs sntcessors or �
<br /> ; , � _
<br /> r � AM�RS the svm of s itti=1,T1'-.i i c i.:^_.U�. t_ T4�� �I _c�� !<� ta�;�10�+ ---------------- DOI.��HS,
<br /> � Papable xs iallocrs: --
<br /> F �
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<br /> } a'ifh iaterz�t thereon payzble,accordiag to�Lhe tenor znd effect oi the one cerfain i'utt mortgxge nofe of sad aortgzgors,
<br /> � bearing eeen date .rith fhese precenfs. Afier maturify sxid bond drass� in:ereK at sha rate of niae �
<br /> per cent �r aar,am.
<br /> �i If said tases aad nza.�.,,,enis zre not gai@ vnc�n dne.or if ihz bui!d+:ags an said Pres.i�es�re aot irsa^ed rs�h�re p^o- ;:
<br /> cide3,or ii anp nf said interesi is not paid xhen dne.f.hen said a•*�ole debi:hall berame due i�adiatelp,st thc option o,Lhe ��
<br /> � said �ssw.iatioa,aad.shzll thereaiter d:aw inter�d st t3e rate of n:ne per cenY per zaauai
<br /> - 1'he mortgagQ�hereb,r rssg� u�:aid martgzgee zIl reuts ea� ine�e aririag nt anc aad a2? L:mes fro� rid
<br /> pmpeti,r znd�et�,r anthorize said mortgavee or iis agert,st its option, ipoa detanit, to fs,ke charge ai said prapextg and =
<br /> � xl]ec3 2ll reats aad iarome i.�sefrom:�nd upplp;ae s�e to the pacment of intesest, pr.napal, 9r�+**Ance �
<br /> as.sessvents.�mDsus or imprnveaeats aecessary to ke> cud m �o Preniu��ms.iszes
<br /> P-'� P ?etiF in ien2n�._ condi�ea. a to ot�s rha*'rnes ar pap
<br /> � merts praeided far herein or in Lhe nota hereby secured.This mnt as.qgnmeat shsll rnnYire m fnree�n1 the uapaid Lx}-
<br /> ance of�id nrRe is fnllp pzi3 The t.a.king trS p�xsession hereun3c shall in ao r�anner prevcai or re�rd sai3�ortgagee m �
<br /> the cailcx�ffi of said sums hy farecins9re or otherave
<br /> ` " SS'hetfier said debt 2ie^�.mes dne Er lapse of time. ar b.r reason ai fh�failure of the pazYy ci i':e fir�.t pszt to coaplc
<br /> '. ' }� uith anp cnnd:#on he='ein,ihe saSd Hnae FedersI Sz�:ngs k Loan Associz�na of Grtnd L3snd. the soecessors and as.�gns. .
<br /> t shall hare ihe right to be�a fhe fo:eclos¢re of Shis mcrt�age aY oace on ihe uhole debt heret� snr,�e3, and to inr�dP
<br /> � therein ali t,>ses.ssse�tents, inn„,r,�premiums and cost,paid bp it or Lhem: er xid Assacia:ion. is snccessois ur
<br /> - assi�ns.IIt2f SBICCIDSC ON,i as to t�e sum paat d�� �ithout utjun•to Lhis mo �
<br /> ° rt3zge, or L�e displ3cema:i nr ;npaizmeat -3'
<br /> of lhe Lten.ibPren£
<br /> r.��.tSd t6e said firsi partp.nd ihe makecs of szid aote,e_�cei.liy zgree�d declae that Lhe sep-�rE:e zstate of each and
<br /> § ¢'PI's.o�g o:3h?m,iaciudiag both t�at nom ouved and that hereaffer acGni.�ed.is plec�se3 ar,3 bo•.iud ior the ga��t of �
<br /> � 2E�s<.debk�Y.seeax'td.
<br /> `AP,�fhe cti�meacemeni af aap snit in iorecloscse the plain�fi therein shx13 be entilieri to i.he ir,�caediate pos�.esinn vf ,
<br /> �- _tat�,pte:nt-gs�ri3 flu appriataeai af a receiver Lher�ar,nctmttstanding 1�y may be the hota�tead af tre occupznt and �
<br /> 1�: 'a�+�''`t��'She�riies liahle fcs the debt�:ay be solrent,znd the fust Pr1tS'rereby corse�s w L�e appo:�ect of a _
<br /> � �?a5�'"'9E�•'��ndinn oi Shis iadc.^.ture uitho:rt other ecidence �y
<br /> Pa
<br /> She�edag cnadilians aad agxeem�ni.S all and sinBvlar,bP]nP fullS Pesiome3.ths caar��ce shall be rflid,other �� �
<br /> � xssC.t�'���nd�a�in full iar�and efiec� � a
<br /> � ,, �_ � �
<br /> ,� ...�i .:th r,�� -- =
<br /> � 'Sigaea't ,�)'^� - :.D_ L `_ ,
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