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�� � �� I <br /> a <br />'�- ;i <br /> 1 _¢�"a <br />�r. ' . . _::t,nww� <br /> ��. ,., � . ._ _. . _.. �. � ... . .. . . .... .�� � <br />�� ' � . . . ., . .. . . . . ' . � . <br /> . ��� hfORiGAGE--Savinq� aad�I.oan.Form—(Dlreet Cnd1t�Plm) 25SR (Spectal) � � �. � � � � <br /> � ���• � MORTGAGE <br /> ; . Q014�6 <br /> �� ��� � � � � � �� �- � � - �� Loan No �� � � � � � <br /> ��.. . .�TFfIS INDENTUA6� made �Al..� 7IS'F ,�Qy ot � Mat'Ch . . ' ,19�� byrmdbalweea � � . <br /> = JAMES L. McELROY-AND R05EMARIE"B: McELROY, husband and wife each in his and her own <br /> 3 �ht and as spouse of the otfier AND JOHN W. BAKER, a single person <br /> � a�_ H8 I( � � County,Nebtmka,as modgagor S�and Homa Fedeml Savinge and Loan Aeeociation of Grand lelund, � � � <br /> � ��a�aotporation orqanisod��and esielinq undec the law�.ol Nebmeka wilh!le prladpnl olifce uad placo o!bue[aeu ot G�and L��d,Ne6�aska,� . : � � -. <br /> . .m mortgagee:. � . . . . .. <br /> � .WITNESSEiH:��7hat eaid mortgagor S lor aud in consideratton ol Iha eum o} � " �. � � � . <br /> ' SIXTY THOUSAND AND NO/100 --------------------------------------- 60,000.00 <br /> � , ollars (a �, .. � � � . . <br /> � � the reaeipt ol�whith�3e�heretiy�aeknowledged,�do�_by theae preeeats mortgaqe end watrant unto eaid monqaqee, t�e ruccenaon md �� � � � � <br /> ��aealqne, lorever,all tbe lollowing doxribed zeol eetato,ettuated In lhe county ot Ha� � _ � � - <br /> � -�, �'�:and Slate ol Izebrmka,to-wil:�. .. . . .. . . . .. � . .. . .. .. .. .. .. . . � ....��.. . - <br /> s PART OF LOT ONE (I) IN BLQCK FIVE (5) OF GLADSTONE PLACE AN ADDITION TO THE CITY OP GRhND <br /> ISLAND, HALL COUNTY, NEBRASKA, DESCRIBED AS FOLLOP�S: BEGINNING AT THE NORTHEAST CORNER <br /> OF SAID LOT ONE (I), THENCE SOUTHERLY ALON6 AND UPON THE EASTERLY LINE OF SAID LOT ONE (i) , <br /> A DISTANCE OF 129.5 FEET TO THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF SAID LOT ONE (I), TNENCE WESTERLY ON � <br /> THE SOUTHERLY LINE OF SAID LOT ONE (I) A DISTANCE OF 66 FEET TO THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF <br /> SAID LOT ONE (I), THENCE NORTHERLY ON THE WEST[RLY LINE OF SAID LOT ONE (1) A dISTANCE OF <br /> £ 69.5:FEET, THENGE EASTERLY PARALL[L TO �HE NORTHERLY LINE OF SAID LOT ONE (I) A DISTANCE <br /> a OF 24 FEET, THENCE NORTHERLY PARALLEL TO THE WESTERLY LINE OF SAID LOT ONE (I) A DISTANC[ <br /> j " � OF 60 FEET TO THE NORTHERLY LINE Of SAID LOT ONE (I), THENCE EAS7ERLY ON THE NORTHERLY s <br /> LINE OF SAID LOT ONE (I) A DISTANCE OF 42 FEET TO THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF SAID LOT ONE (I) <br /> TNE POIIJT OF BEGINNING � <br /> $ $� <br /> � �� <br /> S� Soqether.wilh nll.heaLLng. 1lghNaq, and plumbinq oqWpmenl and llxlm¢�.induding slokan and`eeni.awninqe,elorm window�- . � � � <br /> w <br /> f and doore,and window ehadea or hllnda.uned on or Im m�nectlon wilh eaid properly,whalher lho samo ara now locuted on eaid properlp <br /> ji or he:ealler placed�herean. <br /> < <br /> �f 70 HAVE AND TO HOLD 7HE SAME.together with all and einqular the lenomanta,horedi�amenta and appu�toaaaces therounlo belong- , <br /> fjjf ing.or in onywiee appertaining,lorever,and wnrrant ILe tilte Io tho eame. Said mortqagor 5 ho:eby covemnl—_with naid mortgaqee $ <br /> . {s that_the_� a�e ,at the dolivory hereot,the lawful ownex 5 0l ihe premieea abovo conveyod md doecribed,and a�e fff � . .� <br /> „ � $S eeized oi n good and indeleasible eetato ol inhuritance�he�ein.Ireo and dear ot ail encumbrancea,and that t h�a�wi11 wartant uad � � <br /> ;' � �3 detend Ihn title�thereto forever againet the claima and demandn ol all porsona whomwecec � <br /> " }f PAOVIDED ALWAYS. md thia inatrument is ezecuted and delivered to eecu�e the paymont ol tho eum ol . <br /> y t SIXTY THOUSAND AND NO/100 -------------------------------------- <br /> ��. � � ollarn (3�0.���.�� � . <br /> wilh in�e�ea� �herron,togother wiih auch chargca and advancae as may be due and payablo lo naid mortqaqeo under the torms and <br /> '- condittonn ol tha promicsory nole ol even date he�ewith and eecured hereby,ezecuted by eaid mo�tgagof�_to eaid mortgaqae,payahle � <br /> '� . . 3 ae e:preeeod in aaid note,and to eecure iho pedormance o!all the tnrma and coadi�lom comained Iha�ein. The tartnn ol eald noto aro � . <br /> � hereby incorpomted Lerela by tht�eelerence. <br /> it le!he Intenlion and agreument o!the pa:tiee heroto that Ihie mortgage �hall aleo eecure any lutuia advances mada to eafd <br /> g j mo�tgagor 5 by eold moilgaqee, and any and a11 Indebtednoen 1n addition to tho amount obove etaled which eald mortgago�e, or aay � <br /> of �hem, may owo to eald mortgogae, howevor evldencod whethor by note,book account or otherwtna. Thle mortgaga ehall remaln in fut! <br /> a �. forte and eltect batween t6a pailles horelo and thair heire,perwml ropreeenlallvee, eucceeaors md matgne, until all-amwntn �ecvred � � <br /> � tt hercundar.including lutu�a advancae,are paid ln tull with Inle:e�l. . <br /> � � Tho morigagoc_S.horeby aeatqn_to eaid mortgagee all reata and Income arielaq at any ond all timee Irom said propeety and� <br /> hereby authorlse ea(d mottgagee or ile ageat, at IU opNon,upon dolault,!o take chaxqe ot eald properly and collect all rente ond inmms � <br /> ihe[ot�om and apply tho eome to the payment of Intore�b printipal.Ineumnca pcemlume,laze�,amosamanle, iep¢i�e or improvomaats nocae- . <br /> , �: auty to keep wid p[oporty In tenantable condltion,or to ot6er charqee or paymenu pmvtded lor hereln or in tha note heruby aecured. Thia <br /> :onl aseignmaat�hall coat(nue In lo�ce unlil the uupaid balance ot eald nota la lully pafd. The taking ol ponseanion horaunder ehall fn no <br /> mannor prevent or retard eatd mortgageo in tho colloctioa o! enid eume by loreeloaure or olherwfeo. <br /> '� Yho la[lure;ol-:tbe•morlgagea-to aueri�any of Ib righte hereunder at any t(me ehall aat be rnnetmed as a waiver ol ite right to aa�eN <br /> S Ihe eame at an' 1 k�tim4,aad to lna4t u a and enlorce etrld mm llance with all Iho larme aed t <br /> .. �j ��°�°. ` ..,.: _ Po P Providone ol naid note and ol thle S <br /> � mortqago. �.,j . . ? <br /> �s ra , ... <br /> $ tl eaid mo���stifiall�cauee paid lo wld mo8gagee Ihe enti:e amwat due!t herounder,aad under tho tnrma and pzoviaion� <br /> j;� of said note hereTy wcuie�;fncludibg`fulure adrmcee,aad anp eaenntow or renewale lheceot In accozdance wi�h the tecros avd providons <br /> h <br /> �j thoceol,and ll wid mmtgagor ��ehall eomply�vflh ali the provleton�o!�afd note and o!!hL mortgaqe,thon t6c�e preeenb�halt be void; <br /> olherwiae to remaia.ia}ull lorn aad oflecl,aad add moNgaqee�e6all be entltled to tho poa�eulon ol all ol sald property,,at!ta �( <br /> optlon,�declare the whole ol eald aote and all ladebtodaeu repre�anled there6y lo be Immedialely due and payable,and may(orocloee thL , <br /> _ S � mmlqago�ar taka anp„q�her leqal action to p[otect-fl� dqht, and lrvm the dole o!euch delault all I�ems of Indebtednesa aecured hereby � <br /> �; ehall dmw Inlerest at g96 pi r aanua. Apprafsoment wafred N <br /> $ Th�-mertgaqn��hail�be��ladiaq upon aad�hall�nurs lo the b�n�llt o!the hsir�,exrcuton,adminLtralm�, mcco�wn and aaatqa�d � � <br /> �,; ��.. ihe so�penlva partlse heceto.. . . . ^ I �, <br /> . . ���, 1N.WI7N�Sq.Wt�REOP. , Moriqaqor S ti�Ve Sa[euato ut � thQ I� tiRad=lLe day aed year lint above � - <br /> � wdtten.. � : % �, � <br /> _���s. ,�°� / — l ..'% — Y�'<- � l� � <br /> �f./���1�j!,� / �-' f�'� <br /> ��o W. Baker ,,'j�a e�—L��cE roy//, �, _�� <br /> ti.� < `./% �"../i(:->.-�-/...La..C. "^� %�«�L� <br /> �•, -� <br />:�;. 3 rosernarie . r�,c roy � , <br />� �� � � <br />�� <br />