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<br /> AtORTGAG[i
<br /> �fORTGACL'LOAN N0. L 22'�586 MGI C
<br /> i �own�Lnt�NuvTiiesr:rReseNTs:Ti,dc James M. Schneider and Dianne M. Schneider each in his and �
<br /> her own r9ght and as spouse of each other
<br /> � ___-htu_tgegnr,whether one or mom,in considoratiun of the sum aC
<br /> Twenty-six Thousand Nine Hundred and No/100---- llo�LAas
<br /> loaned to said mongagur by The Equita6le Building and Luun Association oFCrand Is1anJ,Nebraskn,Mortgngee,upon p6g shares ol stuck o!
<br /> said ASSO(:IATION,Ccrtificnte No.L 22,586 MGI�du hereby grant,com•ey and mortgage unro the said ASSOC[A'fION the fullowing
<br /> described real estate;situated in Hal!County,Nebraska:
<br /> � LOT FIVE (5) AND TNE 50UTHf_RLY
<br /> FOURTEEN FEET (14') OF LOT SIX (6� IN
<br /> -,i
<br /> . j
<br /> t ;
<br /> ,�
<br /> { together wi�h all tl�e tenemenls,herrditaments and�ppurten�nces themunto 6elonEin�;,including att�dud fluor rnrcrings,all winduw scrrenr,
<br /> winduw shades,blinds,stunn winduws,awnings,heaiing,air ronditiuning,and plumbing and water cyuipment anS arceswries thereto,pumps,stoves,
<br /> refcigerawrs,and oUiu fixtures and equipment nuw or here�fter attached to or ured in connectiun�cid�said real estate,
<br /> And�ehercas the said mortgagur has agreed and dues hc�eby agree thal the morlgagor sh�ll and wi11 pay all Iaxes and assessmrnts le�ied or
<br /> assessed upun said premises and upon Ihis mortgage and the 6ond secured Aierebv befure die same sl�all becume delinquenr,to fumisli appro�•cd
<br /> insurance upon the buildings on said pramius siluated in the sum nf 3 ZF)�9��.�� pay:�hle tu saiS ASSOCIATIO,N and io deli�zr to s:�id . � � . � . .
<br /> -;�; ASSOCIA710N d�e policies fur s:iid insurarce and not tu commit or permit any wasic on or�bout said premiser, � � -
<br /> .,j In casa of deCault in the periormance of any uf the terms and condiiions oC this mortgage or the bund ucured hereby,t6e mortgsgee�hall,
<br /> on demand,6e entiticd to immndiate possession ui the mortgaged prcmise: �nd the mongagor hercb�• assigns, trans(ers and uts o�or ro the
<br /> � murt�gee all�tlie rents,revenues anS incume tu be dari��ed Gom the mortEaged premises during suc}�time as the nturtgage indebtedntss shali remain �� . � . .
<br /> � unpaid;and the mortgagee�s6all have the powcr to appoint any agcnt or agents it may detire for ihe pu�pose oC repairing said premises and renting � . - � .
<br /> �`'<- �� the same and coliecting the rents,revenues and ineomr,and it may pay out of said income al) ezpenses ut repairing snid prcmises and necexsary �� -� � � - � --
<br /> commissions and expenses incur�ed in renting anJ managing the same and uf collecting rentals thercfrom;tha balance rrmaining,if any,co be � . .
<br /> applied tuward lhe disch�rge o(said mortgage inde6teJness;these rights uf the mortgagte may be axercised at any time during Ihe existence o(sucli - � - �
<br /> � drfault,iucspcctive of any tem�wrarv a•aivcr uf lhe same. . .� � � �
<br /> . i
<br /> ,:�,� Thcse Prcsents,however,are upon the Conditiun,1'hal i(the said�longagor sh�ll repay�aid lu;in un or beCu¢the nuturity of said shares by . � .
<br /> paymenC pay monthly to said ASSOCIATION uf q�e sum specified in the Dond secured heit6y as incercst and princip�l an�id luan,on or be(ure � . � � '
<br /> ` the Twentieth day of each und rve�y munth,wuil saiJ luan is lully paid;psy all tases;�nd assessments leried�gainst said premises and on this D�ortg�ge `
<br /> ...,.,_.j . . .
<br /> and the Bond securcd thercby,befo�e delinyucncy:fumish approved insurance upun the buildings thereon in the sum of SZ(�9Q0.QQ payable � . . �
<br /> m said ASSOCIATION:rep�y to said ASSOCIATIO�upon dem�nd all mmit��by it paid(or such taxes,assessments and insurance wilh intercst at . -
<br /> �;��.y �he maxinmm legai rate thermn from date ol'payment all uf which�fongagor hveby agrecs to pay;permit no wasta on said prmnises;krep and mmply � . � �
<br /> �..:���� wi�h all die a�eaments and conditions o1 die Bond fur S 26�9��.�� this day gi��en by the said�lortgagor w said ASSO(:IATION.:+nd cumply _
<br /> i:-.�; with all U�e cequiremen�s of�he Constitulion and Dy-L�ws of said ASSQCIA170N;Uun tluse presents shall become�wll:�nd void,otltenvise they - �
<br /> y!��; shall rtmain in full furcc and may be foreclos�:d at�he opiion uf the said ASSOCIA'f10N after (ailurc (or lhrce mouths tu make xny uf said
<br /> payments m ba three months in arrcars in making said muntldy p�yments,oc�o keep snd cumply with the agrcements and conditions of said I3ond:
<br /> and AlonErFur agrees to have a receiver�ppointed Corthn•ith in:uch foredusure proa�rdings.
<br /> F�� ' If there is any change in ownership of the real estate murtgaged harcin,by sale or utlierwise,dien the enti�e remaining inSebtedness hereby
<br /> ueured shall,at Ihe option uC The Equitable Uuilding and Loan Aswci�tion of Crand Island,tieb�aska,6ecoma immediately due and payable withwt � �
<br /> I'urihcr noticc,�nd ihe amount rcmaining due under said bond,und any olhcr bond for any additional�d�ances madr dicreunder,shall,Gom thc �
<br /> date o!exercise o(said option,bear interest at thz m�ximum Icgal ralc,and this mongage may then be(oreclosed to satis(y the amuunt due on said
<br /> bond,anJ any other bond for additional advances,tugether with all sums paid by said The C:quitablc Huilding and Luan Aswcinlion of Grand Island.
<br /> Nebraxl:a for insurance,tases and assessments,and abshacting extension chuges,wi�h interrst thereon,from date uf payment at the r.iaximum �
<br /> Icgal rata
<br /> As provideJ in the Uund secwed hereby.Hhile tl�is mortguge remains in e(lact the�ttortgagee may hereafter odvance additional sunts to tha
<br /> make�s of said Dond,thcir assigns or succezwrs in intercst,which sums shall bc within die security of�his mortgage the s:ime as the funds originally
<br /> . secu�cJ lhem6y,the tutat amuunt uf princip�l de6t not to axcred at any timr tl�c original amount oP this moctgaga �
<br /> Dated this 23rd � �:�v�r--•March :�.��.,i��77
<br /> r `�
<br /> Jam s-M. Schn �der ,, �
<br /> ,�iN,� h� '� pr �.d',�� .,�,:ir.L.
<br /> D9anne M. Schneider
<br /> STA7G OF NEBRASKA, u On this 23rd ���'°� March �9 �� ,be(ore me,
<br /> COUNTY OF 11ALL} r l c.':
<br /> ' � � �he undersigned,a Nolary Yu61ic in xnd fur said County,perumally came
<br /> Jamgs..M. Schneider and Dianne M. Schneider each in his and her own right and as spouse of N .�
<br /> � a +. who are personally known to �
<br /> ��'���`':` I 3L
<br /> . 1 7�E�v�Etf�icie��,�crwn S whose name S dt'2 a(fixed to the a6ove instrument ns mortgagotS and they soverslly ��
<br /> r,�•.
<br /> aT�ltuwlodged't�+e,said stmmrnt to be thei r vuluntary act and decJ. �'^ �
<br /> �S �+^�%`�+ �'ff�'�SS my h�nd and Notarial Seal the date a(oresaid. �
<br /> . C�J!;••.r,:;J�� A , -
<br /> . =:•�(CXFlifi$ � �YCo�nmissionexpires` A,yy� �\' Il�a 0 �1, �L �`�` ''A ..
<br /> J'�j.�.�31.1`JJ'\��� t.l� D ,�� \ !�utaryPublic
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