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<br /> ►�A��ANTY U[ED
<br /> J�IHN �, fAGAf�; JR„ and Vt�GINIA R. FAGAN, husband and wife,
<br /> ��,r �ach indivi�ually i�i his and her nwn right and as s}�ouse of
<br /> Che oth�r, herein called the GranLors, in conside�^ation uf
<br /> -0ne Doilar ($1:00�, iove and affection, ��eceived from Grantees,
<br /> da grant, bar•gain, seil, convey and cnnfirm unto NI�TRICIA .),
<br /> NANCOCK (daughtet• of the f,rantors) and RQOERT U. liANCOCK, wife
<br /> � . : 4i1U f`lii$uuiluy d5 .j'"viiii� �ci�uii�`,5� ui,.a,�.r^v� �� � *��d��5 :t: Cnrimnr�i� � � . �� ..
<br /> the fotlrowing desc��ibed reai property in Mall County, Nebra�ka:
<br /> A tract ot land located in the �ortheast corner of the North
<br /> Half oF the Noetheast Quai�ter (tv'�NE'-,) of Section ?identy-four
<br /> (24), `T�wnship Ttti�elve (12� North, Range �leven (11), t,"zst of the
<br /> 6th P.M., Hsi1 Lounty, hebrasf:a, rmre pa�-ticuiariy described as
<br /> £otlows: Con�irencing at th� Northeast corner of the Northeast
<br /> Quacter (NE?i) of Section 24, T�wnship 12, Range ll, Chence
<br /> South orr the East line of sucf� Northeast Quarter (NE'a) of 5ec-
<br /> tion 24, a distance of 209.i feet, being the point of beginning,
<br /> tt�ence proceeding West paraltel to the North line of such North-
<br /> east Qua�•ter (NEia) of Section 24, a distance of �08.7 feet, -
<br /> thence South parallel to the East line of said Nbrtheast Qu�rter
<br /> (t�E�-:). Sectio�i 28, a distance of 1�4,3 feet, thence East paral{el
<br /> to the North line of said Northeast Quarter (NE'<) of Section r4�
<br /> a disC�nce of 208.1 feet to the East line uf said Northeast
<br /> Qu�rthr (NE�S), Se�tion ?4, ttience �orth alon� and upori the East
<br /> line of tlie Northeast Quarte�• (t��'-a), Section 24, a distance of
<br /> l00 feet to the point of begimiing, containing O.A9 aci�es, nw re
<br /> or less.
<br /> To have and tn hold Chc above �escriled premises togeLher
<br /> with all tenements, hereditaments and appurtenances thereto
<br /> bel�nging unto Che Grantees as joint tenants.
<br /> The Grantors do hereby covenant with the Grantees that
<br /> Urantors are la�fully seized of said premiser; that they are
<br /> free from encumbrance; that Grantors liave good right and
<br /> lawful authority Lo convey the same; and Chat G�•antors war-
<br /> rant and ��ill defend the title to said premises against the +
<br />�;; lu;:f�l clai^;s cf ai7 p�rsct�s r.liomsc�ver.
<br /> Oated March � , 1977. ,
<br /> � �
<br /> , ,
<br /> � �CSRA�hi�1���:�I � ti�TAkiY � �` ' r� � � �
<br /> t „ T .� f �;Tr, t ""�`_ ���`'' �.-r�.r-� ,
<br /> � :� �i f n . F 1�g Il, J�—"--
<br /> ,�,1� »•f �� � �
<br /> ,.;.t,� ..
<br /> „ ;���� �� �. . ' . 1\._. ' 2 r).C: ... . . .
<br /> (5��-�2,d�Q1.�____:��- , 1�i r g i n i a R� F�g a n
<br /> . ______ ____ qtaTa-;,tr•nn .,i��,..�
<br /> STATE Of t�EDFASKA )
<br /> ) ss.
<br /> ' aefore me, a Notar,y Public qualiPied for said Cuunty,
<br /> personally came .lphn J. I�agan, Jr, and Virginia R. Fayan,
<br /> husband and wife, each individually in his and her own riaht
<br /> and as spouse of the ather, kna�vn to me to be the identical
<br /> person or persons who signed the foregoing instrumenC and
<br /> a�knowledged the execution thereof to be his, her or their
<br /> voluntary act and deed.
<br /> Witness my hand and Notai•iaj al nn March .� �-x� ,,
<br /> 19 7 7. � .-�-'
<br /> � e�
<br /> L ���, _� ,�.�L-t,ti,+-c.c.� �� "1� � ..
<br /> � � Nntary I'�blic i� -- � ,
<br /> Mn oo�n.ca.r�n.�i.��rr
<br /> - �mmissian expires; 1 - � '� �
<br /> ,
<br /> Sn'
<br />�5.� ��. . . . . . W� �J
<br />