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<br />— G. If he fuils to pa5• any sum or Iceep uiiy cut�enn�i� pro��ideci fur i�i thi� uiurlg.i�e, lhe ➢4ortgagee, at
<br /> its option, muy pny or perform the same, .+nd nll eapenditures ao nvide shnli be tacided to tl�e principai sum
<br /> o�ving on the iibuve note, sli��il be secured hereby, xnd shall bu;r interesb uutil paid :�t the rute provided
<br /> for in th� prineipal indeUtedness.
<br /> i 7. Upoii requcst uf tlie ltortgiigee, ➢turtgngor ahull c�cecute aud d�liver a supplemr,ntal note or i�otce
<br /> for tlie suin or swns ad�•auced b�• 1liorfgagee for tho alteration, �nodeuiiz�itiov, or imprv�•ement mude at
<br /> the AZorlguqot's rcyucvt ; or fur maitttcnunce of suid premi&ea, or fot ia�es or i�sa��ssuients tigainst the
<br /> saine, and for aiiy olhcr purpose elsewliere authorized hereuuder. Said uote or uotea shxll be secured
<br /> hereb5� on ii pnrily ��°iUt �md as fttliy as if thc ndva�nce evidenced thereby ���cre inrluded in tlte notc first
<br /> described nbove. Said supplemc�ntai note a• aotes shnil bear intereat �it the rate pro�� id�ad tor iu tlte �>cin-
<br /> ripai indebtednesa uud :�hall be p:q�able in npproximately eqttal utottthly p.iymenta for such period a�s muy
<br /> be iigrced upon Uy the lfortg:ig��e and Martgagor. Failing to aqree uu tlie m.iLucit�-, the ��•lu>ic of the eum
<br /> or sums so ud�muced ahali bc duu aud payaUl�� thirty� ( 30 ) dtit�s .�ftcr denuiud by Chc Alortqa�ce. In no
<br /> event shall the maturity e�teud Ue��ond the ultimute maturiCt• of ihe uote first descriBed :�boee,
<br /> 8. He hereby assigus, trausfeis and acts o�'er to the Alortgagce, to be appliecl to��•ard llie pFi�•mcnt of
<br /> ihe note and ail stmta secured Lereby iii cnse of n default in the performance of �uiy of tlie icrms fuid cundi-
<br /> timis of tliis mortgage or the suid note, ali iitc z•enis, re�•enues xud income to be dei•i��ed from the ntorL-
<br /> � ', guged premises durina such tiuie as the nrortgage indebtedneti� sh�ll remniu w�paid ; and the lfortungee
<br /> sl�nll hn��c po��•er to appoint un1� agent or ageuts it mn�• desire for ttie purpose of rentiu� tiu saiue aud cul-
<br /> ; lectiiig the rents, revenues and iucumc, aud it mu�• pay out oP s.iid iucoroes ;ill uec��ss.u•�• commisaions and
<br /> ' ' a��penses incurred iit renting aud mcuiagii�g the same .ind of collecting irntals therc�trom ; tlie bal;tuce
<br /> : ;
<br /> remnininq, if ;ui�•, to bc ;ipplied to���r� rd the disel�arge of s:iid �Tiortgagc indebleduesv.
<br /> 9. Iie ��•ill c�ntinuousl�' maintain hivard inaurtince, of such type ur types attd amotnrts as lTorigaqee
<br /> '• ' ma,Y fram titue to Linic require, ou llte impro��emeuts no�v on c�reafter on a:iid premi�es and esrept ��•hen
<br /> � pa��iumit for all such premiums has theretofore bcen tn;ide under ( a ) of par.�uraph 2 hereof, will pny
<br /> promptl}• ���heu duc nn�• Premiums tlicrefor. Upon default thm•eof, lfort�*ag�e m:iy p�q� t{�e same. All
<br /> iusurcince sliall be carricd iu cumpanics ap��ro�rod by the Dlortgagee aud tlie pulicies and cene�+�als tlierenf
<br /> ` sl�all be hcld by the 1lorlgay;ee imd liu��e attaclicd tltereto loss pa�•a61e clauses iu 1'n��ur of :iud in 1'orm
<br /> r :i
<br /> - ? nccepiable to the ,llortgngee. In event of loss liorlg.igor �i•ill gi��e immediate uotice b�� mail to lhe Moct-
<br /> $' ; gagee� �cho ma�� nuil;e proof uf loss if uut iutide ptrompUy bt� Atorlgagor, rind eacli inaurance compan�� con•
<br /> : ; cerned is hcreby' .iuthorized and direcicd to miike pa��ment for sudt loss direcll�• lo Uie 1luctg:jgcc ineteud
<br /> ut tU tlte \lortgagor nnd tilie \lortg;tqee iointly, :utd the insurance procr.eds, oc ;tnF part. theCrc,f,
<br /> '; '; nut�• be applird b�' the Murf�egee at ita option eiHicr to tlu reduction of i}ie indobtedncas hereb�� 9ecured
<br /> 3.' ? or to the restoratiou m• rrpair of the property dnro��ged , lu eveut of foreclosure nf this mortK��K�'� or other
<br /> s ' lrnnsfer uf title to the morlgtt�ed propert3� in extinguishmeuL ot the indebteduess sect� reci hereb}•, .ill
<br /> t ' right, titie and iulerest of Uie :11m•tg.agor in ;ind to an�• insurance policies then in force ah.ill paas to U�e
<br /> ; purchaser or ttrnntee
<br /> ` 10. �s additional and colluterai security for tlic p�!1'�ncnL of tltc note descril>cd , :md nll sums to br.coroe
<br /> ' duc wider Uiis morl�;age, the 1lurtgagor hereb>� assigny to til�e \Iortgagce ull Ica�c bonuses. prolit?, rc�•c-
<br /> t: . : nues, royalties, i•iKhts, and olher benefiis ;iccruing lo tite liorlKlgor under au}' :md all uil :iud qas le.�ses
<br /> _ ; no��•, or duriug liic life of this m�.irlga};e, esecuted un suid premisra, �ciUi the righL lu recei��e xnd reccipt '
<br /> �' " for Lhc aame aud ;ippl�• them to s.iid indebteduess as ���ell belurc :is niter � Icfnult in lhe cundilious of this
<br /> murt};age, and the il[ortgngce mnti� dcmnnd, sue tur and reco�•er an�• such pa��mcuts �chen dtu and p:q•-
<br /> nblc, but sh:ill uut be reqaired so lo do. '1'I� is �issigumeut is to terminatc and becoum uull �ind �•uid upun
<br /> rcicase of this mortg;�ge.
<br /> t � 11 . I [e shuli uul cummit, ur permit ��:�ste ; :md shnll m;� inL•iin the propert�� iu :is µaod cunditiun as at
<br /> prescuL, re�isonablc �cc,u• :ind lcir exccpted. Upou an�• failure to so maiuL•iiu. Alort�agee� at ils u��tiou,
<br /> � � muy� cnuse reasounble maiulenan�e �corlc to be perlbrmed xt the cust of :1lorlqa�or, r1u�� :�muuuts pnid
<br /> ; tlterefor by' Alurtgugee shall bc:u• iutercat aL lhe ralc �iro�•ided for in Uie principnl indeblednc�s. shali
<br /> tl�ereupou berome n part of tlie indebtedness �ecured by Lhis inetrumenl, rntably and un n paritl' �ciUi all
<br /> t' i othcr indebtedness securcd I�rrcby, :uid shuil bc p;q�nblc Lhirty ( 30 ) �iays iiftcr demand.
<br /> z ' 12. If the premisca, or a�n�' part tlicrcof� be condemned undcr thr pu�cec uf uminent domain� or
<br /> ' ' acquired for a pubiic use� thc dunuiqes a�c�u•ded, Llie procceds for the talcinK of, or ll�r cunsidc�:dia� tor
<br /> x: ruch ncquisition, to the estenL ol' ihe full nmount o( lhe ramnininK uup,iid indeiileduevs srcured bt• ihis
<br /> mortgnge, or hercby assiRned to Hie 1ltortui�gee, :�ud shitli bc puid forth�+•ith to s�id Diurlgagce, lo be
<br /> �� npplird on nccoiuit uf Uie lasl mat��i•ing installments of sucli indebteduesq.
<br /> i ,l. If tlie Aiot•lq:iKor fuilN to malce auy ptq•menL.� ��•hen due, ur tn confurm to �md compi}� �eith cu��•
<br /> of the conditions ur nKrecments cont:iiued iu Uiia morlK:�Kc. or thc uotcv �chidi it aecurcy, thcu lhc
<br /> entice priucipiil aum and accived iulerevt sh;tll at once becume due und pay-ni.�lr, ut the eieclion uf the
<br /> \4ortq+�gcei !Ul(j LI119 IIIOT�y;lIQC Ill7l1' L�1C'PCU ))011 �C I�UCQI'I09ClI lltlilW�Il7tLl'I}� for the �chuie ol' lhe indebted-
<br /> ness liereby secured, includinq lhc cosl: oC exteudint� Lhe abvlracb uf litle tl•om the date of lhia mort-
<br /> gitgo to the linm of conunencing 5ucft suil, n re�isonnblo nttm�ney's fce, and .iu�� sums pnid b}' lhc Vrlernns
<br /> AdministraLiou on accouiil of Uu Ku�u:�nly or inyurnnee ol the indebtedn��ss srcw•ed hereby, ;ill uf ���hich
<br /> shnll be includcd in ihe decrc� o£ foreciosure.
<br /> t4. ( f tlie indebteducss secured hereby bc tivarantced or in:lured undcr 'I'iUe 38, lJnited Slatca Code,
<br /> ...: 1 ,� ... �,
<br /> such Title and TteRulations issucd tlureuuQer :ind in ell'ecC un tlie d;itc liercof ahail xu��crn thc riglifs. dulics
<br /> i IIIl(I I]1IVlIl�IC9 O� tllC j1Rl'fll'9 IICCCtO, nnd .wy �iro�� iaions of U� is or olher iustrumenls exrcuicd in cunueclion ��. � � : �
<br /> ' I ticith said indebtedneys ��•hich iu•e inconsistent «•ith s:iid TiUe or Regulutions ;u•e hereby' :imended 10
<br /> conform tliereto. �d
<br /> 'Plic cu��ennnts hereiu contnined ehail bind, and the benelits :ind ad��nnlay;c� sh:ill inure lu, tl�c ~ '
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