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�� � , <br /> .� ,,;; � <br /> 4 �• ' <br />�S ; . . . . . . . � . _;.�� { <br /> �q . ,� � . '. . . <br />�ti_ �' �a� t�) f� 1 � ���. <br /> � MOftTGA�OR5 MAY �MABE PREPAYMENTS � UP � PRINCIPAL ON � ANY INSThLLMENT UUE hATE. SUCH PR[PA9MENT SHALL EiE � � . <br />' `� � APPUEDTOINSTALLMENT&'#.ASTTO- BECOME��UEUNDERTHISMORTQAGE. PRDVIpEQ �TH[ � UNOERSIGNEU AfiE � NC/T IN DEFAULT . . , <br />� .i � � �ANU AF2E THEN THEOI'INERS UF THE��MURTGAGED � PRUPERTY, � i1PON REQUES? OF THE � UNOERSIGflF.�, OR EITNER OF TNF.M, . � � �. . . <br /> � s�� � PAYEE"A6REE5TO� FURNI5HTOTHE�UNDERSIGNE�� �20U% OFSUCH PRINCiPAL � PREPhYh1ENTS, UNLE55 ADYANCHMENT � IS � PFtO- � � : � <br /> � HI81TE0 BY THE � REGUUITIONS �-0F � CHAfiTERING AND SUPER4ISORY AUTHtlRITIfS 'THEN IP! ' EFFECT. ALL SLJCN ADVANCEMENTS . � . <br /> � � 5HpClpE' SECUREO ' BY7HI5 "MOR7GAG[ � �N �TNE �SAME �MANNER � ANO �F.FFECT AS �IF MO � PREPFYMEN75 NAn �� �EEN MADE. � . � � �� � � � � <br /> 'I`HE MOFTGAGOR PiJRTII�R C()UIiNFiNTS A*Jll ACREES : <br /> � . , � � . 'Chai the � �lortge�or will � ��uy lhc � indelitr�dnrss � ns �}irreiubetnri• �� prnvidrd. � � � � � � . <br /> �r � � � . . � . . � <br /> . � . .� � 'P6nt the A9ortKa;;�ir is �.lhe �ownrroi eaiii )ttuprrty �� in fri� giroplr � and tiris .�'rcNl - ri�ht. nnd � ir_wlu! nuthorite !o s�=11 ;�na! � <br /> � . . . . � . . .. . . <br /> . t»nvey ' the� semrund � lh.�i �lhesame �� ii� frer. �.;mdciearni�anp � {ir+n .nr � enrun+bmnr�r: end � thotRinrt.gsenr -tcill ��vnrranlnnd � dr(end � fhc . .. . � : <br /> � ' tiHtr � tn ��sqiil . prcn�ise; . u�hinst � the �.claima � oCnll !pi�nn�u ' whmnsoever. . � � � . <br /> � � � 'Po .ti;�y immedintel;. � whr-n� Juc, and . paynble nli . aenerdl fnxc.v. �spr�cisl � luxca. �apr•r��ii �� �sW�ssmruts. ��v:�crrrh2rges. �vwcr serr• � . . . . . <br /> ' . . . .. � ia� '.cimr„es. cmd �nthcr l�xes :md -churge:; :agninat �xaid �. prup�rlv, � »nrl �dl tusr.s levi�d on the- rietet �s�ntre8 hr.rrby, und � t�>�� (urniah � thv . .. �. . ; � <br /> � � �1lortgugee; � u}�n �-request, � with -thie � ori„in.6 .'urdupliente recei �ifs th��rr(ur. Tiro �. hturt��ur �grr•e�s t.l�t�t � tha�rr .,hnl! h+� nddo�i in . . . - . . � <br /> . �eech � mi�n(hly 'paymenf �requireil �h��r�tmder or � unde:• the ovidi=uce ul - debt secured �� fiemU� . ;m amnuni Nsli�xwled b�: � fhc � i4lurl�uger . � � � � � . <br /> ' � . ' Lo ' he � eufticieni � tu � enable the - 'cfnri,^,u�ee � tu + ryuy, �fis � fhep � heaimi• � �l�u+. �ill � tnx��;. +iscr=,smeiiis, � snri �imil:tr� r.hnr��+ uPon �tlH�. : ryreir,- � � � . <br /> . is�� suUjtx�t � iheroln; zUty: d6licienct' � hec:ause n( � ihe insulCicierKy . uf sueh ndtiitionnl nuymi�uts shiill � he forttn�:ith +lep<nited . liv � �hr : . . � . � . � . . . ' <br /> � -6'�drtgaFur ����ith � lhe �i�turt�u�ee �.� upott : dr.mund by Ihe �Inrt�a„^ee. .4in� dcFniilt un�irr this para.raph � :iu�l? ' hr dermF�i u �ieft�ult �� in . � . . . . <br /> } : � . �iuyment �� n!' liix� ;: nsswsmi.nt;. ar. � �imilur cherres reyuirrr! li,areundee . .. . . . . . . � <br /> � � 'Che Atorl�;agor e�tei-' ih;u. fhrm sMall � .+l.o . hr . added !u earh mnnthlv puvmi�n� ni princip:il ein�i intE�rus. � �rqu��ed � hem- . . . � � � . . .. <br /> Under nn amnuu[ esf.itnair-d ' b}- iht� � M1'inrt„a:;ne to h��� ;ullicirn� � �o �nebli� �fhe AInnF'»['a' In puu�. ;�u et � heeonu,�.. dw•. tlie insutnncc . . . � � . _ � . <br /> , premium � nn � ianp insunmce � pnlicp delivrrr•d � u thE� . Sdori„n;ee. :Lrv drlicienr: hrriaasa nt the in�ufiici��ncy ni <nch additiursiil �pnp� � .. . � . . . <br /> f_ . . ments�nh;ill � be furthwith depoaited `bv I.iic !�inrteYueur �with th�� Alurf,ta�ee up�nrd!emiqid hs� th<• hiort� t��e Anp ilc�fnull � under .fhis � � � . . . <br /> . . ��,3�q���}� ;hitll he � deemeil :rdciault �u th�� �p�ytnam n( �iucuranee � �n•mnmis. �I [ � the � �rolic�: � nr policies �iep��:itrd � :vo sucii � ns � h�;me� . . � . . . . . <br /> � n�vnen ur .iR riys .pnlicirs. tind thir �depoziu.� � uri� insuffirient � to n»)• tlic -�mtirc prrmitvn. Ihr �t4orleaqe�• �mu:� apf�l}� � fiio � de�o9ii �� �o � � . � . <br /> , . . . pny �prrmiumti nn. � nskn �rtquirFcf lu �bi• in;ured br ihe: mort:r�ec. . . � . - . . <br /> t <br /> `. . . .� . I'u���nentv r�iude � bc the :`durt«u_or � �mder iha� nh,rve parnFrnp}ix m�ty. nt � hr ��ptinr� nl fhn 3lnrtqii::��e. b.: hcld by � it an�i . . .. . � <br /> �. e.mnmin�ttEd� with � uliinr .such �A�ndsor ii> � nwn fund�i tur the �wyani�nt o( .nctrii:•nr_. nnd emti! u: ;�PPli��d , xuct: . puym<�nt ; ar�� hrmby . � . � . - . <br /> � pledtiwl a� srcurih� � for �fhe � unpui<i b�Jnfu•c nt ihe mart;sec inrl�•hfedne;s. � � � . . � <br /> . . •I'o . procvurt, �iiliver to. :tntl � maintain � fu: lhe• banE�lii � ot � tho ��1nrt.,^:et;er� �iurin� -the lite n� fhis vto:t�a¢c nri�infll � P�Iicit� :ind � . . � . <br /> renewuls � lhuren;, diliv��rFu� ��: I<�xYcYer. �iurs f,�.fore thr ,•xpiruiun ni a��5' -ucf� . nulicie,, in=urin�; a��in;t firc� :uid ,�ih�.rr im;urntilo - . . <br /> f � . hnuvds. �casmdtie�;, :+nd � cunti��genc��+ as the \furt�.v�;ec muv reyuirr. iu :ui �mount ��qi�:il tv ihe indeLtedn�vs e!.currYl � br �� Iliis � � . . . . . . . <br /> ; � ASnrt�F�ge.� end in �cnmpmii� nccepfa�6le � ln the �Alurteueri+. viith In�= puynlil�• r.hjuse ir favnr ni :md in fiimm �tcr.ptal�f�• � teihr A1!�rica- � . . � <br /> � «M:. �la �the ��vent � any- � pnlicr is � nnt renewwi nn ,�r � h�furr �� inu dn:�; ��.ni � its espindion. tho i�1nrU'a�rer nu:v � pr<icure insuranrr � ���n iiir . . <br /> � �. �� , � tmprovoments. pny the. prrmium ih��ri�for, imd wcii �um :h�flf I.acnrne invnedin[ely dur und �avt�hlr witi� int��rent . ;u the ��rut�� ���: �. . . � � . . <br /> - � In:th ��in � s.+id � notaa m�lil � pnid ;md :huL' he :cy:ureii b�,- 1hi:s mnrt;;a�c. I�tiilurc n+•� the �part ni t}��• *.lurt�aanr to -Ivrm;h ;uch r„ta•�vais . . � <br /> ' i�sure h�rein � rryuired nr[e�iLui• io pu�� auv :ums �ui�•uncn�i h!•rr�mdor ,Ln(i. ni thr optinr. nf thi� Jlort�nt�re. c�m�:+tilutr � n dr(uidt � � . � � � , - <br /> . widrr the� tnrmn � uf ihi,� mart.".��ec. 7'he delive:t• nf ;nch � pohcirs chall. ir. thi- ovi�n: ni drinult . rnn+ii � tnr nn r.-si�anm��n: � nf thr� .wr . . _ . � . . <br /> � . ��•urnet! prNmium. . . � .. <br /> �� A»S' :ums tereivru b•; Ihr ?rli�rt;;a��r Lv mason nt lo.,. nr dmnut!<� m+urrd ❑;::iimii mti:� h�.� rrtninr•d bv ihr ?:Intt;; . : � . . . : <br /> t+n�i auPlieJ towar�S the .��upment nt th�� rii�bt h��reb}� =r�urrd . ur, ai thc• optinr nf tl�e ?dortzac�-�•. �uch �ums rithr�r "�Lnllc or in � � . . �. <br /> � part mu�� hr paid nvpi � tr� � lhr M1�urtCtiCoT ti � ta- nu�d � n repuir euch I�vildi�i�s � ur tn huilrl nra� hui!dine--. in !huir -nlon• ur Inr � nuy' <br /> t:, . ntht�r pu[P�v' ��r nblr-.c[ satiaf�acinn� tn ihr iJu:l¢u�r�• with�+ut niPa•tiuc th�� lirn nn !he� !nnrt:*.:tec f'��r + hr �vl; :mir•uui •�.acur�:u hem� <br /> . in: lu•inm auc!: 7�avmrnt nv�.T tfx�k .�+larr. .� <br /> - '1'�� prr.mPtiv r�•p:eir. n�tur<� o• r:�huii�.i av.r I,ui1�6n.� � � r imPr„v.,rn;mt< . nou� �.�� hrr,•niio: ��i: d�o ,.renvs�•s �.-4nrh muc tv�- . . <br /> . cmrm datna:ed ui destrovNd : tn kecP =ui�i prrnttar, In u�K�d runditinn mid r�e{mir cmri fna� 1�om .tr,�� mrdinnir�r li,.n nr �,th��r In�r, nc . <br /> � �•lttitu ��f� li.,r nm exVre�<slc .uhnrdin�ttc•�i ir,r thi� licu h�•rrui : n,n to :uflrr nr {x�nni : nu�: unlnv�ful u�r ni nr nnr nuivnncc t�, �•x�.; nr. <br /> . said Prop�rr:Y � nur tn p�•rmit e:o-�ita nn .��i�i Iqenti=�ti nnr tr. �{�� nnc uther act whnr�..�,v thr ;�r:�pe.••c hrr�•bs run.:r.;rri slvdi ix-romr <br /> p <br /> Itvs v�dui�Mc, nur to dimin;ah or irnPai- it. vnlu�� b�� ;iu�: nr nr nnu;.inn Ir, nr. �, n. r„mplc •.vith ;dl rruuitem�•nt�: ni la�e �viifi r^ipri•t � <br /> � In � thc mn•t:nKed plrmi��Y�. Anti tht• � us.� thrreoi. <br /> . 'I'I!nt shoul<I 'thr Ptrn�i4rs c�r ;w)� nt�.•t ther��nl IH> tnitrn i � r dmnucrd � h�� •���+snu nf :�ttv pufdi� utip!nv�.�nNnt urrnnd•�m�r.�tint� . <br /> pmcelvling. or �tmder4h�• n�ht nf rmmrnrdmm�in. ��r in iun• othvr mnnner. ihn Alnrisaae�• �hal! lv�. �.•ntifled In :dl cmnf�.,"�i+tions. <br /> t, nwurda. .tmd nr:y •dhrr puYment ur n•liei tiierelac ;�nd xhidi h�. nntitlyd. at �tc npnroi . �n cumm�•nn•. :R�P•.�n� in unr. tv�xa�au� m it=. <br /> �w+tt n;vne � anc �etion ur � t�7�m'rdin., ur to mnkr amp <•omprnmise ur setUemru� iu eoonrrtiun wili: <u��L uil:ini: ur �iamnce. 91! au.^.1: <br /> cnmprnsutiun. u.ri�rda. dumut�M:. � ril;in ni �iction �md pnx��<nis ar�� hnrelrv i+s�i�:ne•d (.> the ��\lnrt;tn����t-. whr� mric. ufli�r rie�dur; iut; <br /> � <br /> � ❑�erefram :dl it� �•zpe•nei+;. miv�a,e� tiny mnnry. �r, roe,,;vrd b•: it ur ;�pn;v thr� r,im�• �m �iuc ind����ir�ines. ,ecu�ru h�••<•L�,- 7'h�- \in:t � <br /> �i'tt�or nFrer< � ln Nxeeute � auch iunhvr �tisar,enment, n( :�uv .^nmt,�•n,�rtinu. �:�.��vd;. d:im�it�+�=. un�i :icht,�. oi e;fiuu nnci - pm�n�.�i< i„ th�� <br /> ?dort«nper �mny mquire. <br /> 'I'hnt. in inse oi fnilurr to p�,rinrm ut!t� !d tbe ceveunn[s horein. thc• tilurt�nii�", muc ,f�.� ��n ihr �lurte'���ur'- b�•hnl;" �,�rrvthittC <br /> ? �o cnvenuntrd : fhnt thr binrtan:er �ouy nk�, {lo iur,- ��c; it mup drrm nrn�.;urc •n ��rnu•c� thr lii•n � b�•zcoL thnt dx� T.lurec�cer wili <br /> repuy upnn � dcrnnnd uu'i moncv. pte�d or - rlisbu[sFci b': thc %cJa:l�;a{�er inr un)� nl ihr- nhovo �n� r��cnN,. ��nd cuct; moncv. tnFethi•r wid'� <br /> � inter�f ther�vn: irt Ihe rncr �mrvi�le.i in eiid nolr +htd! IKrumr <n mur6 ierlditioival indrhtalnr.s. h�•n,Fr�. <r.curwi nnd ma�' Iw� ir.- <br /> clu8ed �in mro dcs�ter � lun+�•I�Hin�; ihi� murte.�t�!• ontl br pui<i nut oi th�� r�•nts i�r nron•eds of sulr ut .evi urorni.cs it nu! ntlu�nvise <br /> ;- ��uid; tSmt ic xhnli nn[ 1u� � 6hlitiatnr>� unon thr M11urt�nt��+�• � 1.� inqvirc iMi�: th�� �:ali�lit�� ,d Eir.�: li�•n . rncunll;rnnrc.. n; ��I�+im in sid � <br /> vm�cing moncys ns tihnvr authnrixr�L hu� nn� liinl; h^n•in ('(Itliillll!•II ':IIYIII M' �'�tll�( .'llPfi 3S ri•quirin� ih,. '.l!r:tctigrc ! � � nd:•i+r.rr �u:c <br /> moncy�: �f��r iinr �uch �purpm;r nnr �to dn .imr ort i?rteundrr: and thttt ;Flurtia�tir�. .htili noi inrir �u:•. ��rr�nnnt . � fabilitc b,•cuu��• nf nn•:- <br /> � ihin�; it. m�t�� dn nr nmit tn dn harrundrr. <br /> � ln ihr ovent ol de(nult bc hlortgA:ur in Ihi• ps�mr•n � ni utn' uitiuil!mrnL ;�5 n��uireCi hc rtu� i'e�ltr yernrwi h�•rvby. �rt <br /> � , in .hi� �perfnrmunce ni th��. .��hli�afinn in this mor:ga4�� ur in thr -nute ��w•urrri therrtl.. � lhi� '�lurtenc�•r elvdi h�. ..niitl.-ai v� dr�•lare ! hv <br /> debt secumti here�b> due e+nd pnv��61e 'withnut naGc=.r, inu: thr 1in:tt'n�'re °}�v�! hr rutill�•ri rrt it: ��n[inn. withnot nndrv. ri�hrr hy it.edl <br /> . � nr .b�� u r�.rcivcr ta .tK• �i�npniurcrl Ly th�• cnurt thnrrnf. :md r ���haut r�. �.�+d to ihr• ndr'nuuc•: ui iuic w� .uritc fnr h . inrn,l�V r)nw. c�, . . � . <br /> � cure�i �hrnVn�, to ��nt�•rvP�m � n��n takc �nx:c.viun ni the rnunen�o,t �� � nti<e�,. nn�i !n vull�" t w�d .�,rer � ih" r�vrt� i . �u�-. rsnr' icnlit= . M� � <br /> � Themnf. en�i �ipt�ly �h�� -um... le�e � c�r+ts of ���x�ra[iu�� unri enllt�riion. upnn fhe indebtedncs �,cumri !� , rl�r, rn �, t�..oia•: s��id mnts. . �� " <br /> �,� i��wu�: und .proliLa �ix+in� �hr ribti . tu�igned tn thr binrtcri;:r�• ri� furthcr u�+curi;� in: th� ptr. m!•ut ni tili ind ht iln. �r; ��h'vrrti hrrrbv. � � .. <br /> � . 'I�tir �fi1ur2Ce�ec ch.ill �h�ve tlir �pnwer ��tn uppoint m3c v�i•ur ur nc^nt� ii me r rlr�.r*r fnr ih�. nu . pmi� o r��mm� nc cni .� ,,mm �"�`s <br /> ' ; i�u:�: � rnntlnc : lhe vxme: �rnlirtrfinit � thc �srnts. ravenue� �imri incunv•. umf : nm� ��i>� r�ut o; .�uin incnm� �: li �..;p�.ns„� in<•!� rrrri i �. r•a� � ' � <br />� � in�; :unti. mnrtn�ing �th� �wme und n! cniteciinr. Ihr renhils ther�•irorn. 'Che hr�lrmcr� r��nr�i!unc . ii ;vrv . �h:ili b�� nuuGe<i ict�ierti tl.r . <br /> dischurge a; 'the 7nnrt�m�;o inde�lrtrdmwc 'I'hie u=yi��vm�nl i� tn !rrmirn�io rmd � !rcmnr nul ; �irvi "ni�i �ip��n rrlreu� . o� th:.: irnrteuz•,. .� . <br />'�' <br /> P� <br />�h^ <br /> ti� ��'l1MM�� . � 'L� �� <br />,`�� <br /> ��'�, <br />. � <br /> �. <br /> , j <br />