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<br />� 77. 001444
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<br /> �tOR7GACE
<br /> 510RTGACG LOAN N0. L Z2�5H8
<br /> ict.owa�L��ExnYTt[eseeREse�Ts:Tna� Gordon W. Anderson and Gladys L Anderson each in his and
<br /> r
<br /> her own ri ght and as spouse of each other hlurt&zgor,whetherone ar more,in cnnsideration of the aum of
<br /> : Six Thousand Tv�o Hundred and No/100-----------------------------------------------��� `
<br /> loaned to said mortgagor by The Equita6le Building and Luan Association of G�and l:land,I�ebraska,!.fortgagee,upun 62 shares of stock of
<br /> �said qSSOClAT10N,Certificate No.L 22,5gg ,do hereby grant,convey xnd mortgage unto the s�ud ASSOCIATION the following � �-
<br /> described rral estatt,situatrd in Hall County,Ne6raska:
<br /> together with aU the tenements,hereditaments and appur[enanres thereuntu brloncing,including attached Roor covztin¢s,all k•indow:crans, � - �.
<br /> window shndes,blinds,srorm u�indows,awnines,hea�ing,aie conditioning,and plumbine and wa�er equipment and acctssorits thercto,pumps,stoves, � � �
<br /> refrigerators,and other fixmres and eyuipment now or hereaiter attached to or used in connectionµ�ith said real atate. ��� �� � .. � � ��
<br /> � And whereaa the s�id monr,.�igor has agreed and dces hereby agree that the mongagur shzll and H•iil pay all taxes and assessments]evied or � � �
<br /> szsesud upon said premise:and upon ihis mortgage and the bond s:cured thereby beiore the sam:shall become delinquent;to futnish approved
<br /> ,�._ insurance upon the build'uiEs on said premius situated in tht sum of S 6�2��.0� payable W said ASSOCIATION end to dtliver to aid ��� �
<br /> ASSOCfA'I10ti the policies fur said insurance:and not�o commit ot permit any a•aste on or about said ptemises. . . �����
<br /> In case ut d:fault in the pador�tunce of any ut the terms and conditions oi this monrage or the bond secured hereby,ttte mongaete shsll, �
<br /> on demand,be rntitled to immediate possetsion of the morte„3ged Qremises and the munczgo� hercbt� assiens, transfers and sets ora [o the � �
<br /> monaagee all the rcn�s,revcnucs and income to be derived from ihe mor[�ged premises during tuch time as the mort�age indebtedness shall retnain '�. ' �� . �-1
<br /> unpald:and the mort�ece:hxllluve the power ro�ppoint any agent or agents it may desire ior ihe purpose of repairing said premius and mnting �
<br /> � the same and cnllecting the rents,revenues and income,and it may pay out of said inrome all espens:s uf repsiring ssid premises and necessary• � . � . �
<br /> . commissions and expenses incurred in rentine and managing the same and of mllecting remals thzrefrom:the balance remairting,ii an}',to be � � � �
<br /> - applied�oward the dlxharge of said mortgage indebteSness:these richts of the morteagee may be exercised at any time dunng the existena of such � � � -�� �9
<br /> default,irrespective o(am�temporan•waiver of thz same. �
<br /> �k'�..� These Pmsentn,however,arc upon the Condiuon.Ti�c if die said Vortgagor shall rcpay said loan on or before the nuturitt•of said:h�res b�• � 9
<br /> yayment;pay munthly!o said;�SSOCIA7l0�nf the sum speci6ed in the Bond securcd hereh��as intorcst and princip�l on said loan,on or bafort . - �
<br /> the Twentieth day uf each and every�month,until�id luan is full��paid;pay zll ta?:es nnd assessmznts Je�ieS agsinst sxid premises and on tnis�fon�e� � �
<br /> and the Fiund secured thereby,bofore delinquencr;furnish 3pproved insurence upun[he buildir,gs�hereon in th-sum of S (�ZQQ.00 psyable
<br /> eo saiJ,1SSIX'IATIO�;repay to sxid ASSOCIATIO�upon domand all money by it psid for:uch taxas,ass:ssments and•..^.surance w�ith interest at � � �
<br /> �he rtuzimum legai rate thereon f�om date of payment zli oi a9iich Sturteaeor hereby aerees to pay;perrtvt no waste on said p�unixr.keep and comply � �
<br /> y with all the agrrzmrnts and conditions of the Bond(or S 6�ZQQ.QQ �his day given by the ssid S1ort¢s¢or to said ASSOClATIO'�,and cumply
<br /> #, x•ith all the requitements o!the Constitu[ion and Dy-Lau�s of said ASSOCL�TION:then thex p¢sznts shall become null and void,etherwise they
<br /> shall remain m tuU Corce and may be forecloud nt the option ui the said ASSOCIATIO\ af[er failure tor i}uet month:to make am•of ssid
<br /> payments or be three months in artea�s in makine said monthly payments,or io kaep and comply with the agjeements and conditior.s oC ssid Bund;
<br /> ����. and�torteaeor agrees to fwve a rcceiver appointed torthu�ith in such foredosure proceedir.¢s. -
<br /> If therr is any change in ownership of the teal estate mortga�.ed herein,by sale or otherwiu,then the antirc remaining indebtedness hemby �
<br /> ucured shall,at the option of The Equitable Building and Loan Association uf Grand Island,tiebraska,become immediately dce and p3ya610 aithout . .
<br /> � fur�htt notice,and the amnunt remainin@ due under said bond,and any other bond for any addi[ional ad�ances nude theceunder,shall,From the �
<br /> . date o(exercise of said option,bear interest at the maximumlegal rate,anJ this mortgace may then be Curectoxd[o satis(y the amount due on said � �
<br /> bond,and any other bond for additional advnnas,tocether��rith all surtu paid b}•said The Equitable Building and Loan Association o(Grand Island,
<br /> . Nebraska for insurance,taxes and assessments,and abstractine extension charges.u�ith interest thereon, from date uf payment et the maximum
<br /> legaitate.
<br /> As pmvided in the Bond sc�vmd hereby,while this mongage remains in efiect the mor[gagee may herealter adr.ume additiona!sumz tu the
<br /> - rnakees of said Bond,their�s3igns or successors in interest,which sums shall be within the security oi this mort�ge the same zs the tunds originatiy �
<br /> secur there6y,the total amount of,principal debt not m ezcxed at any time the original amovnt at this mcngaga -
<br /> , Datedchis 23rd '�j�yof hlareh �.D..19�]
<br /> /'�M�GyvL,r�e�'-
<br /> � ar on erson �
<br /> �� �,� ,,. .+ �1-�
<br /> Gladys . . Anderson
<br /> STATE OF NEBRASKA.�ss. On this da}•of ., �
<br /> COUN7'YOFHALL 23rd t4arch iv77 .beCoceme, -„
<br /> �., the undersigned,a Notary•Pub6c in and for aaid County,permnall,vcame - N .
<br /> Gordon hf. Anderson and Gladys L. Anderson each in his and her own riqht and as spouse of � >
<br /> �•fio dl'2 perwnallyknownto a
<br /> _ L' eac6 nther:_ �
<br /> me to��rSid�t�t�l:p�n5 w•hou name5 dt"2 affixed to the above instru_�er.!as mc�r_,.-.go5 ar.d�h2�7 se�tcally P•
<br /> 1
<br /> � ack�idxjed�Y}jb S�id�e�ient to be thei r voluntary act and deed. � !
<br /> t �- W77�7L'SS m�Jund and Notarial Seal[he dste aforesaid. 1 i- �
<br /> ��r rv';0'%P���'.,�mjniSiipnezpires �� � :�; „�r� j�, .�', .,� ..
<br /> t �.s�.�a..J� c �\��s/..,
<br /> � � �, , �J ;.�� � i �" t �� Votary•Yu6Gc
<br />� 5'!� al �C. : `'. l
<br />"�= � '!�`'�,��G�i,;,�;�f, �
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