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i��. �'!�.i: � <br />�- y x. <br />�� . . � � � ._�v'�i. <br />� '�,.<... .. . . . . . . . � . . .. �� . . � .. <br /> � MOA7GAGE-SaMng� and I.aan Form—(Dl�ect Ccedlt Pla�.2653 (Speclap � � . �� � � � . � �� <br />. ; � ,�.,�� WiORTGAGE <br /> �7 r)(J1��U <br /> � � � � - � �� � - � � � �. �� I.o�Na � � � � �� � � : � � � - <br /> � f � � THIS INDEN7'UitE,made�m.� 2211d � aQy.ot_ . . . P48f Ch � � .)9�� by and botwe�a � . <br /> WESCEY RUWE AND.MARILYN R. ROWE, husband and wife, each in his and her own riqht <br /> 3 and as spouse Qf the other <br /> � �-o� ��.Ha�� � � County,Nebtmka,�.mortqagor S and Home�Fedetal Saviags und.l.oaa Aasoclatlon-o!Grand(el�d � � <br /> :�a corpomtion o�ganlaed::and.exiaGaq under iha Imvt ol Nebraeka svtlh!te pcindpd oftice and placa of 6unineu at G�anfl lel�d.Nebraaka, � . -� � � � <br /> ��� an�mortqagea� �. . � � . . � � . . . <br /> � ! . � WITNESSETHi 7hat.ea3d morigagor S lor and in cone�deration ol lhe eum ol � . . <br /> j TWENTY-EIGHT THOUSAND AND NO/100 ------------ oAau (s Z8.000.00 � �' <br /> '� � � Ihe recelpt�o(�whieh ia�hereby��aclmowledged�do_by lheee-presenle mongage aad wmrant unfo eaid mo�tgagee,��its�ueceseore and � .� <br /> aaaiqm, lorever,all the lollowing deecr(bed.real eetate,NWated tn Ihe counly of Ha�� ' �. <br /> �-and State�o!Nebrmkw�to-wtt: '.. . � . . . . .. . . � . . . . .. . . . .. . � � . � <br /> 1 A tract of Jand located in the East Half of the Northeast Quarfer (E2NEw) of Section <br /> Twenty-Seven (27), Township Eleven (II) IJorth, Range Ten (10) West of the 6th P.M., <br /> � in Hall County, Nebraska; more particularly described as follows: Commencing at a £ <br /> �;' point on the East line of the Northeast Quarrer of Section Twenty-Seven (27), said $ <br /> point being -0ne Thousand Five Hundred Fifty-Three and 5ix Tenths (1,553.6) Feet South � <br /> t } of the Norfheast corner of Section Twenty-Seven (27); thence South a distance of Seven <br /> #� Nundred One and Twenty-Five Hundredths (701.25) feefi; thence West a distance of Three � <br /> Hundred Thirty (330.0) Feet; thence North a distance of Seven Hundred One and Twenty- <br /> , i Five Hundredths (701.25) Feet; thence East a distance of Three Hundred Thirty (330.0? y <br /> �, ; Feet, to the place of beginning and containing 5.3125 Acres, Subject to the highway ;� <br /> � right of way over the East Forty (40) Feet of the tract. S� <br /> ; � t <br /> � F3 <br /> $� ,� <br /> _ �� �� <br /> ts Togelher with nll heating, Hghtlag, and plam6ing eqWpment aad ilztu�ee,includinq atoken and bumen,saeem,awniaqs.etozmwindows �S� <br /> 31 and doora.and window ahadea or bltndn,used on or In coaaectioa wi�h aaid propeiry.whather tbe wme are now looated on wid properiy� 3 .�. _� � ... <br /> . ri or hoxealter piated tLerean. j . . <br /> $t � <br /> i TO HhVE AND 70 HOLD THE SAME.loqelher wilh oll and ninqular Ihe tenomenla,hereditamenla and appurtacancee tho[eunto belang• f � <br /> ; 3$ i n g.o��n a n y w i�e a p p o r t a i o i o g,t o rever,an d war�an t t he ti t le to t he eame. S ai d mox tqagor S bere by coveuan�wit h said morigaqee �� � <br /> � � <br /> �1 S, that�'he� are v�tho delivery heraol,the lawlul owners ol the premieee above conveyed mid dencribed,and �re ff . <br /> > tj <br /> �� xized o!a good and indeloaaible eatate ol inhnritance thereia,tree and clear ol all encumhraacea and that_he�will warrant md S{ � � <br /> � defond the title there�o torever againat Iha doimn and denands of all parsom whomsxvec j; � <br /> f � <br /> P R O V I D E D A L W A S'S, an d t hie ine trumea t is execute d a¢d de liveve d to socure t he payment ot the aum ot � � <br /> �; Tt'JENTY-EIGHT THOUSAIJD AND NO/100 ----------------------------- ot�a:s �s 2g��00.00 , �� <br /> #s with inte�eet�he�eon,toqether with nuch charqee and advunces as ma y be due md pn y¢ble to eaid morl ga qeo under the ler t a a a n d $� <br /> r <br /> (, condlttona ol tho promissory nate ot even data berevrilh and sacured here6y,nsecuted by�md morigogar=to aaid mortgagee,payable fj <br /> tS ae ezpreuod in aaid note,and to aecure the pedormante ot all lhe locta� aad coadiHoaa conl¢ined lhe[eia.. The terms ol said aolo are � <br /> }� heteby incorporated herein by�hfs rele�ence. <br /> -�i{ II ia�6e Inten�ton and aqreement o!Ihe parties hereto that thia moitgaqe ehall alno aecure any tuture advaacee mado m eaid S� � - <br /> �; modqagoc S by eaid mortqagae,and any and all indebtednem In addltioa to tho amount abovo etatod which nald mortgagoas, or aay � <br /> #S� of �hem, may owo to naid mortgagee.however RVI(�enMd,whetho� by note,book accaunt or otherwlae. Thta rsongaqe ahall remain in!ull � <br /> r <br /> fj lorca aad aflect�helweea the pa:tlee hereto and their�hetra,pereenn! repreeeotatives, sutteanoia aad auign�, untii all amauntn eeaured S <br /> j he�eunder,includinq tuturo advancee,are paid ta lull with lnterest. ft <br /> } �3 <br /> � 7ho mortgagoi 5 horoby aesign_to eaid mortgaqea all renta and lncome misinq at any and all tlmes liam aaid�property �d�. fj <br /> # here6y authocizo aaid morlgageo or ite agenL at ila oprioa upoa dolaulL to lake charge ol said property and tollect all roMs aad iewmo �� <br /> f� therefrom and oppiy l6c eama lo the paymant ol Snta�ent,pdndpel,iasuraaee pcemiume,ta:ee,aasemmente. repmn or improvamenla necee• f+ � <br /> f�t eury to kcep aaid propmly in tenantabia rnndiGon,or to other chmgee or paymeute proWded!or harein or!n the note hero6y�ecured ThL SF <br /> SI ren�assiqnmeat ehull contlnue ia larce uaW the uapaid balaace o! eaid note is lully pald Tho lakiag o!poesen�ion horeuader aLall!a no tF <br /> �F inanner p�event or retatd said�moMgagee ia t6a rnllectton o[eaid sume by lorecloeure or otherwiee. S# <br /> j� . 1'ho tatlu�a o! Ihe mortgagee to aeeert aay ol fte rigbte�6e�evnder at anp time eball aot be comtrucd ae a waiver ol ih rtghP to auert <br /> Sr <br /> $i lhe.eame at any Iater tlme,and tn Smlat upen and e¢loice etrict rnmpllaaca with all iho terme and provlatona ol anid note and ot thla � <br /> ,�. mortgaqe. f . <br /> $ If aaid mortgoqor 5 shcll cavee to be paid to wid moHgaqee the onNre amount due it heremder,and uader�he taime and provistoaa <br /> 3� ol sald note he�eby wcvied facludiag lutum adnmcaa,and a¢y ezteuiloni or reneMab �hereot In accordanee with Ihe to� and p�ovietom <br /> �S thereol,and il.aaid moriqagocs�hall mmplq wit6 all the provWoa�ol�afd aote and ot thla mortgaqa,than tba�e p�exaV ahall be�oid; � <br /> otheravi�e�io remaln la lutl lorca�aad ellee4.�d wid:mmtqagaa ehall be entUled ro the po�wWo¢o!a!I o!wld propeny,mid may,at IL S <br /> �. option,dealare the whole ot w!d note and aLL lndebtedaeu repro�enled tAe�eby to be fmmedlately due aad paya6le.and mny Iarecloae thia t <br /> fi mortqago�or take aap other 7egal allon to pmtect fL�dghL �d!mm the date ot�uch delault all Rems ot tode6tednesa �ecuied hereby S# � '�� � ' <br /> { ehail draw�lntare�l a�9IgC yyer�aum.� d ralsement wdved 1{ <br /> S <br /> � {,� �?hie morlqaqs�hall�be bindJnq upoapand�halt eaurs lo lhe 6�net11 0l the hdn,e:acvturti adminLtratan,mcco�wn aad aaeiqv ot j{ N � <br /> S : Iha ro�paNvs pactie�6ereto.-� . . . fi ��� <br /> �I ���- writl-e-n-y.�� �� g���P, rald�Martqagor5 w.U@ .horauato�ut the i r �.��s �e dvy and yecc ll�et ebove � .� <br /> �� GC/ � i i,�j � r' './� s l <br />� Ylesley Rowe ' �— .�ri yn/ . J;ov;e _ <br /> � <br />=: �c � J <br />