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<br /> 7'he rrantor Tfidiah Acres Land Beveiopment Co.-, Tnc-.
<br /> t� . 'A eorpocniinn orgnnized'end axisCi:��;nndci•ancl b'}' ti-iiitita iif'tli�Ititi�s o{fhe St�te of h�.hrsske
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<br /> ' �n consid'erE�ri4u of il�o 'Chaia�and Eik liirncIred NYnetv-�i«e and 'nol1+'?0 Doiinrs (S�b95�.00)
<br /> f `i•Mri��r.d'iCo�u fi�'�iitec, tiocs grant, hAr�ain, scii caa�:e5' snd confit'm i�nto
<br /> Bhsi� brotm•and �•in�aYa BYod+n; flusband �nd h�i£g, gs iaint tenants mith ri:�ht nf
<br /> � " sarv:ti^�rship� snd no't as �kenants in cammoa;
<br /> l�erc•rn e�i7icel cfie �;raritr.e u�7lefher onc or morc, r,t±r, tollai�•ing r3e�crfLed reet properiy in
<br /> .....:... Hell . ::.::..:::....<`onnt}�,\ei�i•askn:
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<br /> l:at Two �2) o[ Biock Pive (51 'of Daie Roush 5r.cond SHhdivisien to Hail
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<br /> or tn ��se�heirs sn� �issi�n c� ��i�: su�'vi�ror�� ��liexn�i�revr.r:
<br /> n3�pi�irtenances thereto cc�ion2in� rt�to tn. Znan;it �n� ce crsr.t��s r.ciis ana a�yzens 1om�cr.
<br /> c :1n3 th� �reator fnr itself and iis s�l��cc��ors �iocs };ernb}• co�•ensat n•ith t}e ��sntr.c an�i icith
<br /> gra�itec's r��ii•s ar,a riS51PTlS lIIAL �„re�nt�:•is la«i�'li �ei5e�i of sain premises�tii:�t tne�-,�r�� ii•ec hrom enr.um�
<br /> bi•r.ncr TC is the itttetition of ail (Krties 8erete that in tne taent of t�e iiemtfl vf.
<br /> Aither oi t�e gr.ant�es, ene enti.re fee simnie �itl� to the rcal estate sitnll vest in
<br /> thp survivir.q granCee.
<br /> ihai:tn�nnl;ar hris�ood ri�ht sr.0 lan-fiii s�n.horit.�•in r.on�•r,� �hc �nme; ,ind iiiat ;.:+�a��Ta'r ti�':+�T,vnts r.nd`tciii
<br /> .i<�icnd tlje iit.te to sai�i �rerrise< sKain�t t.ne le•a�fnl �r]a�ms oi xtl prrtnns�v-ho,ur�cr.
<br /> Ta �iitnr� �cn,^trot. �ranior has nerennte rnus,��i �L ��nrrer�,ie =��ai cn B� �fiis��i`inh� i}:esc
<br /> pres��nts Riy,mni br its 1'rfsident.
<br /> 1);,tcd pecrreber 23 19 '0
<br /> ?\i?TAN pG?tE5 T;NrD Dc4`LL'QPTf£iCT;;G1�., I:�C.
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<br /> bAie F�u�h Ilrsident oi
<br /> .. +.,.,.. . .:1.� ,l,-
<br /> ' Ynifiart Acres f:1nd nevelopment Gu:. T[tnc. � �
<br /> .a .?i�,or,�tien, �
<br /> ;.�I1�tth•to'me Yo Be the Pirei3en�nnd i3iniicnl r�±rson r�-ito �iqned t6e fotr2nin� ivstrument, n+id ackm�«�-
<br /> � '2M�3 t�ie tneifiion ihLreo{ to b�� his reinn��ry nct :md�9��.rn as �iicl� ofiicer ai;d ti��3 �olu�rtar� nrt �nd �#
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