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<br /> _ REAL ESTATE MORT�A�E __ FOFN Fie zoe (Rev. 1-77) I_
<br />� � � ��� pp�1a07 �� � � ,
<br /> � „__„ March l7. 1977 ; �
<br /> � i _
<br /> i
<br /> � Daniel E. Riley and LeAnn M. Riley, huaband.and wife; and James D. Riley and Sharan s
<br /> Es —
<br /> + J. Riley, husbaad and wife � ':
<br /> � riort68Bors
<br />� ,, A '._, '- 1
<br /> S Q('..�' - [I81J. � � Li1LLIi�,}". ' _ xKF �. ' - v � r ! �
<br /> ' � ,
<br /> -� 'I � thes.adv�uice of t2�e principal sum recSted�tn the�no6e hereinafter CescriDed,.receSpt oi vrhtch Ss acknowledged,�.hereby � ; �.
<br /> , � mortgsge and convey to 4 :
<br /> v ; � THE FEDERAL LAND BANK OF OMAHA, a Corvoration, ` '
<br /> of Omaha, Douqlas County, Hebraska, whose address ;
<br /> ? �' � . is Farm Credit 8uilding, Omaha, Nebraska 68100,
<br /> 2 '., �. . . . . � . . � . .. � . . � . . . . .
<br /> Nortgagee {suhJect to otl,�g¢s;�.and mineral riqhts c��vned by partles other�tha.� Hortgagors; exlsting essements of � � �.
<br /> } �recor4;_reservatlons Sn Ut�Stetl.StnCes nnd Stnte patents;w�dthe rlghts.o7 the puDlic 1n-all highways),[hefollo+�lt�- i :.
<br /> aescribea reai escace 1n—Fial� cewuy. _..Nebraska . � :!
<br /> !
<br /> !; � SEC. TWP. R0. ;
<br /> '• ;; � S'�SFh —.— — — — — - — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — 16 9N 12 W 6th P.M. `s ;
<br /> � 4
<br /> � � +
<br /> � i _
<br /> I �
<br /> ( i
<br /> � �� � � �
<br /> f
<br /> � � ' � � � � � � t . � .
<br /> `,� . . � ... � .
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<br /> i
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<br /> i
<br /> ��� �'.�,; � con[n1n1nF, 80 scres, more ar :zss, c�qe:her w1t�h e11 of the�rl�t, [1tle, artd Snte e C , .. . �- : � �
<br /> f �� . t (r.o��v o•r�2iedorhereat[er rcpi�lred�of the HorC^na:.prs 1n :•^SQ �raperty, lnclurling nll buildings, inFrovements,:Sztures,
<br /> t n. .^.ppurtenances the:r.on or t,ereatter p'_�:ced t`:eremi; all xnter, trr!��atlon, ar.d Crainago r1�h�^: the tenenents, ! C
<br /> heredtt��ents, and a„�urte�nnces thereco ;md Chc :en!s, Issues, cropa, and P•^otlts �r1,ir,g from s.^.SC 13nds: anG (17 , I. . -
<br /> � �., � U;c ;!artP,�Bors� rSghts Sn che p::Gllr. Coa�iln are rer,ulreG Ly Mo*[�aP,ee tor securLtY G'�r;eses) all leases, petnit^, � . .
<br /> 1lcenses,orprivlleges, uppurter3n[ c;r.cn:ip��.:rten:�it to sr.:A nort�ged pr2�lses,m:�vor hereaft2r lssueG, extended
<br /> 4 . er renevred tn the Co:tc,agcrs Cy the l��il?e1 atat�s cr the st:te in �v!�tch !L•e ��bove-descrlbed preperty is loc2ted or � � � �
<br /> n;p� do�art-?r.L, hur�au, or ap,encti� th?:eo:. . ..
<br /> �'��S ihls nortgage !, f.i^en tn �er,u:•� a ,:ro�LLrsory r.cte at �ven date herewlth, r.xrcuted Gy Horfg3gers tn Mort�*�,ee, !n � �. � .
<br /> ; - - - - - - - - � :, .
<br /> che p:incipal su�ot NINETY—FIVE TfiOIISAND EIGHT HIINDRED AND NO/100 — o-�L�t,qs , . . .
<br /> � 4 'pqy•r.b'_c w1Ch�lntnresL �r.:;ordln� ta ?�he tcr;.�� ��f srild cote. [Re fSnal ,^,nyment Geir,g �S,:e and payable oa the tirst day � . � .
<br /> I �;f March. 2006 , :;;Ss c�nv,��4ir.e sh�;l 2n VOSC tl^�R ttie payr.,ent o: �ald,romissar: note ,
<br /> 7'his r.ortgage Ss subJeCt :o the provSslcns o1 '"HP, FARH C9:�:T ACi end all scts .��endatary Lhe:eof ar supp:enental ! � �
<br /> �� � t.Cereto. Tha CreceeAs af Lhe loan 5=cu:ed hereby iefll be used tc^ Lie purposes specltled Sr. the Mo:tgsgors� appli- �
<br /> cntlan for seid lc3n ^nd authc:ized by seid lct. � ,� ' � �
<br /> � 17.e Martgagors, and each of ihem, here�y tivarran[ thst they are :ce onners ot the rertgnged:ea1 Froperty; that Lhe} ! i��. �
<br /> .! ��c111 detend the title :�a1nsL a111 c121r,.ants v,hcnsoe��er, ar,d thst sald prorer[y 15 Irea fccn al'. BIiCIL.bS0.'ICBS; L�flt � �
<br /> thzy �+f?1 keap al'_ the ir,^..^ev�^ent�, flxCures, and appur[eaances occup;ed snd 1n F'�od repsir aad permit �o sccs of� � . .
<br /> a•asce; ar.� Lhe,y wlll rellnGulsh all rtg'iLs o: homzstead Sr. sald Dremises,end cOvenazit °nd cgree �vith [he Cortgagee, ! ' . �
<br /> ' � 3s tollass:
<br /> (1} Thst they n�ill pay v+h^n due all !axes, llens, 1u�u^y ents, or assessr.ents vrhlc�m3y be lawtully assessed again t
<br /> tho proaerty harcin -arCgsFed, �
<br /> -�: I (2� th5t they rdll Snsure and feep Sr.su:ed Cu:111ngs cr o[her Smprove.^.,en[s nov+on cr nhich may Yereufter�o placed � �
<br /> j � .en said.prenlses to the satSsfaction o; Lhe N=rCMngee,such Snsuru,ce policp shall be endorsed nith a reortg,.ge clause . �
<br /> - rl[h the loss thereur.der to be p�yable to Che ,�artgaqee. AqY su�s received ms}� be used to pay for reccnstrnction
<br /> ,. � ef the destroyeC lnProve;�ents: cr, lf r,et sa a��lled, .�y aG the optlon of t.he MortgaEee, be a9D11ed ;n psym�?nt of , . � �
<br /> ��p� lndeDt^dness, ¢ntured�or un�auired, secured 9y thi ot't�ige.
<br /> {3) io pyv all ^ents. :ees, o^ chsrges row due cr to bocc�e d�e ur.der the terrs ef each lease, pe:mit, licecse o � �
<br /> ,,' �. privliege on Lhe puDllc doaaSn Hhich Ss appu^cer.ant o:n�•r.�pPurtenant 'o the mort6flded prenises, Khich has been j ,.. �. .
<br /> lssued,.eatended,or rene•r.ed D,y the lhited SC�Les flr the state in nitich the n�ove-descrlbetl D�o;e:ty is locsced; and +
<br /> � to perform and-oh,er•re evarv act, cucer.ant, ccndltlon, and stlpulstlon necesser�� to keep ench of ,.he sa�ce in 600d � �,'.
<br /> st2ndirg; and to take-every r.ecessa:y step co secure th= relssue, rene;sal, or extenslon of each of the ssc�e; and to �
<br /> . , sssl�, walve, pledge, or endorse to Lhe Ho.^tgar,ee eacl��lease, permlt, licence, or�rSv;lege fi r.ortgagors� rlghts '
<br /> � �� -. Stt public donain�re required by Mortgagee fo: securlty purposes�. ; �i.� d '� �
<br /> � ��.
<br /> �; � �(») �Thst In Che event the.Mortgsqee 15 n Y¢rty co any 11G1gaClen�ffecti:.g [he secur2ty er the llea of 1ts rort- ; � ��� N M .
<br /> E�SQ��Sncluding.atty suit by the HortgaFee te:ereclose thla norLgage or sny sui[ Sn N�hich the Mortgsgea nay be r.araed . � . y
<br /> e pnrty deSendant Sn �ti•hlch St 7s obllFated to Frotect Sts rights or lien. lncludin;, cor.dennatlen ��tl bankruptcv � � �
<br /> l� proceedlnqs, the Mortga6ee may Sncur expenses and adcance payn:ent tor absc:act fees, nttorney tees (except to [h .��
<br /> extent Prohlblted by law), cos�s, expenses, end uther cherE>s. � . . r �..'-�.
<br /> f � ;
<br /> �. (5) That Sn the event Che Mortgagors fa:l to pay n�4en due 3n,y taxes, liens, Sudqmen[s, or nssessnents� or fe11 :o � �
<br /> mnlntuln lnsurance as he;elnbetore pcovSdeC, or fall Co pqv rents, fees, or charqes under the terns o: cu�v lense � � ' �
<br /> , � `�
<br /> Peiriit.�2lcer.se, or prSvilege; er Hertg^�ee Is TeOulred to 7!:cur ezyenses ;or ahsLract fees, aeca:ney fees, cosc
<br /> ezpenses,flnd othe:charges in cennection nith litigatlon, nerc;�Eee nuy malce such GalTeqt or;:ovS�e �uch .nsur:_nce
<br /> � �. or lncur such obligatien, and the nneunts p21d tl:e7•e'or shall tecoae u Fart of the SndeG[ey.ess secured h?rebp Cue
<br />� � ` and pqya0le irtvaedlately nnd sUall Dear interest from the �ate oI p¢yment at the s2::.e rate ¢s provltled tor detaul[ '�: �
<br /> f In tho note.
<br /> Cw t �"_-�� � ` -.'-* - .. � . .... . . . - � . .
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