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<br /> � 8?,--REAL£�TA ORTGAGE—(W[!h Tax.Clacse) mno FI¢Itmea Usnernl BuPWI Home,Llncolu,xan*• ,
<br /> i! � . . . . . . . . . . � � �.� .
<br /> I� . . . . � . � � � � . � �..
<br /> .; t� ..:', . . . ... �� .
<br /> �i KNOW AGL MEN BY THLSE PRESENTS: 7'hat The Canteen Co., a partnershtp,
<br /> Si o� Hall County,and State o( NebraSka , in coasideration of the sum of
<br /> r � ;: :
<br /> :,_ 1 �� Two HundredBighty-Four.Thousand and No/100------------------------------�OLLARS ;i
<br /> - ; ;[ ; � ,
<br /> , .� �� i in hand paid,do ltcroby SELL and CONI/EY tanta Nztinn?I.ti�;;4 Cf CCr.7:n2PC2 Trli6i flil4' uaviily5 �;
<br /> ' ;i Association
<br /> ; � ;� of LdRCastel Couaty;3tate of Nebraska the following descriGed qsemises situated jj
<br /> ` �� ttt ; Hall Coanty,and State of Nebraska ,to-urit: i
<br /> r ' WestHalf'of Lot:2, Stehr's subdi�ision of part the West Half of the Southwest Quarter -;
<br /> i ij of>Section 11, Township'11 North, Range 9 West.of the 6th P,M„ Grand Island, Hall
<br /> '' ;i County, Nebraska.
<br /> �� � "
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<br /> Tke intention beirig to cou�ey hereby an absolute title in fec sirnple,iriclf�ding all the rights of Bomestead ond domer
<br /> TO HAI�E r1ND TC HGLD the �rcmises abaue dercri5ed, udth all llte aQpirrienances thereuntp Lelorig:na, � -
<br /> unto the said nwrlgagrc(s) and to his, lier or tl�cin c�irs m�d assigns/orever,proztidcd al:uays,and lhesc�resents are '
<br /> ; upon �he espsess cor.dition t/�at if the said �nortgagos(s), his her or thein c�i�s,ezecutors,administrafors nr acsigru
<br /> ; shafl pay or causr to be paid to tha seid tnortgagee(sJ,his, her or their heirs, executars, administrafors or assigns, the
<br /> � principal sirm of$ 284,000.00 pa��oble as follarus,to udt:In Eleven (11) equal monthly principal
<br /> � ( installments of Four Thousand Seven Hundred Dollars (S4,700.00) and a final principal
<br /> ! installment of Two Hundred Thirty-Two Thousand Three Hundred Doilars ($232,300.�0), w'�h`.
<br /> interest on the unpaid balance at a rate equal to one-half percent (1/29'a) over the prime ra�e�:
<br /> � established from time to time by the Bank, such rate to be adjusted quarterly with the first� `,
<br /> ' such adjustment being on the due date of the third payment, June 15, 1977. Interest shall�
<br /> � be payable monthly on the date of each respective principal payment. Princtpal and interest!i
<br /> �� shall be payable on the fifteen th (15th) day of each month, •,vith the first such payment being
<br /> ' due on ApriL 15, 1977, and a final payment due on March 15, 1978.
<br /> �� uoth interest acco�ding to tlee tenor m�d e(fcct of the snortgagars aLritten promisaosy rtote bearing even date uith these
<br /> presenkr and shail,hay a!!tascs and assessmcn�s leihed upors said rea estaly and a!l alhcr lares,levics and asaes.nncnts
<br /> j', (esded upon this rnortgage or the note which ti�is ario�t,qage is given to secure,before the same becomes delmqueat,and
<br /> , 1; keep the building.r btt seid premrses ixsured fos tHe sann of �S 40,000.00 loas, if any�, poyvble to the said
<br /> - �' mortgagee,thrn lhese preseuts to be✓oid,othenvuc to be and ren�ain in f ull force. f ,
<br /> IT IS FURTHER AGREED (t) Tl�at if the said �nortgagor slial! fai%to pay ,n�ch taxes ar procure such in- '
<br /> surance,U�¢said martgagec ,��ay pay.n�ch la.res m�d procurc r.�ch in.nrrance; and thc.n�m ro advanced, uith intcrest
<br /> � at 10 /,es cent, shall be repaid by.caid mortgagor, and ihu rnortgage shall stand as security for !he same . ;
<br /> � I(a) That a failuse to pay any of said rnoncy, either princiQa!or intaest,when the same 6ecomes due,or a failure to
<br /> comQly with any of lhe forcgeing agreements, sha11 tause the teliola srrrn v(»concy her¢in setured to become due and �l ,r`•`
<br /> �: collecKble at once af the optiox of the raortgaqee. c�
<br /> 'j � a
<br /> a
<br /> �;.. f� Signed tl�u 17th day of March , ry77 THE CANTEEN �D., a artnersh�p�; �,
<br /> r r�., �l� � /� �
<br /> � � !n presence o/ _ � r. /- �_l� _,__ .._ _ ( � '
<br /> �/ ._. �, �„ �-;,;^ i
<br /> � _;_.. �
<br /> , � _ i /�
<br />� , �National.,A�nk of.Commerce T;ust & Savings _ f,�'�i,;�.4=.� �., r ,. � �
<br /> ��'" Assn. r �
<br /> ,� �;} .._ � ._. � 7` ._ �
<br /> � � � _ _ . � _......._
<br /> r�.. I B.Y.:..y__�����'�••`--�,�:� ' -_ • - -. .r�I z -` �-. 2 1�/,�.. .r, , ' .
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