x; . . . .v'�re. .���
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<br />� . � � . � _ . . ._ ... . . . . . ,. � . . . . . . . � 1.:A"��iR . �.
<br /> � �1 . . .. .. . . �. - . . �� �
<br /> S1ATi�, ON' Nl��3ItA�1�A, ��wn�i• af .......:............................:...............:
<br />� 1�iled for recurd on ......... .....::...P3....�..,at .: ....,...:....,..,..... o'ciu,lc .,..............,......, \t,
<br /> x�na -
<br /> , t�nd reoorded in tlic Deed liecurd :..:..... ...:............ ]'ti�rc ..:,.,,.,,.......,.,....,,....
<br /> ,.,. ..... 13�� ,,...... ....
<br /> � �y t� l2�gister of"1)er.�ia ......... ,. ..])rptiq ltttgt�trr�nf�..D�odA �
<br /> I�� i��lJ.�i7i70
<br /> n=.,�:Trr rnT�r�r_rr47 '11V A DTJ A hiTV 'fl�i.�ji!1�
<br /> taUt[V:LNt./,L�.1'�111.0 YVL11\l�aatew a. w.ra+u...
<br /> � (It�rald I{. �hultz attd t�inry Jano �hulta, Huaband +� 1,'3f� '
<br /> ._„
<br /> , h�rain calle.i the grnntar�rhether one nr moro, �
<br /> inemxsideraiiona4w35,nQ�•00 ('�hirt}� f3va thouaund �nd noJ1�0----�--�Uo11�:r�)
<br /> r�±ceicod itti�m granlces, does gr:tnt, 6argaui, scll co�T�•r� atid contirnru ��nta {
<br /> Thomas li. liolil uud Mary J`. Kohl, tivaband �C W1f�
<br /> as jnint teuauts �ritlt.riRlit'o£ s�trcirorship, 7nd uot :�s tennnts i❑ r.nntmoti, tltr. fnllutriuq dr.aeribed real .
<br /> i ,
<br /> ` l�roperty iu ........,...J��.7..7............................... ...:... i'oun�c.Nc6crasltn;
<br />� , tet Thirty-Threc� (33) iu Sttan Second SU1�d�f��laion� I,bcai:ad in Soctidn
<br /> . �1`'OIIZ'{18(3I1� �1��� lOWIli3�1�.1J �ZitV'i}il tilj ir'^vi�v:l� ::... FU�*;:S.:e. �A1.W„�� �F�.{;t:� . .
<br /> titk P.M. , in Ii�ll Cnunty� Yobrctaku. ��
<br /> ? nLt'i;\2� 1 " .�.i� :�(�;!i+
<br /> i t.;,` i>5.\
<br /> ` ��1w�`
<br /> Y , r1,^ 1 r,`' , 1 " r
<br /> n
<br /> `\tv^�'� .. ,�♦ .
<br /> ,,�� �;,,a.���'.5�a E��;'...�:��'.�.Y�
<br /> To hnrn :ind to hold U��� nbn�•c daenriked preinisev touether ��•ilt� ;�ll tettetuents, }�rredifaments
<br /> and nppuxtcu:arees thoreto bclouAiuK untu U�e grrmfce� :md to Iheir a:!si�u:+, or to tlie heirn and ���i���.
<br /> of the surcir�or af them .Cnrr,cer. �
<br /> t 11�id gcnntor doca 1�creL,y cuvrmuil r�•ith A�c �Iraulc�a aitid ���itA tlieir nasiy�ns nnd i�titl� the heinf
<br /> and as.vifrn4 ot the snrci�-ar of them lhut gs•;autor iy ln��•full,�••ria��d nf n:�id prrmisen:thnl ihr�•nre frce 4'rmn
<br /> r.ucumbrnnee oxcopt oaaoments nnd r�atr3etionn of ror.ord
<br /> ��'_.;��� � � � �
<br /> ,. : tlmt Krantor has Road ri�:ht,u�d L«v[ul :inthurit,r• tu con����� thc •:unr: :md that s:r,inlor a�ncrxnis and tcill
<br /> defrnd thc titla to nnid ��remisnti ntininst �ho l;i�eful cl;utus uf nll p�v�:ons �rh��ut���evrr '
<br /> ; 1t i� iho intrntiou of nll pnrtien hrrr.to Ilial in lhc� rcrni af the dralli of rillicf oP IIIe Fr:nlfCcs.
<br /> Ihe ��ntire fi�a Iitle tn this rr:�l pro�,,.r��. �h:ill rr�i in ihr :+ur�•i�iu�;�•r;mtr��.
<br /> ': ��r
<br /> � �1 ted � \t �`r���,i ; Ij ���
<br /> i � ('� � � � r � � .
<br /> f
<br /> , ��: � ;,l
<br /> , ,.� a�,_ �,�
<br /> ���`'`�Gornli� 1Y � �I,ii..�.c.t.�..... ........... ................................................................................
<br /> .,....�r�!��T�bi}�'311'tl2t��.?a..t��....... ...................................................................................
<br /> N�hruaka, tii}17.
<br /> 57'A'1'L hl' ............. . . , ...................... . C+nmf�� nf ........... ...,..,........................,......
<br /> i
<br /> '' Ii�fQro ur,�j t�o arv puLljn iuilified [or yni�.t cuiu�t��. �!crr+unall�• ciuur
<br /> Gnra �i. I�. ��u�t� and hinry Jane 5l�ult�, oach 3n h.ia tind l�er aun x•ight
<br /> and na apouan of oa�ti nttiar
<br /> ,, �
<br /> ]rnowu t+� mo to he the idrnkia�l peraun ur ycrenns tirhu r;iane�l Ihc G�reFui�i� ivatruinent nnd nelmm�•Icd�±ed .'•� '�
<br /> �
<br /> the exceution t.hcrenf tn Lin 6in.her nr ttir.ir�'oluntnr�� aa6 �utd dreit, ` t�i ��`
<br /> ; '' � :
<br /> ' , , I
<br /> � �1'it.ness.tn�bnnd nu�.l uotnrinl arnl on ........................ .��.�1:��C.�l`'..,,,...sl......, lJ...;:i:r:..,.... ,J ,�
<br /> � .....,.1ri..�c�l.�dl.:.Cn:i..�L�....�Yr�.r�7.f.,�.�.�................... �`i�InrF I'nR,lie „�
<br /> , w�� ���
<br /> . � ,
<br /> .�'' . , .'%1 �
<br />� �I1� c��nuui:r+�onezpirra, r..su irc.+:... ,...,. ]9 l ._....,
<br /> _ r I�nPm �.» '10 Ili' np�n'Ocvcl n�' :�tnr:i�Mn 5 n 1. 11111' \4y � LN.... lt••If _..IJ,�.Iu.N�Im.
<br /> . . � � � � .� 1�1'Iill.11lll
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